tristanferrymeva · 3 years
November 4th Quick Write Story
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It’s getting repetitive, my passion is gone my dream of being a detective became a reality, then after 9 consecutive years on the force, it’s started to bore me. You’re supposed to love your job. I can’t say that I do anymore. I get a call from an anonymous tip blabbing about some drugs and arms deal that’s happening in downtown San Fransisco. “Mhm, yeah, yep, got it.. thanks.” I hang up and head down town where I was told the deal would occur. Two young men hop out of a black van and head over to a small group of what appear to be Japanese mobsters, Yakuza? Anyway I call in backup just in case things get hectic, and evidently to haul them to prison. I creep up behind the two men who are now grabbing guns and other various illegal substances from the van I knock one in the head with my pistol, he’s asleep. I quietly tell the other guy to “Put his hands behind his god d*** back”   he obliges. I swiftly swing the corner pistol in hand and aim it at the Japanese Yakuza members. “Don’t move a muscle!” I yell to them. One attempts to reach for his pistol but I flick and shoot the gun out of his holster, grazing his hand. “What’d I say”. Back up arrives just as I finish cuffing the last one. “Well done, man” a group of officers tell me shaking my hand. A smirk is glued on my face, I haven’t felt this since I first joined the team. Maybe my passion is starting to come back to me after all.
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tristanferrymeva · 3 years
October 28th Quick Write Prompt
“What are we gonna do, how are we supposed to get out of here?” Phillip asks his brother. “Man.. I don’t know just, just let me think.” Daniel responds. Nothing but silence for 20 minutes as they both think of a way to escape the mall food court. Daniel abruptly stands up looking around. “What, do you have something, man? Please tell me you got something.” Phillip asks “Possibly, you see that door made of glass, I believe it’s unbreakable. We can use that as cover and try to plow through those crazed humanoids in cat costumes.” Daniel says, hopeful. “It’s worth a shot” Phillip responds. They gather the supplies needed and as they were rummaging through the trash, they notice a Lisa Frank notebook filled with weird writing, containing images of the strange men with cat outfits. “Alright man, the plan is we push through the thinnest part of the crowd, and hit that red button. It’ll open the doors outside.” Daniel announces. “And then we head to our magical station wagon” Phillip says jokingly. “Heh, well it’ll be magical if we make it out alive.” Daniel says. “Alright man on 3 we go, ready? hold the left side of the door, I got the right.” Phillip tells his brother. “Alright, 3.. 2...1!.” They sprint towards the left side of the crowd ramming through all of the humanoids, and only slowing down slightly the rest of the crowd chasing close behind the 2 brothers. They finally make it to the red button and smash it, the doors next to it unlock with a loud metal noise. They drop the door and book it through the door. “GO GO GO” Daniel encourages his brother. Finally, making it to the station wagon and escaping the mob. “Geez, that was close.” Phillip says with a sigh.
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tristanferrymeva · 3 years
October 21st Quick Write Prompt
“He’s sniping mid!” John asserts to his teammates while playing call of duty. All that’s stopping them from $10,000 is one final team in a 5-5 match point game. “I’m flanking him, John! Watch right lane!” John turns the corner on right lane and jumps then immediately snaps to one of the enemies heads. “One Dead, one dead! It’s 2v1 just play safe. “I’M DEAD, HE’S STILL MID” his teammates yells the com. John sweats profusely as it;s now a 1v1 situation with 10 seconds left, the enemy plants the bomb at A site. John swiftly rushes to the site flanking behind the enemy and guns him down with his assault rifle. They both scream and holler filled with joy as they just won $10,000 from just playing what they used to think was, just a hobby.
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tristanferrymeva · 3 years
Mediterranean October 19th Quick Write Prompt
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Two young adults fresh out of college discuss plans to open a flourishing Mediterranean restaurant together. “Jack, we’re finally doing it, our dreams are coming true.” Joe tells his childhood friend. “Dude, this is surreal, all we have left is choosing what color we want the walls.” Jack responds “Well, I think we can both agree, white with green trim would look best” Joe says “Uh, green trim? that would look ugly! I was thinking white walls with brown trim.” Jack says. “No way man! brown would look terrible, green seems more of a mediterranean style than brown.” Joe responds swiftly. “Listen man, negotiate a little with me, brown on the entrance doorway, and we can do green on the rest”. They both chuckle “Haha, alright man, you got a deal.” Jack tells Joe.
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tristanferrymeva · 3 years
Argument October 15th MEVA Quick Write Prompt
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“Leah! I know you took my money. How could it have just disappeared, I know where I left it.” I said, frustrated “What are you talking about? I didn’t touch any of your money, idiot.” “Yeah? then where did it go? did my $40 just run away? it doesn’t have legs, Leah.” “I will gladly help you search for it, but I didn’t take your stupid money” she said growing impatient. “Fine, if you say so then” I told her, still believing she took my money. As we turned the entire house upside down, still to no avail. “See? I know where I left it, you are the only person who could’ve taken it” I told my sister “Just relax there’s one last place. We head to my room, which i assured her that I checked, multiple times and thoroughly. All of a sudden as I was losing hope “Aha! here.” she said with a smirk, handing me my money. “I’m very sorry, I got too worked up” i said, disappointed in myself. “It’s ok, Tristan”.
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tristanferrymeva · 3 years
October 3rd MEVA Quick Write Prompt
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“I’ll be home after this last call, honey. See you soon, I love you” The officer tells his wife before exiting his vehicle to approach the house. 2 hours prior they had  call about a disturbance from the house, screaming was mentioned. *Knock, knock, knock* 3 loud knocks echo in the air on the foggy, chilly night of December. “who there?” a old man croaks from the other side of the door. “New York Police Department, sir. Can you please open the door?” The door slowly opens with a groan as the man peeks through “what can I do for you officer?” the man asks. “We got a call about what was described as children screaming seemingly coming from your residence” the officer states. “Uh.. no, I don’t have kids, well not anymore.” The man says obviously saddened “Hm, strange. Well, I guess you have a good day, sir” The officer proceeds to walk away until then, he hears it. “AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” a ear piercing screech clearly coming from his house, but still somewhat muffled. He turns back around but the door is shut, the officer attempts to open the door “Locked”. “OPEN THE DOOR!” the officer bangs on the door aggressively. To no avail he begins to ram into it *CRASH* he falls into the the mans home and glances up to see the man rummaging through one of his drawers, the old man pulls out a knife and charges at the officer, who swiftly gets up and pulls out his taser easily taking the old man down and cuffing him. He calls in back up and looks around the house not finding anything until he hears one of the floorboards creek under the rug. Lifting up the rug he notices a hatch containing three missing children and a operating table. If he hadn’t heard that one child scream, who knows what would have happened to the kids.
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