tserritella · 4 years
Blog Post #5
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My character that I chose as a superhero is named Nick Ferrano. He was born and raised in Manhattan in New York City. At this time, he is currently 22 years old and lives on his own. She has super tan skin being in Italian, and has brown hair with greenish hazel eyes. She tends to work out in his free time so he is built fairly well. His parents Marissa and Joseph were both scientists working to engineer the latest and greatest medical technologies. Unfortunately, they both passed away in a lab accident when Nick was only 11 years old. Technically Nick had a little brother but his mother Marissa had a miscarriage. I'd say Nick is a rather normal adult. Apart from living with his supernatural abilities that I will get to later, he lives a pretty normal life. He works as a firefighter in the city and usually spends most of his time at the station.
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Now for the backstory. Back in that same fire that his parents passed away in, she was visiting the lab at the time of the incident. The specific start of the horrific fire incident is unknown. It is even still under investigation but Nick swears that a gas leak mixed with the chemicals created the source for the fiery demise of his parents. In that fire, he was affected by that as well personally- He got stuck In a room and suffered catastrophic 3rd degree burns all over his body. 11 years later to his current age she looks somewhat normal due to the numerous Burns and scars. A lot of it healed but you can still see what had happened. Now as his time as a firefighter he worked with fires almost every day. He would be the one to rush inside of a building to find whoever needed to be helped get out. one day his oxygen tank malfunctioned and could not dispense oxygen when he was inside a burning building.  suddenly out of nowhere in the smoke emerged a flame. That flame was from him. apparently he can create flames that absorb oxygen which in return help him breathe and find the missing person. Later on when he brought the woman back to safety out of the building, he was amazed by what he could do. 
Overtime Nick would be able to learn how to control his fire-bending powers so to speak. He could create a fireball in his hand, or lightly warm up any object just by touching it. It was on that day that he saved that woman that his powers awakened. Knowing that he could use his abilities for greater good, he continued to be a firefighter and help those in need.  with his powers known to the rest of the world, he would confidently turn into flames before he would go into a building so that he could breathe without any issue. Carrying a fireproof blanket with him, he saves a much higher number of people than what he used to be able to do that a normal human firefighter can. In this case,  Nick would be considered a hero. He is using his powers for good to help civilians in distress while making his community safer in times of need. According to the outside world that doesn't know that he saved people as a firefighter, he can be perceived as a villain. Spider-Man himself actually almost had a throw down with him and Nick. Some say he resembles Ghost Rider, or the Human Torch from Fantastic Four. 
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Nick currently lives alone but again, and he spends most of his time at the firehouse with the other firefighters. He doesn't really have a love life, because he tried and it didn't work out. He thought it would be better to just focus on work for right now. The reasoning behind that is because he doesn't have to worry about his loved ones getting hurt because of his known powers. Due to his lack of normal superpowers. He doesn't necessarily get to work for any big Super Hero Squad or establishment. Since Nick is from New York, specifically Manhattan, he  was able to team up with  Fantastic Four and Spider-Man on numerous so-called missions. I'd say his most helpful ability of those around him is to be unaffected by fire. He can also create fire on thought. He continues the life he was living at the time for the rest of his life. He eventually retires alone, but still tries to help out in the community by managing the firehouse that he has been in since he started being a firefighter. The character does eventually die due to old age, but he passes away leaving a legacy of strength and hope to the community around him. He never really innovated the ways of being a firefighter but he certainly help out the city in the time that he was doing his service. 
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I don't really know what else to put for this character As I do not want to ramble on for too long sounding very repetitive. I feel like all of the superheroes were taken so coming up with  a superhero that didn't sound stupid or look like a carbon copy was rather difficult for me. Granted this does sound super similar to The Human Torch from Fantastic Four,  I tried to give the back story of Nick a bit of a difference compared to Johnny from FF.
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tserritella · 4 years
Blog Post #4
Three common themes in both Fantastic Planet and Watership Down are the idea of a home, leadership, and nature essentially.
