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"N-No way.. No one's capable of doing that-- we can't even do that--!"
Be it a blatant lie or otherwise, Ima was still baffled. Was it really possible? More often than not, one would find Kiki with a console in her hands-- and it would be a feat in itself to pry it from her hands, let alone get her to momentarily pause her progress.
"But, senpai-- even if you manage to convince Tsukki-chan to come along, I'm busy for the rest of the week. I'm not coming along no matter what you say, moron! I'm so sorry I can't accompany you two!"
 「 Don’t worry, Takarabe-chan. Despite your rather low opinion of me — I am the type who maps out how his pieces in tetris will fall. I’ve already cleared up her schedule~ 」
Those ominous words would be cleverly delivered to the young girl behind a cheerful grin. This too was how Kumagawa Misogi worked — Takarabe should know at least this much about him.
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"Senpai, the least you can do is justify yourself in a way that doesn't sound like you pulled it out of a horrible and cheesy manga.. it was a little cool, though."
Much too busy cringing at his disgusting (and more than likely empty) sentiments, she sighed with lacking faith in her senior. The fact that she still held him in high regard was a miracle in itself. Maybe it was luck that she hadn't picked up on his small jests, too-- neither party wanted to deal with a volatile bomb of a personality.
"Tsukki-chan won't watch the movie, you realise. She'll be too busy playing her game - you, of all people, should know that, Kumagawa-senpai!"
 「 Takarabe-chan, you still have a lot left to learn about this world! Even a horrible movie can become precious if you see it with those you hold dear. Honestly, I thought all middle school girls were able to understand such sentiments as these. Are you sure you’re a middle school girl? Sometimes, I wonder if Anshin’in-san mixed up —- 」
Kumagawa would slowly whisper his doubts to himself, it’d be best not to upset his cute kouhai so quickly.
 「 In any case, go grab Kiki-chan! It’s not very often I’m so generous you know! Whenever a Minus does something nice, they say what he asks for in return would make Kenshiro cringe. 」
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"Are you seriously a high school student? You act like an imbecile and stuff your face like a pig."
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"Shiranui-senpai, I'm so flattered! To think that you already think of me as a friend of yours is really endearing!"
Shiranui just smirks knowingly. ‘Of course, I should have known you were completely uninterested in Kumagawa-kun! Nyahahaha! ✩’
Me? A Senpai? I feel so mature!
So it’s alright for me to call you Ima-chan? Nyahaha! ✩
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"S-senpai.. you're joking, right?" Her eyebrow twitched at uneven intervals. "That movie was given some of the worst ratings of the year, you know--!"
She laughed as if to further reassure herself that her senpai was joking-- who'd go to watch a horrible film? It didn't seem so improbable after considering his less-than-reasonable tastes, but that didn't excuse the fact that he'd requested her - and the rest of her comrades - to accompany him whilst watching something so distasteful.
No, she definitely had to speak up and say no this time.
「 I do! Once in a while, even I have to act like a responsible senpai you know? What type of example would I set for you cute little girls otherwise! 」
Kumagawa decided to finally relent in his teasing of his kouhai. Although it was not something he was accustomed to, he could at least be somewhat honest around her.
「  There’s supposed to be a showing of Great Failure! Moromoro-kun!, how does that sound? 」
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"I don't need to know about Kumagawa-senpai! He's the scum of the earth, so don't mention him--! Thank you for your offer! When I do need help, though, I'll definitely come to you, Shiranui-senpai!" 
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"Oh, it's okay for me to call you Shiranui-senpai, right?"
My name? I'm just an ordinary student here, I wouldn't expect too much out of me! But if you must know, my name's Shiranui Hansode! If you ever want to know anything, feel free to come to me! I might even give you some advice about Kumagawa-kun, if you ask nicely... ✩
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"Hypocrite! I'm sorry, senpai--! A new pair of glasses can wait, can't it?"
His incessant voice grated on her nerves-- though, if she wanted to be entirely honest about everything, everything he did managed to strike the wrong nerve. It must've been a talent to be such a pest. She blew a few strands of hair from her face, scrutinizing her senior. Offers like these weren't to be taken lightly; especially not from someone as elusive and conniving as the boy before her.
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"You'd do that for us? Really, really?"
