trublue1024 · 3 years
If all you want is to be happy, you have no idea what you want.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
People so called love holidays but often in order to attempt to have a so called "good holiday" they stress themselves out, in an attempt to make other people happy.
I do not like holidays because as a son and boyfriend, family has attempted to stifle my happiness in the name of holiday spirit
I rather just enjoy my holiday as a day of peace rest and recharge with optional socialization with family and friends. Lol I'll def leave and go to a park before I participate in this foolishness.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
In observance of myself and others, I have noticed a pattern. There are people who have similar traits, and display similar attitudes with many variables attributed to the effect of society.
In observing myself, I seem to display a watcher type spirit. I have a in depth desire to stay hidden, move in the shadows and bear great information and skill. All the skills say a spy would have to train for comes somewhat naturally to me.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
In observance of myself and others, I have noticed a pattern. There are people who have similar traits, and display similar attitudes with many variables attributed to the effect of society.
In observing myself, I seem to display a watcher type spirit. I have a in depth desire to stay hidden, move in the shadows and bear great information and skill. All the skills say a spy would have to train for comes somewhat naturally to me.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
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trublue1024 · 3 years
My family won't let me do anything without putting bread on it.
My homies on a barter system where shit gets charged to "I got you"
What I look like giving free shit to a stranger
From the rip we exchange, balance negative & positive.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
September 30, 2021
After trying to exchange paper money for coins I was informed Chase Bank and possibly other banks no longer exchange coins.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
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trublue1024 · 3 years
You kill my off spring you also deserve death. You have deconsecrated your life developing vessel and your ego was the cause.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
Castile > Baking Soda > Custom Soaps > Water
Deodorant, soap, shampoo.
I don't like ultra processed products.
Castile/Custom Soaps - oil, lye, fragrance
Oil-Pressed from the source.
Lye - burn hardwood for potassium hydroxide, electrolysis of salt water for sodium hydroxide.
Fragrance - Soak The Plant in Oil or alcohol to separate essential compounds from the fibers and such or include a powdered form in hardsoaps
Baking soda - made by combination of salt and ammonia with CO2 Or mined
None of these ingredients or methods require toxic chemicals, ammonia is questionable but we produce and consume the ammonia molecule all the time as amino acids in our food. The liver strips away the Ammonia molecule combines it with other substances to form urea and glutamine.
Glutamine is cell food.
Urea is a bodily "waste" product that can reverse protein denaturation. I seen an experiment where urea was used to unboil an egg. This substance heals our tissue which denature as they oxidize. Urea can get rid of rashes, improve vision, promote scalp health, inturn hair growth, and when consumed can reverse many of the effects of aging which is a denaturing process.
Know what you are using it may save your life.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
When termination happens, they harvest organs and sell the tissue. Carefully enough, they remove the fetus to not damage organs.
So let me get this rite, you pay planned Parenthood n them to remove a fetus, so they can harvest and sell organs and cells and what not? Liver Heart lungs being the highest selling. Sounds to me like they should be paying you...
The more I learn the more I want to be isolated from people. Way to many agent smiths waiting for the opportunity to do the work of the upper pyramid FOR FREE. Lmao y'all wondering what happened to the kids, ask the doctors, case managers, priests, nuns, and their bosses, bosses boss, teachers, principles, etc. They may not know details, but they know the role they played.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
The Top of the pyramids allow your leaders to give you hope just to strip both of them away. How else do you keep the masses in subservience. When their great hope is stripped and all of their accomplishments made naught their surface level will power is taken with it.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy
Solve et coagula: Dissolve and coagulate. – Alchemist saying
The Latin expression “solve et coagula” is derived from “solve,” meaning to break down and separate, while “coagula” describes the process of bringing elements back together (coagulating) into a new, higher form.
Interestingly, “solve et coagula“ is a wonderful psychological metaphor: by pursuing Gold (or listening to our intuitive “higher calling”) we “break down” limiting parts within us that are in the way of our transformation (Philosopher’s Stone) into a free and whole being (coagulation).
While there are no universal stages of alchemy due to the sheer number of different schools out there, these are some of the most widely accepted stages:
1. Calcination
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Calcination is the process of heating and decomposing raw matter – or in other words, breaking down parts of ourselves that are in the way of our own happiness. Often we’d rather be right or fulfill an idea of “perfection” than be truly happy, so we continue neglecting the exploration of ourselves.
