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Thinking about pylons again
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trial-by-error-photos · 2 months
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trial-by-error-photos · 2 months
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trial-by-error-photos · 2 months
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little light leak in the corner there
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trial-by-error-photos · 2 months
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These are ballpark light poles, but still, same vibe. There are so striking to me.
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trial-by-error-photos · 2 months
Honestly though there's something so awe inspiring about electrical lines, every time I work on a ROW for those massive ones where you can hear the electricity crackle above you as you wander beneath it's lightning highway strands I feel a bit like im in the presence of a minor god. I can't help but wonder if 1000 years if society collapsed today, what the future people would make of our massive networks or wire and steel.
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trial-by-error-photos · 2 months
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I took so many photos at Norris Dam when I visited there.
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trial-by-error-photos · 2 months
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Some of the power lines around here are huge.
trying to come up with names for this series of images, or like a zine title.
Right now thinking The Electric System.
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trial-by-error-photos · 2 months
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Inspired by @wizardhecker posting about power lines, I thought I'd get back to this blog to post some of my favorites that I've taken.
I live in East TN, which is DAM country. There are power lines running everywhere.
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trial-by-error-photos · 6 months
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minolta x370, fujifilm
sunspehere from the base. it now has been painted a very pretty blue color
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trial-by-error-photos · 6 months
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pentax kr, 50mm lens, same day at the bradford pear photos i've taken
This bright red car looks great against the green.
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trial-by-error-photos · 6 months
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Pentax kr, 50mm lens
It was a super pretty day out like back in early March, so snapped this photo of a nest
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trial-by-error-photos · 6 months
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Muclung Plaza green, UTK campus
Taken from the 6th floor of Hodge's Library
Pentax kr, 50mm smc lens from my k1000
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trial-by-error-photos · 6 months
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World's Fair Park
Minolta x370 (I think), fujifilm, 2020 or something
Reflection pool outside of the sunsphere, looking towards the amphitheater in the park. Super cool place.
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trial-by-error-photos · 6 months
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Seven Islands Birding Park
I forget what camera I was using. Maybe the Pentax spotmatic? It was SO bright out, and I barely understood how aperture and film speed and shutter speed worked.
I liked how this power pole looked, and I think it started a series for me of taking photos of power poles. I have like 10 photos that fit that theme.
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trial-by-error-photos · 6 months
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kodak retina iiic, fuji400 film, Knoxville zoo
I think this elephant is no longer at the zoo. I want to say that it was the largest elephant in the US at one point in time, but I am not sure. That could have been a different elephant in this same zoo.
This is one of the first photos I took myself using my own camera.
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trial-by-error-photos · 6 months
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Pentax kr, Hodge's library, opposite side from the other photo I did a while ago, 50mm lens from k1000
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