All that Jazz
All That Jazz
“Damn it Taron”
you shouted, throwing the script on the floor and storming to the bedroom. You sat on the floor, muttering under your breath as Taron stood in the doorway.
“Is it safe?”
he asked lightly
“Any flying books heading my way?”
You looked up at him and scowled. He moved and sat next to you on the floor.
“You’ll get it… I think you just need help to get into the character babe”
he said softly. You leant your head on his shoulder
“It’s alright for you”
you huffed
“You have nothing to prove”
you sighed.
“Hey, I still have things to prove, you’ve seen it, I don’t get everything I go up for”
He countered.
“Yeah, but that’s not because you fucking suck, its just you don’t suit what they are looking for”
you moaned.
“Hey, shut up! You do not suck”
Taron replied
“You have to say that”
you groaned.
“No, I don’t, I always said I would be honest, and honestly yeah it needs work, but you don’t suck”
He tried
“You have the singing down, its just you need to let go more, stop over thinking the moves”
he stroked your arm
“You want to try it again or shall I go grab something for dinner”
he asked.
you whined
“I’m having a bath”
you got up and went to run the bath.
Coming out of the bathroom some time later your saw a carrier bag on the bed with a post it.
“Maybe this will help you get into character, T xxx”
it read. You opened the bag and gasped,
“Omg, Taron Egerton!”
you were shocked and turned on all in one go. Pulling out a PVC corset, complete with black fishnets. The corset had no fabric where your breasts fit and as you checked, yep it was also crotchless. Looking at the item and then the mirror. Your shoulders sank, you hated your body and you knew that was why you were struggling with this part, you loved being ‘Velda’ she was so powerful and sexy. All the confidence in the world, just how you wish you were.
Taron appeared in the doorway, a cheeky glint in his eye.
“Come on dinner is getting cold”
you looked at him and gestured the item at
you complained. Taron just raised his eyebrows
“How badly do want this part baby?”
he smiled. Looking again in the mirror, you took a deep breath
“Fuck it”
you thought and began to work out how to get the darn thing on.
Some time later, you walked seductively from the bedroom, having dug your silver dance heels from the back of the wardrobe, you had done your make up and Taron was right, you felt nervous in the outfit. But it had a power to it too.
You remained in your fluffy dressing gown, not owning anything sexier to cover yourself. But joined Taron at the table. He grinned, not needing to see the garment, having picked it. He was already letting his imagine run wild.
“I see you decided to try my idea, at least”
he said running his eyes up and down your body. “I think you need the lose the robe”
he smirked. You bit your lip, nervously and Taron stood up, placing his hands around your waist he pulled your close,
“I know that there is a sexy vixen in there, I have seen her”
he said calling out to Alexa to start the track, he pulled the robe of your shoulders and removed it entirely, kissing your neck.
You walked over to the mantlepiece, listening to the track. Taking a breath and allowing yourself to remember that right now it was just you and Taron. You began
“Come on babe, why don’t we pain the town...”
as you turned. Taron was taken aback by the way the outfit looked on your body. He had gone for something close to the character but underestimated just how hot you were going to look. It was a complete success, allowing yourself to fall into character, you strutted over to Taron, teasing him and taking full advantage of your exposed breasts, to tease him.
You saw the effect on Taron as soon as you turned around, the darkening of his eyes, his breath catching in his throat and as you moved around him, you ran your hand down his body, stroking him through his trousers feeling he  was already hard and reaching for you. You sat on his lap and the track moved onto the cell block tango, you took it up a notch, pulling Taron to standing.
Walking around him, whilst continuing the act, you pulled off his top, throwing it away. Running your hands over his body he reached for yours. Slapping his hands away, he looked taken aback, but clearly enjoyed it. You dropped in front of him and unzipped his jeans, pulling down both his boxers and jeans together. Slapping his bum, you demanded he kicked them off and away to leaving him stood nude. You ran your nails down his back, kissing his neck and leaving delicious love bites
“Shit Babe… I need you”
he breathed.
Moving back to the front
you asked fluttering your eyebrows, He nodded urgently. As you dropped again to your knees, taking him in your mouth you grabbed his backside with both hands, pulling him to you. You brought him back and forth, allowing him to fuck your mouth. Until you felt him lose it, swallowing his warm juices. You wiped your mouth and took his hand leading him into the bedroom. He was already out of breath and overwhelmed when you pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top. He reached to try and remove the corset; you shook your head moving up so he could see the gap in the fabric at your crotch. He breathed heavily and threw you an excited look, as he pulled you down, his lips meeting your folds. He went to work with his tongue sending the most incredible sensations through you, until you had to have him.
Wriggling free you saw he was hard again, and before he could take another breath, you pushed yourself down on him. Groaning loudly and closing your eyes, allowing him to fill you, his facial expression urging you on as he thrust into you, pulling himself up so you were face to face. You threw your arms around his neck and kissed his neck, leaving little love bites. He grabbed your head and pressed his lips into yours, his tongue going to work within. You felt yourself coming and tensed your inner muscles around his cock, feeling him groan deeply as you let out a whine that you knew he adored. Your orgasm hit you and that familiar exhilaration flooded your body.
You knew that Taron hadn’t joined you, but he began to pull out, using those inner muscles you held him in place, making him look at you surprised. You shook your head
“I don’t think I can… again”
he said. You looked disappointed. But he kissed you softly,
“You got me earlier remember”
he said looking into your eyes. You felt him soften between your legs and let go.
“We don’t have to always come together baby”
he soothed seeing your face. He kissed you again,
“Stop it”
he said
“I can’t help it”
you replied
“I just love to see your face when you come”
you admitted, raising a chuckle from Taron as you slipped into your favourite cuddling position, your head on his chest and his arm around your shoulders.
“Well, well. Well ” said Taron
“I think you got the part” he laughed.
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All Part of the Job....
Sat in the hot trailer, you were bored now. You were exhausted having flown in with Taron, from the UK just that morning and he had been forced to go straight into it at the set. You enjoyed travelling with him, it was far better than being stuck at home having to rely on phones and email. But he could manage a full day on set as well as the travelling was beyond you.
