trustxissucs · 6 days
Face Touches Stabby’s RP Meme
Options: send with Reverse to reverse the sender/receiver send with Unwanted Touch or Wanted Touch (if relevant) specify Drabble or Starter add dialogue if u like
🗞️ [ paper ] sender tucks paper under receiver’s chin to tip their head up 🫴 [ cup ] sender cups receiver’s chin gently in their hand 😶 [ rough ] sender grabs receiver’s chin harshly and forces them to look 🤗 [ squish ] sender squishes receiver’s cheeks in their hands 💕 [ hold ] sender gently holds receiver’s cheeks in their hands 🥵 [ thumb ] sender presses their thumb on receiver’s bottom lip ☝️ [ finger ] sender presses a single finger under receiver’s chin to tip their head up 🤏 [ tweak ] sender pinches the tip of receiver’s nose 👃 [ boop ] sender boops receiver’s nose 🫵 [ push ] sender pushes a finger into receiver’s forehead 🔪 [ knife ] sender tucks a pointy object under receiver’s chin to tip their head up 🔫 [ gun ] sender tucks the barrel of a pistol up under receiver’s chin 👊 [ punch ] sender punches receiver’s face
inspired by this post Reblog at will for RP/Writing
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trustxissucs · 6 days
a whole new world / sentence starters.
for muses who aren’t used to things being… like this. safe. (for muses who haven’t felt safe in a long time.)
to the helper.
“What are you doing? What’s that?”
“I need your help.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Is… that’s medicine?”
“They wouldn’t believe me.”
“Why are you taking care of me?”
“What do you want?”
“I don’t speak to a lot of people.”
“I don’t know what’s going on.”
“I’m… kind of scared.”
“You’re wasting your time.”
“I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Report it to who? They wouldn’t care.”
“This was my fault.”
from the helper.
“How long have you been out here?” 
“I’m going to give you something for the pain now, okay? It will help.”
“Lean on me. It’s okay. Lean on me, I’ve got you.”
“Things aren’t normally like that. You know that, right?”
“The world is a lot better than what they told you.”
“You don’t have to obey them anymore.”
“Yeah. You’re alive.”
“How are you feeling?”
“You didn’t deserve that. Nobody deserves that.” 
“It’s just water. It’s just water, here, I’ll drink some, see? It’s just water.”
“Nobody here is going to hurt you.” 
“You were pretty roughed up when you came in.”
“Do you remember what happened?”
“You should know, this is the sort of thing I have to report to the police.”
“Would you like to make a statement?”
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trustxissucs · 6 days
🔰 Would you please reblog this if you’re open to RPing with sideblogs?
There are rp blogs out there that don’t want personal blogs to follow them and like their posts even though those often have rp sideblogs. It would be a shame to ignore those just because they aren’t their main blogs. Please be so kind to reblog this post so that people with sideblogs know they are welcome. Thank you.
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trustxissucs · 2 months
listen i recently became obsessed with the amount of television shows that have a mystery person knocking on the protagonist's door as a major finale cliffhanger, and it got me thinking, and now we have this list that a few immensely talented people helped me with! that said, we know the drill by now. DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST OR CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN! IF YOU HAVE IDEAS FOR MORE PROMPTS SEND THEM TO ME AND I WILL ADD THEM!
[ KISS ]: sender shows up at the receiver's door and impulsively pulls them in for a passionate kiss that punctuates a lengthy slow-burn between the two.
[ WOUNDED ]: sender arrives at the receiver's door with considerable injuries, in dire need of help and emergency care that only the receiver is either trusted enough or convenient enough to provide.
[ TEARS ]: sender shows up at the receiver's door in tears and in need of comfort after a long day (or week, or month…)
[ DEFEATED ]: sender arrives at the receiver's door after having lost a considerably important battle (metaphorical or literal) and needing a place to recuperate from the loss.
[ FUGITIVE ]: sender, having just become a fugitive from the law, runs to the receiver's home in the hopes of finding shelter and safety with them.
[ GIFTS ]: sender arrives at the receiver's house with gifts for the homeowner themselves.
