Info about Onision from a verified source. They would like to remain anonymous.
Greg/Onision used an agency to get some of the actors and models onto his channel via a casting call to the agents about improv skits.
Sources say at the beginning, he seemed like a really nice guy and was fun to work with until time started to show them his true colors. From that point, he would undermine and insult the actors/actresses from time to time with snarky remarks or shaming comments if they were to eat in front of him during gatherings or do anything that a normal human being would do that didn’t involve eating TicTacs or a small salad without dressing and calling it a meal.
He pushed some of the people he had worked with and made comments to try to get them to do things they normally wouldn’t do. If they reject an idea, then he would just pass it along to the next person who would accept it. The racial slurs as “jokes” in the previous comedy videos were not so much improv or even created by the actors themselves, but written by Greg/Onision himself which, he then told the actors/actresses to say. Boundaries were pushed on a regular basis.
Some things that he put Shiloh through, he had asked his actors/actresses to recreate in a way as to blur lines of what was real or fake to his viewers. A lot of the people he had worked with had no idea of his past and he had told them that it was all just really bad acting. Some of the fake drama that he had made with some of the actors were intentionally created to blur the lines to his viewers of what was real and what was false without the actor’s full knowledge of what he was doing at the time. 
Originally, he started paying the actors normal day rates but as time went on, he stopped then started dodging their inquisitions about pay through various means. Whether that be canceling on them last second or just flat out ignoring questions regarding pay. 
He would request some of his actors to travel hours to shoot for an entirety of a day or more without even providing meals or water. Nor did he ever advise them to bring their own refreshments on set as he would seldom have anything more than muffins for a full day’s shoot even. Some filming locations were miles away from civilization so there were times where he made it hard on the actors alone by not even telling them such things like, there would be no food or water for an entire day. Please bring your own meals, etc. On top of bi-hourly insults to some of his actor friends whom he would try to play off as him “joking”.
There were also times where Greg would fly random patreon guests to his full day shoot verified by actors who had worked with him. Greg/Onision would also encourage his actors to interact with his fans and/or anti-fans online.
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Wait- He went from "The legend" to "God"????
Yep. He's gotta get that extra narcissism in before he goes to jail.
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The irony
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Shiloh got her “Gregory” tattoo covered up!
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@onision baby carrot
@onision baby carrot
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We have 17 days left until 2020 and we are almost there, only 1.3 million trees left! If we all band together and donate, we can reach this goal.
If you can, donate. Any donation, no matter how small, gets us closer to 20 million! Dont let #teamtrees die.
Signal boost (if you want to be untagged, message me) @barbie-against-onision @brooklyn-isnt-my-real-name @creepercourse @drazinii @ender--enbyy @enderddraig @e-homosexual @gr33k-god @lifeofcynch @lgbt-for-excluded-groups @mogai-watch @nina-cortex-lgbt @rxpetition @ratmed @tucutestranslated @vicecourse @woke-transmed
Tag ur friends.
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1984: the anti O addition
So as you guys may or may not know there is a discord sever out there called Onion Chiefs, it is supposedly so people can hear the girl's stories from them. However this server is not run by the by the girls, it is run by several people from Twitter. There are only two girls on the server, but I'll get to that in a minute.
I joined this server back when it first launched, so like a couple months ago, and as someone who runs several servers I fully expected there to be some growing pains. However I did not expect the amount of distrust and paranoia from the mods, in order to be able to see anything the girls could possibly say you had to verify who you were, no big deal, except you had to send a dmed picture of yourself to the mods to "prove" you are who you say you are. Now for someone like me who is has been stalked for years and is paranoid about this kind of stuff it was hard to do, but I still did it as that was the only way to know what the girls would be saying. Once this was done and I was verified I assumed I would be fine and there would be no more paranoia about the verified members. Only to get into the verified chat and to still be treated as if I, and the other verified members, were still potential moles by the mods. The server at this point already was a stress and drama bomb for absolutely no reason. The mods were always looking at every member as a spy making it hard to talk in there, you had to walk on eggshells the entire time never knowing what could potentially get you kicked as the rules changed so often and from mod to mod.
Then we come to around a couple weeks or so ago (I meant to make this post sooner but I've been sick); the ever paranoid mods have decided to implement a brand new system. One where you have to send them a full picture of a valid ID. Then they changed everyone's nicknames to their Twitter handles so you are easier to find, overall you could very easily be doxxed on this server because of the "protective and cautionary" measure they have taken.
I'm sure the mods have good intentions, however these intentions are misguided and stupid. What's next in their increasing demands for proof, your social security number? And then to top this all off they have a bot going off every hour on the hour telling you to send in your information to get verified. This server is ridiculous, stressful, and unnecessary. They also put the girls up on this unhealthy pedestal of admiration, I'm not saying the girls shouldn't be admired for what they are doing because they should be, but the level the mods and some of the people have these girls on is ridiculous. They girls are constantly referred to as "the heros", the heros this, the heros that, as if they are one collective.
And as for the girls there are only 2 on there, Regina and Sarah. Sarah is hardly ever on, Regina is a bitch to everyone, and as for "hearing the other's stories" someone just posts screenshots from the other girl's public twitters that we can all already see. There is nothing that this server offers except for unnecessary stress and annoyances.
So for anyone who comes across this server and thinks about joining, let me save you the trouble and tell you that it's not worth it. You are better off just finding a different anti o server that is more relaxed and friendly.
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with this being said do not follow me if you're an anti anti.
anti antis make me Mad because they support consuming bad content to heal from past trauma. i'm not gonna lie when i say that ive consumed a franchise (said franchise isn't bad and i didn't consume any inherently bad content, don't worry) because it was a big part of my trauma and because of that i effectively retraumatized myself. so if you're thinking of consuming bad content please rethink it because you'll just retraumatize yourself like i did to myself. there are legitimately healthy ways to heal; retraumatizing yourself isn't one of them.
