troyesvn · 3 days
𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 / / 𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙮𝙚 & 𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨.
WHO: Troye & Ross ( @rosslync )
WHEN: June 5th, 2024
WHERE: Stockholm, Sweden
PLOT: Ross surprises Troye on his birthday, showing just how much he loves him.
TW: birthday fluff turns NSFW
"Fall in love again and again."
ROSS: Ross loved birthdays, embracing every detail of the celebrations; but more than anything, he loved celebrating the people he loved. It was perfect timing for the blonde: their relationship was still fresh, the honeymoon phase in full bloom, and now it was Troye’s day to be celebrated. Ross had playfully teased Troye in the days leading up, claiming he didn’t do birthdays, joking he wouldn't have time to organise much, and teasing Troye about getting older. All this built up to the moment when the clock struck midnight, and Ross could finally let his excitement overflow. As soon as the clock striked, Ross rolled over in bed, showering Troye's face with a parade of kisses, his giggles filling the room as Troye's sleepy face scrunched up in surprise. Ross’s joy was clear, almost as if he were more excited about Troye’s birthday than Troye himself. Celebrating his boyfriend’s existence filled Ross with an overwhelming feeling of excitement, he was determined to make it a day to remember, even if Troye’s performance would keep them busy. After a day filled with playful pestering, stolen kisses, and overly excited, borderling annoying reminders of the birthday during soundcheck, Ross finally got to watch Troye perform. There was something special about the show’s energy, the fans sending their birthday wishes, sharing the excitement - and Troye basking in the spotlight, just as he deserved. Watching Troye perform had become easier for Ross over time. He’d learned to handle the intimate choreography with the dancers, knowing it was all for the show. Yet, watching Troye perform Rush still ignited a fire within him, a desire to have his way with him in the confines of their hotel rooms, or if he couldn’t hold on until there - dressing rooms. A pattern, he knew he’d have to break tonight. Ross had taken his preparations seriously. He set everything up earlier in the day, begging a member of Troye’s non-essential team to ensure nothing was moved as he left for the show. As they walked hand in hand to a nearby park, far enough from the venue to avoid fans but close enough to walk to, he asked Troye to close his eyes. Ross led him along winding paths, doing his best to guide his directions safely. “Okay… You can open them,” he said, grinning as he stepped behind Troye, wrapping his arms around him and resting his head on his shoulder. He had pulled out all the stops he could within the constraints of their touring life. A blanket spread on the ground, cushions for comfort, a basket, and lanterns and fairy lights to try and make it - if anything - cute. It wasn’t over the top, and maybe if they were home, he could have done more. But Ross desperately wanted Troye to love it. He wanted something more special than a fancy meal, something memorable for him. To show him he cared. “Happy Birthday, Troye,” he mumbled softly, still holding him from behind, as he kissed his cheek lightly, awaiting his response.
TROYE: Troye’s birthdays were never celebrated by more than a meal out, and when he was in his last relationship, often a shared birthday cake with his ex who celebrated the week prior. Years since his breakup, perhaps they were even more lonely — a nice dinner he wouldn’t take for granted, but other than that, a normal day for himself and everyone surrounding him. It took him a bit by surprise as he rested in bed, trying to pay attention to whatever was on the television, but was more or less drifting off to sleep when Ross rolled over and covered his face in kisses from his cheeks to his lips. His laugh echoed his boyfriend’s, turning to reach out for him, and shortly after midnight they fell asleep in each other’s arms. The show on the night of Troye’s birthday was all the more amplified, the love felt from around the venue as he performed, and Ross was there to witness it, his support making Troye’s heart flutter each time he remembered he was watching. Normally after he got off stage, the adrenaline was still coursing through his veins, and this time was no different. As he was guided out by Ross, waiting for the venue to clear some before doing so, they walked a short distance and Troye kept a firm grip on his hand. Since he had his eyes closed, he put all his faith into Ross for not allowing him to trip over anything, nor running into any obstacles as they found themselves at the mystery destination. Rocking back and forth excitedly, Troye opened his eyes, facing a picnic display surrounded by comfort lighting, food on the blanket where pillows surrounded in the grass. He leaned back into his touch, a smile spreading across his face as he took his hand and a few steps forward. “You didn’t have to do all this!” Troye borderline squealed, showing his excitement despite trying to play it off in his words.
ROSS: Ross couldn’t contain his grin, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched Troye’s reaction - the flicker in his eyes confirming that his efforts were appreciated. “It’s nothing,” he mumbled modestly, stepping forward towards the blanket, his hand tenderly brushing over the side of Troye’s waist; “I wish I could have done more, but with the tour…. It was hard to find picnic things, weirdly hard.” He explained, as if he had to defend himself at all - not when his boyfriend was so clearly impressed by his surroundings. He pulled out a blanket from the basket, one that could shield them from the evening breeze; as he waited for Troye to sit, sitting next to him, bringing the blanket to perch over their laps. “You know, it’s funny,” Ross begun, rummaging for something else in the bag, “We’ll have an anniversary the same week as your birthday forever now.” He remarked it so casually, the notion of eternity with Troye didn’t feel rushed or impulsive at all to him; it was the direct result of months of his emotions. The idea, or thought of losing him didn’t even register in his mind; he was simply there now. Part of his life. Finally, he found what he was looking for, passing over a wrapped item to Troye with a smile. “I know I gave you that necklace today but, I got you this too. Figured I gotta get used to getting your two gifts around this time.”
TROYE: Troye eagerly moved forward, his hand still in Ross’s as he sat down on the blanket and guided him down with him. He was certain he could see the blush on his cheeks thanks to the lighting Ross had set up, a pink settling into his skin as he watched as Ross pulled a blanket over them. It was cozy, intimate… all he could ask for to end the day with someone he loved. His comment only made him blush deeper, his hands reaching out to take the present from Ross’s hold. He gave him another look, one that said he didn’t have to do this, but his appreciation glowed, fingers running along the wrapping to guess what might have been inside. “You’ll have no excuse not to remember them, then,” Troye smirked, as if he thought Ross would forget… not when he planned all this, not when he planned it on the assumption that he wasn’t much for celebrating. Ross would remember, for years to come. That much was certain. “Should I close my eyes for this, too?” Troye asked, squeezing them shut before tearing the paper.