You settled yourself on the bed and decided to catch some Zee’s it didn’t take long to fall asleep. But you were rudely awakened by the door slamming shut. Eyes wide you sat up quickly peering through the doorway.
you called. When you didn’t receive an answer, you walked through your speed increasing as he failed to appear.
You realised the bathroom door was open and light on, but before you got to it the door swung open again. Barrelling you out of the way Matthew Vaughn, Colin Firth and a tribe of others crowded around the door. You stood against the wall as you watched confused and overwhelmed
you shouted finding your voice. Forcefully you pushed your way passed everyone and into the bathroom where you stopped stock still.
“It looks worse than it is”
Taron croaked. He was holding his arm under the shower, as blood gushed from a nasty gash down his right bicep. Instinct kicked in and you took control
“Matthew I hope a fucking ambulance is on its way”
you shouted, grabbing a large towel you turned the shower off and grabbed Taron’s arm wrapping the towel around the wound
“Someone find the first aid box please”
you continued. Scanning Taron, you could see road rash had scraped up the rest of his arm and down the right side of his face, grabbing more towels, smaller this time. You ran them under the cold tap and placing one on Taron’s face, you took his left hand and put it on top
“Hold that there”
you ordered as Matthew came back with the first aid box.
“Ambulance 5 minutes”
he said.
“Thank you”
you said throwing open the box, you pulled out the triangle bandage and quickly tied it together placing it over Taron’s head.
“ Y/N”
Taron began
“You I will deal with later”
you scolded As you tied a tourniquet around the right arm and laid the second towel on the lower arm. You ensured Taron was sat against the side of the bath. In case he fell.
you demanded
“Is anyone going to tell me exactly what happened?”
Many of the by standers began to disperse, but your question was met with black faces and people looking at each other.
“I’m not looking to blame people, it’s important the hospital know”
you conceded. But before anyone could say anything the paramedics appeared,
“Okay can we get a bit of privacy guys”
One of the first responders directed everyone away from the trailer as the other moved into the bathroom and began to set up to deal with Taron’s observations. Taking a breath, you returned to the bathroom, Taron did not look good, his face was tinged green and with perfect timing you grabbed the waste bin and he began to vomit.
You knelt next you him, holding the basket as he continued to retch. One hand resting on his back. The paramedics finished their checks,
“Well, it certainly looks like someone knew what they were doing”
said the bigger, older man,
“I’m going to guess this was you, little Lady”
He said in southern American drawl. Your face went red
“Instinct just kicked in; I think”
you said feeling ashamed of your bossiness from earlier.
“Hey, you did well, you have a good one there son”
the paramedic winked at Taron, he was still holding his head over the waste bin, he’d stopped producing anything, but his body was still spasming as if he did. He nodded weakly, letting his head lean on your shoulder.
“Can you walk?”
asked the younger of the two.
“I can, but I’m pretty dizzy right now”
Taron answered.
“Well, we will take it slow and we’ll each take a side”
As the paramedic’s support Taron to the ambulance. You ran around the trailer scooping up what you needed, phones, chargers, wallets, bags, glasses etc. Your bloody suitcases were still there not having had time to check into the hotel yet.
But as you came out of the trailer, Matt was waiting
“Y/n listen, I am so sorry, this should never have happened, I’m going to fire whoever is responsible straight away and make sure Taron gets anything he needs, just let me know ok”
Feeling bad at how you acted you hugged him.
“Sorry I was rude Matt, it was. well, you know”
you sighed
“Thank you I will let you know if he needs anything, I have to go… oh Matt our suitcases are still in there”
you said looking towards the trailer
“Don’t worry , done”
he nodded
“Text me please, let me know how he gets on and I will share it around save you”
he said
“Shall I ring Tina?”
he asked
“Oh shit, his mum would kill him”
you thought.
“No, he can do that himself!”
you smiled and took the paramedics hand climbing into the ambulance.
Taron sat up on the trolley, he had a paper sick bowl on his lap. His laid his head back and closed his eyes. As a cannula was placed in his left hand. All you could do was talk to him, from where you were.
“Sorry mate, it’s just so I can get some proper pain meds into you, get you more comfortable”
he said as he syringed a decent dose of morphine into the tube, connecting it to the saline.  Taron nodded.
“Not so green, colours coming back”
you said, and the paramedic agreed. Sitting in front of you, he began his paperwork.
“Right so what actually happened?”
He asked. But the morphine had already begun to kick in and along with the jet lag, Taron found it impossible to stay awake and was soon semi-conscious. The paramedic looked to you.
“Don’t ask me? I’m still waiting to find out myself”
you laughed incredulously
“Well how about you tell me from where you came in and we will let sleeping beauty fill in the rest later”
he replied. The journey was thankfully quick and with your attention on answering the questions on the form, you were arriving in no time.
You sat next to the bed, talking to Tina, exchanging frustrations at having only half a story. Taron had ended up needed an operation to stabilise the muscle and had been placed into a cast. He began to stir, and you promised to make him ring his mam as soon as he could. Opening his eyes, Taron attempted to stretch
he cried out ,looking at his shoulder and arm, now firmly set in plaster at a comedic right angle
‘“What the fuck?”’
he asked, still groggy.
“Hey, take it easy”
you said moving to a position he could see you.
“Y/N? what is this?”
he whined
“You don’t remember yesterday, on set”
you answered. He scratched his forehead as it all came back to you.
he said looking guilty.
“I fucking knew it?”
you roared.
“Come on spill”
“Baby, come on now, take it easy”
He pleaded
“I’m not a well man”
he tried gesturing to his arm. But he could see by your expression, you weren’t going to go for his usual charm.
You sat on the bed next to him as he explained what was meant to happen. He was set up on a wire, for a complicated fight scene, in which he was lifted and swung. He was meant to land on a crash mat the other side of another actor. But he had been messing about with this other actor and hadn’t heard the call, he hadn’t time to react and grab the rope to steady himself, it was this rope that was used to ensure he ended up on the crash mat and not where he actually ended up. Which was crashing through a particularly nasty, sharp and spiked section of the set.
