tremotina-rumbelle · 8 years
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tremotina-rumbelle · 8 years
The excuse that OUAT's ratings are down because people don't watch TV live anymore doesn't really hold, because during the Dark Swan arc the DVR ratings dropped a whole Demo point. From 2.9 to 1.9. So even the viwers who watch Tv differently flat out rejected the Dark Swan/Cs arc by stopping recording the show to watch later.
Yep; you can see the ratings on Wikipedia here. DVR ratings started at 2.9 for Dark Swan, then fell to the 2.7 to 2.5 range pretty consistently for most of the arc–until the Dark Killy reveal that the story was never about Emma and her relationships, only about her boyfriend the Stu.The very next ep was 2.4, Swan Song was 2.0, and 5b, Operation Codfish, was pretty consistently 1.9.
I’ve always said that correlation does not equal causation when the ratings are concerned–but there comes a point when there MUST be some accountability. And that point is when Cap’n Clap is literally the face of the show–the only one on the series promo poster–and people stop even bothering to watch their DVRs.
There is simply no other conclusion than that the GA is rejecting Killy and Captain Swine. They might enjoy looking at his pretty face, but not enough to tune in or turn on the DVR weekly.
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tremotina-rumbelle · 8 years
B&B 2017 trailer (Rumbelle style)
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tremotina-rumbelle · 8 years
Maybe it’s not the kind of video you like, but I wanted to share it with you!! ^_^
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tremotina-rumbelle · 8 years
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
Of course!! 
Reblog if you think rumbelle's baby will be THE MOST ADORABLE AND BELOVED CHILD EVER¡¡¡😁😁😁
I know she/he will be¡¡¡.
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
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This single moment embodies the simple reason that Rumbelle cannot be classed as Stockholm syndrome.
Stockholm syndrome is identified by the fact the ‘victim’, the weaker party in the relationship, changes their behaviour to support/appease their captor in affectionate ways. The captor is not expected to change anything. They may be cruel or kind and the uncertainty keeps their captive under their control, and to keep from angering them, the prisoner does what the captor wants.
In this case, the person who is changing is not the weaker person or the victim in this scenario. As is the case in most Beauty and the Beast stories, Belle/the Beauty does not change who she is. She is usually strong-willed, independent and not afraid to say “excuse me, sir, but you are - in point of fact - being an arsebandit”. It is the beast who changes (the transformation is kind of a not entirely subtle hint), and that is what Rumpelstiltskin does here. He’s already started wearing more human clothes and behaving in more human ways. He’ll “get used to it”.
Ergo, if the person in the relationship with all the power is the one who is changing to be more what the weaker person likes, you cannot class it as Stockholm syndrome. Unless you’re saying Belle is the captor and Rumpel is the captive. In which case, that’s a whole other kettle of fish.
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
“Power is only as good as the one who wields it. And you’ve done nothing but parlour tricks”
One of the best Rumple lines in the history of the show. Be aware Hook…this man is gonna beat you with pure brains. 
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
I’m Crazy Proud of Rumple
I’m dismissing the Rumbelle drama for a moment to talk about how amazing Rumple’s character development has been. Please note: This is not a Belle-bashing post. This is a Rumple positivity post. If you have something to say against Belle, please do so elsewhere.
1. Rumple shattered the chipped cup to free himself from Merida and to warn Belle that she was in danger.
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2. Rumple spoke to Belle in the library with total honesty about his fears, his failings, his wrongdoings. And he apologized.
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3. Rumple wanted to run from Bearida and force Belle to leave Storybrooke, but he didn’t. He stood up for himself and protected his love. He solved the problem using what he had at his disposal–a little bag of magic that he didn’t even know would work and his considerable wits.
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4. Rumple embraced Belle after their Bearida scare with complete abandon–nothing held back, no hidden agenda, no secret plans. He just buried his face in her neck and held her as a man for the first time EVER.
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5. Seeking nothing in return, Rumple bargained with Dark!Emma for information about Merida’s brothers and got Emma to return her heart.
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6. Following an impassioned speech in which he promised to “change everything” for Belle and she told him “it’s never too late,” Rumple pulled the sword from the stone proving himself to be the hero we know he has ALWAYS been.
