tridclick · 9 years
Happy Father’s Day!! (A few Hollywood fathers clockwise from top left: Robert Mitchum, Paul Newman, Jack Lemmon, Jack Nicholson, Cary Grant, Robert Taylor, Steve McQueen, Tony Curtis, Glenn Ford and Gregory Peck)
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tridclick · 9 years
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barefoot royals studios
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tridclick · 9 years
A Conversation With Kruzie
(from 100blackdolphins.blogspot.com)
The Kentucky music scene, especially the indie scene, has always been an under-appreciated art. While a few bands, Cage the Elephant, Exile, Nappy Roots, (Red Foley and Wynona Judd hit it big) managed to find mainstream success, there are still a ton of artists performing every day, trying to find that success. Kandace Cruse, Kruzie, is a friend of mine who surprised everyone last year by dropping a song called "Swerve" on Soundcloud, which got north of 1,000 plays on the first day. She went on a hiatus for about a year, which I just chalked up to her not singing anymore, but came back a few weeks ago with a new song titled "Let's Get Loud". When I first heard it, I thought "Let's Get Loud" was a solid improvement over "Swerve". And I know how tough it can be for artists to break through, even though the talent is there (I'm a wannabe filmmaker so I get the struggle), so I wanted to interview her and see where she's heading with music and what she plans on doing. 100 Black Dolphins: First off, what is your stage name, or are you going by your real name?
Kruzie: My stage name is Kruzie. It took me a while to just decide, I thought about going by my real name but I wanted something more simple. I thought of a few but I figured Kruzie was good because it's always been a nickname and it's simple, but big enough for a stage name. 100: I listened to "Swerve" and your new song, "Let's Get Loud" and I have to say I think you improved a lot in between those two tracks. Did you do anything differently during those recordings? Were you in a different mindset? Kruzie: Well thank you, I'm always working on improvement. I also feel I improved just because I had more control over this song. I am definitely in a whole different mindset this time around. With "Swerve" it was really the first thing I had ever put out, I was just so excited to let people know about it that the whole production was kind of rushed. I should have took more control of the song and put more time in to it. With "Lets Get Loud" I knew exactly what I wanted. I've been on a mission in 2015 and it was to focus on me. So with this first new single "Lets Get Loud" I wanted to put out just a little taste of what I'm working on. I'm working on a whole RnB/Soul mix tape so this time around, I go in the studio having a complete vision in my head of what I want. Basically I'm much more focused on my music and putting out what I feel like is all me, ya know? 100: On "Let's Get Loud" I can definitely 100% tell you have a 90s R&B influence, which is really gnarly, you sound a lot more natural on that one than you did on "Swerve". Is that what you aim to do in your music? Kruzie: The entire 90's time frame has a huge influence in my life. I love the fashion, the RnB, Hip-Hop, Rap,  I just love it all. I'm very flattered that you can see the musical influence it has on me. I feel like I'm living in the wrong generation most of the time, so with my music it's a way for me to give back to people the way I still see things. I'm definitely aiming for a more natural "me" approach in my music. 100: So you have a pretty decent amount of people supporting you and listening to what you're putting out, what's next for you? As I mentioned earlier I'm working on a mix tape. I've came in contact with a few other artists rising up in KY and a few producers. Lately I've been very blessed, I was trying to put a team together so I could make moves but it seemed the team came to me. My team is based in Louisville though, so once a few more of my singles came out and my tape is released I hope to do some performances in Louisville and even try and get some opening acts. I'm in the works constantly for the next couple months doing nothing but writing, studio time, photo shoots, videos, and meetings. My main focus right now is too have quality music because there are some big opportunities coming up for me soon. I'm way way excited for my future. 100: Kentucky has a really nice indie music scene, but it seems really under appreciated. Why do you think that is? Kruzie: Kentucky is honestly one of the few states behind on any music besides bluegrass and country. And most young adults like myself can't really appreciate good music, most don't even realize the different types of music we have in Kentucky. Most don't pay attention either because they feel like KY is just a joke in the music industry. I like to listen to every genre just because I feel like it separates me from other artists. If I can listen to a type of music and incorporate it somehow in one of my songs, that's automatically something different right there. 100: Once you start putting more music out, what's going to be like the overarching theme throughout. Kendrick Lamar's theme is about loving your roots, Tyler the Creator's is about finding yourself and doing what you love, Drake's theme is love and life, what's yours going to be? 