As much as she would have liked to deny it, her face lit up. Children are so easily excited.
"You can't spend too much money on us, but if you insist!"
「 There’s the honest Takarabe-chan! I was a bit worried I’d really have to punish you if this charade went any further. 」
The moment his kouhai relented on her request, Kumagawa would deposit his money back to his wallet. As he did so, a sigh would escape his lips before he turned to face Takarabe-chan.
「  I’ve been teasing you a bit too much this chapter, huh? How about I take you and the other candidates out to see a movie? We could even invite the others!   」
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"E-Eh?! K-K-Kumagawa-senpai?! You're kidding, right?" 
Despite her request, she seemed to be in disbelief. As if there were nothing at all wrong with her request, he forked over the money-- any ordinary person would have, quite bluntly, turned her down. Her eyes trailed down to the money in his hand, then to his face - and they did such multiple times, in a process that repeated itself over and over.
She was, quite honestly, surprised. As nice as it would have been to spite such a horrible person, Ima hadn't the will in her to do such. She wouldn't be able to stomach the guilt that came along with robbing someone of their life savings like that.
"I was joking! J-Joking, senpai! You can have your money, really!"
「 Fine! Fine! I was going to use this money for groceries, but I suppose I can go starving for a week instead! It’s not impossible for a man to feed off of a cute girl’s charms, after all! 」
In keeping with his dramatic flair, Kumagawa would hand Takarabe-chan the remnants of his wallet.  After bidding farewell to his last bit of yen, he would reach out to attempt to pet his cute kouhai on the head.
「 I’m not too picky, if it’s you then I’m sure any pair you pick will be fine! As the saying goes, ’ Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!’  」
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Rendered speechless, Ima remained still in response to the other's sudden gesture of affection. She had nothing against Kiki - or any of the other interns, for that matter - but how was she to accept a hug in the midst of her tantrum?! Conflict arose within her head, but she cut her mental debate short and chose to dive into her friend's arms. Shrill cries were muffled by Kiki's clothes as she buried her face into the other's shoulder.
"Tsukki-chan--! I missed you, I missed you, I missed youuuu!" She finished her wail with a hiccup.
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Kiki smiled to her friend and stuffed her DS away in her hoodie pocket. Holding her arms open wide.
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"E-Eh?! Kumagawa-senpai, come on-- stop that! Don't be ridiculous! I need glasses so I can see, dumbass! Flattery doesn't get you anywhere!"
She exhales unnecessarily sharply, then looks off to another direction. Intolerable bastard.
 「 Glasses? What a shame! You’re much cuter without them.  However, a senpai— no, a Vice-President must set a good example. 」
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 「 I do hope when you wear these new glasses, you think of me. That would be payment enough. 」
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highscore-hoarder replied to your post: Taka-chaaan!
Sorry! I didn’t mean to, honest..! I’m sure the others didn’t either.. they’ll be here soon!
"I hate every single one of you! Hate, hate, hate!"
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"Do you know how horrible it is? I missed everyone! It's really hard to deal with everything!"
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"You're honestly disgusting. Be glad I can deal with you. I promise it's one more small thing, okay?"
With hands behind her back, she leaned forward in a way that almost seemed challenging-- not that this was something to be considered like that. As far as she was concerned, not the slightest part of her held any malintent - because this wasn't extorting money, this was just accepting a gift from her generous mentor.
Definitely not extorting money, no.
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"I want to buy a new pair of glasses - they're only 100,000 yen; you can manage, right, senpai?" 
That price probably being the equivalent of something similar to 3 gaming consoles, she didn't lower expectations for a second. Not for Kumagawa-senpai.
"You can manage, right, Kumagawa-senpai? Or are you poor and weak?"
「 A cute girl requesting so much of me in one day! I’m going to burst into tears if you keep spoiling my, Takarabe-chan! 」
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Kumagawa decided it’d be best to patronize the Not Equal a bit longer. With these types it’s best if you push them a bit so they could be honest with themselves. Although, it’s not like he was familiar with such a foreign concept of honesty or anything..
「Well~ if it could continue to put a smile on your cute face, then I would gladly sacrifice my body and soul! What else do you need, my dear Takarabe-chaaaaaaaan ~♪ 」
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Kiki-chaaan--!You all left me alone here and it was horrible! Horrible, horrible! I miss everyone! 
