trikeryon · 5 years
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starter call.  you know the drill! 
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trikeryon · 5 years
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top 25 female characters as voted by my followers ➝ 17. anya i won’t leave my people behind.
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trikeryon · 5 years
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she’ll bite.  for the moment,  at the very least.  swallowing back her pride and putting her feelings about having been in the second group to wake and witness the new world,  anya regards echo with a questioning gaze.  “  these people in sanctum,  they’re not fighters?  ”  though,  after as moment of thought,  they didn’t exactly have to be fighters with their guns. 
it appeared as though diplomacy had been out of the question since the very start.  unable to remain with a neutral expression for any longer,  the former general rolls her eyes.  “       who was sent in to negotiate?  ”  as far as she was concerned they had been set up for failure.  “  murphy?  ” 
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trikeryon · 5 years
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trikeryon · 5 years
“  you can ignore the call no longer.  ”  the call.  anya has to bite back a grimace at the mistreatment of their customs and culture caused by skaikru’s interference.  without them they’d be able to continue their ways,  without them lexa might have still been with them. 
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she inhales slowly,  eyes lulling closed for a moment.  “  our people...  they need it.  ”  she won’t resort to pleading,  not yet.  anya pauses gently,  carefully choosing her words to keep them on an even playing field.  “  there’s no other way.  ”  the warrior sighs.  she had once thought luna’s fleeing to be cowardice,  until she had seen the burden lexa had shouldered her opinion might not have swayed.  “  i wouldn’t be here otherwise.  ”
@antivillained​, luna;  starter call.
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trikeryon · 5 years
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“  did you not trust me?  ”  it’s wholly out of character for anya to be doubting herself,  to find herself lacking confidence for absolutely any reason        she blamed the invaders.  still held hostage by the wounds from their guns,  anya struggled to maintain her composure,  the wobbling of her upper lip beyond her control. 
“  when you sent tristan,  ”  she pauses,  hoping to choose her words wisely.  she clears her throat,  dark eyes steady upon her former seken.  she wants to ask why,  demand an answer,  but respects the title lexa now dons far too much to push the boundary.   “  did you not think i was capable...?  ”
@aescende​;  starter call.
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trikeryon · 5 years
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starter call.  you know the drill! 
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trikeryon · 5 years
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trikeryon · 5 years
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one gifset per episode → 2x04: many happy returns
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trikeryon · 5 years
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“Your door’s unlocked-” “Smurf.” “People could walk in, right off the street.”
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trikeryon · 5 years
yello! thanks for sticking around and following.  if you’re interested in plotting out some season six stuff with anya feel free to give this a like. 
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trikeryon · 5 years
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Animal Kingdom 4x13
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trikeryon · 5 years
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trikeryon · 5 years
where to find my dumb ass:
@astralgenius​  raven reyes,  primary.
@trikeryon​  anya kom trikru, secondary.
@lunaercy​  multi,  inactive.
@defyorders​ miles ezekiel shaw,  inactive.
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trikeryon · 5 years
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“  this new world      ”  she starts gently,  voice low and level.  it was hard to differentiate the before with their current predicament,  not when she’d felt so deeply in her bones that luna had been a traitor to her birthright,  but she’ll try.  lexa had let floukru flourish in peace and had even gone so far as to allow them into the coalition when anya knew full and well she could have handled it with much less grace.  her entire legacy had been based upon change,  upon trying,  and anya would try to honor that even if it made her uncomfortable. 
 that was all she had of her now.
“  i do not trust it.  what do you make of it?  ”  her head tilts,  brows furrowed ever so slightly with curiosity.  a warrior through and through,  it was in her blood to be cautious.  she would not betray that gut feeling.
@natshana,  starter call.
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trikeryon · 5 years
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“ you’ve got to come out of there some time.  ”  she’s less than amused,  her head tilted as she pokes her head into sanctum’s workshop.  braving the new,  peculiar world on her own should have earned anya some recompense        she trusted none of these unfamiliar faces and it showed.  she reached out gently,  deft fingers sliding across metal as she glanced at it with scrutiny.  she couldn’t understand how this was raven’s choice of sanctuary but she imagines it’s what is expected of someone who once lived in a metal box in the sky.
“  where will you sleep?  ”  the question is posed with a lifted brow before she quickly gestures at one of the bikes.  “  on one of these...  things?  ” 
@zeroged,  starter call.
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trikeryon · 5 years
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mutuals, feel free to hit the ♡ for a starter! i’ll keep these season six to keep confusion as far as location is concerned to a minimum.
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