trumanextras · 5 years
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huddled in her warm winter jacket, ANNA had decided to wander the square while it was all lit up for the holiday season. plenty of places on the island were decorated festively, but nothing compared to the square’s bright lights. she had appeared to suddenly stop in her place, only to stare up at the gigantic tree. “ isn’t it… isn’t it just so beautiful? ” she mused aloud for any fellow admirers or passerbys to hear. “ it just so happy ! it reminds me of happy times, happy memories. not to say we’re in not happy times or making happy memories, but you know what i mean, right ??? ”
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trumanextras · 5 years
ever since he had arrived in the island , bill had found himself unable to write anything. he tried and tried and tried, but.. it seemed he had absolutely no luck , even with trying to finish the manuscript he had started , right after he and the others had killed IT.  he kept working on , day after day but so far, bill hadn’t had much luck , right until today . something was different - he was sure of that much as he woke up and it hadn’t taken him much to start writing: the words coming out effortlessly  ,   just as he had expected them to, months ago. still, things were different now and.. he could still remember everything. could still remember how he had eddie and stan - how they were gone, dead, just like georgie all because he had been unable to save them.  JUST LIKE HE HAD BEEN UNABLE TO SAVE GEORGIE, TO KEEP HIS PARENTS FROM LOSING THEIR FAVORITE CHILD AND.. IT WAS ALL HIS FAULT. his fault and.. no wonder audra had wanted nothing to do with him after he disappeared off to derry and.. perhaps, it was for the best. bill was much, much better off alone, because.. that way, he wouldn’t hurt anyone.
all because he had been unable to keep them save and.. fuck, it sucked. it sucked so much and.. bill didn’t know what else could be done about it - in order to get him to start writing. as someone approaches the table he’s seated in, however, bill raises a finger, offering them an apologetic smile, without looking up from his keyboard, continuing to type the phrase. “i’m sure whatever it is that you want is very important but.. i’m in the middle of trying to solve a particularly bad writer’s block, so.. if it could wait, i would really appreciate it. it’s been months since i’ve written something, you see and.. i need to give my editor something or.. he’ll go mad soon.”
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trumanextras · 5 years
hello!! figured i’d do a starter call to get more threads going, so.. here it is! i’ll be continuing most threads in the meantime, but.. hey, starter call! please be sure to specify which character of mine, and if you’re a mumu which of yours.  in bold will be the ones i have most muse for, but.. here it is!
SAM DUKE - AHS: 1984
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trumanextras · 5 years
[I think I responded to all my replies and I am just waiting on other people. So if anyone wants to plot something with my babies let me know or if you want a random starter, comment your muse and which muse you want me to use as well :) ]
Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Edward Nygma (Gotham)
Klaus Mikaelson (The Originals)
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trumanextras · 5 years
plotting call!
Hey guys! I’m super excited to be here! I’m LillyAnne, and I’m super excited to play Richie because he is fun to play! I’m gonna start the ball rolling for him with a plotting call as I work on replying to starters! So like this if you wanna plot and I’ll hit you up! 
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trumanextras · 5 years
in an effort to get back into the swing of my characters, consider this a STARTER CALL.
like ( ❤ ) this post for a random starter from one of my muses. could be a lyric / quote from their canon. maybe a text. ( i’m keeping it low effort right now for my sanity. ) if you want a plotted starter, message ( ✉ ) me !! 
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trumanextras · 5 years
it wasn’t as if YELENA HAD ASKED TO BE HERE.. no.. she most certainly hadn’t and yet, here she was, stuck in a place she despised completely and.. for seven years, she hadn’t remembered who she truly was. natasha had to steal all of the glory for herself, by dying like a goddamn hero (people clearly didn’t know her damned sister like she did, no.. natasha was a goddamn coward - she was no hero) and before yelena could fight back.. she had been brought here, taking her seven years in order to remember who she truly had been in the first place. she spent most of her time at the underground fight club - she did owe the damned place, after all.. even if it didn’t please her to have one of natasha’s little friends working for her and.. when she wasn’t there, she tried to stay away from people - no one could understand what she felt like.. right? of course - only by fighting did she truly feel alive and.. whenever she was knocking someone to the ground, just like now, she felt.. perfect. she felt.. as if she was where she was truly where she was meant to be. her latest victim lay in the mat in front of her, recovering from the earlier fight, because.. they were foolish enough to think they could challenge her. “better luck next time.” her thick, russian accent filled the club, as it always did and.. it was only a few seconds later that yelena sensed the presence of someone behind her.. someone strange.  “unless you’re here to sign up for one of the next combats, i don’t want to hear it. i’m a bit preoccupied at the moment, if you didn’t notice.” giving the person who was down another kick, yelena slowly stood up, grinning at the other for a moment. 