ROSS: Ross giggled at Troye's excitement, immediately finding Troye’s hands - signalling for him to open his eyes back up. “This gift, it’s uh - not for your eyes?” He tried to explain, sounding a little unsure as he waited for Troye to finish unwrapping the present. Music felt so important to Ross, and he knew it was for Troye too; despite their differences in tastes and styles. Ross loved Troye’s music, genuinely, maybe even all the more since seeing him perform the songs live; although, nothing could ever replace One Of Your Girls for him. The sentiment of the song couldn’t have been further from the truth from Ross’s perspective; and he knew that Troye knew that - but without that song, they wouldn’t have met in the same circumstances. Maybe in distance passing, with a comment from one about the other - but not in the way that song had bought them together. Inside the box was a tiny MP3 player, retro, if anything - as Ross begun to explain. “There’s some music on there, stuff I like, stuff you like… But the last song on it?” He giggled, sitting up a little - showing Troye how to skip through the songs. “After we shot the video together? I couldn’t stop thinking about you and I recorded a little demo of a cover of One Of Your Girls. It’s so bad, Troye, like - I’m not you. But, I thought you’d like to hear it… Just… Yeah. When you’re on a flight or something, you can, listen…” He mumbled, almost sounding a little nervous.
TROYE: Troye furrowed his brow in curiosity as he opened his eyes, staring down at the object in his hands before peering up at Ross, who was all ready to show him just how it worked. He listened as he explained what it was full of — songs each of them enjoyed, surely songs that would make Troye think of Ross if he were to listen to it on a flight as suggested, making the miles between them easier. What he wasn’t prepared for was the last feature, and Troye almost wanted to play it right then and there, listening to Ross’s voice sample his song. He was sure it was better than Ross could have imagined, and the sentiment behind it made it instantly something he would hold near. “I love you,” Troye said as he held the present to his chest, then leaning forward to press a soft kiss to Ross’s lips. He wanted to peek in the basket, to see what else Ross had planned for the evening as he came closer to him, but decided to keep his eyes only on his partner. His hand absentmindedly went up his chest to feel the necklace Ross had gifted between his fingers, a smile on his face like no other. “Just please tell me you don’t have like…. twenty-nine candles in there and you’re going to burn the park down.”
ROSS: No matter how many times he heard it, he’d still get the biggest, sheepish grin on his face hearing Troye say those words. He wasn’t sure when that would stop, if it would even stop; the relief of finally having Troye say it to him after so long of pining for him. He rolled his eyes at the tease, nudging him playfully in the process, “You have no faith in me!” He giggled out, pouting out his bottom lip sarcastically before bringing his attention back to the bag. “Actually… I ordered some food here - and if they followed the instructions they should have- ah !!” He grinned, pulling out a couple of McDonalds bags he had so sneakily ordered just as they were about to leave the venue, ensuring it wouldn’t be stale and cold by the time they arrived. “It’s not exactly the Ritz, but… Yeah. Thought you might be hungry.” Ross spoke, passing a bag over to his boyfriend, biting his bottom lip. Somehow, having remembered his order from their passing trips in airports, he hoped he had remembered completely correctly, even down to the copious amounts of ketchup he had practically begged for in the order.
TROYE: Troye wanted to kiss his pout away, replay his laughter in his mind on repeat. He smiled as Ross pulled out the paper bags full of food, his comment making him giggle as he took it in his hands and opened it up. “You’re perfect,” Troye said, and even if it was playfully - it was nothing short of the truth. He separated what was his and what belonged to Ross, another flutter in his chest as Ross remembered exactly what he liked. It made him want to melt into his arms, just how he paid attention to the little things and gathered Troye’s favorites, the simplest gesture meaning the most. “What’s in this one?” He asked curiously, figuring the first bag housed enough for the two of them. Peeking in, he saw it was filled with nothing but ketchup packets, causing the musician to immediately erupt in laughter. “Oh my God, Ross,” he said, so much adoration in his eyes as he looked back up at him. “I think you’re my soulmate.” — another lighthearted comment lined with honesty, the way he said those words… it was clear he meant them, scooting closer to be touching Ross.
ROSS: Ross leant into Troye’s touch, unable to resist the urge to hold off on his food for a moment; taking a second to wrap his arms around him in a short hug, kissing him on the forehead. “I’m glad you’re happy… I didn’t wanna be too much, or too little, you know?” He hummed, leaning into his food back to take out a fry - nibbling on it a little as he kept his spare hand around his boyfriend. It was late, but he felt comfortable, content, so happy with where they had ended up; it was a stark contrast to the could have beens of him merely sending him a birthday text, or a phone call if they wanted to be bold about it. “I wanted to put in an effort… I know we’ve not even been together for a week but I guess because of - well - everything before it feels like way longer? I dunno.” He let out a short, nervous chuckle, pulling away from Troye for a moment; a short burst of vulnerability making him worry he was being a little intense. But part of him thought Troye wouldn’t mind, that most likely, he’d like it. “I think I’ve not been single since the first time we kissed, if that makes sense. Genuinely.” He continued, hoping to clarify his standpoint; although still feeling a little shy surrounding it. He took another fry from the bag, scooping up some ketchup with it and holding it towards Troye’s mouth - a small giggle leaving him. “Now I’m your boyfriend it’s like, my job to feed you on your birthday, right?”
TROYE: Troye listened as Ross spoke, thinking he could listen to him forever, if he could. There was something so soothing about the sound of his voice, about the words he said to him as he held him close. He laughed as Ross tried to play off his words by making Troye giggle, but he sensed he was a bit bashful about them, and it only made Troye want to lean back in and kiss all of his worries away. “Were you holding out hope for me?” Troye asked, a wiggle of his eyebrows, but Ross’s impending answer had him reflecting on how things would be different if they were together all those months ago. How it all fell into place now seemed like it was destiny. He leaned forward and took the fry in his mouth, mimicking Ross’s motions as he took a chicken nugget from the carton and pressed it to Ross’s lips. “Nugget, my darling?” He couldn’t get the words out without laughing, his smile so wide, and his heart so full. Just to be here, silly with him, and completely unbothered surrounded by nothing but the lights Ross had set and the surrounding trees... he couldn't have thought of a better way to celebrate.
ROSS: Ross had seen Troye happy, and he had seen Troye very happy - especially recently. Late night fits of laughter, over things that would seem so trivial to most people - silly, small things; maybe they were only funny because they were shared with one another. Regardless, the look on Troye’s face when he was at his happiest made Ross melt; the way he’d get just a few lines around his eyes, his smile taking up his whole face - and a certain twinkle in his eyes… He loved it. He loved him. Giggling as he allowed Troye to feed him, a certain level of being totally unafraid to be himself around him; in all his goofy elements. Once they finished their food, Ross’s hand found Troye’s - intwining their fingers, pressing a gentle kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek. “Not long left of your birthday… If we count midnight as the cut off. Any last minute birthday wishes, before you have to go back to being a normal civilian tomorrow?”