“One minute I’m talking the next I’m trying to grab the rope, that’s round my arm, but its moving, like spiralling around my arm burning it up like a fucking Chinese burn. I didn’t even think about where I’d land. I just remember hitting something hard and feeling something wet, like someone was pouring water on my arm”
he swallowed, But y/n could see that he was trying not to show that it had shaken him up.
Now you had heard the story, you were still cross, but not as cross. There should clearly have been a fail safe for situations like that, you couldn’t entirely blame Taron. You scrunched yourself up on the bed beside him and kissed him on the cheek.
“Does this mean I’m forgiven”
he said mischievously
“Maybe a bit”
you allowed,
“But you still have to ring your mam, she might not be as easy going as me”
you chuckled
“Oh shit”
he groaned.
“You know what?”
he smiled looking at you,
“You are one badass women, thank god I have you around”
he laughed
“when I ran into the trailer I was completely panicked, I didn’t know what to do, but you… well I don’t think I have ever seen anyone scare an entire cast and crew before and I’ve seen some pretty harsh directors”
he smiled and kissed you head.
“Well, someone had to take charge of things”
you smiled back.
you said quietly
“Don’t scare me like that again please”
You asked quietly
“Sorry, baby I will be much more careful around wires from now on”
he agreed.
“Anyway, what work can I do looking like this”
he moaned moving his arm about grumpily Y/n began singing quietly
“I’m a little T pot, short and stout”
realising Taron shoved you
“Fuck off”
he grimaced making you laugh all the harder
“ here’s my hhh handle
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... and so it begins.
This was ridiculous, why did I ever think it was a good idea to come through Soho? It was august, so hot, dusty and full of tourists of course. London had a vibe like no other at this time of year though, the usual energy, slowed with the heat.  The tube being impractical at the best of times, despite the London’s succession of mayors, promising better access, there simply were too few to bother trying. Half of you would end up going miles out just to find a way off.
You chided yourself for thinking this would be quicker and continued projecting your voice at those around you that think I think you are completely invisible. You I’ve got used to the way people stared at you their eyes starting at your feet and slowly riding until your eyes met at which point you received either one of two types of look. One of pity or one of judgement. Because you didn’t look obviously physically impaired people tended to look into your eyes to see if you had some sort of mental difficulty. They check to see how you were dressed worse still, they looked around to see where your career was. Most days you simply ignored this sort of look but today you found it was easy to get fed up with it. The problem with tourists was of course, that they never looked where they going. The wheelchair, a power chair was electric and had a reasonable speed on it. It was pretty Swift too very agile you could move quite quickly around others. Usually,
“move over for Christ sakes...get out of the way ...yes it’s a wheelchair have you never seen one before?
You huffed as you made slow progress... You were just about to give up and try and find somewhere to go and get coffee, when all of a sudden, you felt the wheel hit something hard, out of control and unable to steer. The chair tipped to the side and hit the pavement, smack! Your head hit the concrete and it all went dark.
Voices seemed to be coming into thin air not recognising any particular voice you began to open your eyes. you could feel the concrete under your face and your head begin to pound. as your eyes began to open a person’s face came into view. the face was blurry and you reached your hand out to touch the shape in front of you.  a hand moved up and held yours just as you were about to make contact. just as you are about to put your hand on the shape.
“Hey... Hi... are you ok? can you hear me?
the lips seem to say. slowly the Vision became clearer, but only slightly.
you murmured and glasses came echoing in the voices around. Suddenly the most beautiful eyes came in to clear view now you had your glasses on you could see the face that was right in front of you
“strong  jaw”
you mumbled and the face smiled
“thank you, I take it you can see me ok?  
looking around you saw you were surrounded by lots of different faces and soon the reality came back to you
“oh shit,  am I on the bloody ground ?
you said looking around the faces.
”you are indeed”
the face said
“We didn’t want to move you in case we did more damage”
it said
“What’s your name?  I’m Taron”
the face said
“ Y/N”
you replied
“Beautiful name pleased to meet you Y/N “
looking up at Taron you winced
“is there any chance you could get me up off the floor please ?
you asked matter-of-factly but clearly in discomfort  “
are you sure that’s safe should we not get an ambulance?
Taron replied a look of concern on his face
”Yeah I’m fine I just want to get off the road”
thinking for a moment, Taron stood up and directed to the crowd,
“ok guys”
Taron called to those around you
“Can you guys get the chair up and  I’ll help this beautiful lady to get up"
he smiled looking back at you. Crouching again he spoke
“Ok can you put your arms around me? and I can lift you up while these guys get the chair straight”
he said taking excellent control of things.
“ok I should mention that I can actually stand and walk a little bit”
you smiled
“even better... but if it hurts even a little bit let me know"
his deep eyes were mesmerising that all you could do was nod. Then all at once he said
“ok when I count to 3 guys you lift the chair”
turning to you he moved close to you to allow you to place your arms around his neck, he felt so strong and you swallowed hard, you were so close to his neck now you couldn’t help but feel the adrenalin take over. The sound of his voice broke your daze
“ Y/N  if it’s ok with you I’ll lift you from the waist”
he said, his breath tickling ear clearing your voice you tried to sound nonchalant
“Sounds like a plan”
regretting the joviality in your voice. It was pointless, you never were good at hiding how you felt about people, as soon as your felt an attraction, it was plastered across your face and this guy was ticking all your boxes.
“1 ...2...3... go!
Taron shouted as you made an involuntary noise that sounded pornographic.
“Jesus shit”
you thought and a guffaw escaped Taron as He seemed to lift you effortlessly off the ground and into his arms. His hands holding tightly to your hips. You couldn’t help inhaling the smell of him, he smelled so good, damn it. gently taron lowered you back into the seat of the wheelchair with a sigh, suddenly another feeling took over. Being in the wheelchair had knocked your confidence, you have a brave face on mostly, but when it came to men, you struggled feeling attractive in the chair.
He asked and you nodded quickly
“nothing hurt but my ego”
you grinned plastering that smile back on. The crowd around one by one patted you or said a quick
“glad you’re good”
before moving off. But Taron lingered still. You turned to look at him, wondering what he was doing
“Thank you”
said smiling.
“Quite my knight in shining armour “
you attempted to cover the sadness underneath going red.
