trippleacebattery · 1 year
I am so fucking tired of being sick
Sick of being tired
I want to go home
Where is home
I wouldn’t know
I’ve never seen one
I’m back again
Back again back again back again
In love with people who don’t know I exists for an ounce of happiness, one good friend, and no idea who I am
I think this is my home
-ace c.
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trippleacebattery · 1 year
I’m not me
I lost every chance
I gave up long ago
And there is no way back
I’m not me and that makes me wanna die
But im too scared to die
Because I’ve already wasted so much
I cant waste any more
But is it wasted by going on
Can you waste something that shouldn’t even exist
How do I find reality
How do I find my way back
How do I find me
I’m here
But me is not
Me was left long ago
Me can be found in small thing and in people I love
Me is Hyunjin, artist and dancer
Me is langa hasagawa, aloof but capable
Me is hua cheng, confident and loving
Me is not Suguru, angry and hurt
But I am Suguru
I am done
Why did I listen
When they told me everything I loved was useless
And everything I hated reality
I could have done it
I was not the issue
But a lost child can only get so far on their own
I needed help and there was no one there to help me
Only those to stomp on my fingers (barely holding onto the ledge)
and thank god as I fell
then dare to ask me why
I’m broken on the ground
Who would let their kid hurt themself like this
Who would standby and watch
As I tore my flesh out and was left a sack of skin with frail fragile bones
Now I am full of stuffing.
Some look like flesh, a heart, a lung, but they are made of felt
Carefully and cautiously hand stitched by myself to fill the empty space
I have found how to love again
I have found family
But I have not found me
Me is too far gone
I am all i have left
-ace c.
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