ttrpmasonwilson · 11 years
Mason sighed for around what he counted the tenth time in the last hour, and sent a glare to his temporary partner. "I noticed," He snapped, before glancing back at the museum, the plan reviewing in his head. 
If they stuck with it, they wouldn't be caught, which wasn't usually something Mason worried about- but considering his company, he guessed it was a legit enough reason to be extra cautious. Especially since they seemed to have different motives, Mason not caring about the contents inside, and his co-worker the exact opposite.
Which, could be troublesome. 
Working with mercenaries | Closed RP
He didn’t like this.
It wasn’t usual for the Foot to work with outside sources, they prefered to keep their business inside the clan, but for some reason Kame found himself perched on a rooftop next to a young mercenary - Mason Wilson - as they were about to rob a nearby museum from its ancient Japanese artifacts. One which Kame was particularly excited to see was a tantō made by the infamous Gorō Masamune. 
What he wasn’t so excited about was having to work with this mercenary. Apparently, their masters had both been after these artifacts, and instead of a rivalry they decided to work together and test their… disciples. He shot the boy a look. “The coast is clear.”
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
Ooooh, I really like this idea. Like would we all share it together then? Orrr.
Also it's nice because then we can post whatever without having to scroll through RP/personal blogs to find OOC things that could all be jam packed into one blog. We should do this, I vote yes!
Okay so Jess and I were talking the other day and we had an idea
What about an AU/headcanon blog?
Basically it’s kind of a brainstorming blog where we can post our ideas and headcanons and have feedback. It also can be kinda like RPing except with a less formal format (ie. not really paragraph or script format and everyone can add something to any character).
I know that personally I have a lot of plotbunnies that I will mostly likely never fully develop into a complete story, but I’d like to be able to share my ideas and get feedback on them. And to possibly inspire other people to continue on with them if they choose to.
So does that sound like a thing anyone else would want?
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
Just as he was thinking of replying with something teasingly to lighten the mood even more, the door suddenly opened and Mason turned to it before taking a step back. Instead of saying anything he silently snuck a glance at Evie. Her expression was more than enough to know that something wasn't quite right here, and so Mason upped his guard just in case and inched closer to her.
For now he wouldn't say anything unless questioned or needed. It could just be a friend or a relative, after all.
Last Resort
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
"Sounds good to me," Mason replied, and then moved closer to her. "Thanks for this," He murmured. "I didn't mean to come so early in the morning, though." Really, he didn't either. To be honest his trip here had been, very subconscious, and he had only realized where he was going about halfway there. Not that it was a bad thing, of course.
"But a shower does sound nice," He added after a moment, knowing he sure didn't smell anything like a fresh bouquet of flowers. "If I knew where it was, that is."
Last Resort
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
| Blind To Me Vidlet {Mason/Mim/Evie} |
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
Okay BEFORE I go to bed since some of you might not have seen this I've made a new admin account for the RP since the other one isn't accessible. So you need to follow that blog just in case there's updates or something.
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
He listened to the rules carefully, and nodded as she went also glancing around. "So basically keep all this a complete secret, got it," Mason finally replied. "Won't even know I'm here."
Basically his plan was to stay here, mainly to sleep and eat if he didn't feel like grabbing something from the streets, but for the most part he was most likely going to be out, doing things. Like stalking Deathstroke to see just what exactly he was planning to do without him. His free time brought up another question, though.
"You are charging me, right?"
Last Resort
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
Mason watched her quietly, and smirked at the mention of bizarre rules. "Try me." He had lived with Deathstroke The Terminator for a long time, after all. And having weird rules like only being able to drink orange juice for breakfast after he'd done at least two hundred sets of push-ups was rather bizarre. 
At least it was in his world. This however was different completely, and he'd have to move up a few levels in responsibility if he was going to stay here.
Last Resort
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
Hey, Mason! It's kind-of your birthday, but not really, but figured I'd wish you the best anyway. So, here's hoping that you have a great year and things go your way. Or something. Anyway, if you ever get the crap kicked out of you (I doubt it, but you never know) then you know where to find me. Consider free healthcare a shitty gift for a sort-of birthday. That or a burger discount at Crusaders. Your choice! Happy Birthday!! - Jess x
Thanks, I'll make sure to put your number on my speed-dial list in any case of intense injury. I never thought choosing between a cheeseburger and free health-care could be sure a hard choice, think I'll have to get back to you on that one. 