TROYE: By the time Troye and Ross finished their meal, they had sampled all of each other’s favorites and there was more empty ketchup packets in the bag than Troye would care to admit. Once he was satisfied, he squeezed Ross’s hand as he intertwined their fingers together, pondering his question with that same cheek aching smile. “I ‘dunnoooooo, how much time do I have?” Troye said as he brought his free hand to his face, tapping his fingers against his chin as if deep in thought. Tugging on Ross’s hand, he laid back, eyes up at the darkened sky as his head rested back against the cushions that lined their blanket. What more could he even need? It was a genuine thought as he moved to lean against Ross’s body, taking in his warmth. He felt like he had everything he wanted, and more. Anything else almost felt like tempting fate. “I think I’m just good here, with you.”
ROSS: It was nice to have this - in the midst of chaos of touring, it felt as though they had been non-stop ever since admitting their feelings for one another. Their only sense of peace being in the confines of their hotel rooms, which, quite frankly - they didn’t use much for times of peace. Ross took a few moments to breathe, look up at the nights sky and just think for a second - something he felt as though he hadn’t done much since being around Troye at all; seemingly the singer had bought out all the adrenaline in him, like some kind of drug - completely high on dopamine at his presence… But this? It felt different, tranquil - sweet. As soon as Troye finished speaking, Ross wrapped his arms around him, pulling him closer to him. “I’m happy we’re here, Troye…” He spoke softly, his chin resting on the top of Troye’s head, a soft hum leaving him. He knew the statement was obvious, but that didn’t make it any less heartfelt. “I meant what I said online. I hope you’ll have me all your birthdays in the future. All of them…”
TROYE: If they didn’t have places to be, Troye was pretty certain he wouldn’t mind spending all night out here, staring up at the sky as he cuddled beneath the blanket and in Ross’s welcoming arms. With his head on his chest now, he cradled in, only picking himself up slightly to look at him. He was thankful for the lighting now, able to see Ross’s emotions in the darkness. “Wouldn’t want to spend them with anyone else,” he said, now turned onto his stomach, facing Ross, capturing him in a kiss. It was a passionate one, at that — one he was thankful to be the only two people in the park for. It was as if all of his love was poured into it, spilling out, holding it in for the duration of the day. His hands broke free from Ross’s only to run them through his hair, tugging strands between his fingers. “All,” Troye started, his lips drifting from his mouth to his jawline, “of,” he continued down his neck, and now it was his turn to leave his mark, sucking the skin and running his soothing tongue over it, “them.”
ROSS: Ross wasn’t shy to the concept of being caught - their time at the Met Gala being evidence enough of that. He was good at keeping quiet when he had to, making subtle movements - nobody would have guessed the times he had managed to turn Troye on without any suspicion throughout this trip. But maybe it was the shock of Troye’s boldness that caused him to let his guard slip for a moment, a soft whimper falling from his lips as he felt Troye suck on the skin of his neck. Maybe it was the knowledge that he didn’t have much more time left on tour with him, having to play a festival the following week; but knowing that everyone knew who he belonged to now made his heart flutter. Knowing that people would know it was Troye who gave him the marks; he felt a certain fire in his stomach at that. “Shit, stop.” He groaned, tilting his head to the side, evidence his stop didn’t mean much; giving his boyfriend more space on his neck as he felt his blood rush south a little. Watching Troye’s performances, especially his final song, always worked as a bridge to turning him on; something he chose to keep buried for the sake of his birthday date tonight. But it did mean that even the slightest of movements only reawakened those thoughts, the feeling of Troye’s tongue against him enough to make him feel the slightest twinge of becoming hard. “You’re gonna give me a boner.” Ross chuckled out, feeling safe enough to be candid about his headspace.
TROYE: Troye would easily get carried away. He knew that the second his lips were on Ross. But, it didn’t stop him, even when Ross asked... only to tilt his head to provide Troye with more space. He smirked against the skin of his neck, traveling down a bit further to suck a second mark. His confession sparked more desire in him, a hand traveling down his body from his hair, stroking along his torso until it reached his stomach, resting there for a moment before he pressed his palm to Ross’s crotch. “So?” Troye asked, a mumble against his skin as he pulled back, lips red as he thought about how he really wanted to end the night… finally thinking of an answer to Ross’s question. “Do you need some help packing up?” Troye asked, as if it was nothing more than a casual question, his hand still over Ross’s lap as he spoke. “Or we can come back in the morning and hope it’s still there.” Laughing, Troye made no real efforts to move, eventually sitting up like nothing — like his hands weren’t just teasing Ross, like his mouth wasn’t claiming ownership. “It is getting late… maybe we should go back to the hotel and... get some sleep?��
ROSS: The last thing on Ross’s mind was packing up the picnic supplies - not even a little bit concerned if leaving them there would get them in any sorts of trouble. Not when he had Troye’s hands on him; his lips leaving pretty marks and red from the work he’d been doing. His breath hitched as he felt Troye rest his hand over him, blinking a few times up at him as he let nervous laughter envelope him; genuinely wondering for a second if Troye was about to do something in that same park. After their elevator escapades, he wouldn’t put anything behind Troye. Laughter at his comment, he tilted his head to the side - neck proudly presenting the marks of ownership that Troye had left. “I thought we were over codes now? Wanting to ‘talk’ at the Met, wanting to ’drink’ in my hotel…” He hummed, his hand grabbing onto Troye’s wrist as he bought them both up to stand - he leaned in, his lips brushing against Troye’s ear as he whispered. “What’s sleep code for, baby? My tongue? Fingers? Because I think we both know they’re the first thing you’re getting in there.”
TROYE: Troye’s fingers ran over the marks made, as if admiring his work. He couldn’t help but laugh as Ross alluded to their code words, something they’d disguise their desires with, making it seem as if it was nothing more than a conversation or a drink between two friends. It was in complete contrast to them now, in public, arms around each other fully confessing their love. It played on his mind as he was pulled to his feet, pressing his lips together to stifle any sound that may have threatened to escape, Ross’s whispers making him want to abandon everything and get a move on. Without answering him, he quickly turned to gather the pillows, shoving them under his arms after collecting the blankets and folding them back into the basket. It was clear he was rushing, funny enough given how just moments before he could have stayed here for hours on end until the sun came up. “It can… mean whatever you want it to mean,” Troye finally answered, leaving it up for debate as he felt the blush from his cheeks head south. “Maybe even both.”