“Well actually”
he said sheepishly
”I think it might have been me that caused the accident to begin with”
he looked utterly mortified.
” I am so sorry”
he began talking really fast trying to explain how he had been looking at his phone and tripped, dropping his holdall. It had gone straight under the wheel of the chair.
“I feel so bad"
he said running a hand through his soft looking hair.
“Listen I really want to make it up to you”
he said, stopping mid-sentence
”oh god”
he gasped, you looked confused.  Leaning over the holdall, he unzipped the bag routing inside he pulled out a t-shirt. Leaning forward he gently pressed the fabric to your cheek.
”Damn I am so sorry, your bleeding”
Glancing at your white top you saw drops of red, popping onto the broiderie. Wincing as Taron applied more pressure.
he suddenly said
“Can you hold it?
He motioned to the t-shirt and you nodded. Letting go he reached into a pocket pulling out his phone. He began to dial 999 requesting an ambulance, you stopped him,
“Not an ambulance I don’t need one look it a small cut”
you motioned. Taron looked at you then the phone, he sighed hanging up,
he said thoughtful.
”Then at least let’s get you to A and E“
he got up looking around. It didn’t take long to get the attention of one of London’s black Cabs.
As it Pulled up, Taron took control, telling the driver where to go and asking him to load the wheelchair. Turning to you, he asked
“Do you think you walk as far as the cab?
you nodded.
“But I usually have a walking stick”
Taron smiled reassuringly, holding out his arm.
“Then I shall be your walking stick”
Standing up gingerly you stepped to the cab, your body felt bruised from the fall and you knew you’d hurt later. With one arm round your waist and the other outstretched you were able to climb inside. Followed quickly by Taron.
he sighed heavily as the car pulled away.
“ I can’t believe I caused all of this. I am so sorry”
his almost tearing up, he was so warm and sincere. It caught you off guard
“Well , you certainly knocked me off my feet”
you smirked. Rolling his eyes
he smiled knocked you off your
 rolling your eyes, you both smiled,
“No more saying sorry though"
you said, making eye contact properly for the first time, butterflies in your stomach
“It was an accident"
Taron nodded. Reaching a hand to your face, you bit your lip, gently he replaced your hand with his on the t shirt still held against your face.
Staring intently, you blinked nervously what was he doing? “
I am sorry I hurt you"
he said quietly
“and I intend to make that right, but I will only stop. Saying sorry if you let me make it better”
he dropped his head, momentarily,  looking back at you under his eyelashes
you breathed unable to think or say anything
“you’re still beautiful “
he said with a small smile as he gently repositioned the t-shirt. You watched as he swallowed, his Adam’s apple moving quickly.
“Was he? Is that nerves? ...could he like you too...?
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Knocked off my Wheels
This was ridiculous, why did I ever think it was a good idea to come through Soho? It was august, so hot, dusty and full of tourists of course. London had a vibe like no other at this time of year though, the usual energy, slowed with the heat.  The tube being impractical at the best of times, despite the London’s succession of mayors, promising better access, there simply were too few to bother trying. Half of you would end up going miles out just to find a way off.
You chided yourself for thinking this would be quicker and continued projecting your voice at those around you that think I think you are completely invisible. You I’ve got used to the way people stared at you their eyes starting at your feet and slowly riding until your eyes met at which point you received either one of two types of look. One of pity or one of judgement. Because you didn’t look obviously physically impaired people tended to look into your eyes to see if you had some sort of mental difficulty. They check to see how you were dressed worse still, they looked around to see where your career was. Most days you simply ignored this sort of look but today you found it was easy to get fed up with it. The problem with tourists was of course, that they never looked where they going. The wheelchair, a power chair was electric and had a reasonable speed on it. It was pretty Swift too very agile you could move quite quickly around others. Usually,
“move over for Christ sakes...get out of the way ...yes it’s a wheelchair have you never seen one before?
You huffed as you made slow progress... You were just about to give up and try and find somewhere to go and get coffee, when all of a sudden, you felt the wheel hit something hard, out of control and unable to steer. The chair tipped to the side and hit the pavement, smack! Your head hit the concrete and it all went dark.
Voices seemed to be coming into thin air not recognising any particular voice you began to open your eyes. you could feel the concrete under your face and your head begin to pound. as your eyes began to open a person’s face came into view. the face was blurry and you reached your hand out to touch the shape in front of you.  a hand moved up and held yours just as you were about to make contact. just as you are about to put your hand on the shape.
“Hey... Hi... are you ok? can you hear me?
the lips seem to say. slowly the Vision became clearer, but only slightly.
you murmured and glasses came echoing in the voices around. Suddenly the most beautiful eyes came in to clear view now you had your glasses on you could see the face that was right in front of you
“strong  jaw”
you mumbled and the face smiled
“thank you, I take it you can see me ok?  
looking around you saw you were surrounded by lots of different faces and soon the reality came back to you
“oh shit,  am I on the bloody ground ?
you said looking around the faces.
”you are indeed”
the face said
“We didn’t want to move you in case we did more damage”
it said
“What’s your name?  I’m Taron”
the face said
“ Y/N”
you replied
“Beautiful name pleased to meet you Y/N “
looking up at Taron you winced
“is there any chance you could get me up off the floor please ?
you asked matter-of-factly but clearly in discomfort  “
are you sure that’s safe should we not get an ambulance?
Taron replied a look of concern on his face
”Yeah I’m fine I just want to get off the road”
thinking for a moment, Taron stood up and directed to the crowd,
“ok guys”
Taron called to those around you
“Can you guys get the chair up and  I’ll help this beautiful lady to get up"
he smiled looking back at you. Crouching again he spoke
“Ok can you put your arms around me? and I can lift you up while these guys get the chair straight”
he said taking excellent control of things.
