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Sketches with beautiful Sleep Tokens. I drew while watching a recording of their concert. (I draw too many things...)
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I know I know “all of Sleep Token’s love songs are actually about toxic and unyielding relationships and the damage of yearning and should not be the goal” yes I KNOW
But try telling me “and no matter the cost of rain, I will shelter you all the same” on its own is not a beautiful line
I *KNOW* the context yes! But “darling I’m noticing your flaws, they’re exactly what I want.”
I am AWARE of the underlying themes but “you guide me in to safety and silence” and of course my beloved “let the tides carry you back to me”
Those brief moments of love in a single lyric amidst all the bullshit. That’s what keeps me up at night
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ask game
1. whats your favorite thing in your room?
2. how tall do you wish you were?
3. what color is your hair?
4. whats a rare fear that you have?
5. are you single?
6. has your heart ever been broken?
7. what was your favorite thing as a kid?
8. favorite coping mechanism?
9. whats your favorite love language?
10. how often do you get nervous?
11. if you had three wishes, would you use them?
12. if you could be fluent in any language which one would it be?
13. where do you wish to live?
14. what’s something surprising about you?
15. when did you last shower?
16. when did you first join tumblr?
17. do you want any tattoos? if so, where, what, and why?
18. whats the most prominent dream youve had?
19. whats your dream job?
20. whats your ideal date?
21. what do you wish you could do better?
22. what country would you live in if you could?
23. whos the best person you know?
24. have you ever walked into something you shouldnt have?
25. whats your favorite holiday?
26. when have you been most embarrassed?
27. whats your favorite halloween costume?
28. what are you best at?
29. do you know how to tie your shoes?
30. do you have siblings?
31. if you could know one thing about the future what do you wanna know?
32. whats a dealbreaker for you?
33. whats your favorite current class?
34. how many people have you dated?
35. how often do you wash your hair?
36. do you daydream? what about?
37. where do you go to be alone?
38. which parent do you like more?
39. whats the one standard you hold yourself to?
40. whos voice do you enjoy?
41. if you could announce one thing to the world what would it be?
42. whats one thing you wanna do but havent yet?
43. what do you wish you never did?
44. do you believe in life after death?
45. do you prefer book over movie?
46. whats your favorite season?
47. whats your favorite time of day
48. do you have a beloved stuffed animal?
49. whens a time you wish you acted differently?
50. what’s something you wish that you never bought?
51. do you have your own room?
52. whats your favorite book?
53. who’s someone you hate?
54. whats your best hottake?
55. whats your favorite game?
56. whens a time you felt real genuine fear?
57. are you a morning person?
58. do you drink enough water?
59. how different are you from the little kid you used to be?
60. do you enjoy tumblr?
61. have you ever had a tumblr experience that made you wanna delete the app?
62. whats your least favorite game?
63. were you a markiplier fan?
64. how do you respond to compliments?
65. whats something that would make you fall in love?
66. do you believe in marriage?
67. do you have a crush on someone?
68. do you like tumblr?
69. were you a voltron stan?
70. whats your favorite ship?
71. whats your favorite song?
72. do you like loud crowds?
73. have you ever created conflict on purpose?
74. how do you sleep?
75. do you bite your lips?
76. do you use chapstick?
77. do you have any pets?
78. what color are your eyes?
79. what’s something you wish you could change about yourself?
80. have you ever had surgery?
81. whats your least favorite animal?
82. whats something that youre really bad at?
83. do you have an sqishmellows?
84. do you enjoy fast food?
85. do you like soda?
86. what grade are you in?
87. do you wear any jewelry?
88. what socials do you use?
89. whats your lowest grade in school right now?
90. whats the latest youve stayed up till?
91. did you ever have bangs?
92. what trends did you hate?
93. whats your favorite item of clothing?
94. do you like dinosaurs?
95. whats your opinion on body hair?
96. whats your least favorite time?
97. do you make a wish at 11:11?
98. do you have your phone on military or regular?
99. have you ever been to church?
100. are you lgbtq?
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Bloody stalker IV save me. Save me bloody IV. Sa-
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In case anyone is interested, the photographer behind MetalMuseMedia is working on a letter project! More info is over on their Instagram video but they also separately posted the essentials! Figured I’d spread the word 🥰
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@cads-the-cat do they hit the spot? (iii is killing it!)
