trianimo-blog · 5 years
im too stubborn to die
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
bitter  /  aggressive  one  -  liners  as  taken  from  the  website  pinterest  . tw  adult  themes  .     customize  as  you  wish  !
❛  fight  because  you  don’t  know  how  to  die  quietly  .  ❜ ❛  i’d  rather  die  on  my  feet  than  live  on  my  knees  .  ❜ ❛  i’ll  get  over  it  ,  i  just  gotta  be  dramatic  first  .  ❜ ❛  you  don’t  get  to  be  surprised  that  nobody  gives  a  fuck  about  you  after  you’ve  worked  so  hard  to  alienate  the  entire  world  .  ❜ ❛  i  wouldn’t  be  like  this  if  i  knew  how  to  not  be  like  this  ,  okay  ?  ❜ ❛  i  had  to  fight  like  hell  and  fighting  like  hell  made  me  what  i  am  .  ❜ ❛  i  will  be  brutal  .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  want  to  be  soft  anymore  .  i  want  to  be  bloody  knuckles  and  glass  shards  and  i  want  people  to  be  afraid  of  hurting  me  .  ❜ ❛  bring  them  to  their  knees  .  head  bowed  and  fists  bleeding  —  make  them  repent  .  ❜ ❛  is  this  what  i  get  for  loving  a  god  ?  ❜ ❛  you’re  a  weapon  ;  and  weapons  don’t  weep  .  ❜ ❛  i’ll  survive  .  somehow  i  always  do  .  ❜ ❛  the  things  that   used   to  make  me  cry  just  make   my  hands  shake  and  my  eyes  blank  .  ❜ ❛  i’ve  begun  to  understand  why  god  died  .  ❜ ❛  i  speak  violence  .  ❜ ❛  it’s  not  my  fault  i  have  my  father’s  eyes  .  ❜ ❛  judge  if  you  want  ,  we  are  all  going  to  die  .  i  intend  to  deserve  it  .  ❜ ❛  i  need  to  kill  you  .  ❜ ❛  i  will  continue  to  watch  you  rot  .  ❜ ❛  i  wasn’t  born  to  be  soft  and  quiet  .  i  was  born  to  make  the  world  shatter  and  shake  at  my  fingertips  .  ❜ ❛  you’re  not  a  nice  person  ,  are  you  ?  ❜ ❛  when  i  punched  you  .  that  was  when  i  first  felt  something  for  you  .  ❜ ❛  if  you  don’t  terrify  people  a  little  bit  then  what’s  the  point  ?  ❜ ❛  i  could  tear  you  apart  if  i  wanted  .  ❜ ❛  do  not  tell  me  what  i  can  and  cannot  do  .  ❜ ❛  i  can  and  i  will  .  watch  me  .  ❜ ❛  no  one  made  me  .  i  made  me  .  ❜ ❛  take  a  breath  ,  spit  out  the  blood  in  your  mouth  ,  and  get  back  up  on  your  feet  .  you  still  got  a  couple  motherfuckers  to  prove  wrong  .  ❜ ❛  here’s  what  i  know  ;  i  will  die  only  by  my  own  hand  .  ❜ ❛  i’m  everything  you  can’t  control  .  ❜ ❛  i  am  violent  ,  and  bitter  ,  and  ugly  inside  and  out  .  ❜ ❛  i  am  being  perfectly  fucking  civil  .  ❜ ❛  goddamn  right  ,  you  should  be  scared  of  me  .  ❜ ❛  you  are  losing  my  interest  ,  and  that  is  very  dangerous  .  ❜ ❛  if  i  can  still  breathe  ,  i’m  fine  .  ❜ ❛  i  will  do  what  it  takes  to  survive  .  ❜ ❛  if  karma  doesn’t  hit  you  ,  i  fucking  will  .  ❜ ❛  don’t  be  sorry  .  i  trusted  you  ,  my  fault  not  yours  .  ❜ ❛  i  wonder  if  life  smokes  after  it  fucks  me  .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  have  to  prove  shit  to  you  .  ❜ ❛  i’m  not  tearing  down  my  walls  for  anyone  again  .  you  want  to  know  what’s  inside  ?  climb  .  ❜ ❛  i  am  mine  .  before  i  am  ever  anyone  else’s  .  ❜
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
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LIKE THE BARK OF AN OLD TREE - tangled , broken and peeling from the CORE , your flesh is so shamelessly EXPOSED - scars like ROOTS, running up and down your whole BODY . 
she points to one - a THICKER line , that falls across your shoulder blade . it’s still PINK ,  fresh with the memory of a RECKLESS DEED well done . 
