tristan--lewis · 3 years
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Tristan had picked up the file from the nurse, flipped it open and paused at the name. Shit... He knew for a fact that his being the doctor on this case wasn’t a good idea and he probably would request someone else oversee her, but he did want to make sure she was okay.  “I got it...” He promised the nurse before walking into the room. “Isabel... hi...” He gave a sad smile. His eyes instinctively looking her over. She was stable. It was okay, right? “What happened to you?” 
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“For god sakes, I’m fine.” Isabel stated as a nurse fussed over the cut on her neck. It wasn’t bleeding that badly anymore and she was a little bit sore because of what happened. “She’s being difficult Dr. Lewis, maybe you will have better luck.” The nurse told him outside of her room. Isabel sat up a little bit straighter, she hadn’t realized that Tristan was working. “Hi.” She spoke softly when he came in. “I’m fine. Just tired.” And it wasn’t like she could go home, it was being processed as a crime scene still.
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tristan--lewis · 3 years
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“Are you sure it’s safe?” he chuckled a bit,  having already laced his but not yet having gotten the courage to stand up. 
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“Come on. You have to iceskate it’s like a wintertime tradition.” the young woman said as she laced up her skates looking out at the frozen over pond
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
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Isabel couldn’t help but smile more at his words, she could feel her cheeks heating up. “Well I will have to remember that. Just like I’ll take more than enough breaks for you.” The words just slipped out. “Maybe a little bit but I’m not complaining at all.” At this point she wasn’t even sure if she could smile anymore. “You’re welcome. And thank you. I feel very lucky to be with you this evening.”
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Tristan grinned a bit, licking his bottom lip. He had never expected to make a friend in Baberton let alone beginning to feel other emotions for someone. But Isabel had hit a spot and he was pretty sure he was way in over his head. “I like you, Isabel Pierce. Probably way more than I should.” he admitted. 
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
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Isabel couldn’t help but smile as she looked over at him. “Well I’m going to be selfish and say I’m glad that you were able to get free. I understand the boring adult stuff.” She couldn’t help but look him over as well. “You look very handsome.” She said bluntly but she meant it.
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Tristan laughed a bit and gave a small nod. “One always needs a break... but I think I would take any amount of breaks for you...” As soon as he said it, his ears burned a bit red. “That was extremely cheesy...” He shook his head a bit. He reached his hand out to put on top of hers. “Thank you. You look extremely beautiful.” 
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
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Isbael knew that she shouldn’t be doing this again..but it was just dinner with a friend right? Yes. That was exactly what this was but yet she was nervous even though she shouldn’t be. She couldn’t help but feeling something though and that worried her because she was trying to save her marriage. It was hard though with Harry gone all the time. “Work was long. Stressful. Luckily I was able to get away on time. How about yours?”
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Tristan smiled softly and gave a small nod. “I can understand that. I was luckily freed from work today. I worked late last night instead so I spent most of the day doing just boring adult things.” He chuckled a bit, looking her over. He wanted to tell her she looked beautiful, but he was afraid of overstepping a boundary. 
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
[ @isabel-pierce​ ]
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Tristan had come to Baberton in hopes of making connections, making a good name out of what his brother had wrecked. So, why was he so nervous? He was here to make friends and he had managed with making friends with Isabel Pierce, or who know? Maybe something more after a few dates... Tonight would hopefully be the first of many. He was already quite smitten with her. “So, how was work...?” He asked, smiling across at her. 
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
She chuckled and placed the cup on the counter, “ By the way it’s on the house. Don’t even worry about it.” 
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He laughed a bit and reached out for the cup. “Thank you. You are the best.” He held out his hand, “I’m Tristan.” 
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
“Sure thing, I actually just have enough of the pot left to make you a cup. I usually drink that when I have to stay for inventory.” She told him before getting a cup for him. 
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“You are an absolute saint, my new best friend.” He laughed, walking over to lean against the counter. 