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7. Rumple was kind and helpful to Hook when he barged into the shop looking for a way to talk to Emma. He suggested a way for Hook to draw her out.
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8. Rumple accepted all the shade that Dark!Hook threw his way without biting back with a single return insult. He accepted the challenge of the duel. No manipulation, no tricks, no hiding. He was just his wonderfully witty, intelligent, brave self.
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9. Rumple worked with the other Heroes. Again, he didn’t skulk off and solve his problems in secret in his own way. He behaved like he was part of a team. And hearing Henry acknowledge his changes just slayed me. Grandpastiltskin rises again!
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10. Rumple told Belle that he knows there’s a difference between not wanting him to die and wanting to be with him. He asks for a chance to love her with honesty and courage. HUGE onscreen character and relationship development.
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11. Rumple fought Hook and he won. More importantly? He. Walked. Away. If Rumple had wanted to be the Dark One again and take back the power, all he had to do was run Dark!Hook through. But he didn’t.
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12. Rumple let his True Love walk away (again!) because it was what she said she needed.
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Again, just some incredible character development from Rumplestiltskin. We are seeing the hero we have always known was there behind the Dark One. In spite of the Dark One eating him alive and drawing on his darkest impulses. Without the darkness he is free to be the man he wants to be. To accomplish lasting change, a character has to want to be different for himself–not just for the people he loves. Rumple’s not doing this for Belle or for Bae. He’s doing this for himself. This is his journey and it’s so special to finally see Rumple get the credit he deserves.
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
Oh, so the ship wars only went too far now, because people are trending “StopOnceUponaHook”? How about when SQers were getting hacked? Swanfires getting bullied even after Neal died? People being kicked out of the main tags? Folks getting anon hate telling them TO KILL THEMSELVES. Only now the ship wars came too far, because it affects you?
The ship wars are everyone’s responsibility. It’s not like CSers are angels and we are the ones who need to change to make it better for you.
This got huge. More under the cut.
Continua a leggere
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
And now a serious video about this epic episode!! Ouat 5x06!! Hope you’ll like it!! ^^
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
Thank youuuuuu!!
A parody based on the song “Zero to Hero” from Hercules!! Hope you’ll lie it!! ^^
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
A parody based on the song “Zero to Hero” from Hercules!! Hope you’ll lie it!! ^^
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
Well, I found Belle’s behaviour a bit strange too, but what she said was certainly not refering to the Charmings, Regina or Hook, but to Grumpy, Granny, Ruby, Archie...all those people which Belle loves and who want her to be happy!! So I can maybe understand a little little little bit why she doesn’t want to flee!! Belle doesn’t flee in front of danger or problems and she wants Rumple to do the same!! She saw Rumple sacrify himself to save them all by killing Pan, she saw him risking his life to rescue Henry, she saw him doing the right thing many times and maybe she doesn’t recognise him at all!! When she says “Rumple run! She will kill you!!” she doesn’t believe herself that Rumple can win, that he can be hero!! She is as surprised as Rumple is!! She doesn’t say “I knew you could do this!!” but her reaction is more like “How did you manage to do this?”, so I think she learned something new about Rumple, something that even she didn’t really believe Rumple could have in himself!! Sorry for the loooooong reply!! ^^
The Bear And The Bow: Rumbelle Meta
For the first time since the Rumbelle Honeymoon (and the one scene where he tickles her nose), I’m fairly happy with how the writers treated Rumple, Belle, and their relationship in this episode. That being said, there are three things that really upset me to my core, and I think that we as a fandom need to discuss them.
There was literally no reason to take this away from Rumple. We saw what happened, as omniscient viewers, in Manhattan. Rumple didn’t join the war willingly. Rumplestiltskin was drafted into the war. Against his will. But he was excited! He was happy!
He went to the war with no reservations, and wasn’t afraid. At all. Not of dying. But then he came across the seer. Yes, she said he would die there, but he didn’t focus on that. He focused on the other bit of information she gave him about Milah being with child, about Milah giving birth- and knowing that he would die, that he’d leave his child behind, is what spurred him to smash his leg.
And, I’d like to point out that crippling yourself so thoroughly is fairly brave in itself. Imagine how painful that would be, to completely shatter your bone. Imagine the strength it would take.