[ APOLOGY ]: sender goes to the receiver's house to apologize to them for a past wrong-doing (specify if you wish!)
[ DATE ]: sender arrives at the receiver's house to take them on a romantic date.
[ HANG OUT ]: sender arrives at the receiver's house to hang out with them for the day.
[ GO OUT ]: sender heads to the receiver's house to take them out for a day of fun/relaxation.
[ COLLECT ]: sender shows up at the receiver's house to collect something that the receiver has either purchased for them or borrowed from them.
[ DELIVER ]: sender shows up at the receiver's house to deliver something to them that either the sender borrowed or the receiver requested from them.
[ CONFRONT ]: sender goes to the receiver's house to confront them about an on-going problem between the two of them.
[ FAVOR ]: sender goes to the receiver's house to ask them for a favour.
[ RECRUIT ]: sender goes to the receiver's house to recruit them for an upcoming task that the sender is unable to do alone.
[ ROOMIE ]: sender goes to the receiver's house to move in with them.
[ COMFORT ]: sender goes to the receiver's house to comfort them after the receiver has a difficult time or experiences a significantly difficult event.
[ HELP ]: sender goes to the receiver's house to help them with something that the receiver is either procrastinating or unable to accomplish on their own.
[ LEISURE ]: sender goes to the receiver's house for a movie night or a game night.
[ WARN ]: sender goes to the receiver's house to warn them against doing something that they suspect the receiver is preparing to do.
[ THREATEN ]: sender goes to the receiver's house in order to threaten them.
[ REUNITE ]: sender returns to the receiver's house after having been away for a while, intending to reunite with them.
[ GOODBYE ]: sender goes to the receiver's house to say a final farewell after learning they're due to leave town, possibly for good.
[ SECRET ]: sender sneaks out to the receiver's house to meet with them in secret.
[ BAD NEWS ]: sender arrives at the receiver's doorstep to deliver some bad news to them (SPECIFY THE NEWS).
[ PARTY ]: sender arrives at the receiver's house to attend a party that the receiver is hosting.
[ NEIGHBOUR ]: sender, having just moved in next door, arrives at the receiver's house to introduce themselves.
[ ENGINE ]: sender's car breaks down in the same street that the receiver lives on, leading the sender to knock on their door to ask for help.
[ PRETEND ]: sender knocks on the receiver's door to ask them to pretend to know them for the sake of a cover story.
[ VISIT ]: sender goes to the receiver's house for a casual visit.
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trustxissucs · 2 months
send in " knock, knock. " for the sender to show up on the receiver's doorstep, knock on their door, and as soon as the receiver opens the door, the sender grabs them and kisses them passionately.
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trustxissucs · 2 months
PROMPTS FOR CHECK INS *  assorted dialogue for checking with someone to see if they're okay, find out what's going on, etc etc., adjust as necessary
do you have everything you need for your trip?
how have you been since i last saw you?
pretty sure you never told me what happened.
while you're doing that, why don't you fill me in?
you're the only person that cares to ask how i am.
when's the last time you slept?
i won't tell a soul if you tell me what happened.
i just want to make sure you're okay.
i haven't spoken to you in quite some time.
could you give me a rundown of what happened?
i'd like to know what's going on.
what am i walking into?
it's not as bad as it looks.
you can trust me with the truth.
let me take a look at your injury.
you haven't slept in days. i can tell.
thank you for checking on me.
are you feeling better than you were the last time i saw you?
i'm just checking on you.
not trying to bug you. just wanted to know what's going on.
at least fill me in before you go.
walk me through what we're dealing with.
i hear you've got a plan?
do you need anything?
you can tell me anything.
i'll live.
let me grab you something to drink.
thank you for asking how i am.
when's the last time you ate?
that wound doesn't look too good.
would you relax for a second? i'm just checking on you.
that was a lie. try again and tell me the truth this time.
you're forgetting how well i know you.
you can't lie to me. i know all your tells.
stop bullshitting me and tell me what's really going on.
what are you hiding from me?