ROSS: Ross admired Troye as he watched him pack up: something about the ordeal, watching him rush to tidy, it was almost a little cute. The objects would, without a doubt, get abandoned in their hotel room before they’d start their trip to Poland or wherever else Troye’s tour would take them; before they’d be forced to say goodbye to one another. That was a thought Ross would have to push to the back of his head - probably until it would become time for him to leave. Grateful to be getting on with his own music, but horribly terrified for the way he knew he’d miss Troye - it only made him all the more determined to show Troye just how much he wanted him, needed him, and loved him; how he’d miss him when they’re apart. Luckily, their hotel wasn’t far from the park at all - so as quickly as Ross took the items from Troye’s arms to carry their weight; he’d start to walk in the direction of their hotel. “You’re the birthday boy. I think it’s whatever you want tonight.” He smirked, eyes forward as he spoke - fixated on getting to a bedroom, only hoping his desire wasn’t too noticeable in his trousers for anyone who walked past them. “Can’t wait to hear what you choose as a code for my cock, then.
TROYE: Ross, being the gentleman he was, took the belongings from Troye’s grip and turned towards the direction back to the hotel. Troye could see he was just as eager, his eyes darting from the slight tent in Ross’s pants and then back forward as they walked. Playfully rolling his eyes, he shrugged his shoulders, “I’m sure you’ll find out eventually.” He said, and it was a quick walk back after that — nearly sprinting just to reach their destination. Soon enough, they were back unnoticed, Troye smirking to himself as they reached the elevator. He gave Ross a knowing look, a small giggle at their memory behind the closed door’s in France. Troye took the lead this time as they opened, guiding them down the hall and to their room. Without another word, he let them in, immediately walking to the bed and laying down on it, as if he were prepared to crash… that was, until he lifted his hoodie - one that actually belonged to Ross - over his head, followed by a tug of his sweatpants down his legs. “Did you enjoy the show tonight?” Troye asked, nonchalantly, his hand drifting down his body as Ross stood before him.
ROSS: Part of Ross wondered if history would repeat itself in the elevator - but maybe the additional pressure of Troye’s team being in the area guaranteed it would not; partially to Ross’s relief, knowing the condition it had put him in last time. Seeing Troye undress, Ross did find himself pondering if he were tired; getting ready to sleep - performing was exhausting enough on its own; the choreo and costume changes would surely wipe Troye out eventually. Ross slid off his own shirt, followed by his jeans - but he’d leave his underwear on, for now. “I always enjoy your shows,” he mumbled, letting a small giggle leave him as he leant over Troye, pressing a gentle kiss against his lips - one that would linger, testing the waters on if his boyfriend would deepen it; see if he wasn’t too tired for what Ross had embedded in his brain. “You always look so good, you know how lucky I feel every time I see you up there?” He mumbled against his lips, his fingers trailing to Troye’s chest - stroking delicately over his skin. “Even when I see them touching you. Knowing you’re mine…”
TROYE: Troye watched as Ross rid himself of his own clothing, wondering if he would try to make the next move or accept Troye’s feigned efforts to get ready to sleep. As he hovered over him, his lips on his, Troye took it upon himself to reach up and wrap his arms around his neck, his tongue sweeping the inside of his mouth, pressed against Ross’s own. “Come to bed,” was the only thing he managed to say, a mumble as he refused to pull away from the kiss completely. Once he did, he only did so to sit up, leaning forward to hook his thumbs into the waistband of Ross’s boxers and pull them down past his thighs. “You said anything the birthday boy wanted..” He commented, leaning back against the pillows as he kept his own on. Truly, he just wanted to look, his gaze fixated on his boyfriend’s cock as he waited for him to join him. Listening to how he called him his made him crave his touch, for him to prove it.
ROSS: Ross almost let out a sigh of relief as he felt the way Troye’s tongue brush against his own, fighting back against the smirk that was threatening to be formed on his lips; breathing softly against his boyfriends lips as he let him speak. He watched as Troye worked to pull down his boxers, assisting him by shifting them further down his legs - only to kick them off. “Anything you want.” He mumbled, noticing the way his boyfriend’s eyes gazed on the lower half of his body - tensing his muscles slightly; he wanted to give him a show. His hand found its way to his cock, wrapping his fingers around he length as he stroked himself a little - his breath hitching as he kept his eyes on Troye, climbing onto the bed. “So what is it the birthday boy wants, mm?”
TROYE: Troye’s lips turned up into a smirk, watching as Ross wrapped a hand around his cock and got on the bed. He didn’t answer his question right off, instead, turned to his side to get a better view of Ross and how his fingers curled around himself. He hummed as he moved closer, “you,” he answered, in whatever way he would be gifted. He took the opportunity to rid the last piece of clothing between them, tossing his boxers to the floor before turning on his stomach and arching his back — the same way Ross tensed his muscles, for show. “Just… in every way.”
ROSS: Ross found him truly irresistible; no matter how many times he’d see Troye in this position, he’d need him. He could sense Troye’s tiredness, but the effort he still put in for attempts to turn Ross on - as if he needed much help. His wrist moving slowly, he creeped down the bed; admiring Troye’s body for a moment - as he did most nights. Watching his boyfriend perform on stage was a blessing and a curse; he was talented, incredible, hot. But god, he was too hot sometimes, Ross having to resist the urge to pull him away mid performance to have his way with him; fantasies that would never run in the real world clouding his mind. “I love you so much.” He spoke, using his hands to caress Troye’s cheeks - spreading them, but not touching him there quite yet. “Wanna make you the happiest…”
TROYE: Troye felt a blush on his cheeks as Ross told him he loved him, just as he spread his legs apart. Ross’s desire to make him happy was already granted, and Troye wasn’t so sure he could be anything but when he was around. Ever since he had been in nearly his constant company, there was always a smile on his face, feeling as light as a feather in his presence. He dreaded to know what it was like without him now — so, he knew he had to make the most of it. “I love you,” Troye repeated, letting his eyes fall shut as Ross had his hands on him. “You do make me happy…. among other things.” He tried to keep it serious, a giggle as he spoke, his hardening cock against the mattress enough to vouch for it.
ROSS: The blonde smiled for a moment, before leaning in and pressing the gentlest of kisses where Troye desired him most. He leant back, but only for a moment - leaning up to grab onto his boyfriend’s wrists; bringing them down to where he laid, intwining their fingers together. He positioned himself back down, his thumb lightly running along the skin of Troye’s hands as he moved back in. Where he once was normally borderline greedy when it came to eating Troye out, this was different. He was taking his time, kissing his skin, and lining his tongue in stripes up his hole as if they had all the time in the world. The moments after, he’d ponder if this was the difference between fucking and making love - but with so much on his focus, that was for another time.
