tsukkishinata · 5 months
ficlet: a cheesy scenario
ship: tsukihina
type: ficlet
complete?: i could write more probably
word count: ~1100
notes: this is my brain trying to think up the cheesiest confrontation so i can fall asleep but it just got intense and i had to write it down, notes included lol
i added more on 1/26/24 for some reason
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tsukkishinata · 5 months
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compiled all the tsukihina panels that weren’t in the anime
*so far from where I’m up to in the manga
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tsukkishinata · 5 months
tsukki being nothing but a jerk and embarrassed about hinata at the camp and hinata worrying about whether or not he's eating enough pls stop my heart can't take it
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tsukkishinata · 5 months
thinking about tsukihina rn... WAAAAAA me when sun and moon duo
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tsukkishinata · 5 months
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I was clearly blind off my ass when i said there was no black in Tsukishima’s photo to represent Karasuno, there clearly is the two items
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HOWEVER, Hinata’s photo has several YELLOW things, which isn’t Hinata or Karasuno’s colors. SO, I’m still not wrong. 😤
Was just staring at the backgrounds of these pops, which hold no meaning at all whatsoever and is there mostly for the aesthetics
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Hinatas main color is Orange like his hair but is also part of Karasuno’s uniform.
Kageyama is the Black to the Karasuno uniform but the fandom mostly asscociates him for the Blue that is his eyes
The photographer used the same White/Blue books for the both of them, probably because they came out around the same time so they took the photos around the same time and shows that they are a matching set
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Nekoma is of course Red and Blacks
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I think Tsuki’s fandom colors are usually Yellow, because of his hair but if Hinata is Orange for the Sun then Yellow for the Moon I guess.
Anyway the Orange in Tsukis photos Could just represent Karasuno but there’s no black. The books are all grey and the book titles are “Oranges & Lemons” and “Little Miss Muffet” that shows up in Hinatas photo.
so in conclusion I’m taking this as TsukiHina
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tsukkishinata · 5 months
I don’t see a lot of this in the western fandom, more in the eastern fandom (pixiv novels, etc) but I really love tsukki being a spoiled bratty baby brother and Hinata indulging him in his big bro way
Especially stuff like “tsukishima is bad at waking up in the morning so he’s usually the last to get up during training camp” and Hinata having to do it because he’s used to babying Natsu and in a moment of sleepiness Tsuki accidentally shows his bratty side (“I don’t wannaaaaa, five more minutessss”)
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tsukkishinata · 5 months
i made this for me but heres this
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tsukkishinata · 5 months
I give hayashi a lot of shit for season 4’s ost because a lot of the tracks are reused melodies of older songs and it almost feels lazy. I know what leitmotifs are but a lot of the tracks don’t really have to do with each other (omnivorous vs back together?? Could be debatable because Tanaka’s regaining his self but ????)
anyway, the only exception for me where I prefer the s4 track over the original would be S4 Pitons, the song used for Hinata’s super save (and later the Take It Easy bump)
Maybe because Pitons is a mix of 3 tracks (Baby Bird/Lv1 Ball Boy, Greed, Evolution) or that I just really enjoy the scene that it’s associated with, or I just wasn’t huge on Baby Bird or Evolution as melodies before but yeah. I guess I also really like the acoustics of Lv1 Ball Boy and Point of View.
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tsukkishinata · 5 months
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thinking about this scene that wasn’t in the anime, which, I guess is valid because it doesn’t add that much
this takes place in Vs Shiratorizawa after Tsukki hurts his finger and tells Hinata to buy him some time
Hinata takes a ball to the face but he knows that if he shows signs of bleeding he’ll be swapped out and he didn’t want that so he literally swallows his blood because he didn’t want to let Tsuki down
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tsukkishinata · 5 months
rewatching the end of inarizaki match, still getting emotional over the “so be there” scene but it’s the “I’ve known for a while” line that has me crying at the club 😭😭
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especially hinata’s face. of course he’s always had those “damn I’m not sure if I’m impressed or jealous” scenes all the time, tsuki getting a few of them, but man. It’s because only Hinata recognizes what tsuki is doing that it just feels so big
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tsukkishinata · 6 months
*sees fan art of a tall grump and a short cheery*
Me: but what if.... what if it was... tsu... tsukihi... tkhn...