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The theme of home in both movies are quite straight forward in terms of relativity of modern day society. The constant search for one's true home that they can feel safe at is an extremely similar thing in today’s society. One of the goals in life for nearly everyone is to have a safe place to reside in that they can call their home.
The theme of leadership in both movies connect with modern day society. From being a leader of your friends or family, to encountering competing leaders, this theme is relatable in today's world. Everyone is trying to make a name for themselves and have a following of some sort; whether that be through a social media following, or a strong leadership in your family and/or community. The ability to lead a group of friends or family into a better life or safe place can be seen in both films.
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Lastly, the theme of nature is present in modern day society when compared to the two given animated movies. Granted nature will keep on growing regardless of what happens in the world (in Fantastic Planet’s case, “worlds”), it will always have an impact on the realm or story being told in some way, shape, or form.. From rabbits eating an available food source, to Draags seeking to reproduce and grow their population; the theme of nature will occur regardless of the film or story getting played out. 
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I do not think that these two films have any lessons or connections to historical events/movements that occurred in real life. That could just be me though
 Watership Down seemed like a Disney movie, and Fantastic Planet was painstakingly weird and boring to watch
 Definitely not my sort of genres so I can not say that I could clearly see any connection between the films and real life historic events.
In the film Fantastic Planet, the Oms come together to sort their differences when fighting a common enemy, the Draags, by combining their information and knowledge about the Draags to learn more about their kind and what their weaknesses are. Eventually after fleeing, the Draags are almost made extinct when their statues get destroyed by the Oms. In the end the biggest compromise between the two opposing sides is their way of existence. The Oms don't destroy the Draags statues which keep their species alive, and the Draags give the Oms a satellite that can orbit the planet Ygam to house the Oms.
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In the movie Watership Down, two characters that I perceive as intellectual are Hazel and his older brother Fiver. On the other hand, two characters that I see as anti-intellectual would have to be Strawberry and Acorn. I do in fact believe that the factions are affected by the conflicts throughout the movie. The reasoning behind this is because they are constantly finding new animal friends and foes, and they also stumble upon numerous warrens along the way. 
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Now as for making comparisons of characters in the movie Watership Down to people in real life, there is General Woundwort. He has a rabbit totalitarian dictator that essentially forces Holly and his group to stay in Efrafa. I can picture Kim Jong-un as that character. He seems like a very controlling person and so called leader. He does not show absolute compassion towards his people as does General Woundwort. Although both Kim and the General can presumably “get stuff done”, they are very controlling and not as compassionate towards their people that they rule over. The major similarity is that whoever would want to leave the warren or country, there would be majorly harmful consequences for attempting to do so...
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tserritella · 4 years
Crazy as closure
I think that in the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Chief and McMurphy do not leave when they have the chance Because they feel bad for the other patients. I feel like in the movie, we could sense compassion building in McMurphy towards the patients.
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Throughout the movie I think he has become somewhat like a role model for everybody else in the facility. From taking them onto the fishing trip, to helping them stand up to the nurse. This leadership aspect of McMurphy kind of puts a stamp on his place and role in the hospital.
Now as for Chief, I think he didn’t really want to leave the facility at the beginning of the movie as it was his home and where he felt comfortable. All of his needs were met and he didn’t have to really think about anything else. When McMurphy showed up, I felt as if he had his eyes opened up as to being in the outside world again. Both McMurphy and Chief were the somewhat normal patients at the facility. They could definitely think for themselves so that’s already one up on everyone else. Watching the movie I’m not too sure what her motives were. As for the dilemma, I would assume that could be described as why they were placed in the facility.
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When Patrick Bateman closes off American Psycho with the provided quote, there is a deep meaning to that. The line ”I want my pain to be inflicted on others” is quite simple to interpret. By saying that he means that he wants the people of the world to suffer what he is going through as well. He wants them to feel the same pain that he feels every single day trying to control his emotions.
The meaning of the American Psycho’s ending is essentially mirroring what is happening now. Not many people know about mental health issues, so I feel like it is an underrated issue to focus on. Nowadays, there are a lot more groups popping up to spread awareness about mental health including “mental health awareness” month.