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"This makes me so happy! I still absolutely hate you inside and out, though!"
To say she were ecstatic could've been an understatement. The corners of her lips curled up into a bright little grin - she felt like a little kid in a candy shop! She hadn't honestly expected to get away with this (and so easily, too). Not for a minute would she take this for granted.
She let out her hand in an expectant manner-- but she only wanted him to place the money needed to pay for the magazines in her hand. Along with that, she thought, she'd ask for one more thing to take advantage of what generosity of his that she could. Making a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity count, perhaps.
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"May I make one more request, Kumagawa-senpai?"
「  Hm ~ 」
Kumagawa would tease her a bit, feigning consideration for her request. A few moments would pass before he’d sigh and answer her.
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「 Honestly, what type of example would I set for aspiring Jump readers if I broke a promise to my cute kouhai? Very well Takarabe-chan! Just this once, really! I’ll empty out my life savings to treat you to those five volumes of Jump! Anything so I don’t have to see my cute kouhai cry, alright? 」
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"It's only fair! You have to buy five!"
She mumbled something about how being cheap and that she absolutely hated him inside and out for it. She knew that with each came a reasonable price, but he owed her-- and she was going to reap what she could from this. If it were too much trouble, she'd be a little bit more lenient and bring the number down to 4 - that wasn't too much to ask, was it?
.. but she never agreed to being polite about asking for them, dammit!
「 Five? 」
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「 If you keep being so selfish, only misfortune and disaster will follow! I don’t know how you even have one friend with such a selfish disposition! Even for Takarabe-chan, this is a truly shocking development.  Honestly — do you know how expensive a volume of Shonen Jump is? It’s not like we get it for free each week. . 」
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After taking the two first aid items, she nodded instead of thanking him. That would surely be enough to show that she appreciated his assistance, especially coming from someone like her. In the midst of rubbing aforementioned ointment into her lower leg, she paused; an odd, almost vacant look on her face as she looked up at him.
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"Akune-senpai, did you know? You know you can dislocate someone's ankle and leave them like that as a form of torture?" The corners of her lips pulled up into a sickly grin, as if there were nothing wrong with the grotesque concept. "There are people that actually do that. I really want to try it myself!"
That distorted smile didn't seem to leave her complexion any time soon - it'd be perfectly fine for him to mistake her for being serious. After little hestitation, though, she'd reassure him and let him know that she wasn't all too keen on that idea (not that she could say the same for other methods of torture, though).
"I'm joking, senpai! That would be painful for me." She gave him a dismissive wave-- and maybe a little bit of an earnest smile, but she'd never let anyone else know that! Ever! "Thank you for helping me. You're still annoying me. I hate you."
bad luck-✖
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"Don't mention that piece of shit in front of me. The student council are all great mentors; Kurokami-senpai especially!"
The thought of praising them like so made her want to gag. There was a point where she could only go so far with this act.
"But what about you, senpai? What's your name--?"
Ahahahahaha I'm so glad you like the school! I'm sure it was our school's wonderful reputation that got you to enrol here from a prestigious school like your old one!<3
Kumagawa-kun, hey? Well, he and I are just such... interesting friends! I'm glad you've found someone so reliable to look up to! Ahahaha! ☆
(Shiranui smirks ever so slightly, as if she's figured out something, and wants to keep to herself...)
Though one would think, as one of our Princess' successors, you would look up to her! ☆
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"I'm just a little bit new - but I have all of my wonderful senpai to help me out!"
As general courtesy, Ima lowered her head to bow. As a junior, it was only her job to do that sort of thing, right? If she wanted to be honest, though, Shiranui didn't look too much older than herself-- if she was older than Ima, anyway. 
"My name is Takarabe Ima; from Hitomasu All-Girl Junior High School. Being an intern at an amazing school like this is really, really great! Don't you think Kurokami-senpai is awe-inspiring?"
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tsundere-apprentice started following you
Hi, you’re rather new to this school, aren’t you? And so busy already! <3 Well, keeping up the work of the student council is an important job after all! Not one I could stand, working under the Princess and all, but someone has to do it! X
(I wonder what you’re up to around here?…) <3
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