“ok I should mention that I can actually stand and walk a little bit”
you smiled
“even better... but if it hurts even a little bit let me know"
his deep eyes were mesmerising that all you could do was nod. Then all at once he said
“ok when I count to 3 guys you lift the chair”
turning to you he moved close to you to allow you to place your arms around his neck, he felt so strong and you swallowed hard, you were so close to his neck now you couldn’t help but feel the adrenalin take over. The sound of his voice broke your daze
“ Y/N  if it’s ok with you I’ll lift you from the waist”
he said, his breath tickling ear clearing your voice you tried to sound nonchalant
“Sounds like a plan”
regretting the joviality in your voice. It was pointless, you never were good at hiding how you felt about people, as soon as your felt an attraction, it was plastered across your face and this guy was ticking all your boxes.
“1 ...2...3... go!
Taron shouted as you made an involuntary noise that sounded pornographic.
“Jesus shit”
you thought and a guffaw escaped Taron as He seemed to lift you effortlessly off the ground and into his arms. His hands holding tightly to your hips. You couldn’t help inhaling the smell of him, he smelled so good, damn it. gently taron lowered you back into the seat of the wheelchair with a sigh, suddenly another feeling took over. Being in the wheelchair had knocked your confidence, you have a brave face on mostly, but when it came to men, you struggled feeling attractive in the chair.
He asked and you nodded quickly
“nothing hurt but my ego”
you grinned plastering that smile back on. The crowd around one by one patted you or said a quick
“glad you’re good”
before moving off. But Taron lingered still. You turned to look at him, wondering what he was doing
“Thank you”
said smiling.
“Quite my knight in shining armour “
you attempted to cover the sadness underneath going red.
“Well actually”
he said sheepishly
”I think it might have been me that caused the accident to begin with”
he looked utterly mortified.
” I am so sorry”
he began talking really fast trying to explain how he had been looking at his phone and tripped, dropping his holdall. It had gone straight under the wheel of the chair.
“I feel so bad"
he said running a hand through his soft looking hair.
“Listen I really want to make it up to you”
he said, stopping mid-sentence
”oh god”
he gasped, you looked confused.  Leaning over the holdall, he unzipped the bag routing inside he pulled out a t-shirt. Leaning forward he gently pressed the fabric to your cheek.
”Damn I am so sorry, your bleeding”
Glancing at your white top you saw drops of red, popping onto the broiderie. Wincing as Taron applied more pressure.
he suddenly said
“Can you hold it?
He motioned to the t-shirt and you nodded. Letting go he reached into a pocket pulling out his phone. He began to dial 999 requesting an ambulance, you stopped him,
“Not an ambulance I don’t need one look it a small cut”
you motioned. Taron looked at you then the phone, he sighed hanging up,
he said thoughtful.
”Then at least let’s get you to A and E“
he got up looking around. It didn’t take long to get the attention of one of London’s black Cabs.
As it Pulled up, Taron took control, telling the driver where to go and asking him to load the wheelchair. Turning to you, he asked
“Do you think you walk as far as the cab?
you nodded.
“But I usually have a walking stick”
Taron smiled reassuringly, holding out his arm.
“Then I shall be your walking stick”
Standing up gingerly you stepped to the cab, your body felt bruised from the fall and you knew you’d hurt later. With one arm round your waist and the other outstretched you were able to climb inside. Followed quickly by Taron.
he sighed heavily as the car pulled away.
“ I can’t believe I caused all of this. I am so sorry”
his almost tearing up, he was so warm and sincere. It caught you off guard
“Well , you certainly knocked me off my feet”
you smirked. Rolling his eyes
he smiled knocked you off your
 rolling your eyes, you both smiled,
“No more saying sorry though"
you said, making eye contact properly for the first time, butterflies in your stomach
“It was an accident"
Taron nodded. Reaching a hand to your face, you bit your lip, gently he replaced your hand with his on the t shirt still held against your face.
Staring intently, you blinked nervously what was he doing? “
I am sorry I hurt you"
he said quietly
“and I intend to make that right, but I will only stop. Saying sorry if you let me make it better”
he dropped his head, momentarily,  looking back at you under his eyelashes
you breathed unable to think or say anything
“you’re still beautiful “
he said with a small smile as he gently repositioned the t-shirt. You watched as he swallowed, his Adam’s apple moving quickly.
“Was he? Is that nerves? ...could he like you too...?
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Brief Encounters
Chapter 2
Opening her eyes, Eryn was glad to find she was in her hotel bed, she checked and was relieved to find she was alone. A weird disappointment crept over her, as she remembered Taron, the blonde, slightly curled hair, the sweet green-blue eyes, the dimples when he smiled.
“Omg” she shouted out loud
“What are you doing woman mooning over another man when you have…” she stopped and looked at her phone
“Oh, good god 18 missed calls from the last bad decision you made while enjoying too much wine” she sighed.
Stretching out, she looked at the time, 9am not bad considering, she thought. How did I get back here? She had no idea, the last she remembered was walking down the promenade looking for candy floss.
“Oh god,” she thought as she pulled herself out of bed and went to wash.
“I probably made a right fool of myself” Looking at her reflection,
She picked the mascara goop from the corners of her eyes,
“what looker” she chuckled.
Taking it in, She had slept in her clothes, which were scrunched up, the bedsheet left a lovely set of indentations on her right arm, and as she inspected her skin, she was sure she saw the beginnings of a zit.
“Well, you wanted that shitty, greasy food,” her head genie said out loud again.
“Oh yes, must stop doing that “she nodded
“What to wear?” Looking out the window it was a bright sunny day,
in fact, she could feel it was already warm. she changed into shorts and a t-shirt, before heading down to grab what was left of the breakfast buffet. Aiming for something healthier. But ending up with scrambled egg on toast followed by pancakes and syrup.
“Spot?” she thought before flicking that thought away.
As she sipped her orange juice, she began dealing with the missed calls, first calling her best friend Helen ( Henny for short) and letting her know she'd arrived and had not died in a freak accident with a sheep or whatever. Then she deleted her call list, watching the notifications disappear, satisfied as she saw Phil’s name plink into the recycling bin. She opened her text inbox and stopped. Taron? She sat staring at his name, confused then opened the message. Well, apparently, she not only had his number, with a ridiculously cute picture, but she had agreed to go to the beach with everyone today. The text confirmed the meeting point, time and Eryn gasped as she read the end of the text
“Promise I will find you some candy floss today, T xx” Eryn’s mind went crazy,
Trying to remember what happened on the way home from the pub.