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trumanextras · 5 years
Cassandra bopped her head in time with her music, sticking her spoon back into her pint of chocolate ice-cream. Some people might argue that it was too cold to be eating ice cream outdoors, but it was never too cold for chocolate ice-cream. She closed her eyes, ignoring the world around her as she lost herself in the music and the taste before slowly opening her eyes once more, her spoon going back in to dig around for another chocolate chip. “The seat next to me is open,” she called out to the person standing nearby.
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trumanextras · 5 years
Peter had just sat down at an empty table at the local coffee shop, the festivities were fun but he had finals coming up and he needed to hunker down to study.  Pulling out his laptop and books, a fellow customer scoffed while looking Peter over before leaving.  Peter was bewildered, turning to the person next to him.  “I’m not crazy but that was weird, right?  Like do I smell or something?”
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trumanextras · 5 years
patience, she told herself. patience was all that SHE NEEDED TO GET OVER THIS, BUT.. marisa was finding it very, very hard. in one side, there was lyra, who didn’t even remember who she was. she was doing everything and all that she could to get her memories back, but.. so far, it had been useless. she believed he was her uncle and still held him a shire, just like she had, before marisa had destroyed her.. childish illusions, even if perhaps a little bit harsher than she should. felicity was still insisting on hanging around the house and.. THERE WAS A PART OF MARISA THAT WANTED TO YELL THE TRUTH AT HER, just to she if she would finally, finally get it and leave. she wanted some peace with lyra - her real daughter and.. as long as felicity insisted on hanging around them, she knew she was never going to get it. and.. she needed to find a way to get the girl out of their lives, once and for all, meanwhile trying to keep any semblance of normality in her life.  sitting in the coffee shop, she ordered a simple black coffee - as she always did, whenever she needed to think. still, soon enough, a voice snapped her out of her thoughts and marisa looked up in irritation, even if the smile remained in her face. it always did, after all. “yes? is there an urgent matter i could possibly help you with?” her daemon had been sitting by her feet, observing the view, but as the other approached, he looked up, suddenly as irritated as her, making it one of the only few times that they were in complete agreement. she asked, the irritation clear in her voice, as she held on tighter to the coffee cup in front of her.
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trumanextras · 5 years
Kakyoin had been reading on a bench in the park when he noticed something was off. Closing his book and getting up, he began walking alongside a stranger, clearing his throat. “Long time, no see! Where are you off to?” He stated rather loudly, attempting to make his conversation known to those around before leaning in closely to the one he was walking beside. “I suggest you keep moving. I may be wrong, but I think someone is following you. I’ll take you wherever you’re going, just to be safe.” He remarked coolly, trying to keep the new face at ease.
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trumanextras · 5 years
[I think I responded to all my replies and I am just waiting on other people. So if anyone wants to plot something with my babies let me know or if you want a random starter, comment your muse and which muse you want me to use as well :) ]
Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Edward Nygma (Gotham)
Klaus Mikaelson (The Originals)
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trumanextras · 5 years
 in the middle of teenagers and people like this, he felt lost. not that he’d ever show it, edgar was much used to dealing with teenagers around the farm, but he wasn’t used to actually being responsible for them.  evelyn took care of herself very well, hence why he was so proud of her and he didn’t need to worry about her very often, leaving him much more time to focus on the matters of the farm. but in here, it was different. he wasn’t leading, no, he was just someone.. and above all, that was what was annoying him the most. in his hands was a book that he had been lucky enough to bring with him from the farm - not because it was particularly important, no - he had read it a thousand times, but.. inside, there was a picture of his wife, one that he found himself taking out more often than he should. saving it inside the book again as he heard footsteps approaching him, edgar looked up, frowning slightly.  “can i help you? or if you’re just looking for a place to get away from all the noise, i don’t mind some company. peace and silence are often necessary to organize your thoughts but some company is good too.”