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anti antis make me Mad because they support consuming bad content to heal from past trauma. i'm not gonna lie when i say that ive consumed a franchise (said franchise isn't bad and i didn't consume any inherently bad content, don't worry) because it was a big part of my trauma and because of that i effectively retraumatized myself. so if you're thinking of consuming bad content please rethink it because you'll just retraumatize yourself like i did to myself. there are legitimately healthy ways to heal; retraumatizing yourself isn't one of them.
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Looking for help. Please share
So I’ve had to ask for monetary help before and luckily someone was able to help me. Now, I’m in a different boat. I’m currently caring for my 70-year-old grandmother who is suffering from dementia. However, I can no longer live with her at her care facility. This has left me 2 options. Move out and pay 700 dollars a month in rent or pay back my student loan balance of nearly 9000 dollars and live off those benefits. Neither is possible for me right now. I already owe nearly 850 dollars in rent. I am actively job-hunting as well as looking for a loan but neither is currently in my reach and I am nearly out of time. I am willing to take out a personal loan from anyone who can offer it. I currently have a PayPal at [email protected] and for those who do not have PayPal, I have a venmo and google pay at the same address. Thank you for your time and please share this with as many people as you can.
Update: (8/30/19) I have received my first email regarding ISF. Please share and help if you can. Thanks.
Update: (9/3/19) If i do not owe the full amount i owe today, which is 1515, i will face a 30 dollar late fee, a 29 dollars NSF fee from my bank, plus the ammount. please share if you can i HAVE to pay today and i currently have 2.14$
Update: (9/6/19) I’ve received my first late notice and need to pay before the 10th to not be evicted. I want to thank everyone for the shares and the donations. If you see this, please share and donate if you can. I need to pay 1575 before Monday and I am looking for a loan if anyone can offer one or knows someone who could offer one. It would have to be for 3700 dollars and I would pay it back as much as a could but it would be slow and about 20 dollars a month. Thank you.
Update: (9/12/19) I wanted to thank everyone who shared and donated. I am most likely going to be sent an eviction notice with this late fee. So I wanted to say thanks.
Update: (9/13/19) I received my eviction notice. It states I must vacate before the 20th or submit payment by that date. I have 40 dollars, nowhere near the 1625 I’m being charged. If you can help at all please do and if you can’t please share. I’m really alone right now and I don’t know what to do. I’m praying for a miracle, to be honest.
Update: (9/17/19) balance owed is up to 1685. I am currently out of food. If you or anyone can help please do. I am desperate.
Update: (9/18/19) I wanted to say thanks to all those who shared and donated. I don’t have nearly enough to pay in full by tomorrow but I appreciate the effort.
Update: (9/19/19) I am still at 0/1700. During the night, my grandmother had another stroke as a result of her health problems and I have spent all night in the hospital. She at least will be taken care of but I am still really desperate. Thanks.
Update: (9/20/19) I have hours left. I have 35 dollars. I will do just about anything. Please help.
Update: (9/24/19) I have only received about half of the money I need. I might be homeless by this afternoon. But I wanted to say thank you to everyone who shared and donted.
Update: (10/4/19) I was able to partially pay my balance and get an extention on my rent. however i still need about 2k just to pay my current balance and maybe 1500 to live until december when i can go back to school. if anyone is willing to give me a loan or can bring attention to my problem in anyway, i’d be eternally grateful. i also have another blog gmcraealvacrafts where I sell colorings I’ve done. it isnt much but if you would like to recieve something in return, this is an option. Thank you to everyone who has shared and cared. it means the world to be.
Update: (10/17/19) I have less than a day to get the money I need. I am willing to work off any donation if you would like but I need to pay NOW.
I wanted to update this since it has been a while. It is now 12/5/19 and the amount I owe is over 3k. Every drop of donation money went to chipping away at this. Shortly after my last update, I was injured after falling down a set of stairs. I didn’t go to the doctor because I can’t afford it. My grandma is mostly doing ok. The holidays are hard on both of us but her health is holding as steady as possible. My laptop finally gave out on me and things seem to only be getting worse. I sincerely hope that everyone who donated or offered me kind words can at least feel good knowing they tried. I love each and every one of you. I do not know if or when I will update as I am starting to lose hope. but thank you.
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Onionboy has been caught trying to gather support for himself on 4chan (original post since deleted). Pretended to be a fan but slipped up and used "my" instead of "his" in second pic. What a knob.
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sad homura
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Anon’s aunt has supposedly reported Greg / James for pouring kombucha into the wetlands due to his latest fake meltdown video. Anon also gives us insight into what Greg’s neighbors deal with.
(I scribbled out some extra info just to be safe with tumblr.)
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so uh hi. It feels a bit weird doing this, but at this point it’s one of the only chances at improving my current situation.
My dad just got a new job, and insurance doesn’t kick in until January 13th. Getting interim insurance (which would cover when the old one ended, Nov. 16th, to the start of the new one) is roughly $2k. I’m not asking for that much, just enough so I can still see my mandatory doctors, and so can my dad.
I can do without everything but my T refills, otherwise I will get incredibly sick. Hopefully we both can put off procedures (tooth fillings, cataract removal, etc) until January. Feel free to ask about specifics if you feel the need.
If you can give anything, we would be incredibly thankful. Reblogs/shares as well.
I’m also open for writing/editing commissions, if anyone would like! 
Les Mis
The Good Place
Essays/Finals editing
All prices are negotiable. Thank you for reading, have a good day!
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Where did the hype go? We can’t stop now guys.
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