‘ oh - that’s from a SOLDIER . i didn’t have a SHIELD , but he was about to strike someone - and i RUSHED in . i , uh , didn’t block his hit very well - CLEARLY .‘
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
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i’ve resigned myself to this fate
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
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My teachers at SCAD let me have too much power with on model assignments.
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
Hadestown Sentence Starters
“ No use talking of the past, it’s passed. ”
“ Oh, a liar! And a player too? I’ve met too many men like you. ”
“ Only the gods can change the world. Me and you can’t change anything. ”
“ Lover tell me, if you’re able, who’s gonna lay the wedding table? ”
“ When the sun is high, brother so am I. ” 
“ Let the world we dream about be the one we live in now. ”
“ All I’ve ever known is how to hold my own, but now I wanna hold you too. ”
“ Down there’s it’s a bunch of stiffs, brother I’ll be bored to death. ”
“ And you better forget about your wishing well. ”
“ Keep your head keep your head low, if you wanna keep your head! ”
“ In the coldest time of year, why is it so hot down here? ”
“ Every year they have this fight! ”
“ If you don’t want my love, I’ll give it to someone who does. ”
“ The choice is yours, if you’re willing to choose, seeing as you’ve got nothing to lose. ”
“ Help yourself, to hell with the rest, even the one who loves you best. ”
“ Aim for the heart, shoot to kill, if you don’t do it then the other one will. ”
“ Oh, my heart, it aches to stay, but the flesh will have its way. ”
“ Go ahead and lay the blame- talk of virtue, talk of sin- wouldn’t you have done the same? ”
“ You’ll find another muse somewhere. ”
“ Just how far would you go for her? ”
“ Wait for me, I’m coming too, wait I’m coming with you. ”
“ We have work, and they have none, and our work is never done. ”
“ I got the wind right here in a jar, got the rain on tap at the bar. ”
“ When’s the last time you saw the sky? ”
“ What the boss don’t know, the boss won’t mind. ”
“ There ain’t no rest for your weary soul. ”
“ Dreams are sweet until they’re not- men are kind until they aren’t. ”
“ I’m not going back alone. ”
“ But have you seen the world? It isn’t beautiful. ”
“ Can’t you see she made a deal? ”
“ Don’t know who the hell you are, but I can tell you don’t belong. ”
“ She couldn’t go anywhere even if she wanted to. ”
“ The ones who tell the lies are the solemnest to swear. ”
“ You and your pity don’t fit in my bed. ”
“ Everybody knows that the walls have ears. ”
“ All the wealth within these walls will never buy the thing called love. ”
“ One day she’s hot, the next she’s cold- women are so seasonal. ”
“ The more he has, the more he holds, the greater the weight of the world on his shoulders. ”
“ Give them the rope and they’ll hang themselves. ”
“ Let them think that they have won. ”
“ I don’t know where this road will end, but I’ll walk with you into the wind. ”
“ We’ll try again next fall. ”
“ It’s as though you aren’t there. ”
“ He could make you see the way the world it could be, in spite of the way that it was. ”
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
feel free to change pronouns and other details as desired!
i can give you what it is you crave.
when’s the last time you saw the sky?
you want the moon?
what the boss don’t know, the boss won’t mind.
no one has a name down here.
what i wanted was to fall asleep, close my eyes and disappear.
i trembled when he laid me out.
come and find me lying in the bed i made.
whatever happened i’m to blame.
how’d you get beyond the wall?
don’t know who the hell you are but i can tell you don’t belong.
you better run!
i’m not going back alone, i came to take her home.
