truuly25 · 2 years
Crazy Teenagers Part 2 - Aitana Bonmatí
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The day finally arrived, I've always dreamed about playing at Camp Nou, today I'll do it, but I won't defend the colours I love.
When the match was at his end I went to my national teammates, I congratulated them, Aitana was the last one I saw.
-Good game Aitana.
-Same Y/N, we go grab some food and talk?
-Yeah sure, tell me where and I'll be there.
She gave me the direction of a restaurant and I went there, when I arrived I saw her at the door, she was so pretty.
-Hola Y/N, shall we enter?
-Sure, by the way, you are very pretty- I told her that and she began to turn red.
-Don't tell me these things Y/N.
Therfore she told me that I loved to make her turn red, in fact, I love everything about her.
-We have to talk- She told me with a serious face.
-Si... you begin please.
-You know that I was so hurt when we broke up, but I know we needed a time to love ourselves, we were 2 crazy teenagers in love, but I realised that you are the women of my life, that I want to travel with you, live manu adventures and, if you don't want it I'll respect that, I've tried to forget you for 2 years but I just could imagine if you were doing right, if you've met someone, and I'm so sorry but I love you from here to the infinity- She said with tears coming out her eyes, mine were almost coming down but I needed to tell her without crying.
-Aitana babe- Her face lighten up a bit with that- It's been 2 difficult years for me, everytime I've met anyone I couldn't be with them, because they weren't you, I also think about my future and it's a future with you, I agree that we were crazy teenagers in love but we've changed and I think that we should give us another chance, because I love like the first day or even more- When I finished she came to me and she kisses me slowly, I think it was the best kiss I ever had.
-Why don't we go home to celebrate?- She asked seeing that we didn't want to separate.
-I think it's the best thing.
She took me by her hand and we get to her home, in seconds we were in the bed, you can imagine what happened.
The next morning I woke up with Aitana on top of me, she was sleeping so peacefully, I observed her for a while, she was the prettiest thing in the world for me.
-Good morning amor- She told me with a sleepy voice.
-Good morning sleepy head- Then she kissed me.
-Hey, I got to go meet some of the girls for breakfast, do you want to come?
-Yeah sure, but at 3 p.m I have to be at the hotel to leave.
-I'd love that we were at the same team.
-I'd love that too amor, but I'm the captain, I can left them...
-I know babe, and at the end, Madrid isn't that far, but I have to admit that hurts that you are now from Real Madrid, you were so culé- She told me laughing and giving me a kiss on the fronthead.
-Barça is at my heart, but I couldn't refuse the offer they gave me.
-I know amor, now let's go or we'll be late.
-Okay, but we can get lunch the two of us alone?¿
-Sure, because yesterday we didn't eat anything.
-Well, I got to eat something better than the food, I don't know if you did- I told her laughing.
-Of course I did, silly.
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truuly25 · 2 years
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Crazy teenagers - Aitana Bonmatí
-Hey Y/N, ready for the match?- Misa asked me, she's my teammate and actually my best friend on the team.
-Yeah, I'm willing to see our national teammates- I replied with a light smile.
-You only want to see Aitana...- She replied with a mischievous smile.
-And you only want to see Leila...- I responded trying not to laugh.
I've known Aitana since we were little, we grown up in the same town, we've always played together, until the day that Aitana recived a Barça offer when we were 14 y/o.
-Y/N... I have to tell you something...-Aitana told me with a sad face.
-Tell me, you know you can tell me anything.
-I got an offer from an amazing team...
-Barça, isn't it? It's totally normal, you are amazing.
-Yeah... But I don't know if I should accept it, I don't wanna let you alone in here...
-Aitana, don't worry about me, we will keep seeing each other, you will still live here don't you?
-Yes, but it won't be the same as it was.
-It doesn't matter, the first thing you should be thinking of is you and your future, I just wanna be by your sidein everything you do, and if that is you being at Barça and me here we do that and it's totally fine.
-Thanks for cheer me up Y/N.
In this moment we stared at eachother in the eyes, we were few centimeters apart, I was dying to kiss her, but I wasn't sure if she wanted to, I didn't want to take risks.
It was at this moment that Aitana said the words that I needed to listen.
-Y/N, I want to kiss you so bad right now...
-Then do it, don't be scared.
We melted into a clumsy kiss, typical of 14-year-old girls that haven't had their first kiss, but for me, It was the most beautiful kiss I've ever given.
-Aitana, I like you, so much, it started long ago but I didn't want to told you.
-I feel the same, babe.
End of flashback
A couple of uears later Levante made me am offer and I began playing there, at the moment Aitana and I weren't at a good place, she was so focused on football and not failing the exams, she left me aside, so the offer from Levante was the best thing that could've happen me.
I went to Levante thinking that it was the best, but we had a huge discussion with Aitana, she told me that I didn't think about her to take the decision, I understood her a little but I couldn't stay all my life in the town team.
After 2 years at Levante I decides to break up with Aitana, it was awful but I had to do it, then a yera later I received a huge offer from Real Madrid, they wanted me to be the leader of the nee project they were doing, I didn't doubt on accept that. Now it's been 2 years being the leader of the team and I'm so proud of what we've done.
With Aitana we decided to keep a cordial relationship, because we have to see eachother at camp and we didn't want bad vibes between us or the team. I still am so in love with her, but it isn't good to have the relationship we had, we hurt eachother very much.
The matchday arrived, semi-finals of the Champions Leaugue at home, before the game I looked briefly at Aitana, she responded with a light smile.
When the match was over I went to greet her.
-Hey Aitana, good game.
-Hey Y/N, do you think that naybe the next week after the match we can talk?
-Mmmm... yes, sure, about what?
-I still am in love with you Y/N...
-Okey it's fine, we talk in a week.
I left her with the words in the mouth, I prefer to do that after the match next week, because I'm a little shocked right now.
Author note: Sorry for mistakes, english is not my first langueage, also there will be a part 2, thanks for reading
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