trigger-rush · 8 years
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Traveling with Cait 4 / ??
Dᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴇᴅɪᴛ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ.
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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Cait and Vadim had a conversation I’ve never heard before and I have a shameful amount of hours in this game.
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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Traveling with Cait 1 / ??
Dᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴇᴅɪᴛ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ.
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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you think i inject myself with all that shite and drink myself drunk because i’m a tough irish girl?
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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taking my beautiful wife out to a lovely candlelit dinner
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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I would be honored to be punched by her
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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└Combat Zone.
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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Dress up as your girlfriend day, don’t ask me how Cait outfit fits curie that is the magic of lesbian love. And yes, Cait have hairy legs ( ginger ones), and curie loves them!
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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Cait from Fallout 4, currently my default companion! She will kick anyone’s ass!
Time lapse video of the drawing: https://youtu.be/NgEXQx6UEPQ
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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art is hard
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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Before we met, I never let me guard down around anyone, I didn’t dare. But with you, I feel like I can let you in and see me for everythin’ that I am. For better or for worse.
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trigger-rush · 8 years
It’s not so much that it’s a shitty quest; it’s that it’s the *only* quest. The quick fix thing is actually fine. But the actual problem is that you don’t actually see the valid points that you bring up in further quests. You don’t have character interactions up and beyond their singular quest.
Wouldn’t it have been great to have an additional question where Cait has a talk with you about some of the reasons why Cait got started taking Psycho anyway? Take her to some place in her past, so she can get closure? Kill a big bad that was traumatizing her?
Bethesda’s character writing has improved slightly -- it’s just that they think the small morsels of characterization we see in Fallout 4 is enough, and it just *isn’t*.
I have a vain hope that maybe we’ll see something interesting in Nuka World, but seeing how Far Harbor was basically a Nickfest I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Cait and "Benign Intervention”
It’s a shitty quest. It really is. Thematically, it fits within Fallout’s narrative of pre-war “quick fixes”, disposable culture, and plays on the themes of science in the 50′s improving our lives with magical medicine.
From a metatextual standpoint, though? It’s more uncritical media that perpetuates the idea that sobriety is something that’s a simple one-step process, instead of an on-going lifelong process, and that maintaining that sobriety isn’t a matter of willpower alone.
Keep reading
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trigger-rush · 8 years
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Got bored and drew Cait
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trigger-rush · 8 years
“Do you wanna get out of here?” - Frankencait
(This is inspired by a convo I had with @basementfestival abt how it would’ve been nice if there was extra dialogue for Cait upon returning to CZ after Benign Intervention.)
Cait sneers. It’sall she can do in this place, really. This place that stole threeyears of what could barely be considered a life. This place where heraddiction became painfully real. This place that… she shakes herhead, steps into the cage. It’s stained with blood, hers as much asthose she brutalized.
It was her idea tocome back here. Closure, she said, to be sure she’s done with it nowthat she’s sober. Frank agreed to it because of course shewould. Didn’t even question the sudden need for it.
It’s been monthssince Frank stumbled in and took her away from all of that. Monthssince Frank helped her reclaim what was left of her life and forge anew one. Maybe more than months, Cait isn’t sure. What she is sure ofis that everything has changed since then. Standing here now sheknows for certain that she can never - won’t ever - return to this.
She’s thankful forthat.
Frank stays silent.Cait knows she’s watching her. Watching her pace the cage. Watchingher take it all in one last time. The silence lasts until Cait turnsaround.
“You alright?”Frank asks.
“Fine,”Cait replies. “It looks different without the Psycho,” shepauses and wrinkles her nose, “stinks all the same.”
Frank smirks,shifting on her feet, “Get what you needed?”
Cait nods, stridingover to Frank.
“Wanna get outof here, then?”
“More thananythin’.”
Cait doesn’t botherlooking back when they step outside. There’s no reason to. Insteadshe walks next to Frank, pecking her on the cheek and promising toshow her gratitude when they get home.
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trigger-rush · 8 years
“Great, how are we supposed to get home now?” for Frankencait?
The vertibird isnothing more than a burning wreckage. The pilot - the only onewithout power armor - is dead, her holotags removed and safely tuckedaway on Frank’s person. Cait stomps around in the distance, helmet inhand and grumbling all the while. Somewhere out there is the bastardthat shot them down and she’s intent on finding them. She slams herhelmet on, switching to the reconvisor Frank installed on it, and scans the horizon.
Frank steps upnext to her, laser rifle out but held at ease.
“Seeanything?” She asks, voice modulated through the helmet.
Cait grunts, “Justwhat looks like raiders. Hard to tell.” She sighs, “Thiswouldn’t have happened if Jo had been flyin’ us, you know. How thehell are we supposed to get home?”
“If Jo hadbeen flying us she might be dead. And I don’t know… we could walk,”Frank answers, peering through the scope on her rifle. By her countthere’s at least 10 raiders. Doable. “Or we could go after thoseraiders and hope they have a radio.”
“Raiders itis. I could use a fight after that,” Cait says, waving towardsthe wreckage.
They surprise theraiders while one of them is talking about how he shot down avertibird, easily dispatching half of them in the chaos. Theremaining raiders put up more of a fight but are no match for thepair, especially in power armor. Luckily, Frank finds a radio,managing to get a message to the Prydwen.
Unfortunately theyhave a wait ahead of them. Fortunately the raiders are quitewell-stocked on booze. Helmets set aside, the two women crack open abeer each - a fitting reward for walking away from a crash andstamping out raiders.
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