Oh, and the next time you see Mr. Billionaire could you tell him to stop texting these damn terminator quotes to my phone? -Thanks, Mason.
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
"Well," He started off slowly. "Once I find a place to stay I guess I'd have to get a job, so I'm not living off of someone else's money. Depending on where I go, that is. You're probably busy with working and all, so," Mason trailed off. 
"No matter where I stay, though, I won't be hanging around all the time." That was true. He really only needed a roof over his head so he wouldn't catch pneumonia when it rained and a more comfortable place to sleep than on a ripped up piece of cardboard. The selections of food on the streets were starting to get boring and repetitive, too.
Last Resort
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
He placed the paper back in his pocket and shrugged. "I'm new to this," Was his counter. A small sigh escaped him, and his expression now turned more serious. "I didn't mean to ruin your sleep with any of this, but I thought I should at least let you know so you didn't ask why I have pieces of garbage in my hair next time we saw each other."
Truthfully, Mason didn't know what he was hoping for here. A place to stay? For someone he'd only been dating a while, it seemed like a bit favor to ask. A huge favor. One that would require him to possibly get a job as well, which was something he'd never done before either. If it didn't work out here, he'd most likely end up going back to the warehouse. 
Last Resort
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
He watched her move the couch back, and when she sat to ask him her next question he reached into one of his small pockets and pulled out the ripped front page of the newspaper from weeks before he had found once again and kept for various reasons. 
"Let's just say my dad isn't exactly favoring me right now," Mason explained in a monotone voice as he handed it to her. "Though I guess I could say I finally found out what it's like to live on my own."
Last Resort
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
When she opened the door a bit more, he stepped inside and sighed. "I'll tell you if you tell me why a couch is placed three feet away from your door," Mason crossed his arms. "Either your lock is broken or you need some decorating tips." He was joking, of course. But he was curious either way.
Last Resort
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
As soon as the door was open Mason noticed something was a bit off. He didn't bother questioning about it now, however, and instead tried to think of a believable excuse he could have for being here. Nothing seemed to pop up, which made him clench his jaw slightly.
Knowing that answering her question with another question might not be the best idea, he decided if he was going to trust anyone with the situation he was in, it was Evie. The thought of her not accepting him being here, though, was a bit of a worry. 
For now he decided to just go with it and see what happened.
"It's a long story," He started off as a reply.
Last Resort
A few days later Mason started to grow a bit restless. Instead of sleeping, he would wander around town aimlessly while dodging the weirdos that walked along the sidewalks at night asking for money or drugs. Most of the time he wasn’t bothered, but when he was he didn’t hesitate to let them know exactly how he felt about it.
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
Last Resort
A few days later Mason started to grow a bit restless. Instead of sleeping, he would wander around town aimlessly while dodging the weirdos that walked along the sidewalks at night asking for money or drugs. Most of the time he wasn't bothered, but when he was he didn't hesitate to let them know exactly how he felt about it.
Tonight it was fairly warm outside, so he soaked in the warmth of the streetlights and cars that drove by under the cloudless night sky with a content look on his face.
Going to Mim was one of them, but after his baffled reaction when seeing Evie and him together the last time they met, he wasn't so sure about that one anymore. The next option being Brex, and that option was, laughable. He didn't quite want to be drained any further emotionally by having the billionaire mock him openly over his loss of shelter and money. Not that he was sure he would, but risking it wasn't something he felt up to doing. And Emma...no. He wouldn't go there.
Which left him with Evie. Okay, so maybe going to bang on the door and wake up the girl you've only been dating for a few weeks wasn't the brightest idea, but he was running out of options, and places to stay without being bothered. His aimless drifting soon turned into purposeful strides, and eventually he managed to find a place he  thought he had spotted her enter once before when he was looking for a vendor to pick from.
Never in his life had he hesitated so much over knocking on someone's door, but after he had asked a person rushing down the hall if they knew which apartment she lived in, and getting strange looks from them before he explained who he was, he stood outside the door the man had told him with a doubting gaze. 
Maybe she was asleep, since it was late at night- and she wouldn't answer. He wouldn't be surprised. Or maybe she wasn't even home. Expecting for all of the above and more to happen to a guy of his luck, he braved through the bothersome thoughts and rose his fist to knock on the door and awkwardly wait.
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ttrpmasonwilson · 12 years
Sooo, I have no idea what to do with my RP characters right now. XD
They’re just kind of floating about. Anyone had any storylines in mind involving my characters? 
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