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(Source - the brilliant and talented Metalmusemedia)
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there is no escape
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If your wings won’t find you heaven, I will bring it down like an ancient bygone
I’ve always liked this line, but hearing it live made it click in a way it hadn’t before
Feels scheduled ahead
When Ves sang this line in Radio City I had the image pop in my head of the scene from It’s A Wonderful Life. “What do you want Mary, you want the moon? Just say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and bring it down for you. Say that’s a pretty good idea. I’ll give you the moon.”
So another way to look at this line. “If you can’t find your heaven, despite the wings you have, despite the divinity you have been granted, if you just cannot find joy? That’s ok. I’ll bring it down for you. I’ll fight like hell for you. I’ll give you that joy, I’ll sauté those horrors, you postpone that funeral RIGHT now, I am going to find the heaven you deserve.”
I wish I could remember who it was (probably @melit0n ‘s Euclid essay tbh but it may have been someone else) but someone wrote a theory that Euclid is the first song written thru not the character of Vessel’s eyes, but the guy/singer/songwriter/ACTUAL dude on stage Vessel himself. And I thought it was kinda an interesting theory but I think combining that with this idea makes it a little weightier. Because, Vessel the character is very much a part of Vessel the guy by virtue of the fact he embodies the character on stage every night. Just as Vessel the guy is (presumably) in a lot of Vessel the character. They’re the same, he’s not real, hes just some guy, hes acid and alkaline, etc etc.
So. Point being. If this is Vessel the guy singing to Vessel the character, “despite your wings and all that Sleep has given you, you still cannot find peace. So I will bring it down for you. I will be your mouthpiece, I will write the words and tell your story. And you will find the love you want.”
That’s Ves speaking to himself.
And I think that is incredibly powerful and the most self-romantic thing I have ever heard. I’ll be your my joy and bring you myself heaven and the moon.
Recovering from depression and wanting to leave everything behind is a long fucking road. Idk that you ever really stop being on that road. I certainly still feel like I’m on that road even all these years later, but…the biggest thing that keeps you going is for your past self. At least for me anyway. I fight for the little girl that lives in me who thinks she will never be loved and needs to be perfect and ruins everything and is constantly reminded of how unforgiving the world is.
Baby girl, if you can’t find yourself heaven, I will bring it down for you. I’ve got you. I am hugging you so tight and telling you everything will be okay, my love. Look at us now. We’re still here. And we’re just fine. We are doing great. We’re alright and loved. And I will keep fighting like hell for you and to keep you safe and happy.
And so I think this is similar to what Ves is saying to himself. And it makes it that much more of a hopeful song. “Yes, I must be someone new, but moreso…I will keep living.
I will fight, for you.”
The next time you sing that line. Sing it to your younger self. Or to the parts of you that you feel are most difficult to love. Promise to fight for them. Bring down heaven.
And try not to cry
And if YOUR wings won’t find you heaven? I got you, too. ❤️
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My pinky does weird things often when I play guitar. Can't control my hypermobile hands sometimes. Look at his pinky. I feel this!
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I know what you want from me
Tip jar
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I love how sleep token's stage dynamic is this: ii being a king absolutely destroying the drums, the ladies hitting us with heavenly harmonies and iii & iv shamelessly making out while Vessel is on the verge of a mental breakdown.
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A Message from Vessel ☼ Fall For Me 2021 — footage and the message | all messages
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Also, yes I really appreciate the bearded vultures
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Hey just wanted to say: HI!
Love seeing you in my notes and love your blog. So that means!?!
I love you.
More funny bearded vultures.
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Have a wonderful day🫶
Ahhh! I’m flapping my hand in joy
The bearded vultures are a fantastic gift to get on a kinda shitty morning
I’ve been wanting to talk more with the moots, so you have now idea how happy this makes me
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Quick question?
How the fuck did you know I googled bearded vultures?!???
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Hey just wanted to say: HI!
Love seeing you in my notes and love your blog. So that means!?!
I love you.
More funny bearded vultures.
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Have a wonderful day🫶
Ahhh! I’m flapping my hand in joy
The bearded vultures are a fantastic gift to get on a kinda shitty morning
I’ve been wanting to talk more with the moots, so you have now idea how happy this makes me
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