TROYE: Finding Ross’s hands in his own, intertwining their fingers, always felt like one of the most simplest gestures and yet one of the most intimate, like everything Troye had to offer was left in the palm of his hand. He gave them a squeeze as Ross housed himself between his legs, pressing a soft kiss to him that made him audibly gasp. His breathing picked up a little heavier as Ross darted his tongue out to lick a stripe, slowly, over his hole. He wasn’t teasing, per se; giving Troye exactly what he needed, but taking his time with him, like he wanted to pour every ounce of energy he had into pleasing Troye and having his actions speak on just how much he cared for him. “Ross,” he breathed out, his name the only thing on his lips, Ross’s entire being the only thing on his mind. “Always feel so good."
ROSS: For the context of what was happening, the entire thing almost wouldn’t feel like sex. Ross’s thumbs gently stroked over Troye’s skin as he continued to work his tongue; small whines of approval exiting his lips as he felt the way Troye would lightly convulse under him. He knew how his boyfriend liked things, he knew typically; he wouldn’t be this gentle with his movements - but as they laid here, a day to celebrate him, he wanted to leave him satisfied, lovingly. Once he felt he had readied the area wet enough, he separated one of their hands; placing it on Troye’s hip to lightly lift him up, giving him access to see his now hard cock. Ross’s middle finger traced circles against Troye’s rim, smiling as he took him in. Every second with him felt like pure dopamine, genuinely addictive; it was how he ended up inviting the Australian round for nights on end following their kiss at the Met. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Troye.” He spoke before gently inserting the finger - waiting for the sounds he loved so much, that he knew would shortly follow.
TROYE: One of Troye’s favorite things might have been Ross’s tongue, so how he was gifted the feeling of it on his birthday only seemed fitting. As Ross’s hand lifted his hips, Troye obliged with the position, his knees against the mattress with his ass up and his chest down. His noises would be muffled against the pillows now, pushing back against Ross’s hand. He knew for anything more than just a single digit he’d need more than just spit, but he’d take what he could get before Ross pulled away. Even Ross’s fingers felt better than his own… thicker, able to caress in ways his own couldn’t. “Thought about you while I was on stage tonight,” Troye said as he turned his head, able to be heard. “What it would be like if you were the one sitting in that chair as I sang…” He hummed at the thought, “And how carried away we would get.”
ROSS: He was so deeply in love with him, he worked his finger slowly, gently - curling up to try and make Troye feel the best he could. Listening to his words only made him smile, pressing a delicate kiss to the skin of the curve of Troye’s ass - pondering them for a moment. It was a nice feeling, to know that even whilst acting out the intimacies he did on stage; that somewhere his focus was on Ross. Being an actor, and having dated actors - he knew he had to accept that sometimes the industry called for this. Still, it was nice to know he was thought of - especially for something he considered so close to him, and them, and their relationship. “There’s a reason it can’t be me, you know?” He giggled out, he had thought of asking Troye if he could make an appearance, knowing the fans would love it - and so would he. “At least I didn’t know what it was like to fuck you that day on set. I don’t think you’d have been able to use any of the footage if I had…” He mumbled out, releasing the grip of their hands to work his way to Troye’s cock, stroking it gently as he still allowed his other hand to work the single digit. He knew soon enough, Troye would be asking for more, but when was there ever a better time to be greedy than a birthday?
TROYE: Troye smiled to himself as Ross spoke, spoke of how even then, his desire for Troye was strong — completely secretive to Troye, but maybe that was a given by the fact he was the only one with his hands on him, taking the lead, asking for Ross’s permission before straddling his lap, or pulling his hair. “Because now you can’t resist, hm?” Troye teased, a surprised whine emerging from his throat as Ross’s other hand found its way to his cock. He felt like he needed more, and simultaneously, didn’t want to risk the feeling of being completely empty as Ross left his side to ready himself to prep him. “I need you so bad,” Troye spoke, his teasing tone completely gone, replaced by his request as he grew harder in his hand. “More of you.”
ROSS: There was something so fulfilling about hearing Troye go weak, unable to continue his teasing for the sake of asking Ross for more. Feeling his boyfriend grow harder under his touch only encouraged him further, rolling his thumb over Troye’s tip as he worked his wrist a little more. “So fucking tight, baby.” He mumbled, before slowly pulling his digit out; rubbing his finger over his skin as he pulled away. He walked away momentarily, looking in the bedside table momentarily - a place they had managed to designate in every hotel room as their place for lube. Slowly, he turned back to the bed - taking Troye by the hips to flip him over. “Wanna look at you, see that pretty face..” he breathed out, climbing over his boyfriend to capture his lips; allowing the bottle to fall out of his hands momentarily as he got a little carried away with kissing him.
TROYE: Troye took a liking to every time Ross moved him with ease, his hands wrapped around his smaller frame. He smiled at his compliment, kissed away as Ross brought his lips to his. He deepened the kiss just as his boyfriend did, his hands coming up to cup his face, making sure he was pulled in impossibly close. “Gonna fuck me like this?” Troye asked, laid out on his back, his legs spread open as he waited for Ross to oblige to his plea. His fingers caressed from his cheek down to his neck, running over the marks he’d left earlier in the park. “Good. I wanna see it on your face, too... how good my body can make you feel.”
ROSS: Ross smiled a little against Troye’s lips, bringing the lube bottle further down the bed. He pumped the lid a few times, before giggling as some finally came out - running the gel over Troye’s hole. “It’s nearly empty” He spoke softly, smirking as he ran his fingers over his entrance, bringing his body back up to capture Troye in a kiss again. His fingers worked the lube around him, as he inserted two of his digits into Troye this time – deepening their kiss as he took on the new position; wanting to ensure Troye was fully prepared for him, as usual. His fingers curled up, trying to find that spot he knew his cock had no struggle to; but simultaneously, only wishing that Troye felt as good as possible whilst he was readied. “Want you to be vocal, tell me what you want, how good it’s making you feel…”
TROYE: Troye laughed, his chuckle turning into a breathy moan as Ross spread nearly the remainder of the bottle over his hole, saving the last for his cock. “Who’s fault is that?” Troye asked, as if he was challenging him, knowing damn well he had an equal part in how quickly they ran through it. Once Ross captured him in another kiss, he focused solely on that, until Ross gifted him with two of his fingers at once, immediately looking to find just what drove Troye crazy. He bit down on his bottom lip as he moaned, attempting to quell the sounds until his boyfriend told him to let go. “Need you,” he said, and he meant all of him… whatever he was willing to give, every inch of himself, making Troye feel loved, cared for. Like Ross would rather be doing nothing less than making Troye question his dreams versus reality with how he had him in a trance. “Please, I..” He drifted off as his mouth fell open in another moan, “I can take it now. I promise. I can’t wait.”
