troubleinspades · 5 years
*rubs hands together* 
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troubleinspades · 6 years
        ah,  so he had the right room,  after all.  no small relief since he had always struggled with his sense of direction.  a far less cautious smile stretches across his lips and the man steps into the office fully,  closing the door behind him with a careful click.  ❛  i’m sorry to intrude but i was told that you specialise in magical creatures.  particularly those who have been smuggled into the country,  ❜  a HOPEFUL expression paints his features as he looks over at her,  blue hues unwavering yet careful so as not to make her uncomfortable.
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        ❛  i’m sorry,  i should have introduced myself,  ❜  he offers her a sheepish smile along with an extended hand,  ❛  merlin emrys.  i work at a dragon sanctuary in wales and i have reason to believe that a HEBRIDEAN BLACK has recently been smuggled into america.  although i’m afraid i have no idea where to start looking, ❜  the warlock offers her another smile,  knowing that his request was far from ordinary,  ❛  miss zamorano,  if you could at least point me in the right direction,  i would be extremely grateful.  ❜
          Oh, his accent was quite nice to listen to once it was in full swing. It was a pleasant change from the more aggressive tones New Yorkers–– and most Americans–– were known for ( and that she was guilty of from time to time ).  A lopsided smile of her own appears as her brow furrows in both confirmation that she is very much the one specializing in smuggled creatures, and that of uncertainty at the point he might be getting to.
          Without hesitation does she slip her hand into the man’s own in greeting with a gentle, yet firm grip. “ It’s a pleasure, Mr. Emrys–– ” The warm sentiment is forgotten somewhere far, far away as her mind works to catch up and process the rest of the words coming out of his mouth that she had so rudely all but trampled over in an effort to introduce herself. In no way did an introduction matter when she was in the presence of someone who worked with dragons.        DRAGONS!
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          It took a moment for her to find her voice, eyelashes fluttering as dark eyes widened almost comically. Hands found the edge of her desk, fingers curling around it as if she needed the help to be kept upright. “ I’m sorry. I thought I heard you say you think a Hebridean Black was smuggled into the country. ”
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troubleinspades · 6 years
Darling Jack:
        A deep sense of foreboding had clung to this meeting, no matter how trivial Jack had made it seem in his letter to her. There had been no good, after all, in suggesting that it was anything other than another one of their catch-ups ( with the hint of a business proposition thrown in ) – at least, not through the written word, anyway. The very last thing he needed was to be rumbled before he’d even been recruited; that would make finding Credence and exposing the poison in Grindelwald’s promises completely impossible.
       As much as he didn’t want to involve her in something that could risk her own position, Jack knew that Mary Sibley was his best route in.
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        But he hadn’t brought it up straight away, the two conversing and teasing and laughing without so much as a fleeting mention of what had transpired several weeks ago in Paris. It was only later that he finally found the right moment – and even then, was prevented from being completely forthright by his seemingly unrelenting self-preservation instinct. Perhaps it was their years spent apart ( and the change in her in that time ) that warned him against inviting her into his confidence so quickly. ‟ If I told you I finally wanted to claim my pureblood heritage and join the rest of you, what would you say? ”
@troubleinspades / mary
          Great care had been taken in locking her happiness away behind the cool mask of impassiveness she had perfected not long after her first year at Hogwarts. It had been hard for the so-called ‘ upright ’ Sibley to contain the utter elation she had felt upon receiving her friend’s letter; the emotion a surprising one as within the current climate of the world around her–– both muggle-wise and wizarding alike–– it was known that one could never be too sure how long the sentiment would last. ( If it was ever experienced at all. )
          The days had been counted down faithfully and upon seeing his face she was reminded of what it felt like to have a real friend. The warmth she had felt expand in her chest was something she attributed to the hazy atmosphere and not that of the fondness she felt for Jack; someone whom she genuinely adored and supported wholeheartedly despite the words that fell from her tongue that stated differently.
