trippybelle1 · 6 months
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— Benjamin Alire Sáenz, “To the Desert” from Dark and Perfect (El Paso: Cinco Puntos Press, 1995) (via lunamonchtuna)
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trippybelle1 · 6 months
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trippybelle1 · 10 months
Olvidarte sería imposible, pero quitarme la vida no.
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trippybelle1 · 10 months
Estés en donde estés, siempre recuerda que te amo, y que te pienso todo el maldito tiempo.
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trippybelle1 · 2 years
can’t believe I have to heal myself from the issues I didn’t even give myself
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trippybelle1 · 2 years
Just another morning, consumed by memories of you. And we'll, I just wonder if you're thinking of me too. Do you ever feel me struggle to connect with you telepathically? Each year that passes, I feel you less...
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trippybelle1 · 2 years
GOD I just want to be CREATIVE but all my energy is being used to survive
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trippybelle1 · 2 years
Someone once said to me, “I hope the pain eases soon.” It struck me as the purest blessing that had ever been offered over my head - I hope the pain eases soon. It’s so gentle, so kind, so hopeful. So to everyone who’s hurting: I see how hard you’re trying, and I hope your pain will ease soon.
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trippybelle1 · 2 years
I come on Tumblr when I miss her, when thoughts and memories of her consume my mind. Sad thing is, I choose Tumblr cause it's the only place I could shamelessly grieve her. I choose Tumblr on my worst of days, cause I'm nothing but a stranger and my silly notes will never make it back her way. I choose Tumblr cause it's where cowards choose to love.
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trippybelle1 · 3 years
thinkin about them (frida kahlo and josephine baker)
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trippybelle1 · 3 years
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"He loved me. He loved me in a weird way that hurts, but is still addictive. We had different ways of loving. He gave me what he had left over, I ... I gave him the only thing that I had".
-Frida Khalo.
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trippybelle1 · 3 years
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“I don't give a shit what the world thinks. I was born a bitch, I was born a painter, I was born fucked. But I was happy in my way. You did not understand what I am. I am love. I am pleasure, I am essence, I am an idiot, I am an alcoholic, I am tenacious. I am; simply I am ... You are a shit.”
- Frida Kahlo, from an unsent letter to Diego Rivera.
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trippybelle1 · 3 years
“how many times have people used a pen or paintbrush because they couldn’t pull the trigger?”
— 𝘝𝘪𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘢 𝘞𝘰𝘰𝘭𝘧
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trippybelle1 · 3 years
“You will hear thunder and remember me, and think: she wanted storms”
— Anna Akhmatova
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trippybelle1 · 3 years
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trippybelle1 · 3 years
Me: "I am unknowable and mysterious. I slip in and out of places leaving people wondering how I got there and when I left. I'm like smoke through a window screen, or a stray cat who comes and goes as they please..."
My therapist: "You have Avoidant Personality Disorder."
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trippybelle1 · 3 years
you’re going to love again, find a job again, create art again, do what you love again, feel powerful again. you’re going to be back on track. i don’t know when, but you are going to feel like yourself again, eventually. this isn’t the end. hang in there.
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