ROSS: Hearing Troye ask for it was one of the most beautiful sounds, a newfound appreciation since their first time sleeping together - knowing now, it was reserved only for him. Ross left a final open mouthed kiss against his boyfriend’s lips, finding it hard to move his fingers, enjoying the way Troye breathed against him, hearing the croak in his throat as he moaned. Eventually, after a few more kisses - he removed his fingers, his hand finding the lube once again. Finally getting the last of it out, he stroked it over his cock - holding his breath to fight back against the moans from being touched. He moved Troye’s leg up slightly, offering himself a little easier access to where he wanted him: his tip brushing against his entrance. “Good boy,” he whispered out, before slowly pushing himself in - eyes locked onto his boyfriend as he waited for that face, the one that was so embedded in his brain. He kept his movement slow, light, until Troye was finally full - would he begin to rock his hips almost torturously slow. “You take it so good, you know that? You feel so good around me - around my cock.” He spoke, his tongue darting out to lick along Troye’s bottom lip - knowing how much his boyfriend liked being talked to in this way; of course he’d amplify it for a birthday treat.
TROYE: As Ross’s fingers left him empty and he pulled away from the kiss, a whine immediately left Troye’s lips despite it being just what he asked for. He wished there was a way Ross could be near all the time, but he knew he’d soon return, instead focusing his eyes on the way his hand coated his own cock with the liquid. He let out a soft moan at the slightest touch, just the head of his cock merely brushing against him as Ross positioned him how he wanted. He felt his own length twitch at the praise, his gaze fixated on Ross’s as he pushed in, mouth agape as he gave him inch by inch. The soft rock of his hips once full made Troye whimper, arms wrapping around his boyfriend’s neck to keep him close as he settled. “I love you,” he whispered, breathy like his moans as he adjusted around Ross’s length. “All yours, nothing… nothing ever compares to you.”
ROSS: He truly didn’t know if much could feel better than this, the feeling of Troye holding him closer - the look on his face as he allowed Ross inside of him in the most intimate way; hearing him say those words. He was deeply in love with him, he felt it in the deepest part of his heart and the depths of his stomach; he knew he would never grow bored of their times like this. “I love you,” he replied back, slowly starting to pick up the pace once he heard Troye finish speaking - short breaths leaving him with every rock forward. Seeing Troye’s mouth agape was all he needed to call him towards it - his lips finding his boyfriends almost immediately; an open mouthed kiss being solidified against him. “I don’t think - fuck -“ he begun, struggling to speak as he felt the grip he had against his length; the pit of his stomach warm as he pushed himself further in - letting Troye take him fully. “I don’t think anyone on this earth is like you, you’re so beautiful; so perfect.” He finally spoke out, a small chuckle leaving him between his moans as he found humour in his speechlessness; even whilst meaning every word.
TROYE: Troye took a liking to any position they were in, but this may have been his favorite — able to watch Ross’s face as he thrust into him, the way his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and how his cheeks grew pink and beads of sweat would form at his temples. He took every little detail of him in like this, until his brain became foggy, every muscle in his body overtaken by pleasure as he knew nothing but a chorus of moans and his boyfriend’s name. He craved it, wanting nothing less for his birthday than to get there… but how soft he was being, it was also new to them, his words making Troye blush despite being filled with his cock. He blinked his eyes up at him as Ross laughed, batting his lashes as he took his hand in his and intertwined their fingers back together once Ross’s hips were flush against him, filling Troye up. “Fuuuuck,” Troye moaned out, unsure if he'd ever get used to the feeling of every inch of Ross’s impressive length inside of him, his legs spread wide as he took it, and took it well. “Don’t just look at me,” Troye asked, despite loving his eyes on him — but another idea crossed his mind. “Look down, watch how good my pussy takes it.”
ROSS: Ross was so sure Troye would be able to surprise him every time they fucked; maybe from the way so much of it was so new for him - he couldn’t ever get enough. He smiled against Troye’s lips as he finished speaking, pressing one last gentle kiss against them as leant up slightly. Squeezing his hand, he took one more moment to watch Troye’s face, so full of bliss, redness on his cheeks from a blush with the prettiest blues looking up at him. “You’re so pretty,” a compliment he gave all the time, not even for the first time this evening - but one that would slip from the immediate front of his brain; unable to contain it. Slowly, only then, did he peek his head down - the immediate line of view being his boyfriend’s cock. Whilst it wasn’t what he was supposed to look at - it was hard not to. It always looked so pink, glistening against his stomach as Ross fucked into him - but he’d try to peer away for now. Looking further down, he let out something short of a whimper, a moan that had become trapped in his throat as he witnessed the way Troye’s hole seemed to stretch around his length. Each thrust in and out of him visible, all from the grip Troye had on him - it was enough to send him into oblivion, if he looked too long. “You’re doing so good, taking me so well…”
TROYE: No matter how hard he got, he refused to touch himself, Troye’s focus solely on Ross and how he made him feel. He was almost certain he could cum just like this, with Ross’s praise filling the air with nothing but the sensation of his cock inside of him. He arched his back slightly, immediately moaning at the way the angle made him feel, his grip on Ross’s hand tightening as he squeezed around his fingers. “Right there,” Troye sighed, his eyes watching Ross as he looked down, eventually meeting his stare. He fought to keep them open as his free hand came around to Ross’s back, digging his nails into his skin as his thrusts picked up, finding a rhythm that made Troye want to cry out. He was torn between being vocal, as Ross requested, and being well aware of who occupied the surrounding rooms. “Ross,” he moaned, almost a warning, his cock beginning to leak as he spoke. “Feels so good. So fucking good.”
ROSS: Hearing Troye’s moans become more and more desperate, Ross bought his eyes back up to his; still finding there to be nothing that could top the way his boyfriend looked in pure ecstasy. On his gaze, he noticed the way Troye’s cock leaked - a slick layer of precum aligning from his tip to his stomach; it was something he’d look at with such pride, knowing it hadn’t even been touched. He knew now the angles to hit, where exactly to position his thrusts to hit the spot Troye desired to feel so much in - he knew his boyfriend’s body; how to make it feel good. “Wanna hear you, Princess.” He spoke; starting to rock his hips a little faster - an attempt to leave Troye with little choice. Knowing the crew, and especially the dancers were closeby; he wanted them to know - to know that after everything on that stage; it was Ross who got to fuck him. “Don’t hold back. It’s your birthday, after all.”
TROYE: Ross knew exactly what he was doing when it came to Troye. He knew his body well by now, how it reacted to his touch, what sent a shiver down his spine and what had him trembling. As Ross moved faster, encouraging Troye to express just how good he felt, he could only do just that — a moan for nearly every thrust, squeezing around his cock as he dug his fingers deeper into the skin of Ross’s back, crescent shapes left behind by his nails. “Ohhh, fuck me,” he couldn’t form sentences quite like Ross did, losing his ability to think of much outside of how he felt, “please,” he gasped out, unsure what he was even begging for — more, for him to not stop, for Ross to go harder. He threw his head back against the pillows, his hands falling limp at his sides until he tugged the sheets beneath them in his fists.