keep talking. i want to hear everything.
to tell you the truth, i'm struggling a bit here.
i think i deserve some honesty here.
i just want to check on you.
i'll come by in an hour and see how you're doing.
while i'm gone, [name] will be by to check on you.
can you let me care about you for two seconds?
you're terrible at keeping secrets from me.
you seem upset. what happened?
how long have you been dealing with this?
thanks for stopping by.
this sounds a lot worse than i expected.
you've been dealing with this alone, haven't you?
i've told you everything i know.
let me cook for you at least.
you look half-starved.
are you cold? why are you shaking?
there's more to the story that you're not saying.
why do you keep evading my questions?
that's not all there is, right?
so that's what they've been hiding.
thank you for being honest with me.
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trustxissucs · 2 months
RECOVERING AFTER THE BIG BATTLE PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for conversations after you just went through absolute hell to protect something, get somewhere, or fight your way through hordes of bad guys, adjust as necessary
how are you holding up after that?
they knew we were coming.
i didn't think we were going to survive that.
can you stand? do you need me to help?
take some deep breaths. it's over.
i need a headcount!
there was nothing we could do to stop them.
i've never seen weapons like that before.
don't you dare close your eyes. stay awake for me.
let me go grab you something to drink.
i'm sorry. they didn't make it.
get me a medic.
we won't survive another battle like that.
we should have been more prepared.
the odds were stacked against us.
sound off! who's not dead?
if you're bleeding, tell me now.
don't bullshit me. you're limping. when did you start limping?
just a few more steps and we can rest.
they knew we were coming.
i'm going back for them. you stay here.
there's nothing else we can do to help them.
our world is lost.
i saw you out there, fighting for your life.
i'm sorry i couldn't be there to help you fight them off.
given what i just saw out there, i think your training is complete.
you saved my life.
they were never going to get past you.
we all need time to rest after that.
maybe we should set up camp, take turns keeping watch.
we did it! it's over!
next time, we won't be so lucky.
have you seen [name]? did they make it out?
they were stronger than we expected.
we have to prepare for the second wave.
there's no time to run.
get me the healer.
just lay back down, and i'll take care of you.
you're not going to die, not under my watch.
you showed up the second i needed you, like you heard me.
i don't think i can face a battle like that again.
we got lucky, but the next time they attack, they'll be ready for us.
we cut down their numbers, but they're still strong.
there must be something we can do.
i thought you said you weren't injured!
think you're going to have to go on without me.
i wasn't prepared for any of that.
i need more training.
we can't face that kind of firepower alone.
how long until they send reinforcements?
they've got us trapped here. it's only a matter of time until they come back to finish the job.
there has to be some other way to defeat them.
we underestimated their power.
thanks for coming back for me.
we need to come up with a better strategy.
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trustxissucs · 2 months
"IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME" PROMPTS * assorted dialogue for that deep regret you feel when you should have been there instead of them, and now they're gone and you're still here and full of guilt, adjust and change pronouns as necessary
i should have been there to help them.
i promised i'd look out for them, and i wasn't there.
they needed me, and i turned my back on them.
why didn't they take me instead?
it's all my fault they're gone.
i'm not giving up until i save them.
there has to be a way to reverse the curse.
i'm not giving up on them now.
i knew this was a mistake from the start.
you did what you could.
i should have done more to stop it.
there was nothing you could do.
it's over. it's in the past.
they're all i've got.
we weren't prepared for this.
i don't know what i'll do without them.
they wouldn't want you to be upset over this.
it's time for us to move on.
they said they'd take me instead.
this can't be all there is.
i'm not okay. i'll never be okay.
why didn't they listen to me?
every time i close my eyes, i see their face.
that should have been me down there.
i'm such a failure.
i'm the one at fault here.
i backed out.
what if they die because of me?
they never should have taken my place.
maybe if i'd done things differently, they'd still be here.
i should be dead right now.
i don't deserve their sacrifice.
we were at the wrong place at the wrong time.
i can't do this without them.
they blame me, don't they?
please take me instead.
maybe i should have stayed back.
take me instead!
the guilt's going to eat me alive.
i went back on my promise.
you can't dwell on your mistakes.
we'll find a way to break the curse.
how much time do we have to stop it?
i can't live with myself.
i never wanted this to happen.
can't they take me instead?
this isn't what i wanted.
i'm sorry. they didn't make it.
they sacrificed themselves to save me.
this shatters me more than you think.
i tried everything i could to stop it.
i was going to sacrifice myself.
it should have been me.
why did you let this happen?
please take me with you.
i failed. it's over.
this wasn't your doing.