who the hell you think you are? 
who the hell you think you’re talking to?
the ones who load the dice always say the toss is fair.
what are you afraid of?!
have a drink why don’t you.
he has the kind of love for her that you and i once had.
nothing comes from wishing on stars.
lend them an ear and the kingdom will fall.
you and your pity don’t fit in my bed.
how does the sun even fit in the sky?
why do we turn away when our brother’s bleeding?
why do we build the wall and then call it freedom?
take me home.
i’ll walk beside you, love, any way the wind blows.
just need a steady hand to hold.
the good news is he said that you can go.
it’s a trap!
the dog you really gotta dread is the one that howls inside your head.
wait, i’m coming with you.
we will follow if you lead.
think they’ll make it?
how about you and i? are we gonna try again?
wait for me?
who are you to think that you could hold your head up higher than your fellow man?
i’ll tell you where the real road lies; between your ears, behind your eyes.
that is the path to paradise, likewise the road to ruin.
i hear the walls repeating the falling of our feet and it sounds like drumming.
we are not alone.
i’m right here and i will be until the end.
pour the wine and raise a cup.
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
hi im gay id like my found family trope now please
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
miscellaneous angst starters.
when were you going to tell me?
you can’t keep doing this to yourself.
that’s…a lot of blood.
can you walk?
please don’t lie to me.
you were supposed to leave.
i’m not going anywhere without you.
shh, it’s okay. it was just a dream.
there was nothing more you could have done.
it wasn’t your fault.
this is all my fault.
you aren’t acting like yourself.
i’m never going to let [her/him/them] hurt you again.
you’re hurting me.
don’t ever do that again.
go to hell.
please don’t cry.
you have to stay awake.
i wish i could take the pain away.
you could have died.
hey – stay with me.
it’ll be over soon.
did you ever love me?
i’m sorry. i can’t do this anymore.
things won’t always hurt this bad.
you passed out.
how much have you had?
i’m okay. it’s all fine.
it’s not okay! you’re not fine!
let me get you something for the pain.
it’s nothing. it’s just a bruise.
it’s clearly not nothing.
have you been to the doctor?
i didn’t mean the things i said.
i thought we meant something.
people who are okay don’t act like this.
you don’t have to go through this by yourself.
i don’t want you to be alone.
please don’t regret me.
i heard you crying.
you need to get some rest.
when was the last time you ate something?
i’m worried about you.
did you have another nightmare?
[name], there’s nobody there.
i want to be happy but i don’t think i deserve it.
please talk to me.
why are you mad at me?
alcohol isn’t going to solve your problems.
don’t leave me.
did you do this to yourself?
it’s breaking my heart to see you like this.
tell me what’s wrong.
tell me how to make it better.
why don’t you care?
get the hell away from me.
please don’t do this.
i can’t believe that you lied to me.
just…stay for the night.
you obviously can’t be trusted to take care of yourself, so let me do it for you.
you can’t die. i won’t let you.
just hang on, okay?
hold my hand if you need to.
i’m sorry.
why do you have a gun?
don’t panic.
just breathe.
you’re bleeding.
i’m trying to stop the bleeding.
you’ve been crying, i can tell.
you should have told me sooner.
i wanted to tell you in person.
a phone call would’ve been nice.
i hate you.
i love you.
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
EVERY SCAR IS A STAR WORTH KISSING // l.s. (via poemsforpersephone)
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
* soft tired prompts
‘ have a nice nap? ’
‘ you have sleepy stuff in your eyes. ’ 
‘ sorry for waking you, baby. go back to sleep. ’ 
‘ you’re exhausted, honey. ’ 
‘ time for bed, sleepyhead. come on, i’ve got you. ’
‘ was that a yawn? ’ 
‘ honey, that’s not how you make the bed. ’
‘ you slept for a long time. ’
‘ time to wake up, sweetie. it’s a new day. ’ 
‘ you’re finally awake. ’
‘ you stayed up past your bedtime again, didn’t you? ’   
‘ i thought you were going to sleep forever. ’ 
‘ why don’t we take a nap together? we can be nap buddies. ’
‘ goodnight, baby. sweet dreams. ’ 
‘ you don’t get enough sleep. ’
‘ i’m going back to bed. ’ 
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
touch-starved starters!!