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I think films like this play with and affect my mental health in both positive and negative ways. The positive side would probably be eye-opening to people with psychological instabilities. It would give an idea of what they go through to kind of understand their day-to-day pain, even though it is nothing close to dealing with the issue that they have personally. Now the negative effects of seeing movies like this would be judging the worse side of the mentally ill. I could definitely see myself judging some of the more violent acts that people do when they are mentally ill or have any disorder that affects their abilities. I don’t mean that in a bad way, just seeing movies like the “Joker” for instance definitely messes with your head not knowing what’s going on inside of their heads at any given moment. Films like this could give a positive stigma and/or a negative stigma towards the topic of mental instability. In this case, American Psycho did not give such a great depiction of disabilities. In most cases individuals with disabilities are very understanding and caring, meanwhile Patrick was very slapdash (no pun intended) dealing with his emotions and did whatever he thought would control them.
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I empathize with Patrick Bateman because I feel he is very misunderstood by society. I mean the man is going through a lot and that is why he has taken such violent roads to try and satisfy his psychopathic ways of doing things. Now, this does not make his actions acceptable obviously, but it does kind of give a backstory/meaning as to why he is doing those acts.
Okay, so for me the movie Donnie Darko was pretty confusing. I never really understood the plot or why everything was going on but I do kind of have a concept of what happened in the movie. The ending of the movie implied that all of Danny’s predictions and visions were accurate. The world did in fact end
 But not for anybody else apart from him. Physically he’s the only one that died that we know of in the end but his family members were no doubt affected as well by his death so you could see a world ending emotion happening within the family. As to why Donnie is laughing at the end of the movie I guess you could say it is because he knows that his predictions were true meanwhile everybody did not truly believe him. For him, the end of the world did indeed happen, meanwhile everyone else was left hopeless in terms of dealing with the loss of Donnie. All of the processes that he predicted were to happen, came true. The rest of the world may not have known that, but life moved on.
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The connections between these films in terms of their ambiguous endings was that everything is not as it seems. So many people can think one thing about an event or a person, and then the next thing you know it is completely different. That just goes to show that you really do not know what is happening in anybody’s lives or inside their minds.
There is definitely a purpose to the ambiguity in the endings. It makes the viewer think. It creates a sense of wonder as to what actually happened or what the actual meaning of the events that took place either throughout the whole movie, or in the ending meant. It could also provoke the viewer to dig deeper into the plot and story of the movie. Or even better yet, inside the minds of the characters.
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Another connection would be the theme between these movies. No doubt, the theme could be mental health awareness but it can also be to always be aware of what is going on in anybody’s life. No human should put down another human because of their financial status, popularity, or mental stability. This connection could help create an understanding of the rest of the world and their problems (society wise).
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tserritella · 4 years
Blog Post #1
       Based off of the movie “The Breakfast Club” I think I can relate to the character Andrew Clark. We live in a world where every young person is expected to have their life together by college. We’re expected to be successful in life and I think the majority of it is pushed by our parents/guardians. Throughout watching the movie breakfast club I can relate to this character trying to be the best he could be. Life is spontaneous and most of the time that doesn’t go how we would like it to go. Then again, I’m still trying to get my life all sorted out in terms of future plans and goals. In the film, I feel like all of the kids in detention were just trying to live their lives but then got caught up in the rules and now I have to put a hold on their daily plans.
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       Now as for experiences that the character has endured, I feel very relatable to the fact that Andrew is pushed by his parents to do good in life. Most adults figure that by college we are supposed to already have a jumpstart on our future; meanwhile we are still curious to explore other possible careers. I feel like he is often misunderstood as well. Everyone has this image or premade judgement as soon as they see him, when in reality he doesn’t want to be that. I think everybody struggles with how others see them. 