Rumple broke his leg for Bae. He did it for Baelfire, not because he was afraid of dying. If he was afraid of dying he wouldn’t have walked into a burning castle while he could, in fact, barely walk, just to get the dagger.
“You’re a hero!” “I was wrong about you.” “YAY A HERO! WHAT DID I SAY?”
I love Belle. I love that she got to have an adventure, I love her care of Rumple the moment he stumbled out of the elevator, she knew. She knew he was the man she’d always seen beneath the beast. She’d never known him without the curse, but she reassured him. Belle, who has always supported him, pulled him out of his dark thoughts and showed him she still believed in him.
But then. In the car. 
He wants to flee. He wants Belle safe, and he knows Emma won’t follow them over the town line. Rumple isn’t fleeing for his sake, he’s fleeing for Belle’s as well. He doesn’t think he can protect her anymore. And this is where I am completely confused.
Because Belle threatens to jump out of a moving car, to save the people that not 20 minutes earlier in the episode she was berating for not caring about Rumple’s life. She actually acknowledges that they don’t care about him, yet she berates Rumple for being willing to leave them to Emma’s whims.
Why does Belle suddenly care about the wellbeing of people she knows will not lift a finger to help Rumple, despite the fact that he’s responsible for Snowing’s Happy Ending, Regina’s adopting of Henry, and Emma’s actual birth through the true love he continuously helped?
And she chastises him for running. She calls him a coward, she says she was completely wrong about him and storms off.
Where the hell did it come from? It was out of place, it felt entirely non-sequitur, it didn’t feel like Belle. 
Belle, who has always seen the good in Rumple. Belle, who has always supported him. Belle, who refuses to let him speak ill of himself, treating him like garbage randomly and leaving him at the town line AGAIN.
Oh, but after he nearly lets Merida kill him SHE SUPPORTS HIM AGAIN! YAAAAAY! 
Are you kidding me with this? What the hell? Belle seems suddenly hung up on being married to a hero, when before she loved Rumple just as he was. 
So why then is this so important to her? Why is her hero worship so off the charts that she won’t even treat Rumple like a decent human being when he’s doing what he legitimately thinks is best?
Why does it take him pulling a sword for the Dark One for her to be okay with him again? That’s not like Belle. That’s not like Belle at all. It’s superficial, it’s cruel, and it’s extremely out of character for her. Yes, she loves heroes, but she goes so far as to call out the double standard the Storybrooke Heroes have. Why is it suddenly so important to her that Rumple be one of them?
But on to the good aspects again.
Rumplestiltskin cast Excalibur aside. Here we see that not only does he intend to honor deals with the Dark One (putting him lightyears ahead of the other ‘heroes’), we see he’s not interested in power. That need to gather more artifacts, more magic, more strength? That was the Dark One preying on his fears. Rumple doesn’t care about power at all. He cares about helping people.
His deal with Emma was entirely selfless. He just wanted Merida’s heart back, and information on her brothers. Again, better than the rest of the heroes.
There were some truly heart-touching moments between Belle and Rumple, and I’d missed that. Their embrace, Rumple spilling his heart and soul to her over and over, being “truthful” in his eyes. Confirmation that Rumple does not care about his life - to the point he wanted to die in his coma. 
Look, another reason the retcon bothers me so much.
And Belle and Rumple left together. Now they can work on their relationship. As Belle said, it’s not too late. It’s never too late.
I hope that now they can become the couple they were always meant to be.
Rumple deserves this shift. Rumple deserves to be the hero he was before the curse. I look forward to him standing up to the other heroes, to stopping Emma, and to being the purest hero in the land.
Also, suck it haters. Rumple pulled that sword out. Rumple is a hero. 
((Disclaimer: I’m not Anti-Belle, but she was written very strangely this episode and I wasn’t comfortable with that. We’re allowed to be critical of the characters we love, dearie.))
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
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ONLY RUMBELLE can be so sweet!! <3
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tremotina-rumbelle · 9 years
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So basically according to the show now and the Rumple fans I’ve spent the last hours talking to, this how this scene in 1x12 really went.
Rumple really wanted Belle but the darkness wouldn’t allow it, isn’t that right?
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