“Candy floss, what was it about bloody candy floss?” It was as she finished her juice,
and grabbed the coffee, that she received a new text, again from Taron,
“Had a brilliant time last night, can’t wait to see you today T xx” groan,
Eryn slipped her phone in her pocket and carried the coffee to her room. Sitting on the edge of the bed she slurped her coffee. Wracking her brains.
“How much did you drink last night she rambled, pulling out a beach bag from the inner lining of the suitcase and shoving it clumsily back under the bed. Tapping her forehead in frustration she cursed
“You can remember every fecking song lyric in history can’t yer, but not this, no not something bloody important” Having dug all the things she reckoned on needing,
sunglasses, sun hat, Sun cream swimsuit /bikini
“Oh, my fucking god” she cringed
“What did even bring?”
looking through the draws she found the only bikini she owned it was a 1950’s sailor style, more for lounging around the pool in Crete, than on the shingles in Wales. She opted for her full body one undershorts, pulling it on she wriggled, her pendulous breasts in place as they made an escape for freedom.
‘What is the deal with men and tits anyway? she pondered whilst retrieving half the crotch from between her bum cheeks.
“No oh no” her head fell into her hands,
She had forgotten this was the suit with the cheeky slogan, no way in the world could she wear something with 'Thicc Thighs Save Lives' jutting out across her chest. Calming down, she thought, I will just have to find another one in town, plenty of time. I can change ... err somewhere. She wriggled back out of the suit and tutted, why to buy the bloody thing in the first place, she thought. The whole, not doing so out loud clearly abandoned. Brushing her hair through she plaited it into two bunches and chucked her flip flops in the bag, pulling her converse on. She decided on some waterproof mascara, but she certainly couldn’t go to the beach in a full face of slap.
“I look casual, I’m completely uninterested in impressing any dreamy Welsh… fuck, fuck ”
she stamped her foot and sighed. “I will have to do, she finally said to the reflection in the lift, surprising an older couple as they caught her conversation with nobody as the doors opened on the ground floor.
Thankfully, she remembered enough about last night, to be able to navigate her way to the main shopping area.
“Oooh Primark” she cried,
almost skipping through the electric doors and grabbing a basket.
“Just a swimsuit” she repeated as a couple of earrings and a cute bag went in
“Oooh I do need, a Disney mickey mouse shaped brush cleaner” she mouthed
“No, you don’t” someone replied. Looking up,
She saw Meghan and behind her Niamh, the ice princess, who in fact was nothing like the make-believe character, Eryn had given her.
“hiya,” Eryn said cheerily,
“You don’t need that,” Meghan said,
Pointing at the item in Eryn’s hand, Looking forlorn she moved to return it to the shelf when Meghan took it from her throwing it into Eryn’s basket
“But you are damn well going to have it anyway” she smiled,
Eryn was relieved, she did really want it.
“Well, I’m surprised your up so early, what time did you and Taron get in last night?” Niamh asked laughing
“Oh, shut up” Eryn groaned
“I have a total blackout of last night, what the hell happened?” Eryn pleaded.
The girls continued to browse as Meghan and Niamh gave Eryn all the details they knew. It seemed that one of the boys Bleddyn had started everyone on shots, Thankfully, they were able to tell her that as far as the time she was with them, she was all good, she had become more open as the night had gone on and they complimented her on her humour, she had fitted right in and Eryn was able to allay her worries.
“The last we saw of you, you were heading down the pier looking for candy floss,” said Meghan
"with Taron" she winked slyly at Eryn, as she said his name,
"Offered to make sure you got back to your hotel alright, as you, well we all were pretty, off our faces,” She said and
"That was it, I was half hoping you’d have some goss for us” Niamh chipped in.
As you finally got to the swimwear. “Nope” Eryn sighed
“I suppose only Taron can tell me”.
“she really likes our Tar, Meg, doesn’t she?” Niamh said, knowing full well Eryn could hear.
“Oh, god no” Eryn cried “It’s really not like that” she groaned, picking up tankini in bright colours, screwing her face up and putting it back.
Meghan showed her a couple of bikinis, but she didn’t feel confident to wear one now, not with the possibility of humiliation still out there. Finally, she settled on a blue and purple, mermaid scales design tankini and the group paid for their stuff. It was nice having a girlie shop, she and Henny had done this every weekend, and she had really missed it.
They decided to grab a coffee, before going their separate ways, to get ready to meet later. Eryn gave a brief explanation of why, she was not looking for a boyfriend, explaining ‘Phil’ and the whole story was too much for one day and far too involved for new friends. So she gave them a potted history.
Back at the hotel, Eryn put away her purchases and pulled on the tankini, throwing a sundress over the top and slipped her feet into her flip flops. Once everything was in her beach bag, she rubbed some lip balm on her lips and took a deep breath.
“I do not fancy that man, I will not allow his attractiveness to break my will power” she stated,
“Omg” she groaned
“You twat” she slapped her palm against her forehead
“Holiday romance Eryn… you loser”
Walking down the promenade the beach was busy. Filled with families on holiday like her for a week or two, having had to ‘Make do’ with Britain and locals out on a day at the seaside. She spotted the group immediately and was impressed, she was not sure what she expected, but a full BBQ and proper beach chairs, set round a plastic garden table with its legs shortened to lower it, wasn’t it. Six box coolers were pushed into the sand around the table, each filled with beer, Some spirits and mixer soft drinks and water.
Niamh and Meghan waved, and Eryn waved back, as she struggled through the sand. Greetings were shared and Eryn was handed offered a drink, choosing a coke to start with, the boys teased her some, trying to make out she had been thoroughly embarrassing all night, But Eryn was used to boys like this and gave as good as she got. Taron was noticeable by his absence. Eryn managed for once to keep her thoughts to herself and did her best to not look like she was as gutted as she felt. The girls kept her mind off it as the settled in chairs and continued their earlier conversation, the third girl of the group Kat, now also present, had been nursing a hangover and not felt up to shopping, so the girls shared the chat from earlier too.
Eryn was explaining that Phil, was sending her numerous texts a day, despite having broken up 6 weeks ago. The girls discussed their previous experiences with men, and they bonded only as girls can.
