tripletsandmore-blog · 10 years
Infants Class Assembly
Nikki and i have just returned from Louise, Chloe and Ellie's first end of year school assembly.  it was a lovely showing of what the various infant year groups (Reception class, year 1 and 2) have been upto this past school year. 
Two of our girls were involved, Chloe being the exception as she missed all of the rehearsals because of her finger.
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Ellie and Louise were showing off their mathematics skills, counting in multiples of 10 to 100.  This was followed by some singing and then came the certificates each of the teachers gave out.
Louise was the only one out of the three girls to receive a certificate - she received hers for her participation in the school sports day (We haven't seen the certificate, but will update this posting with what the certificate was for.)
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tripletsandmore-blog · 10 years
Chloes unfortunate accident with a door
like with the first scan picture, i have been a little lax regarding putting updates up on here, but then again I have had lots to contend with a little time to do anytime else!
Chloe managed to get her finger trapped in our bedroom door on the hinged side.  Ouch you may say, but it gets worse.  the door in question was a fire door and had one of them door retractor things inside, which pulled the door closed.  The first thing we knew something was up was the screaming, then the blood, and then all hell broke loose!   Once the paramedics arrived,they bandaged the finger up (middle right) and took us off to Whiston Hospitals Children's A&E department.  
Once there, the nurses took over and did a fantastic job of looking after Chloe, stabilising the wound and cleaning it up.  There had been talk in the ambulance of a remote possibility that she may have lost the end of her finger, but that talk was quelled once the nurses had a look.   They explained that as the door had closed, the door had severed the nail just above the cuticle and lifted up.  Underneath the nail there was a deep laceration, down to the bone, and after an X-ray, they also determined there was a crush fracture on the tip of her finger.   
Next came the plastic surgeon to see us, who took a look at the wound and told us that see would require surgery on the nail bed, otherwise she would have nail growth issues for the rest of her life.   We were then asked to go over to Alder Hey Children's hospital as Whiston's plastics team didnt have operating room time to be able to do the surgery as quickly as they would have liked.  We were then discharged with instructions to return to Alder Hey on the following Tuesday (this all happened Saturday 0730hrs - so no lie in after a week of early mornings)
So, on the Tuesday, off we went to Alder Hey (fantastic hospital I must add) for surgery.  We got there at 8am and by 0930hrs Chloe and I were talking the walk down to theatre.  She was put under general anaesthetic and was taken into surgery - 45 minutes after and she was in recovery with her finger newly bandaged, and by 1300hrs we were back at home, Chloe still a little groggy after the general, but otherwse fit and happy it was over.
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tripletsandmore-blog · 10 years
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Its a little blurry and a little late, but here is the first scan (11 weeks and 4 days) of our latest addition to our family.  Louise, Chloe and Ellie are absolutely made up that they are going to be big sisters to a new baby brother or sister and have already decided on names for when we know what sex we are having
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tripletsandmore-blog · 10 years
I've opened this blog to detailed the life and times of my beautiful triplet girls, and also our incoming new baby (or babies), so that our family, near and far, can keep up to date with what is happening in our lives.
You can access this blog via the web address www.tripletsandmore.tk
Andrew, Nicola, Louise, Chloe and Ellie.
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