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          She had been having a roaring good time up until the fated question had hit the air between them, giving her pause to stare at him coolly over the rim of her champagne glass. The delicate coupe bowl of sparkling crystal rested lightly against the curve of her forefinger as it was lifted to her lips, allowing her time to soften her demeanor both physically and mentally. Mary shook her head at him slightly as she swallowed, not yet relinquishing the hold on her drink. “ I would say it appears you have finally gone off your rocker, Jack. ”
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troubleinspades · 6 years
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        Something in Jack’s gaze softened at her question, and he gave an almost imperceptible shake of the head. He felt much the same way, though didn’t show it quite so openly as Celeste; it surprised him just how protective he’d become over the boy in recent months. ‟ We came all the way to Paris, did we not? ” He threw a glance out of the bay window in his ( magically expanded ) cabin, looking out on the River Seine and the stunning backdrop of the French capital. ‟ We’re but a stone’s throw away from him should he need us. ” He finished off his slice of toast. ‟ I think what we need, ” he deliberately flicked to the next page in the newspaper, trading Grindelwald’s unnerving stare for the winning smile of an apparently notorious debutante witch making political waves at the French Ministry. ‟ Is to head into town and see some sights while we’re here. ”
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          A childlike expression of guilt surfaced at the query; the magizoologist suddenly bashful after a quick glance of her own to the phenomenal view that was something only her dreams could have ever conjured. “ Yes, we did, but–– ” she sighed then, arms rising in a helpless shrug. A frustrated sound followed soon after as she hung her head, shoulders slumping gently as she sagged against the table. “ I’m going to be a terribly clingy mother if this is any indication, ” she joked softly, sparing Jack a quick glance before straightening herself up and tucking hair back behind pierced ears. A small smile unfurled slowly at the corner of her mouth, eyes brightening despite her concern. “ Don’t get used to my saying this... but you’re right, we should get out and about. ”
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troubleinspades · 6 years
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Queenie Goldstein in Fantastic Beasts: the Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
requested by anonymous
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troubleinspades · 6 years
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        ‟ I’m as uneasy as you are, but we can’t suffocate him, love. ” His eyes skimmed the open page of the French wizarding newspaper laid out on the table as he passed by, the headline alone enough to make him pause in the eating of his toast. There wasn’t a witch or wizard alive by now who hadn’t heard of Grindelwald’s escape from MACUSA several months ago, but this was certainly the first he’d heard of him making it all the way across the Atlantic to Paris, of all places. It could just have been the typical fear mongering press, but something still niggled at the back of Jack’s mind, urging him not to dismiss this as a coincidence. His gaze lingered on Celeste for a moment or two. ‟ He still needs the freedom to do this on his own. Us getting involved will only make him think we don’t have faith in him. ”
@troubleinspades / celeste
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          Celeste hid her small frown behind the edge of her coffee cup, brow furrowing gently as she listened. “ I know, ” she murmured quietly after a moment of contemplation, cup set down gently upon its saucer on the table before her. Her own eyes scanned the paper’s headline once more, the last photo taken of Grindelwald weeks before his transfer from New York to London was to take place stared back at her silently. There was something in his gaze that unsettled her far worse than any beast she had ever encountered or read about. “ Can you blame me for being worried? ” She looked at Jack then, the frown that had lined the edges of her mouth now creasing her brow. “ I want him to know that he doesn’t have to do it alone. ”
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troubleinspades · 6 years
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Rey: What are you gonna do?
Han Solo: Same thing I always do. Talk my way out of it.
(Chewie disagrees)
Han Solo: Yes, I do. Every time.
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troubleinspades · 6 years
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1K notes · View notes
troubleinspades · 6 years
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544 notes · View notes
troubleinspades · 6 years
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You were always faster than me I’ll never catch up with you, with you Oh I can feel them coming for me…
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troubleinspades · 6 years
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I can give you what you want, but I cannot give you what you need
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troubleinspades · 6 years
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relationships | richard gecko & santanico pandemonium (kisa)
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troubleinspades · 6 years
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Cause I was filled with poison But blessed with beauty and rage
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troubleinspades · 6 years
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I am not a monster, I’m a prisoner. And you are going to set me free.
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troubleinspades · 6 years
Requested by anonymous
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troubleinspades · 6 years
my hands slide up from your chest to stroke the nape of your neck
they make their way towards your face, I gently cup your cheeks
I twist your head and snap your neck because I cannot stand you
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troubleinspades · 6 years
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FROM DUSK TILL DAWN MEME [2/4] CHARACTERS - SANTANICO PANDEMONIUM ↳ “I’m not a monster, I’m a prisoner.. and you are going to set me  f r e e.”
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