The stage of Calcination represents the stage in our lives where we begin breaking down our egos, self-doubt, stubbornness, self-sabotaging behavior, pride, and arrogance, and put it aside so we can find out what is underneath.
2. Dissolution
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Once we have broken down all of our personality characteristics that were in the way, we are left with the process of dissolution which is the beginning of feeling less identification with our false sense of self. Once we are free from our pride or self-doubt, we can take one step back and truly observe our positive and negative qualities.
In this stage, our inability to take responsibility for our many faults, our avoidance of traumatizing memories, and other inner tensions rise to the surface, causing us to become aware of how our behavior might be affecting others. This is the beginning of spiritual maturity and the spiritual awakening process. Sometimes this stage of transformation is brought about accidentally by illnesses and misfortunes in our lives that cause us to really pay attention to what we’re doing, shocking us out of our avoidance patterns (such as workaholism, drugs and TV watching).
3. Separation
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Separation is the stage where we make our thoughts and emotions more defined by isolating them from other thoughts and emotions. A simple example is our attempt to free our heart from resentment while trying to forgive someone.
The process of separation involves truly becoming aware of our authentic feelings for a person, or for ourselves. In this stage, we choose to experience our anger, frustration, or disappointment towards another or ourselves, rather than reverting back to the old habit of dutifully trying to “forgive” or “forget” because it is the “right” or comfortable thing to do.
Separation is closely entwined with shadow work in that we must allow all feelings and thoughts within us to surface side by side. This helps us to isolate particular elements of our character in order to honestly see and assess them.
4. Conjunction
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After the purification and clarification of the first three stages, we must properly combine the remaining elements within us through the process of “Conjunction.”
While in the previous step we separated and learned to distinguish all the separate feelings and thoughts within us, Conjunction provides the inner space – the simmering – that is required for us to truly and honestly accept all the parts of our authentic self. When we experience this stage of spiritual alchemy, all of our unconscious thoughts and feelings bubble up to the surface and into the light of conscious awareness.
In this stage, journaling, introspection, solitude, and meditation are particularly useful.
5. Fermentation
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Fermentation is the beginning of our process of rebirth. This stage can be compared to the death of a grape, which then becomes the birth of wine. While the first four stages involved working with aspects of our old personality, in the stage of Fermentation we begin to experience moments of our more “refined” self.
Fermentation occurs in two parts: Putrefaction and Spiritization. Putrefaction is the decomposition of our former selves; the process of inner death by which the old elements of our conscious and unconscious minds are allowed to rot and decompose. (Some call this stage the dark night of the soul, as it can be followed by troublesome mental states such as depression.)
On the other hand, Spiritization is the stage in which we begin to look at the world in a new light. With the right guidance and with solid inner work, Spiritization involves letting go of all the aspects of ourselves and our lives that don’t serve or contribute to our spiritual transformation. This is when we taste moments of great inner peace and stillness.
6. Distillation
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Once we begin our Spiritization we must find a way to continue to integrate all of these spiritual realizations into our lives in order to allow them to become permanent. Distillation is the level of further purification.
One example of Distillation is finding ways to live from a daily place of inner peace – even in the most mundane circumstances. With enough repeated practice of constantly dying and being reborn in the present moment without entering again into the habits, identifications, and cycles of the mind, we experience a strong and profound inner transformation. In the East, this is what is mostly defined as self-realization or “enlightenment.”
Certain practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and self-inquiry are useful in this stage.
7. Coagulation
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Similar to the blood’s ability to form clots and stop bleeding, Coagulation is the moment when we’ve “broken open the head,” or in other words, we have become free from the mind and have allowed our consciousness or Soul to connect with the Materia Prima: the Spirit.
The meeting point between two opposites such as the spiritual self and raw matter, heaven and hell, and life and death, is the point where existence becomes self-aware. This is the moment when our lives are without duality; when matter becomes Spirit – or Spirit is manifested in material form.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
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trublue1024 · 3 years
Trying to force change is against no rules isn't it? In that forcing action, there is intent to overrule someone who has the authority to do what they want to do in their domain, all who disagree can leave & CREATE WHAT YOU WANT.
If someone crosses into your domain attempting to harm or change what you do within your created spaces wouldn't you feel they have no authority to try to force change in your domain.
The domains can be anything mental or physical spaces.
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trublue1024 · 3 years
I'm 29 and in love with muzic.
Im the type to beat your coochie down to The J.B's one hour and The Headlamp Killer the Next and finish you off too portishead and massive attacc that coochie
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trublue1024 · 3 years
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