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trustxissucs · 2 months
PROMPTS FROM BILLIE EILISH'S HIT ME HARD AND SOFT *  assorted lines from the album, some slightly adapted, adjust as necessary
baby, i think you were made for me.
i wish you the best for the rest of your life.
i need to confess, i told you a lie.
you were the love of my life.
i can't fall in love with you.
i see the way you want me.
i gotta be careful, gotta watch what i say.
god, i hope it all goes away.
did i break your heart?
you're just so sweet.
i don't need to breathe when you look at me.
keep it brief.
you seem so paranoid.
if this is how i die, that's all right.
open up the door for me.
i just want you to touch me.
i've never paid this much attention to you, ever.
i want you to stay.
i'll love you 'til the day i die.
i want you to see how you look to me.
you're so full of shit.
if you go, i'm going too.
we should stick together.
did you take my love away from me?
i never did you wrong.
fell in love for the first time with a friend.
it's a good time.
you told me it was war.
if it's forever, it's even better.
i don't know what i'm crying for.
call me when you're there.
i bought you something rare.
it's a craving, not a crush.
people say i look happy.
the old me is still me and maybe the real me.
i think she's pretty.
can you open up the door?
am i acting my age now?
i'll run a shower for you like you want.
if i'm allowed, i'll help you take them off.
bring that over here.
i need to be alone now, i'm taking a break.
am i already on the way out?
when i step off the stage, i'm a bird in a cage.
you said i was your secret.
the internet is hungry for the meanest kind of funny.
do you still cry?
i loved you for so long.
i could eat that girl for lunch.
tastes like she might be the one.
i don't know why i called.
i don't know you at all.
i could never get enough.
you need a seat? i'll volunteer.
i'm interested in more than just being your friend.
do you know how to bend?
when i come back around, will i know what to say?
there's a part of me that recognizes you.
do you feel it, too?
when you told me it was serious, were you serious?
they tell me it's all been a trap.
no, don't say that.
did i waste your time?
i tried to be there for you.
you said you'd never fall in love again because of me.
i love you, don't act so surprised.
things fall apart and time breaks your heart.
i wasn't there, but i know.
you don't need to remind me.
i should put it all behind me, shouldn't i?
did i cross the line?
good things don't last.
life moves so fast.
every time you touch me, i just wonder how she felt.
i know you didn't mean to hurt me, so i kept it to myself.
i'm trying my best to keep you satisfied.
you don't wanna know how alone i've been.
we don't have to fight when it's not worth fighting for.
you don't wanna know what i would've done.
i loved you and i still do.
just wanted passion from you.
it's not my fault, i did what i could.
you made it so hard like i knew you would.
after i left, it was obvious.
we're so glad it's over now.
say you miss me.
don't be afraid of me.
please don't call the cops.
bet i could change your life.
i tried to save you, but i failed.
i hope you'll read it this time.
i left a calling card so they would know that it was me.
i memorized your number.
if something happens to him, you can bet that it was me.
i'd like to mean it when i say i'm over you.
i thought we were the same.
he never learned to sympathize with anyone.
i don't blame you, but i can't change you.
it's over now.