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
“Hm, yeah maybe. I’m a journalist so I come across a lot of faces, sometimes they kind of blur together.” She shrugged, having another little sip from the glass.
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“It’s a good thing that they blur together. You can’t hold me responsible for his stupidity...” He grinned a bit and almost sighed. He wondered though if he should be held responsible. If he had done something about him prior...
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
“Hm, yeah, maybe.” She felt like his face was one she’d seen at the club sometime but she couldn’t be sure of course, too many men came through there. It didn’t occur to her it could have been in the paper local too. She smiled. “You guys don’t get along then, huh?” She shrugged. Not everyone could be close. “I get it, I feel that way about my parents.” She laughed.
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“No...” He smiled gently and shook his head. “We might of once upon a time, but he started acting weird and doing things... He is actually dead now. I sort of came to town to get to know him or what he became. I am scared to find out all the little details though. What I already know is bad enough...” 
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
Are those qualifications the real deal? -A
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
“Sorry, him and I have not been doing well at all since Annie died.” She confessed. Looking at Tristan. “I strongly doubt that he would punch you in the face. It’s nice to feel appreciated actually.” She smiled over at him even after he kissed her hand again. “I have heard that as well. I don’t know what we are doing.”
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He smiled gently and gave a small nod. “Well, I will be here to be a friend so long as you need one...” He chuckled a bit, sitting back slightly in the seat. “And I guess I will stop flirting until you tell me otherwise.”
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
“Yes, I am. My child was the first one to be killed.” She whispered that last sentence. “I’m always alone. Even now. My husband..is well never here. I don’t blame him though.” She smiled a little bit when he kissed her hands. “I will most certainly do that. I’m sorry if the husband stuff throws you off. Him and I hardly see one another anymore. Although it started happening after my little girl was killed.”
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“Husband... Oof.” He chuckled a bit and gave almost a nervous shrug. “Well, I am flirting with and kissing the hands of your husband’s wife so if he decides to come punch me in the mouth... I guess I definitely earned it.” He smiled gently, kissing her hand again. “I have heard that is a very common thing too... Splitting apart after a child dies.” 
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
“I believe that full hearted.” It was nice the way that he rubbed his hands over hers. Comforting in a way.” Yes, I am. Thank you for that. I have good days and I have my bad.” She admitted.
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“I am sure and you have every right to all of those emotions whenever you need them.” He took a deep breath. “--but don’t do the bad days alone. The devil is in being alone.” He whispered, leaning down to plant a kiss on her hand. It was probably so inappropriate but he couldn’t really help himself. “Call me if you ever need anything. I will give you my number.” 
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
She felt his other hand over her one hand and she frowned a little bit. “Annie was my baby and when she went missing I lost a piece of myself and I never recovered even after they found her body. I don’t think I ever will.” She got another drink and downed it with her free hand.
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“It’s very often said that there is no greater pain than a parent who loses a child. I believe it...” He said softly, rubbing his hands over her hand. “And now you are running a town. That’s pretty badass...” 
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
Isabel’s thumb started to stroke his skin gently. There was a small smile on her lips. “I can only imagine, my daughters were twins.” She frowned a little bit, thinking about Annie. “But one died. Annie Pierce. You’ve probably heard about her.”
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“Oh, Lord...” He frowned, looking down at their joined hands. He put his other hand over them. “I am so sorry... not that even begins to cover it. I can’t even begin to imagine what that feels like.” He shook his head slightly. 
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tristan--lewis · 4 years
“But you wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt because he is your brother.” Isabel reached out and placed her free hand over his. “We all want to give those we love the benefit of the doubt.” She finished her drink with the other hand and set it down.
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Tristan’s eyes just barely glanced down to their hands and a ghost of a smile perked across his lips. He was going to have to get her out on a real date. “Seriously, and when you share a face with someone it is even worse.” 
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