Do you ever feel like you’re judged by everyone you passed by? Like they’re laughing at you? Or do you feel like you have to correct or perfect something,maybe someone,just because of one wrong move? Well,If you’re feeling that way,I think you have some problem i your mental health.But do you know what mental health is? Do you know that it is very important? Mental health is the condition of our mind,it is how you think.
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Mental issues are the illnesses of our minds and its problems. One of these is OCD or Obsession Compulsive Disorder that affects people of all ages.ait triggers intensely distessing feelings,and wanting to perfect something that appears unorganized to you. Depression is one of the mental illnesses that is 'trending' nowadays,and it can lead to suicide.It is depression when you feel sad,lonely, and down,that you have no where to go,like you have no one to talk,also,when your isolating yourself to others.
As a conclusion,we think that these mental issues are really hardto prevent or treat because you got used to it. How can it stop suddenly? We have to help those who have mental issues because God didn’t make us for ourselves; God made us to help and love each other.
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