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trustxissucs · 2 months
PROMPTS FOR DENIAL, DENIAL, AND MORE DENIAL * assorted dialogue for saying no way! adjust as necessary
it wasn't me.
you must be mistaken.
i didn't do that.
i don't love you.
that wasn't a kiss.
denial is a river in egypt.
please just tell me the truth.
you've got it all wrong.
i don't think you're lying to me.
i never said that.
you're imagining things.
when did i ever tell you that?
that never happened.
i was in the other room when it happened.
i heard everything, but i didn't see it.
that was someone else.
just tell me what you know.
you know what? i believe you.
i didn't lie to you.
are you sure it was me that said that?
i swear, i didn't do anything.
if you didn't do it, you need to tell me who did.
on my mom's life, i didn't do it.
someone is setting me up.
who told you i was here?
the truth will set you free.
i wasn't here to do that.
you're making a big mistake.
they're blaming me for something i didn't do.
i didn't say that to you.
technically it wasn't a lie.
i was fast asleep when it happened.
i didn't hear anything.
you've mistaken me for someone else.
maybe you saw someone, sure, but it wasn't me.
they'll tell you where i was.
i never touched it.
if it's missing, it's not my fault.
i thought someone else was watching it!
i didn't promise you anything!
when did this happen?
you're shitting me.
this is a frame job.
who are you covering up for?
why don't you just tell me the truth?
i never said we were exclusive.
you didn't tell me you were going out.
it slipped my mind.
i didn't mean to lie to you.
i don't know how else to tell you i wasn't here.
they said i did it? when?
when are you going to quit lying to me?
yesterday you told me one thing, and today you're giving me a whole different story.
so what is the truth?
that's never been the case.
you made that up.
this is how you wanted me to find out?
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trustxissucs · 2 months
"I'M GOING TO SAVE YOUR LIFE" PROMPTS * assorted dialogue for near-death scenarios and the dramatic conversations that follow, adjust as necessary
just stay with me, hold on!
we're gonna get you out of here!
stay awake for me, [name]!
look at me! keep your eyes fixed on me!
you're not gonna die here. not on my watch.
it's not over! not yet!
what if i take your place?
let me get you out of here.
squeeze my hand if it hurts.
i'll patch this up for you and we'll be on our way.
i'm not leaving you to die.
if you risk your life for me, i'm coming to get you.
i'll get you out of there one way or another.
don't say that. there's still hope.
this is not your time to die.
you promised me forever.
i came to save your life.
i just risked everything to find you.
you still owe me a drink, remember?
they've got you all wrong.
i'll find a way to free you.
anything you can tell me to help get you out of here?
don't start speaking like that. you're not going to die.
it's gonna be close, but we'll make it.
i thought i lost you.
wait until they see you're alive.
told you i'd come looking for you.
when you didn't show up, i started to worry.
they can't hold you in here without a reason.
they want to execute you?!
i'll get you out of here before the sun rises.
they can't take you away from me.
please don't cry. this isn't the end.
don't give up on me just yet.
i have a plan to get you out of here.
sit tight and wait for my signal.
stay right there! i'll get help!
you've lost a lot of blood, but i'm gonna fix you right up.
this is not how you're meant to die.
you have so much life left to live.
you promised me you'd stay alive.
i thought i told you to be careful!
this is what happens when you don't listen to me.
whatever happens, just know that i love you.
maybe i can take your place.
wrap your arms around me just like that.
i'll carry you out of this mess.
just a few more steps.
take some deep breaths for me.
the doctors are coming. just hang on.
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trustxissucs · 2 months
A LIFE LESS ORDINARY PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the 1997 film, adjust as necessary, requested by judgementdaysunshine
fate brought us together. it kept us together. we were destined for one another.
so you're telling me that successful relationships are made in heaven?
it comes from a strange and wonderful place that we don't know about.
you also reject the idea that love is merely an emotional adaptation to a physical necessity?
are you serious?
fate intervenes in people's lives.
that's part of the beauty of it.
it's inexplicable, unpredictable, and absolutely beyond control or understanding.
you nearly got killed.
do you have any substantial evidence to back all this?
why do you believe it?
i'm a dreamer.
are you ready?
are you taking me to a hospital?
i'd like to make a withdrawal.
i thought we agreed there'd be no cliches.
what the hell did you do to her?
she had a gun!
so that makes everything all right, does it?
she isn't my type.
what are you talking about?