       With the several movies provided, there are three common themes that can be seen in each of them. The first one is the depiction of Sexuality and Promiscuity as themes. Nowadays anything that involves romance or sex will be accepted by the general public. People see it as normal, yet exciting to watch, yet they often get the depiction of those themes incorrect. For example, the highly critiqued “Fifty Shades of Grey” Is an inaccurate depiction of an every day relationship obviously. Yet the only reason why they still make movies like that is because it interests people due to the fact that it is not like reality. The movie “Mean Girls” gives a depiction of high school girls that is very straight forward and bold... They can be seen to control everyone with their ability to use their body image as a tool. In the movie “The Breakfast Club”, Claire Standish is seen as someone who cares about their body image and ‘love’ life more than the general public I think. Everyone thinks that she goes on from person to person without a care in the world. That’s the great thing about movies sometimes as it can create an atmosphere that is unlikely to occur in the everyday lives of almost everyone around us. Yet the only reason why they still make movies like that is because it interests people due to the fact that it is not like reality. That’s the great thing about movies sometimes as it can create an atmosphere that is unlikely to occur in the every day lives of almost everyone around us. That is also the downside to media such as movies and songs. I think that this method of drawing in more sales and profit is long. Sure, it will make a tremendous amount of profit for the producers and actors, but in the long run it will slowly degrade our younger generation to have that be acceptable when happening at younger ages. 
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       The attempt to fit in has also been a common theme between movies. In the movie “Mid90s” and “KIDS”, it can be seen to have the younger generation attempt to fit in and act older than they really are
 I think most of it is just trying to act grown up and cool, but for the majority of it, it would be that they want to be accepted by everyone else.
       The term “Bro” Culture in my opinion is a term that describes the need to be the alpha “bro” in the group of “bros”. This is another common theme that has been portrayed in the provided list of movies. I would assume that it is a sign of dominance in the group. My personal experiences with the “bro culture” were indeed mostly in high school. Not to single anyone out, but I feel like most of the football players were super into how they presented themselves to the rest of the school. They always wanted to act the toughest and roughest even when they weren't in a football game. I think that hyper-masculinity was a serious issue because we were only in high school. There is no need to prove your worth in high school because we’re still teenagers so nobody really cares. I think this is an issue because it completes the self-confidence of people who might not be that aggressive so to speak with their ego. I can put others down for not being “like them”. I think that the two main characters of “The Breakfast Club” (Andrew Clark and John Bender) have the so-called hyper-masculinity. they are so caught up in how their outward appearance will be looked at by their peers. Whether it’s in maintaining a good image as an athlete or being known as the bad one in the school. That goes along with “Mid90s”; the kids want to be deemed as tough and mature for their age, meanwhile they are just kids.
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I know “The Office” was not part of the list but I find this gif suitable
       Soundtracks play a big role in the production value of movies. They set the tone for the movie/shows and help carry the story out in an additive manner. I think for the movie “The Breakfast Club” could have gone in a more ‘rebellious’ route. I think that these songs would make a perfect substitution to the soundtrack already provided for the movie:
Mötley CrĂŒe - Kickstart My Heart
KISS - Detroit Rock City
Ratt - Round and Round
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts - I Love Rock ‘N Roll
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Aerosmith - Angel
Pink Floyd - Breathe
Van Halen - Runnin’ With The Devil
Queen - Another One Bites The Dust
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
AC/DC - Hells Bells
       Okay, so you’re probably now wondering why I chose all rock songs... Well back then, every teenager was a rebel, and since everyone was in detention, these songs can compliment the shenanigans that occur in the movie. From playing “Detroit Rock City” when the kids are running around the halls, to “Breathe” when they’re lighting one up in the library. Then you have a song like “Angel” to play after Allison gets her hair and makeup done and her and Andrew meet shortly after. These songs I think fit to compliment the scenes in the movies and help give more energy into the already rambunctious kids.
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tserritella · 4 years
Here is a little bit of my work if you are interested đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž
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tserritella · 4 years
About me
My name is Tommy Serritella. I am 19 years old and I am studying Cinematography in the New Media Program at SUNY Orange. I have a passion for capturing the right moment on camera so I think this class will be interesting to see how that ties into our everyday lives, along with pre-existing conetent.
This is where I will be posting all of my content from COM 105
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