“Sounds like a dick” a voice spat bitterly.
Taron grabbed a glass and poured more than enough vodka and coke into it. He looked as if he had been crying, or at least his eyes were red and bloodshot. Eryn was taken aback, by the tone of his voice.
“Well, he is” she replied, not knowing how to respond.
This was not the charismatic, charmer of the previous evening and she felt as though, his mood was somehow linked to the previous evening’s events, she couldn’t remember. She didn’t really know why she thought instinct maybe. Turning back to the girls, they continued their conversation, while out of the corner of her eye, she saw the boys walk further off, Taron having got up and walked off, clearly angry, or frustrated or both. From where she sat, Eryn couldn’t hear the conversation, but it was obvious something had happened, that had really upset Taron. She could see him pacing, his arms active and animated. You could see the lad's body language was neutral, as they tried to help calm their friend. Finally, she saw Taron visibly crumble, one hand shielding his face from view the other threw the glass into the sand, drink and all. Immediately the others encircled Taron and one at a time, they hugged him, patted him on the back or arm.
Eryn was impressed, she hadn’t seen men behave quite like it before and she didn’t realise she had stopped using her peripheral vision and was clearly staring straight at the unfolding scene, she averted her gaze guiltily. But without needing to it seemed like the girls too had turned and having seen their friend in need was moving now toward Taron. Eryn didn’t know what to do, she hadn’t the history they had, would it be weird if she too went over.
“History fucking smishtory” she told herself and got up.
It’s hardly a crime to show you care, he was clearly upset, it’s the decent bloody thing to do. she thought. So, she joined the other girls, as the boys began to walk with Taron, back to the encampment. One of the lads had his arm around Taron’s shoulder and was talking constantly into his ear. Eryn returned to her seat and took out her phone, as a distraction more than anything.
“Shit,” said Kat catching sight of the screen and eleven missed calls from Phil, including five voicemails
“You weren’t kidding?” she goggled
“Is that all today?” Kat took the phone and scrolled through.
Eryn was a little taken aback by this move but sighed.
“Yep, I deleted yesterdays before breakfast” Kat flipped the phone and pulled out Eryn’s sim card, she then reached into her bag and pulled a bunch of cards with different phone brand sims attached, found the same type as Eryn’s, she slid out the original and put the new one in. Then to Eryn’s dismay and shock, Kat threw the sim card over her head, watching it go, Eryn was dumbstruck.
“Fuckers gone now,” Kat said with a grin.
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Brief Encounters
Chapter 1
"Oh dear," she thought
"Yep, yep that was her stop, damn it" As she watched the station disappear.
Great! She would have to grab a taxi from the next stop. Peeling her face off the cold glass of the window had left a red mark on her cheek and as she checked her face in her compact, she groaned. She needed this holiday, so badly. It was a shame it wasn’t somewhere exotic, but good old Covid – 19 had put pay to that. The train was packed now, children were squealing and running up and down the aisle, families and friends chatting away. She could hear a couple of overly loud phone conversations and excused herself from her window seat. Pulling her duffle from overhead she bumped passed the last few rows and collected her wheelie case, moving it into place by the door, she leant on the wall and watched the scene rush past the open window.
The train pulled up and she managed to struggle off among the throngs of holidaymakers, who were heading to the Welsh Cardigan coast. Making her way over to the taxi rank, she was met with a wide smile and a proper gentleman. Taking her bags and putting them in the back for her. The driver was surprised by her destination, but Eryn explained about missing her stop and wanting to just get to her hotel and settle down. She chatted with Evan, the driver all the way, he was such a sweet chap, he asked her all the usual questions, covered the obligatory covid 19 questions and complaints and before it seemed any time had passed, they pulled up into from of the prettiest hotel she’d ever seen. It overlooked the bay and Eryn could finally think about relaxing, she thought as she took it all in.
Evan took her bags all the way to the reception, which was extremely sweet, and she made sure to give him a decent tip, despite it not being the custom. Eryn believed in credit where it was due. Eryn was shown to a beautiful modern double room, with the most stunning sea views. One she had thanked the young lady who had brought her up and shut the door. She dropped onto the bed. A huge sigh escaped her tired and frankly burnt-out mind and body. This break was going to do her a great deal of good. Soon a growling tummy, made her think of moving and she pulled her wheelie case over to the wardrobe, hanging everything up and putting all the clothes in the draws, she unloaded her toiletries in the luxurious bathroom and kicked the suitcase under the bed. She pulled her laptop out of her duffle and set it up on the bedside to charge. Pulling off her work clothes and shoving them in the bottom corner of the wardrobe, she quickly showered and threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a light blue blouse, she slipped her feet into a pair of comfy pumps. She was too tired to bother with much else, opting for a dash of mascara and a bit of pink lippy. She brushed out her long blonde hair and spritzed it with hairspray, having been in a ponytail most of the day it sat slightly kinked, but she wasn’t planning on a night out, just dinner. It was then, as she looked in the mirror and swallowed hard. She had never thought she would be doing this alone.
This trip had been booked a year ago when she and Phil were still together. She had considered cancelling, not wanting to be ‘Billy no – mates’ and a total saddo, by going on holiday alone. But somehow, she had convinced herself, it would be good for her, to do things on her own, be more comfortable with herself and anyway she could always lie and say it was a business trip. Coming out of the lift, she wandered over to reception to ask for directions to the main town centre, a dark-haired guy was working reception now. Shift change, she thought. She asked the guy at the desk, taking note of his name badge ‘Sonny’ he was not bad looking, she thought as his dark eyes twinkled at her as she spoke. She adored the Welsh accent and almost forgot to listen to what he said it sounded so dreamy.
It was a warm, summer evening, not even dark yet, so with directions to the best places for foo she began to walk. She could take things in and maybe work out a few things to do during the week. It was an incredibly beautiful place and Eryn was never more at home than when she was by the sea. As a child she had been obsessed with mermaids, having fallen in love with Tom Hanks and Madison in the film ‘Splash’ then soon after Disney’s little mermaid sealed that love.