look at yourself. you're nothing. you're nobody.
you're wanted in connection with a violent crime.
are we going home now?
believe me, you don't want to know.
i came to see you and all you could do was humiliate me and turn me away.
i thought you were decent, but it turns out you're just a lying, cheating bastard like all the rest.
i'm sure you're just a regular kind of guy.
kill me, but don't touch the girl.
have you ever felt like you're not in control of your life?
we can do this with or without violence, it's up to you.
you have the demeanor of a man whose partner has left him for an aerobics instructor.
don't even ask where i'm going.
why don't you give me the gun?
why are you such a pain to be with?
i didn't go to harvard business school.
you're going to kill me?
that's a lot of money.
i remember the good old days.
i wish you hadn't done that.
someone let me out of this trunk!
do you have any idea how hard it is to find a good husband in this town?
you don't know how i feel.
exactly as you predicted.
if you don't mind my asking, how did you know he was going to react like that?
it's our job to know things like that.
you can take the car, but remember: it's stolen.
you're in a lot of trouble, you know.
i hate it down here.
you'll die for this, i swear to god.
they were trying to confuse you.
i'm not interested in you.
i want her back.
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trustxissucs · 2 months
PROMPTS FOR SPENDING THE NIGHT TOGETHER *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
[ storm ] sender sees the awful weather conditions outside and insists receiver stay the night and ride it out
[ too late ] sender notices how late it is and suggests receiver sleeps over rather than travel the long distance home
[ sleepover ] sender and receiver have been planning this sleepover situation for a while now, and tonight's the night it finally happens!
[ one bed ] sender and receiver are forced to share the same room and the single bed within it
[ accident ] while traveling with receiver, sender accidentally books a room with one bed, and the place is too crowded to find another option
[ sick ] sender tends to a sick receiver at their home and stays the night to watch over them
[ injured ] sender brings an injured receiver home and refuses to leave their side overnight
[ couch ] while receiver sleeps on the couch, sender leaves their bedroom to snuggle with them instead
[ sneak ] while receiver sleeps in their bed, sender abandons their place on the couch and climbs into bed with them
[ awkward ] sender and receiver, laying in the same bed, establish some distance between their bodies before falling asleep. when they wake up, they realize they're cuddling
[ movie ] while watching a movie together, sender and receiver fall asleep on the couch and end up staying there all night
[ car ] with no hotel or place to stay in sight, sender and receiver fall asleep in their car together
[ fort ] sender and receiver build a pillow fort and fall asleep inside it
[ read ] sender reads to receiver to help them fall asleep
[ work ] forced to pull an all-nighter, sender and receiver work tirelessly side by side through the night
[ tent ] there's only one tent on this camping trip/adventure, so sender and receiver are forced to snuggle down in cramped quarters and make it work
[ outdoors ] sender and receiver construct a temporary shelter to get through the night outdoors, huddling together for warmth
[ pretend ] sender and receiver are fake-dating/fake-married and have to be seen staying the same room together to fully sell the relationship
[ intimacy ] sender and receiver wake up in the same bed and, in the haze of a beautiful morning, kiss for the very first time
[ whisper ] while receiver sleeps (or pretends to sleep) beside them, sender whispers affectionate, reassuring things to them thinking they can't hear
[ caress ] while receiver sleeps (or pretends to be asleep) beside them, sender admires how wonderful they look and gently caresses their arm
[ innocent ] before the two of them fall asleep, sender leans in and presses an innocent kiss to receiver's forehead
[ kiss ] sender and receiver share a tender kiss before they cuddle and fall asleep in each other's arms
[ spoon ] sender snuggles up behind receiver in bed and spoons them as they sleep
[ snore ] sender wakes up in the middle of the night and realizes receiver's snoring woke them up
[ hair ] sender gently strokes receiver's hair until they fall asleep
[ locked up ] locked away in the same cell/compartment, sender and receiver try and sleep side by side for comfort and warmth
[ cave ] out of options, sender and receiver are forced to spend the night together in a cave
i know my way around. i've stayed the night before.
