tsttbmy · 7 years
Is it too late to elope?
It’s 262 days until my impending nuptials. Why the hell do people put themselves through this? My barebones minium wedding is close to 30,000 dollars... no stress though right? I could have put down a down payment on a house with that... but let’s throw a party where you feel obligated to invite people you haven’t seen in forever. Then i see my snoring sleeping fiancé... you know what. He’s worth it.
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tsttbmy · 9 years
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tsttbmy · 9 years
I laughed so hard I almost choked.
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tsttbmy · 10 years
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tsttbmy · 10 years
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Although Reid makes it personal, there’s still an important message here that shows Dr. Reid knows what’s up re: schizophrenia and violence
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tsttbmy · 10 years
But you'd lose all of them in 24hrs.
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tsttbmy · 10 years
There’s Matthew Gray Gubler…
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and then there’s Matthew Gray Gubler…
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And I think that’s beautiful
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tsttbmy · 10 years
Cillian Murphy. Photos by Vassilis Karidis. For So It Goes magazine
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tsttbmy · 10 years
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Vintage women being badass. You’re welcome.
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tsttbmy · 10 years
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"Taco Eclipse of the Heart"
Sometimes it’s hard to keep your fillings inside, and it’s all you can do to hold it together.
Make it a t-shirt on Threadless   Other products on Society6
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tsttbmy · 10 years
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tsttbmy · 10 years
OK to make a font out of your own writing
go here
instead of printing it off just use this blank thing that way you dont have to scan it or anything
so fill that out by pasting it in any art program and whatnot
then save it and upload it to that site
and itll give you an option to download it
so do that and then install it BAM
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tsttbmy · 10 years
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tsttbmy · 10 years
For God Sakes...
Body confidence. Who makes these damn rules? I am 5'9 and 299 lbs. I am morbidly obese. My blood sugar is normal. My blood pressure is normal. My cholesterol is a bit high(And for those of you who are concerned it's diet controlled.).  I shock my doctors. I am one of the "rare" (and by rare I mean diagnosed) people with hypothyroidism. I have accepted that my genetics are against me, but I am not disgusting. 
I am worth it.  
I don't gorge on sweets or fast food. I exercise when I can and enjoy going to the gym. (I watch Netflix on the treadmill.) I don't understand it when keyboard warriors try and tell me facts about my health. They are not my PCP. They don't know me. I just laid everything out on the table and I know if this reaches anyone out there... I will be shamed. 
The obsession with weight and appearance jars me. My niece who is ten years old has been "dieting" for years now. She's not fat. She's curvy. She has a booty that I know grown women have paid for. It saddens me that she cannot see her "worth" because she is not a waif. This is our future that we are damaging before they can truly live.
I have read a lot of articles on the internet lately about "shaming". Fat shaming... slut shaming... mom shaming...thin shaming.,. 
The only time it is bad to be a (slut/too thin/ too fat/ a bad mom/ ect ect) is if you no longer wish to be those things.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,The courage to change the things I can,And the wisdom to know the difference.
For example; My thighs are too big for most roller coasters... and I love roller coasters. It's sad and instead of bitching... I am doing something about it. I am phasing out my soda consumption and trying accomplish 7,000 steps. It's not the ideal but I am not trying to go ham... that will step me up for failure. 
I know me. I know my boundaries. You know you. You know your boundaries. I will worry about what will make me successful. I expect you to do the same. You know be the change you want to see...
So to wrap my rant up, put your keyboard sword and shield away. You are not an internet warrior. Be kind to other people in this world. Worry about you. Support the people in your life... not shame them. And remember to wear a thick skin until the rest of the world catches on. Don't let them knock you off your confidence...
Everyone is Worth something.
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tsttbmy · 10 years
Please read and share! I would love this to gain a following and make a career out of my biggest passion!
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tsttbmy · 10 years
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an early valentine’s from baymax to every lovely bae ever (that includes you owo)
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tsttbmy · 10 years
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working cover for my novel :) I'm pretty proud...
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