ROSS: Watching Troye act like this was so beautiful, so special. He knew if he wanted to, he could make Troye finish there and then - it wouldn’t take much contact with his cock to do so, not when he was in this state. But he couldn’t take his eyes off him, couldn’t stop listening to him - the way he’d groan, whine, moan as if he had lost full control captivating for the blonde. He leant his head down, capturing Troye’s lips gently, a contrast to the way he was thrusting into him - breathing against his mouth as he focussed his energy entirely on pleasuring Troye. “You’re doing so good, angel.” He’d say it so delicately, like he wasn’t inside of him, fucking him with all the energy he could conjure. “So, so good.”
TROYE: Ross’s thrusts were aimed perfectly, Troye’s back arching off the mattress as the head of his cock brushed against his prostate, making Troye whimper into the kiss. It hardly muffled his noises, repetitive as Ross knew not to stop. He felt like he was in a state of complete bliss, his eyes rolling back before fluttering shut. Feeling him so deep, so warm inside of him, it made him nearly want to cry just from how good it felt, as if already in the midst of the beginnings of an orgasm that had no foreseeable end. He brought a hand up to rest it against Ross’s stomach, feeling how his muscles tensed beneath his touch. “It’s… a lot,” he voiced, not sure of what else to say, if his words even came out making sense. “But so… so fucking good.”
ROSS: Ross kept his eyes firmly on his boyfriends from that point onwards - watching every second of his furrowed eyebrow, the way the sweat would draw onto his forehead and the way his eyes would whiten in pleasure. It was that, and then the moaning - the pornographic sounds leaving him which couldn’t be faked; so much within them. He trailed his lips down his neck, sucking just by the area he had done so so many times on this trip - ensuring yet another marker. Ross made a personal promise to ensure Troye was covered before he’d have to leave; let everyone know he was his, and his only. His hips rocked harder against the Australian, brushing his prostate in the process. “Please…” Ross moaned out, his own pleasure taking over - looking down at the other under his arms. His movements wouldn’t back down, wouldn’t become sloppy; not when he had Troye so desperate for them underneath him. “I’m so close, baby.”
TROYE: Hearing that Ross was close pushed him even further, knowing his body was the reason Ross would come undone, and vice versa. With every thrust against his prostate, Troye’s moans grew louder, eventually just laying there, taking it with no movement until he felt he was going to let go. “I… Ross,” he whimpered, his boyfriend’s name yet again the only thing on his lips, as if it was the only thing he knew. His hand found Ross’s as he came, untouched, his cock spurting ropes of white across his stomach, his gaze fully locked on Ross until his eyes rolled back. He couldn’t speak, just came hard enough for his legs to tremble, tightening around Ross’s cock as he rode out his high.
ROSS: Ross didnt expect for it to happen, so used to wrapping his hand around Troye’s length; stroking him through his high and feeling him spill into his fist. “Fuck,” he exhaled, watching as the strings of Troye’s cum steamed onto his stomach - the way it twitched, completely untouched but emptying as though Ross had been touching it for hours… It was all too much, and didn’t take much long after that, only seconds, for Ross to feel the familiar pit in his stomach - loud groans leaving him as he fucked Troye sloppier, harder until he came deeply inside his boyfriend. He leant down, catching his lips in a kiss that was nowhere near as romantic as the other ones he had given that night; his tongue flat against Troye’s lips. “That was so, so hot.” He mumbled against them, giggling slightly as he collapsed on top of his boyfriend - pressing a few more kisses to his lips. “Didn’t even know you could do that…”
TROYE: The wave of Troye’s orgasm felt like it went on forever, overpowering him, only coming down after Ross emptied inside of him. He blinked his eyes open slowly after they kissed, a satisfied smile on his face as he tried to catch his breath. His own laughter echoed Ross, “Didn’t know I could, either,” he said honestly, the first time he’s ever reached his peak without a single touch, relying on nothing but the way Ross’s cock worked into him. He brought his fingers to his neck and ran his fingertips over where Ross’s lips once were, a knowing look in his eyes. “Might not even cover these up this time…” Troye mused out loud, his words coming out slow and soft, as if all of his energy was drawn out of him.
ROSS: He rested his head on Troye’s chest, moving his hands to stroke against his boyfriend’s waistline. “Really? It hasn’t happened before?” Ross questioned; his head tilting up with a smile that beamed that could only represent the pride he felt in the discovery. It was true - this would be something he’d take pride in; ego boosting in knowing that he was the only person to have managed to make Troye become undone in this way. He pressed a few more small kisses to his lips, humming against them as he realised he was still inside Troye – not wanting to move away, not just yet. “Don’t wanna get out” He giggled against Troye’s lips, his eyes wide and smile still plastered onto him. “I love you, birthday boy.”
TROYE: Troye could sense the curiosity and pride lining Ross’s voice, making him giggle and nod. “Not ever,” he confirmed once more, his arms coming back up to wrap around Ross as he situated himself on his chest. He moved his grip on Ross only when he lifted himself to press kisses to his lips, the corners of his mouth curving in a smile beneath his caress. “I love you.” He solidified the words with another peck, knowing he didn’t want it either, bound to whine at the loss of him inside. “I kinda just wish we could be here forever,” Troye noted, perhaps his last birthday wish of the night well spent. "Just you and me."
ROSS: Ross hummed, pressing a few more lingering kisses to his boyfriend’s lips - a smile forming against his lips as he giggled against them. “I can’t wait for when we’re both done with touring for a while… No more travel…” He mumbled, finally, shifting his hips to remove himself from Troye – as much as he didn’t want to. He rolled over to lay next to him, head snuggling into the pillow as he pulled him into his arms, holding Troye closer. “Wanna take you to my home, and I wanna visit yours… No distractions, just us.”
TROYE: The theory was right — as Ross pulled out of him, a soft whimper left Troye’s throat, unable to be quelled as he felt the emptiness until Ross welcomed him back in his arms, leading Troye to immediately curl into them. “Yeah? Me too,” Troye agreed, thinking what it would be like to have Ross back home, to introduce him to his family, to just be. “Do you think your family would like me?” The question was more or less one to hold in, just in case he didn’t like the answer, but curiosity overpowered him as he let his eyes fall shut.