is this the pillow i used last time?
mind if i stay the night?
you snore, you know.
i think i might fall asleep standing up.
it's not safe for you to drive home.
you should stay here. i don't mind.
i'll take the couch, and you can have my bed.
don't be serious. i'll take the couch.
this could be fun! it's a sleepover!
i have nowhere else to go.
i feel safer when you're here.
i don't want to impose.
are you the big spoon or little spoon?
would it be all right if i stayed the night?
i don't snore.
i'll stay on my side of the bed if you stay on yours.
pretend there's an invisible line down the middle of the bed. don't cross it.
there's no harm in cuddling.
i'm freezing.
is this the first time you've slept with someone?
this doesn't have to lead to sex.
this doesn't mean anything.
you fell asleep on my shoulder.
i'll protect you all night.
you'll never get home in a storm like this.
i don't want you driving in that.
i don't want you traveling in that.
bad news. the room's only got one bed.
is there a pullout couch we can use?
i'll just sleep on the floor.
pretty sure we cuddled all night.
you used me as your pillow.
i got you a blanket.
mind if i scoot in?
stay in bed. i'm here to help.
what's a little cuddling between friends?
i'm glad you stayed over.
what if we watch something to pass the time?
i didn't have anywhere else to go.
did you have to buy the smallest tent possible?
at least pretend that you like me.
do you like spooning?
this doesn't have to be awkward.
you're really warm.
this is cozy.
you should stay like this.
i don't want you to go.
can i hold you for a while?
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trustxissucs · 2 months
PROMPTS FOR FEELING SAFE / EXPRESSING COMFORT * assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary, send "reverse" for the reversal of action prompts. suggested by judgementdaysunshine
i haven't felt like this in a very long time.
i wanted to thank you for protecting me back there.
you stepped in when you didn't need to.
for once in my life, i feel safe.
this place gives me a good feeling.
i feel safe in your arms.
it's been a while since i slept through the night without any nightmares.
i could get used to this.
i won't let anything happen to you.
you make me feel safe.
you didn't have to step in and help me, but you did, and i appreciate that.
no one's ever stood up for me like that before.
my whole life has been filled with conflict and pain. not anymore.
maybe i'll finally know peace with you.
we deserve an easy life.
you're my port in the storm.
i can't tell you the last time i actually felt safe.
you know me. i don't let my guard down for just anyone.
something changed to make me feel this way.
you're safe here with me.
they won't come after you, and if they do? they'll have to go through me.
it feels nice, being here with you.
you make me feel like i can accomplish anything.
i can be myself with you.
we're looking out for you.
you won't judge me for the things i say.
just stay here a while, if you don't mind.
so this is what safety feels like.
i can finally breathe again.
nothing can touch you while i'm here.
you can go back to sleep. it's safe.
no one will hurt you anymore.
my life is in your hands.
promise me you won't abandon me?
i'll be right here when you wake up.
you taught me how to protect myself.
[ lean ] sender slowly leans into receiver's shoulder and rests there for a while
[ sleep ] sender manages to fall asleep in receiver's presence
[ snuggle ] sender snuggles closer to receiver as they sleep
[ reach ] sender reaches for receiver in their sleep
[ shelter ] sender uses their body to shield receiver from danger
[ seek ] sender seeks out receiver for a protective hug
[ choose ] sender has plenty of options on where to sit in a crowded space, but chooses to sit directly beside receiver
[ reassurance ] in a tense moment, sender takes one of receiver's hands to hold
[ stay here ] sender guides receiver to a safe place and tells them to wait there while they deal with a problem
[ interrupt ] sender stops a confrontation between receiver and someone else, stepping between them and coming to receiver's defense
[ home ] sender shows receiver their new home
[ nightmare ] sender comforts receiver after they wake up from a nightmare
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trustxissucs · 2 months
"I HAVE TO BE BETTER THAN THIS" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for recognizing you need to change, adjust as necessary
this cannot be all there is for me.
i deserve better than this sort of life.
there's more for me out there. i can feel it.
something has to change.