Kruzie: Again, like I mentioned earlier I'm working on a mix tape. The title for it is "VIBEZ". I'm a very positive person and I read a book that changed my life a few months ago. It really helped me realize a lot about life. So once more and more of my music comes out, I just want to get the message across to give positive energy off and positive energy will come back to you. More of my music will most likely just be how I feel, things everyone in life goes through. I really enjoy music I can relate too so that's what I wanna give to the people listening to my music. There are tons of situations in life, so I usually write about what's going on in my life. When I wrote "SWERVE", I was going out all the time and guys were always trying to take me home from the club, every time I said no. Just because I was out didn't mean I needed someone to take me home, ya know? I wanted other females to know you get more respect by respecting yourself first. With "Lets Get Loud" I was really into someone, we had the vibe. It was fun and easy for me to write, plus I know everyone can relate to that. Sex is natural for adults and I don't think anything is wrong with talking about it, especially when it's with that someone you adore. Two completely different meanings of song, but then again two very different situations in my life. But I'm also still finding myself as an artist, I don't want to put myself in a box.   100: Last question, what separates you from other singers, local and professional? Kruzie: Some people want to pursue this industry for the money and the fame and yeah that is a big plus, but it's actually my dream. I've said I was going to be a superstar since I was 3 year old. Literally my entire life growing up I was singing or dancing in the house, in the locker room before games, even in school. I did talent shows my whole childhood. I went through a very depressing time before and I was struggling so hard to just try and make everyone proud of me, I was trying to fit in to society's standards and do the whole college thing, then I realized I was never gonna be happy until I lived my life the way I wanted. Performing on stage is like home for me, that's where I feel most at peace. That might sound crazy but that's how I feel. I was so down on myself and when I decided I was going to really chase my dream full force, my life has done a 360. I'm motivated, I'm working, I'm making moves. While everyone is staying in the same place, I'm literally making new connects every day. I'm setting up future plans. I'm working on bettering myself instead of staying the same. I actually start voice lessons this week just so I can really train my voice and perfect it to it's full potential. What separates us is I believe everyone has a destiny, and I believe God gave me this talent for a reason, he gave me a voice because he wants me to use it for him. I won't let him down. I put God before I put myself and I know with him guiding me I'm going to go further than I could ever imagine.
You can visit her Soundcloud. Seriously, support your local artists. There is so much untapped talent out there and my friend here is just beginning to scratch the surface of her potential. 
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tridclick · 9 years
Samyul (a love story)
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tridclick · 9 years
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tridclick · 9 years
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tridclick · 9 years
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Coming Soon. 
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tridclick · 9 years
Showcase: Messes
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There’s something undeniably raw about Messes. They are a straight up screamo band through & through, from the brash vocals to the tangible emotional vulnerability radiating through each verse. “Push Ups”, the opening track to Messes’ debut LP, Don’t Be A Let Down, can be streamed below. The album will be released on 4/28 via Paperweight Records. For Fans Of: Old Gray, Citizen, Pianos Become The Teeth Social Sites: Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram by Ashley Aron
  Please list all of your band members and their roles in the band. Dusty Clark-Guitar Nathan McKinney-Drums Perry Wesley-Bass We all use our voices.
What’s your hometown (or what are your hometowns)? We were all born and raised in Somerset, Kentucky.
How did the band come together? How long has it been? We’ve been playing music together as this entity since the summer of 2012.
How have you grown since you started? The most noticeable growth has probably been in our ability to craft cohesive songs that partner well with whatever point, idea or imagery that we’re trying to get across. The exciting thing about that is that there is always room to improve one’s ability to express through whatever creative outlet they choose. Also, we’re way less self-loathy in our lyrical content. No one wants to hear that!
What sets you apart from other bands? We’re from the middle of nowhere!!! It’s been a bit of a challenge to ‘get ourselves out there’ due to our geographical isolation from any major metropolitan centers that larger touring bands usually hit. Luckily, we’ve had strong support from our hometown and others as of late–which is humbling to say the least.
What’s the best part about being in your band? All we really give a shit about is donuts, dogs and basketball. We are simple people.
More times than not, influences tend to bleed through. What bands are currently inspiring the music that you’re making? Weatherbox, Anathallo, Sufjan Stevens, Tycho, Maps & Atlases, The National, Drake, Gatsby’s American Dream, Colour Revolt–to name a few.
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tridclick · 9 years
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comb bherry
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tridclick · 9 years
Couch King Song Stream: Messes “Pushups”
Hey everyone! Today we’re streaming a brand new song from one of our favorite upcoming releases. Last summer we streamed a song for Messes, and now they’re back with Don’t Be A Let Down, due out April 28th through Paperweight Records and Table Three Media. Click Read More to listen to “Pushups” and check out their upcoming tour dates!
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tridclick · 9 years
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tridclick · 9 years
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tridclick · 9 years
Don’t lose your color. The world is too black and white. Believe in yourself. Believe in your ideas. Thrash. Get off your phone. Go outside. Look at shit. Read books. Do shit even when you’re tired. Do what you love. Make pizza, not drugs. 
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tridclick · 9 years
"Issues" Episode 7: Barked Goods
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tridclick · 9 years
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tridclick · 9 years
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tridclick · 9 years
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