ROSS: Holding Troye in his arms, as they laid bare together - was maybe one of his favourite moments of every night spent with him. Delicate fingertips laid lines against Troye’s back, small hums of contentment leaving Ross’s lips; it always felt peaceful in times like this. “Of course my family are gonna love you. You already met one of my brothers at least; he thinks you’re awesome.” Ross mumbled, leaning down to kiss his boyfriend on the forehead - smiling against his skin. “Besides, they’ll love you because I love you, even if you did steal me away for like, a week or two.”
TROYE: Between the soothing touch of Ross’s fingertips and the soft kiss to his forehead, Troye felt as if he was drifting off, his eyes remaining closed but he found enough energy for a smile to spread across his face. It was funny, really, how Troye felt so comfortable in Ross’s arms that he would often quickly be lulled to sleep as he held him. This time was no different, a soft “Mmm, good,” leaving his lips before his breathing became slower. He wasn’t going to make it to the shower this time, not even a goodnight as he sunk into a slumber as he made a pillow out of Ross.
ROSS: It was a common pattern for them - if their night had been spent with a little more energy than they’d usually engage in; Ross holding Troye in his arms until he’d drift off into his slumber. It always felt peaceful, made Ross feel more present and intimate with Troye - even if it had immediately followed the most intimate acts of all. He would have asked the reverse, wonder how his boyfriends family would think of him - always being a family person, it was important to him to be liked. But it didn’t take long until he felt Troye’s breathing slow against him, so instead of asking; he’d lean down and press a gentle kiss against his forehead; closing his own eyes to drift off himself.
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troyesvn · 3 days
Wooooow, you want it from me but none in return? Fine, I'll allow it, only 'cause I fucking love talking about him. God, not that. It's funny, I haven't even taught him that much - not enough to make a story out of it. If only they knew all the shit he already knew how to do. But that's my secret.
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okay, so wait - i didn't properly celebrate in that way in new york but i will be tonight sooooo... mouth's shut for the first time in my life on who though cause yeah. let's swerve and let me be nosy. how're things with the boy? i treat the gossip blog like it's bible so wow, so generous of you to be teaching him the gay stuff.
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6 notes · View notes
troyesvn · 3 days
troye: good. calling. 🥰
ross: i'm alone :)
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troyesvn · 3 days
troye: if you're alone.
ross: shh ross: call me?
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troyesvn · 3 days
troye: and so you don't have to go back to tiktok next time you play a show
ross: you cumming so hard you see god is really cute actually ross: should film it sometime so you can see it yourself 😇
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troyesvn · 3 days
troye: aw troye: i miss when you make me cum so hard i see god but that's cute too
ross: i went to tiktok ross: distracted ross: i miss ripping your clothes off when you're done performing :(
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troyesvn · 3 days
Oh my God, stoooop. I was worried for a second there. Thank you, but I should be saying the same about you! Saw you had a good show at MSG.
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It's a very good thing! You're killing it up on that stage and putting on the performance of a lifetime. Proud of you!
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troyesvn · 3 days
troye: NOOO COME BACK troye: ross troye: ross it's been a minute troye: did you go to tiktok
ross: ???? ross: because if we're gonna facetime i don't think i need to watch videos of you PERFORMING to turn me on ????? ross: but fine call me a loser i won't show u what happens when i watch for too long!!! ross: 😌😌😌
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troyesvn · 3 days
troye: why troye: is it ur bedtime troye: loser troye: wouldn't u like to know
ross: if we're gonna facetime then probs not ross: tell me or show me tho?
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troyesvn · 3 days
troye: omg should i wait troye: i can tell you if you're right if you facetime me :)
ross: i feel like ur wearing dark blue today if i may actually guess ross: sorry baby!!!! ross: let me spend 5 mins on my tiktok fyp with vids of you performing and i'll come back a lot less cute?
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troyesvn · 3 days
troye: you wanna guess the color of my underwear you wanna know what i got going on down there ???!! troye: omg shut up troye: you're being cute and i'm serenading with miss xcx
ross: i don't plan on it 🤨🤨🤨🤨 ross: you do this shit intentionally, you're so annoying i love you so much ross: stop trying to tempt me on another flight i'm tying to make songs about u in the studio
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troyesvn · 3 days
troye: well don't embarrass me then motherfucker 🤨 troye: have noooooo idea what you mean.... troye: couldn't have possibly been my instagram story
ross: SCREAMING sabrinas new song down the camera...... ross: but also from looking really really hot ross: like reeeeeeally really hot
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troyesvn · 3 days
I'm in Germany! And I need this tea revealed, right now. I have a feeling how one properly celebrates, but I need to know with who. I'm nosy, let me have it.
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i'd never let you hear the end of it if you did deny me. where in the world are you now? we'll link up somehow, someway and after a few very strong drinks, i'll reveal anything you want. as a teaser, just know the only thing up my sleeve right now is the fact that i hung back in new york after governor's ball to really properly celebrate pride and now i'm in tennessee so opposite ends of the spectrum in a matter of a few days.
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troyesvn · 3 days
Is celebrating pride in the best way possible hard launching a relationship? Same, girl, but I think I missed a chapter with you. I think I've been too deep in my own gay hole. No, that doesn't have a double meaning, shut the fuck up.
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I think you forget how much I like to sleep, and how easily I can fall asleep. I always want sleep, bitch. Plus, I'm celebrating pride in the best way possible, thank u. Pinky promise to try my best to come see you, let me just talk to Gigi and figure out our schedule for that weekend.
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troyesvn · 3 days
The dark side?! Am I the dark side? Wooooooow, I see how deep your love is. Everything has been lovely, though. Seriously, like, somehow better than I dreamed of.
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Are my eyes deceiving me or is pride month really becoming Troye's month? I see you finally convinced that blonde surfer boy to come onto the dark side. Tell me, how is he treating you? @troyesvn
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troyesvn · 3 days
I could hug you so tight right now. It has been so good, really. I honestly don't want to see the end of it. We do, and it's really sweet to look back on now, thinking about how shy I was to even touch him and ask him if everything was okay every like... 45 seconds. Jennie, you have no idea. It's honestly a breath of fresh air to have him around, I think I really, really got lucky with him. I never thought I would after everything, but fuck, he makes loving so easy.
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Wow! I knew it had been a long while for you but I don't think I realised just how long. Getting back on stage must have felt odd, but you're such a captivating performer, I'm sure you must have fell into a nice routine now. Are you enjoying yourself? That's so sweet though. You basically have your first meeting immortalised forever. Does he treat you well? You know you deserve the best.
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troyesvn · 3 days
You're so real for that. Ahhhh, fuck yes, I'm honored. I'll see what I can come up with, I've been getting some inspiration lately.
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As we should in this month - and every month afterwards, to be honest. You can absolutely have dessert. I can't wait to see what you do with that.
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