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trumanextras · 5 years
Time for an event call! I’ll be dropping most threads from before (unless we talk about it to continue or headcanon it out) so here’s a call for all my babies!! Please reply with specifications of which of mine and which of yours you want!
MALLORY - AHS: APOCALYPSE - is having a blast. She loves nature, is getting to run around and be a little wild child.
CHERRI COLA - THE TRUE LIVES OF THE FABULOUS KILLJOYS - has seen exactly (1) tree in his life before so this is a brand new experience for him.
BENJAMAN RITCHER - AHS: 1984 - he doesn’t really know what he’s doing but he’s there in case anyone needs him to do a Dad Thing
BB-8 - STAR WARS - again, running through the forest being a little feral child
THE JOKER/JACK NAPIER - DC COMICS - is not having it. Trees are not his thing.
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trumanextras · 5 years
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BB-8 ran their hand along the tree, rough bark biting into their palm. The further into the hike they got, the more unease had started to creep up within them. The forests, the clearings, they reminded them so much of Takodana, D’Qar, even Batuu. Temporary homes, meant to be built and rebuilt in days. They weren’t even in their own galaxy now, so far with such primitive technology, BB couldn’t even build a halfway decent communicator if they tried.
On small hand clenched around their necklace. An old antenna and their personality chip strung along the chain. Try as they might, the ex-droid still couldn’t get rid of that stupid chip. It had been everything they were. Thoughts, memories, their whole life recorded on one little piece of circuitry. And also… their loyalty programming. The scheduled panic if they strayed too far from the Resistance, the crippling fear when unable to find their human. Tears fell down their cheeks, their cause unknown to the droid. That’d been happening a lot lately, without reason.
A rustle behind them, BB-8 quickly wiped away any evidence that they had been crying. “Hi. Um. Did you get lost too?” They turned, praying to the Maker that their sorrow wasn’t noticeable.
open to all! 
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trumanextras · 5 years
Anne sat in the tree, her gaze turned upwards as her fingers traced the multi-colored leaves. She turned her head slightly, smiling as she listened to the calls of the birds, one hand keeping her notebook and pen in place. She may be nineteen now, but she knew that she’d never tire of nestling herself in the crook of a tree, safe within the cradle of bark and branches. “Soon all of your leaves will fall to the floor, and you’ll be left with the chance to start afresh. New flowers to grow from your steady hands, cherished buds unfurling to create new patterns and shapes and beauties. And soon I shall do the same, for every day, every month, every year, we all evolve and grow anew. I once thought that having so many Annes within me was simply a nuisance, but now I must admit that that was far too hasty a judgment. It’s exhilarating, to know that who I am today will not be who I am tomorrow. As long as I better myself with every change, then I shall resolve to no longer fear these evolutions within me.”
At the sound of approaching feet, Anne looked down, smiling at the newcomer. “Hello!” she exclaimed with a wave. “Are you looking for the main campground? If you are, you’d have to walk a little further in that direction.” She pointed to the west, certain in her knowledge. She had always been good at knowing her way around nature.
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trumanextras · 5 years
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some of his peers seemed to dread the dare gratium holiday, but ORPHEUS oddly looked forward to it every autumn. he quite liked the hike up to camp and away from the city. it was an escape into nature, where the whole town came together to give thanks for everything and everyone. he swore he even slept better in his tent then his own apartment.
however, gathering around the campfire at the end of the night was always the best part. to no one’s surprise, he sat strumming his guitar as the flames danced along in front of him. “ i don’t normally take requests, ” he smiles as he looked to his neighbor. “ but it is the holiday season, so if you’re dying for something good… maybe i’ll play it this once. ”
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