tristandelac · 10 years
I suppose i had this one coming.
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I party for a living.
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tristandelac · 10 years
Okay then, Rod. What do you do for a living?
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It totally is.
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tristandelac · 10 years
Okay well, hers came in a container i didn't have trouble opening and i've never babysat before. I am baffled by the fact that you have no problem using your voice to insult me as well as complain about what's going on outside, but are unable to open a window and yell at them until they leave. Amazing.
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How can you be a babysitter if you can’t open a fucking can? Baby food comes in a can and pretty certain feeding them is in the job description. What — are you breast feeding the kids? If so, can’t say I’m surprised. No one in East Bronx is in a place to decline money unless they got some high and mighty weed business going on with a chain of dealers. Nothing, I’m in my right to be pissed off about being stuck in a town where teens are fucking around outside my house at around four in the morning.
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tristandelac · 10 years
Is it really? That's an unusual name.
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My name is Rod and I like to party.
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tristandelac · 10 years
Tristan is my name, drinking is my game clap clap. What's yours?
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Of course it is. What your name again?
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tristandelac · 10 years
It's not just a sombrero. It's a way of life.
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So you just dumb to spend 10 dollars on a sombrero?
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tristandelac · 10 years
High on life, aha. And that one shot of tequilla but whatever.
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You high?
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tristandelac · 10 years
Only a little bit. What's a sombrero without a drink, am i right? If by horror you mean the absolute coolest thing you've ever seen then i agree. If not i'm offended by your accusation.
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I think you might be drunk. Meaning you weren’t in your right state of mind nor were you mentally available to make a good decision. In other words, you wasted five beautiful dollars for that horror of a hat.
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tristandelac · 10 years
It's not just a hat Aaron. It's a mariachi hat. It makes me mariachi.
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A hat? Very essential, bud.
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tristandelac · 10 years
Found ten bucks between the couch cushions so i went out and bought a hat. This is the best day of my life. Olé.
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tristandelac · 10 years
Well i assume. Can't really be sure.
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How do you know you’re not still gross?
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tristandelac · 10 years
It's charity when you're offering me something because i don't have it. It's alright, stop looking at me like that. I feel bad, didn't mean to upset you.
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I suppose you’re right but that’ll probably be the only time. It’s not charity work if I genuinely care about your well-being. But forgive me, it’ll never happen again.
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tristandelac · 10 years
Each to their own, i guess. I'm not much of a fan of my life before i got here, to be honest.
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Not always a bad thing.
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tristandelac · 10 years
And at the time, i was gross as all hell too. Grew out of it eventually.
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Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you were once a baby too.
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tristandelac · 10 years
I really wasn't, i think you'd know if i was trying. Chill, it's really not a big deal. If i was hungry i'd have gone out and bought something. No need for your charity work.
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Don’t try and flatter me, Tristan. If that’s normal then that’s kinda fucked, don’t you think? I mean, I’m not the nicest person but at least I have some humanity. If you were hungry, I’d let you eat at mine, I don’t care.
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tristandelac · 10 years
You clearly bring out the man in me. A normal one? To be honest, i'm considering checking your temperature over the fact that you just let food overpower sex in less than a sentence. It's worrying.
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I think that’s the manliest thing I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth. I’m so proud of you though, honestly. Well, I wouldn’t want you going hungry. What kind of person would that make me?
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tristandelac · 10 years
Not always a good thing.
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You’re completely correct.
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