trippydead 7 years
Rest In Peace, peep. We will all always love you. You will never be forgotten. You will live on and be immortalized through your story, your message and your music. You changed this world forever in your own unique way, man. Live on. 馃枻
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trippydead 7 years
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trippydead 7 years
I'm one of the happiest people ever rn n I still wanna watch myself bleed
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trippydead 7 years
I was so tired of feeling alone that I decided to start fucking random dudes but now I got feelings for one :P
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trippydead 7 years
Last night I was getting choked during sex but damn, tonight I just feel like being choked
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trippydead 7 years
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trippydead 7 years
stone cold
Sometimes I lay in bed at night and come up w scenarios of how my parents would find me after I killed myself. Would I slit my wrists at night and just lay in bed as if I were going to sleep but instead I know I'll never wake up then throughout the day my parents would wonder why I haven't gotten up yet then come into my room to wake me and instead of me waking up when they barge in I just lay there cold, pale and stiff then they notice that I don't get up when they say my name so my mom comes to roll me over and when she grabs my arm to pull me she realizes I've bled out and I'm gone and she'll turn to my dad to tell him to get my younger brother and sister out of the house and they'll start crying bc they see that my parents are distraught so they're scared and my parents won't know how to tell them that their older sister offed herself but they'll see the blood on my moms hand and know that I've done something to hurt myself? Is that how it would go? Or would I slit my wrists on my bedroom floor and bleed out there then early in the morning my dad will come in to see if my wifi is turned on on my phone or iPad like he does almost every morning and step in a puddle of my blood when he enters my room and as it stains his sock red he'll realize his first born daughter is stone cold dead in the middle of her room then he'll yell for my mom and she'll run in thinking I've just done something else stupid like fall asleep w my "drugs" out like I've done before but as she enters the room she'll soon come to realize it's much worse? Maybe that's what would happen.
I wish I could know..
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trippydead 7 years
IG:kissedbydrake Song: Jocelyn Flores- xxxtentacion
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trippydead 7 years
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I'm scared of myself..
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trippydead 7 years
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Dark souls forever.
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trippydead 7 years
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Put that led through my skull
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trippydead 7 years
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lil cherry w clouttt
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trippydead 7 years
try to tell me you love me more then sit back and watch me laugh in your face. I use to believe that you might but now I know that that's impossible because I'm the one who's hurt. you've left me for dead.
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trippydead 7 years
motherfuckers wanna adopt the dark but I was born in it
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trippydead 7 years
I鈥檓 here in the dark again, crying harder than before, cutting myself hoping that you鈥檒l finally hear my screams for help but you don鈥檛. You tell me your mind hurts when you should know that my everything hurts and that can鈥檛 even compare. You鈥檙e gonna leave me behind like the rest have, you鈥檙e gonna leave me in the dark while I鈥檓 screaming for help, begging for reassurance that I鈥檒l be okay. I鈥檒l always end up alone, in the dark, crying harder than before, cutting myself hoping that someone will finally hear my screams for help or maybe this time I should just end it all.
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trippydead 7 years
I don't wanna feel alone anymore..
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trippydead 7 years
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