tricksteravensstuff · 2 months
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tricksteravensstuff · 2 months
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tricksteravensstuff · 2 months
Meanwhile, in Italy...
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"Former culture undersecretary Vittorio Sgarbi defends the girl who climbed Giambologna's Bacchus statue in Florence miming a sexual act. 'It is a transfiguration: when art is truer than life. An amorous exaltation. No real man can compete with Cellini's Perseus. A drunk girl performs a critical act, not an erotic one.'"
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tricksteravensstuff · 2 months
what they dont tell you about adulthood is that it’s startlingly easy to go long periods of time without having any fun at all not even a little bit. btw this causes ur brain to try to kill you with knives and hammers.
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tricksteravensstuff · 2 months
i don't care if you live in new york city get normal about drug addicts sometime soon or jump in front of the trains
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tricksteravensstuff · 2 months
How to talk to children
This is based on decades of experience as an uncle and as an older brother.
Never forget that children are just as much people as adults are.
Kids 10 years or younger (and sometimes older than that) don’t get sarcasm or irony, so don’t use them.
If a child has difficulty pronouncing a word, don’t copy their misprounciation when speaking to them. They can hear the word just fine. It could sound to them like you’re making fun of them.
(Yes, this means no babytalk)
Don’t be dismissive.
Listen to what they’re saying.
To get on the same eye-level, don’t bend over or squat: it seems condescending. Kneeling or sitting are better.
It should go without saying that you should respect children’s body autonomy. Don’t force affection on them.
Respect children’s emotional autonomy as well. Let them be angry. Let them be sad. Don’t force them to be happy.
Let children like things. Don’t run down the things they like just because you find them cringy.
Don’t think that you know better.
To children, adults are giants. Be a big friendly giant.
Don’t stifle children’s curiosity.
Don’t stifle children’s enthusiasm.
To quote Sondheim, “Be careful the words you say, children will listen.”
Don’t look down on children.
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tricksteravensstuff · 2 months
I think my favourite concept in Dunmeshi is that... There is an urgency in most of us to sacrifice our peace of mind when push comes to shove. Perhaps to worry means that you care about the emergency at hand (whatever level of emergency that is subjectively) and we pinpoint focus on the task and everything else disappears. Our sleep and diet patterns change even though these activities are pivotal for our dopamine systems and functionally make us feel healthier and help us think clearer. It's self-punishing; the "grind" so to speak — to persevere we have to forget the self and think solely of the object.
But Dunmeshi doesn't let you get away with that. These people's friend is captive in a monster's body, their world is literally ending, and still they sit down to eat. To eat is to live. Only living things eat and it is the privilege of the living. Yes, there is a crisis. Yes they are upset and heartbroken and distressed. But they still focus on the food: the very thing that sustains you and gives you energy to think, to move, to keep going. A moment of gratitude offered to life by actually, consciously indulging in it. They aren't bad people for eating while Falin's suffering, no. It is simply unfeasible to give parts of yourself to a situation while hoping to gain twice as much back. Just take the time to make food, think about how delicious it looks, and eat. Even if you fail, you need to eat. Even if you succeed, you need to eat. You need to live life no matter what. You need to enjoy it no matter what. It is never "inappropriate" to just live your life.
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tricksteravensstuff · 2 months
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tricksteravensstuff · 2 months
rip Achilles you would've loved hightop sneakers
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tricksteravensstuff · 3 months
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my trick for getting through grad school is learning to navigate the quadrants with all their nuances
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tricksteravensstuff · 3 months
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You shouldn’t have to be trans to get any sex characteristic-related surgery. It’s not a limited resource. Plenty of cis men get implants and cis women get breast reductions. From Colby Gordon today and Leslie Feinberg in Transgender Warriors (1996).
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tricksteravensstuff · 3 months
Hey bro/ster I'm super sorry to have to be the one to break this to you, but uh sometimes being a socialist means, you know, putting your dreams of terrorism down for a minute and talking about public policy and how your proposed form of government would like, uhhhhh................ work.
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tricksteravensstuff · 3 months
shadow the hedgehog is cool. gunblades are cool. vampires are cool. scythes are cool. white hair is cool. we need to stop lying about what is not cool
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tricksteravensstuff · 3 months
Changing while he’s laying on his stomach on my bed. I’m looking in the mirror making sure I look nice and he’s looking at me like I’m the only thing in the world , but we’re friends and we don’t feel that way about each other
We’re meeting together for hot chocolate in winter, him and a couple of our friends. He surprises me with a hug from behind, saying he’s cold and I keep him warm. Such silly things between friends
He wants to sit beside me at the movie theatres with friends, saying he wants to steal my popcorn
What else could it be? We’re just friends, of course. Just, good friends
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tricksteravensstuff · 3 months
My favorite thing about J. Jonah Jameson is that he just hates Spider-Man. He supports mutants and doesn't hate enhanced people. He's not racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic. He just hates Spider-Man. And I'm half convinced that he's faking for the publicity.
He'd probably get pissed if he hears someone hating on Spider-Man for being enhanced.
"Spiderman isn't a menace because he can climb walls! He's a menace because he's climbing walls without a license or safety equipment! He's setting a bad example!"
"I just want you to know that you that your identity as an enhanced person is valid. Your identity as Spiderman is trash."
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tricksteravensstuff · 4 months
if you are a trans boy, especially a teenage trans boy, i wanted to say that as a trans man in their 30's, you have my deepest respects and condolences for what you may be going through right now.
it has become socially acceptable and basically online custom to bully teenage trans boys & mascs, call them cringy, or excuse misgendering them for whatever reason. people put trans boys on this pedestal of "must perform masculinity and manhood to cartoonish degrees" even though they're still children.
people make trans boys fight for their manhood before they can even be boys. i am sorry people can be so judgmental and harsh on you. you are not wrong for wanting to be a boy. you are experiencing something wonderful. it's okay if you still want to be a boy even if people have treated you poorly, or tried to make you feel bad for being a boy. there is nothing wrong with being a boy.
it's okay if you never socially transition. it's okay if you're afraid to come out because it's not safe. it's okay if you never change your outward appearance. it's okay if you try very hard to pass but struggle to. it's okay if you wear "women's" clothing and shoes, bras, makeup, etc., it's okay if you're gay and love other men. it's okay if you're scared of hrt. it's okay if you don't want surgery. it's okay if you mainly occupy girl's spaces still. people will find every reason to pick these things apart and ridicule trans boys for, but they are all perfectly fine experiences that do not make you any less of a boy. you are the one who is in control of your transition, presentation, and state of being- you should be able to prioritize your safety over the comfort of random strangers who have no impact over how you live your life.
i've been put through this too, but later in life as i came out when i was an adult. people still try to make me feel bad for identifying as a trans man, for whatever reason they have in their head to justify hatred of a trans person. i've had enough. there will never be an excuse for how people try to excuse the infantilization and abuse that trans men and trans boys face.
take care of yourselves, no matter what age you are, if you are a trans boy, man, or masc you deserve to know that other trans men care about you, especially when people are scrambling to find ways to punch down on you. there are people who suck, but there are also a lot of people who care about you. keep your chin up. you know who you are
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tricksteravensstuff · 4 months
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basically lmao
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