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tsukkishinata · 6 months
sure is rough being a tsukihina in a house of kenhinas
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tsukkishinata · 6 months
my sis @ me: i cant remember a time when you werent tskhn
me: wow thanks 🥰
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tsukkishinata · 6 months
not me watching s2 ep7/8 for the umpteenth time and my sis calling me out for it 😂😂
to be fair I was mostly watching the training camp because I love seeing the boys going through it
But of course I also love revisiting tsukki’s growth, and the 3rd gym gang is always so much fun
Yamaguchi and Kuroo can see that Tsukki compares himself to Hinata, because yeah they play the same position but they are polar opposites in skill and physique but they think that Hinata is a good match for Tsukki, if to challenge him or to compliment him.
Yachi even going out of the way to make the sun and moon comparison. Yamaguchi hoping that it happens meaning he thinks Tsuki would be on Hinatas level
So in other words Yamaguchi and Kuroo are tsukihina number one fans 😆😆 (I’ve already made a joke about Yamaguchi’s birthday being TsukiHina day because of their first year jersey numbers 11/10 😆😆😆)
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tsukkishinata · 6 months
I don’t have to explain this to anybody but I guess I just personally want to see for myself if I can put into words why I was never into Kage////Hina. I mean I feel like kghn isn’t even as popular as it could be now a days (whether because manga readers gravitate towards the new Hinata ships or the big hq ship is Iwa//////Oi and etc)
Anyway, for me, I really love great partnership and power couples but something about them felt off from what I look for in ship dynamics
I do admit that they do look good, dark hair tall Kags and small sunshine Hinata and together they make the karasuno colors. Match made in garbage dump (IM REFERENCING CROWS I DONT MEAN THEY ARE TRASH SHIP)
Maybe it’s because Kageyama isn’t the grumpy broody seme to Hinata’s bright energy as I expected. Like yeah he’s still grumpy and all but he’s also an idiot and I love him for it. Also as they grow together, Hinata isn’t really scared of him anymore. (Of course Hina just is the type to make jabs and then go on defense when they retaliate) I think even though season 1 was fun, I didn’t love the characters until season 2, when Hinata finally starts wanting to learn to stand on his own.
The way the monster duo were framed in season 1 was never really a bad thing, how Kags was the Oni and Hina was the weapon, they always framed it as A Powerful Duo. I guess maybe that wasn’t the dynamic I was into because I much rather liked Hinata fighting back and wanting to stand on his own. In hindsight it kind of feels like he’s breaking away from a controlling relationship, which sounds horrible for Kags but that’s kinda what it looks like.
I also kind of equate them to the hot headed stubborn type of ships (Hiji////Gin) where they are different in personality but are also super similar. Not exactly the right analogy, but since the monster duo both love ball and playing, they vibe that way but personality wise they are opposites.
Also getting more into the series, I vibe more with Kags being in the AroAce spectrum. While yes do I ship KageGuchi, I still prefer AroAce Kags. I guess it also just feels like I can’t see Hinata taking care of Kags the same way I would with any other Kags ship. (Not in a sexual way) Taking care in a way where he’s looking out for him? can’t really explain but since Hinata and Kags are always Ball On the Brain 24/7, they both need someone who are a more level headed and know when to stop.
I mean I wasn’t into TskHn from s1 either even though the sunmoon dynamics have been there from the start. Perhaps I just didn’t vibe with the charas as much until later. Anyway, season 2 training camp is peak, growth for Hinata and Tsuki backstory and everyone else of course.
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tsukkishinata · 6 months
fic: doctorflower au
ship: tsukihina
type: fic
complete?: yup
word count: ~2800
notes: this asadai fic (here) had them as a sideship with a story and i just wanted to know what it was so i wrote it lol. the details aren’t directly the same, I just mostly took the premise and rolled with it
warning: uh, theres a fade to black sex scene lmao but its nothing at all, theyre adults and really flirty here
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tsukkishinata · 6 months
word barf: unrequited kghn
ship: onesided kagehina early on, tsukihina endgame
type: word barf
complete?: yeah
word count: ~1100
notes: see i dont know what the different between a word barf and a drabble is even though this is my standards, but none of the text i post here are refined anyway
the kghn is barely anything here, i just needed a heartbroken hinata as the premise
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