She sauntered down the promenade, listening to the waves and watching the sun set, plenty of people were milling about and she saw a sweet little pub with a pretty, lit up garden and finding a table and had a look at the menu. Having ordered she sat and sipped her wine.
“See,” she told herself
“How hard was that?” she smiled and attempted to avoid checking her phone.
Despite having heard it buzz a couple of times. Eryn loved to people watch, as a writer, she found her best ideas came from simply sitting in one spot and watching the world go on around her and as she dived into her meal, a traditional fish and chips of course. She found herself watching a small group of people. There were about 6 or 7 in the group, a mixture of girls and lads, their interactions interchanging easily told her they must know each other well, probably from school. Local from the sounds of the accent, though Eryn was no expert of dialects and Welsh was Welsh to her. She nibbled on her chips, while she tried to work out whether anyone was a couple and if so who. Having made her decisions, she began her usual little game. Creating a persona and a story for each individual and building the padding that made a character whole. A tall girl, with dark hair sweeping her shoulders, she decided she was some kind of business or law assistant, too young she thought to be far up the company, but ‘Darcy’ she decided was a mysterious character, all the boys fell at her feet of course and outwardly she was confident and even a little cold, an ice princess?
"Yes," Eryn said accidentally out loud,
Thankfully no one saw, she decided it best to get another drink and a dessert. After, all she was on holiday. While she was at the bar, she gave in and turned the phone over, groaning at eight missed calls, she quickly looked to see who they were from. one From Henny her best friend and seven from Phil. She turned the phone over and dropped it onto the bar, a tad heavier than she meant. The chap next to her gave a start, making eye contact, Eryn stopped amazed she had never seen anyone with such a dazzling smile. His eyes were stunning, and she had to swallow hard as she smiled apologetically. Forcing herself to look away, so as not appear creepy as the dazzling stranger walked out and joined the group she had been studying.
Taking a deep breath, she paid for her dessert and drink and returned to her table. Sitting facing the group as before, only now she wished that she hadn’t. She was sure the dazzling stranger, was looking at her. She told herself off, I mean she said to the voice in her head as if someone like that could possibly… Her thoughts were interrupted as he appeared to be coming over. She sipped her wine and tried to pretend she hadn’t noticed.
“Hi,” he said in that dreamily Welsh accent, Eryn loved so much
Looking up, she smiled
was all she could manage as her brain scrabbled around for something witty or intelligent to say.
“I couldn’t help but notice you slamming your phone on the bar and you’re sat all by yourself, I wanted to check everything was ok?” the stranger smiled that 100-watt smile again and Eryn noticed how dimples appeared as he did so.
Eryn shook her head,
“Yeah, I’m good, thanks” she answered.
"loser" the voice in her head chirped,
"and you a writer, could you not manage anything more articulate" she cringed.
“Ok,” the stranger smiled
“I’m Taron by the way” the stranger held out his hand.
“Eryn” was all Eryn could manage, as ridiculously the exceptional stranger kissed her hand.
Her brain was screaming, at her now.
"You are dreaming, no it’s the wine, you’re tired. C’mon, no one does that nowadays, who kisses a lady’s hand!
“well," Taron coughed,
"come join us if you get fed up, on your own,” he said smiling.
Just as the most enormous dessert was set in front of her.
"Fatty...Glutton" her inner voice taunted,
“Looks good” Taron nodded at the pile of chocolate cake, ice cream and whipped cream and smiled as he wandered back to the group.
"Now what? she thought.
"I better eat this, or I look crazy for ordering it, but I can’t eat it in front of him...omg, I have no appetite now either
She thought draining her wine glass. She tried to eat the dessert as sensibly and grown-up as she could. But only managed half, before she escaped to the ladies and whimpered to herself.
“Now?” she barked at the closed door of the cubicle.
“Like what the actual? This was meant to be a man-free zone, a time to move on from Phil, not … not" her mind trailed off as she found herself thinking about the stranger,
"Taron, he said his name was, didn’t he? Yes, she was sure it was Taron. Well Taron" she spoke into the mirror
“I am a grown woman and in complete control...I shall simply finish my meal and head back to the hotel. I can ignore this"
“hot” her brain interrupted
"No" she countered.
“I can do this” she reapplied her lipstick, as one of the girls, from the group came out of the cubicle. Eryn flushed red,
“Don’t worry” she said with a smile,
“I won’t say anything, everyone knows Taron’s hot” she laughed moving her hair in the mirror, deciding whether it was better on the left or right side.
Eryn groaned again,
“I really need to stop thinking out loud,” she said
“Might be a good idea” the girl chuckled
“Hey, you can’t go wrong with our Taron though, he’s a good’ en and there’s not many of them around, am I right?” she said pouting in the mirror and applying her own lipstick.
“I’m only here on holiday for a week,” Eryn said
I promised it would be man free” the girl nodded.
“All good plans and that, though,” she said
“Anyway, I won’t say owt, so do whatever you want” she winked and patted Eryn on the arm.
“Hey, if you do decide to stay, why don’t you come to join us, I’m Meghan” held out her hand.
“Eryn” Eryn replied.
As the two girls left the ladies, Eryn turned to Meghan
“Fuck it, can you wait for me to get a drink, is that ok?”
Eryn didn’t know why she had thrown all her plans out the window already, but hey who knew where tonight might lead.
“Hey guys,” said Meghan
“This is Eryn, from that London, she’s down here on a working holiday on her own, so I said she should come join us” Meghan continued,
having learnt all the information on the way from the bar. Everyone introduced each other and when it came to Taron, he smiled
“Glad you decided to join us,” he said
“Well, it was either that or sit on my own and avoid calls from someone I don’t want to speak to” Eryn replied.
Soon Eryn relaxed into the group, her first night in Aberystwyth was certainly not anything like she’d expected, she couldn’t help stealing glances at Taron, nothing like she expected at all.
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She’s back ....
Like I never went away. Cherrie is back on Tumblr and so of course my inbox is open for Fan Fiction requests.
Brief encounter has continued on A03 but for those who are interested i will be posting it on here from the very beginning ...
so you will get the chance to catch up on Eryn and Taron, NOTE : I am always happy to hear from you, your comments, suggestions and constructive criticism is more than welcome.
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