triscordero · 3 years
Absentmindedly twirling a strand of hair around her finger as her martini sat nearly untouched in front of her, Tris was beginning to rethink this whole coming home thing. She’d known it would be boring and dull, had known it would be like coming to an abrupt halt after the fast-paced city life she had learned to embrace over the years. Slowing down had been the goal-- had, for a moment, sounded like a good idea-- but now she was just bored. 
And then, like a goddamned angel, Kaiya Eldridge appeared in the seat beside her. A cheshire smile curled Tris’ lips as she leaned into the embrace. Kai had always been more Max’s friend, and while, in the beginning, that had been the appeal, she’d grown to genuinely enjoy the other woman’s company. They had a similar chaotic nature and a shared favorite pastime: driving Max crazy. 
“Next round is on you?” Tris asked, brow raised as she dragged a very meaningful look down the length of Kai. Their flirty banter had been borne out of a need to make Max uncomfortable, but even when he was nowhere to be found, it just felt right. “Do I get to choose where?”
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location; on the rocks tagged; @triscordero​
Another day, another trip to one of the nearby bars for Kaiya. She rotated through the town on a whim, that evening ending up at On the Rocks. After downing a few beers and chatting up an old friend, Kai’s interest was instead drawn towards someone else - Tris. It was no secret that Kaiya loved finding new ways to push Max’s buttons and his step sister was one easy way to do just that. Even if he wasn’t around as far as she could see at the moment, Kai still found herself sliding into the chair next to the woman with a grin lifted at her lips. “You know, something told me that this would be the best place to grab a drink tonight and I think you just proved me right by being here,” Kai greeted, leaning over to give Tris a quick side hug. “What are you drinking? Next round is on me.”
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triscordero · 3 years
Max wasn’t expecting anyone so when he in the middle of an early dinner heard a knock on the door, he frowned and stared down at his food for a moment before the knocks repeated… Over, and over and over again. His eyes rolled a little as he pushed his chair out and headed to the front door. Tris. Who else? Actually, he hadn’t seen her in quite awhile because of her job taking her out of town and now suddenly she appeared on his front porch out of nowhere without even a hello, how are you?; just her phone pushed up in his face. Not that he was surprised, she’d always been the type to just get to the point.
The man grimaced, staring at his own instagram profile before tilting his head to look down at her. ❛ Why?❜
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It was the look on Max’s face-- the unamused quirk of his lips-- that drew a smirk onto her own. She watched him as he looked at her phone and delighted in the confusion. Tris didn’t wait for an invitation as she simply slid her phone into her pocket and made her way inside. Fuck, it smelled really good inside. Damn him for actually being talented.
She sauntered her way into the kitchen, foot tapping as she opened his refrigerator and stood before it, surveying the contents. “Hey, what was that thing you made for Thanksgiving last year? I swear, I haven’t stopped thinking about it. God, it’s the one time I was disappointed that you lived so far away.” Grabbing a can of soda from the fridge, she toed the door closed when she sensed his presence behind her and turned back to him with a smirk. “So, here’s the thing. If you’re going to do this Instagram thing-- frankly, I think you’d find a better audience on TikTok, but I digress-- you’re going to need to find your brand, because this--” With her free hand, she reached into her pocket and pulled her phone out again, waving it in front of his face as if it would get the point across better, “--is a mess. As much as it pains me to admit it, you’re...” She tilted her head, scrutinizing him with pursed lips, ”objectively attractive and there is definitely a market out there for objectively attractive chefs. But this is a goddamn mess. Are you trying to be funny? Are you trying to be educational?”  Her lips pressed into a patronizing frown and she punctuated her sentence with the snap of the can as she popped it open, eyelashes fluttering innocently. “Jesus, if I’d have known you needed so much help, I would have come home sooner.”
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triscordero · 3 years
WHO: @maxvargas​ & tris. WHERE: max’s house.
She hadn’t been back in town long, but she had been back long enough and she’d yet to make it a point to catch up with her stepbrother. There were no real ties keeping them together. They’d been a family by marriage and circumstance, by being too young to have a choice in the matter. But they shared a sibling, they shared holidays, and even if Tris would never admit it to anyone, there was a part of her that had grown attached despite her best efforts not to give a shit.
Plus, she was bored and he was the easiest target.
She rapped her knuckles loudly against the door, her phone in her off hand. Tapping her foot impatiently, she gave him three seconds before she started knocking again. This time, she didn’t stop until she heard the sound of the lock turning and she smiled, triumphant. As soon as Max’s face appeared in the doorway, she held up her phone, his Instagram on display as she cocked an eyebrow. “We gotta talk about this.”
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triscordero · 3 years
honestly, who let me be in charge of myself. here’s the newest kid, tris
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name: tristin cordero, exclusively goes by tris
nicknames: tris
birthday/age: december 3, 1992 / 28
gender/pronouns: cis-female / she,her
sexuality: pansexual
occupation: pharmaceutical sales, travel blogger
hobbies: surfing on the olympic peninsula, photography, obsessing over her two dogs Gladys and Barrel
neighbourhood: downtown
length of time in crescent harbor: most of her childhood, left for college and now travels for work, but crescent harbor has always been home base 
place of birth: Davis, California
height: 5′5″ 
moral alignment: chaotic good, bordering on neutral
was the eldest (when her parents were together) and has suffered oldest child syndrome her entire life. if her parents weren’t fighting with each other, they were fussing over her younger sibling. if you asked her, she was starved for attention
the family moved to crescent harbor when tris was 11 for a job. it came with a significant pay raise for her faither which allowed her mother to stay home. but the job required long hours from her dad and as it turned out, her mother didn’t much like staying home. in fact, it was quite lonely.
so lonely, in fact, that she had an affair with @maxvargas​ dad and got pregnant. it was... a pretty bad experience all around. their father moved out, they sold their house and moved in with the Vargases and she didn’t adjust very well. she’d regularly act out or try to encourage (or shame, whichever wound up being more effective in the moment) her new stepbrother into shenanigans with her that would shake up the household a lil
but eventually, she went off to college and then landed a pretty decent job as a pharmaceutical sales rep. 
for the past 7 years, she’s gone back and forth from ch to miami for a while, and with all the traveling she did for her job, she started a travel blog. it was mostly to document her travels. but a comment from a coworker insinuating that the blog would never go anywhere made her put in effort to make sure it did
and it kinda did. after accumulating a little over 100k followers, she made a nice little chunk of change. it was by no means long-term sustainable, but it was enough to take a break from work to come home and fuck around for a while
so now she’s back in town. but after being on the go so much, she’s kinda bored. idle hands and all that.
some more notes
has two terrier mixes, gladys (because she looks like an old lady) and barrel (because he’s chonky and round), who star on her blog more than her own face does
loves attention. pls give her attention.
is so stubborn it’s fucking annoying. if you tell her to breathe, she will hold her breath until she passes out
has never had a decent, stable relationship and has shit taste in partners. it’s a cute self-destructive thing she does where she doesn’t trust people to stick around or be faithful (we love a healthy childhood) she sort of picks out ones she knows she shouldn’t count on so when the inevitable happens, at least she’s prepared 
wanted connections
any kind of hateship
likely anything??? just come at me with ideas?
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