❝ no one’s ever done that to me before. ❞
❝ could you play with my hair? ❞
❝ i can’t remember the last time i did this with someone. ❞ 
❝ that feels nice. ❞
❝ i haven’t been hugged in years. ❞
❝ i never want to let go. ❞
❝ let’s just cuddle forever. ❞ 
❝ you put your arm around me and i literally felt my knees buckle, this is so pathetic. ❞
❝ i just want to be held for a little while. ❞
❝ you’re legally obligated to keep holding me. ❞
❝ i think i forgot what human contact felt like. ❞
❝ i need to remember what hugs feel like. ❞
❝ do you mind if we stay like this for a little longer? ❞
❝ my family was never the touchy-feely type. ❞
❝ i’ve never been in a relationship before, so i don’t really know how to do the whole…kissing thing. ❞
❝ you were my first kiss. ❞
❝ could we cuddle, like, platonically? ❞
❝ i’m in desperate need of a hug. ❞
❝ i didn’t even know i was ticklish there! ❞
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
⚔ the princess bride sentence starters ⚔
“  you  mock  my  pain!  ”  “  life  is  pain.  ” “  he’s  only  mostly  dead.  ” “  i’m on  the  brute  squad.  ” “  you  are  the  brute  squad.  ” “  prepare  to  die.  ” “  we’ll  never  survive.  ” “  nonsense.  you’re  only  saying  that  because  no  one  ever  has.  ” “  who  are  you?  ” “  get  used  to  disappointment.  ” “  you  keep  using  that  word.  i  do  not  think  it  means  what  you  think  it  means.  ” “  i’ll  use  small  words  so  that  you’ll  be  sure  to  understand,  you  warthog  faced  buffoon.  ” “  that  may  be  the  first  time  in  my  life  a  man  dared  insult  me.  ” “  drop.  your.  sword.  ” “  shut  up!!  ”   “  you’ve  made  your  decision  then?  ” “  i  bet  my  life  on  it!  ” “  truly,  you  have  dizzying  intellect.  ” “  you’re  just  stalling  now.  ” “  you  guessed  wrong.  ” “  enough  of  that.  ”  “  surrender.  ” “  you  mean  you  wish  to  surrender  to  me?  very  well,  i  accept.  ” “  i  hate  waiting.  ” “  morons.  ” “  you  are  wonderful.  ” “  you  seem  a  decent  fellow,  i  hate  to  kill   you.  ” “  why  are  you  smiling?  ” “  because  i  know  something  you  don’t  know.  ” “  goodnight.  good  work.  i’ll  most  likely  kill  you  in  the  morning.  ” “  oh,  there’s  something  i  ought  to  tell  you.  ” “  think  it’ll  work?  ” “  it  would  take  miracle.  ” “  hear  this  now —  i  will  always  come  for  you.  ” “  this  is  true  love,  you  think  this  happens  every  day?  ” “  death  cannot  stop  true  love.  ” “  i  died  that  day.  ” “  we  may  as  well  die  here.  ” “  he’s  dead.  he  can’t  talk.  ”   “  as  you  wish.  ”   “  why  didn’t  you  wait  for  me?  ”   “  you  can  die  slowly,  cut  into  a  thousand  pieces.  ” “  you  killed  my  love.  ” “  it’s  possible. i  kill  a  lot  of  people.  ”   “  yes,  you’re  very  smart.  shut  up.  ”   “  you’ve  been  mostly-dead  all  day.  ”  “  inconceivable!!  ”  “  let  me  explain.  ”   “  your vote of confidence is overwhelming.  ” “  what  hideous  sin  have  you  committed  lately?  ” “  will  you  ever  forgive  me?  ” “  there’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. it would be a pity to damage yours.  ”  
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
anyone: even vaguely nice to link link: *hands u a bottle of stew* *hands u a bottle of stew* *hands u a bottle of stew* *hands u a bottle of stew* *hands u a bottle o
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