i'm not meant for a life like this.
do you ever feel like there's more for you out there?
this was never my dream.
there's still time to change.
this was your path. this wasn't mine.
i'm not living my life for you.
i have to keep looking for myself out there.
i deserve more than what i've been given.
someone else made these decisions for me.
this is my life, not yours.
i need to make mistakes in order to find where i belong.
i could get used to a place like this.
this is so different than what i'm used to.
you've opened my eyes to a world i thought i'd never see.
what could be greater than this?
i'm not going to just sit here and watch my life pass me by.
i was born to be great.
i need adventure like i need air.
my mistakes don't define me.
you can't judge me for doing that.
i did what i had to in order to survive.
this was never in the cards for me.
they picked this path for me the day i was born.
i had no say in the kind of person i became.
my potential has always been limited.
these are things i never thought i could do.
what else have they been hiding from me?
there's more out there than they're saying.
i'm not just going to sit idly by and watch.
you have to take charge of your own destiny.
isn't that what you were always saying to me?
you believed in me when no one else did.
i've made a lot of mistakes in my life.
i still have a lot of learning to do.
i need time to grow and change as a person.
let me at least try to be good.
they told me i couldn't, and i believed them.
i need to stop listening to what they have to stay.
it's better to follow your heart.
what does your heart tell you?
this is wrong, and you know it.
we were not meant for this.
i can't just sit here and watch the world fall apart around me.
somebody's gotta do something. might as well be me.
you won't be able to stop me.
i'm going to live my life, even if it kills me.
it's all going to change, because i'm going to change.
no more sitting around waiting for my life to happen.
they were all wrong about me.
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trustxissucs · 2 months
send me a prompt for one muse to find the other in the following situation:
feel free to specify which muse is in which role
( fury ) : incredibly angry
( hostage ) : held captive for ransom 
( frozen ) : suffering from hypothermia 
( tears ) : sobbing openly, unable to stop
( haunted ) : trapped in a haunted house
( fall ) : having fallen off a cliff or tall tower 
( hungry ) : half starved and malnourished
( splash ) : having fallen into a body of water 
( ends ) : having just broken off a relationship
( defend ) : unconscious as the result of a fight
( rest ) : trying to sleep, but unable to fall asleep
( fear ) : having just woken up from a night terror
( ER ) : in the hospital after an injury of some kind
( tall ) : stuck somewhere too tall for them to get down 
( feverish ) : suffering from a high fever and severely ill
( soak ) : shivering and drenched to the bone in a rainstorm 
( shipwreck ) :  unconscious / injured, washed up on a beach
 ( student ) : getting extremely frustrated while learning new skill
( exhausted ) : too tired to stay standing, too stubborn to lie down
( lost ) : wandering in the middle of nowhere, with no idea where they are 
( party pooper ) : alone, surrounded by party decor after no one else showed up
( magic ) : injured as result of a spell. either enemy’s or their own malfunctioning 
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trustxissucs · 2 months
various medical starters
“Hold onto my hand, okay?”
“Don’t look at it. Keep your eyes on me.” 
“You were sick. I didn’t want to leave you.” 
“Can you hear me?”
“I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’m going to change out your IV now. It will be quick.”
“I can’t breathe.”
“It’s probably just swelling, but we could check for a break if it would give you peace of mind.”
“What did you take?”
“Where are you, will someone find you if you pass out before I get there?” 
“Having nightmares that get that bad… that’s not normal.”
“You should be at home.”
“Keep talking to me, alright?”
“How did you get [injury]?”
“– Was that a gunshot? [Name]?”
“You might have to stay in bed a couple more days.”
“I made you soup. I wasn’t sure if you’d want it.”
“Your fever is very high. I’m [name]. We’re friends, you called me and asked me to come over.”
“Maybe we should head to the ER.”
“Have you been drinking?”
“Take it in sips, to start with. Go slow.”
“I think you’re concussed.”
“It’s too bright.”
“I’m really cold.”
“I’ll come and pick you up, just stay there.”
“So, what are you in for?” (said inside a hospital, probably)
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