tucipink 1 month
One of the only good things about being under the weather is that my Fitbit is all like "wow your heart rate is so high ! you must be getting some good exercise ! well done ! good job !" When really I'm just struggling to breathe through my nose
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tucipink 3 months
99% sure my dad just had a kid so he could have someone to infodump to. When I was like 9 he decided he'd show me Kill Bill because he never shut up about it but he skipped through all the bits that were inappropriate for a 9 year old to watch so it only took us five minutes to watch both films and then he was like "so?! whaddaya think???". lmao this guy . and by the time I properly watched them through when I was 14 I couldn't talk to him about them because he was dead by then ,, skill issue that's what you get for smoking a constant stream of cigarettes from the age of eleven I guess . Sorry it's nearly one in the morning it's oversharing on tumblr hours . At the moment I'm currently trying to draw Richard Nixon because his face is fascinating why does he look like that it's rather haunting .
Update here he is:
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tucipink 3 months
Roxie Pok茅mon is peak character design she's so cool
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tucipink 4 months
when I first heard I am a Rock when I was younger I thought "this song is dumb they are not rocks they are clearly guys". But then I learned what metaphors were and developed avoidant tendencies and now I can appreciate it
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tucipink 4 months
sucks when something you do for funsies also borders on a compulsion because every time I boil the kettle I have to tell myself "okay we're going to see if we can click our fingers at the same time it boils but wether I am successful or not, it will not affect wether my loved ones live or die"
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tucipink 4 months
It was honestly a lifesaver coming to the conclusion that could actually have sensory issues when I was like 14 . Because beforehand I was like "huh I guess this is just how senses are and I'm being a pussy". After having to curl up on the floor because of the sound of the vacuum cleaner or be sent home from school crying because someone threw a cheese flavoured crisp at me (smelt evil). And I fr hated myself for it. And although it's still frustrating because it would be way simpler if I was chill about things, it's better to know that I wasn't dealt the same cards so I might as well learn to play with them or whatever something something card game analogy . Some times are more difficult than others but yeah sounds sights smells tastes and textures am i right ?
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tucipink 4 months
I hate those kinds of vapid memes when the 'me also me' format is used for completely unrelated things and only used because it's a familiar way to word things like
me: waxes my eyebrows
also me: shits my pants
[reaction image of some guy looking surprised]
100000 likes on Instagram
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tucipink 4 months
Lmao I remember reading curious incident of the dog in the night time when I was like nine and thinking "waow this is such a real and based protagonist . This is the most I've related to a book protagonist ever this guy is so me"
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tucipink 4 months
Zoidberg is kinda my fav Futurama character look at this guy
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tucipink 6 months
Signs you might be a SIGMA male馃敟馃惡鈥硷笍:
- finding it hard to understand what others are thinking or feeling
- social situations ignite a primal sigma rage in you that is definitely not anxiety or distress
- finding it hard to make friends or preferring to be on your own (they just don't know what it's like to be such a powerful SIGMA MALE馃挜)
- avoiding eye contact (too powerful and sigma to look anyone directly in the eyes)
- certain tastes, sounds, and textures ignite that primal sigma rage in you that is definitely not anxiety or distress
- coordination difficulties due to the sigma energy being to strong and powerful to reside within mortal flesh
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tucipink 6 months
When I was 14 I purchased a bunch of songs on iTunes and downloaded them on to my phone. Now I listen to music elsewhere. But for some reason the headphones I use make the music downloaded on to my phone automatically play every time I plug them in so I just get a jumpscare from the Hamilton or Beetlejuice (musical) Soundtrack lmao
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tucipink 6 months
listen. There's a whole mentality shift that needs to happen culture wide here, from the schools to the public infrastructure to pet ownership to the justice system
The proper response to your dog doing a natural behavior you dislike (digging/barking/protecting etc) it to give them an appropriate time and place to engage in that behavior
The proper response to skateboarders damaging infrastructure is to build more and better skate parks, or build skate elements into the public infrastructure on purpose.
The proper response to homeless people sleeping on park benches is to build them houses.
you see how there's like, a commonality at play here?
The proper response to a disruption is to address the root of the disruption directly, not somehow attack the disruption itself -
you don't invent a muffler by swinging a bat at the engine noise, you don't relieve your hunger by punching yourself in the stomach, you don't resolve public unrest by sending armed men to control them and you don't prevent homeless people using bus shelters as a roof by removing the bus shelters.
a whole ass shift in a basic mindset, i'm tellin' you. We need it.
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tucipink 6 months
I love going to the sweet shop and buying candy with a picture of an evil scientist on the front and then eating it and it tastes like tangy washing powder and also might make my mouth bleed sometimes and thinking mm tasty my risk of cancer has now increased drastically.
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tucipink 7 months
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Yayyyy!! I wanted to do a redraw, and didnt even realise that I drew them a year apart! the 2022 drawing was also the first time i had posted to tumblr!! i might make this a yearly thing :)
Maybe next year they will get legs
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tucipink 7 months
I've got to buy the genderqueer subway surfers character with real money? Is this rainbow capitalism smh smh
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(Ik they're limited release and you would've bought them with tokens but I left it too late馃挃)
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tucipink 7 months
It annoys me sm how people watch Peep Show, look at Mark Corrigan and think "Ah this is the good guy". Because what the fuck? This guy is a terrible person. I'm not saying Jeremy is good either but come on. Sometimes the character of Corrigan deeply resonates with me because I'm mentally ill or something. But I still know he's an uptight manipulative asshole. Mark is problematic because of what he does do and Jeremy is problematic because of what he doesn't do. (obviously it isn't always confined to this but overall)
The show's meant to represent two foil characters who both suck in their own ways: Mark doesn't take responsibility for what he destroys and Jeremy doesn't take responsibility for what he neglects.
Edit because I can't reply to comments for some reason: ,, I also enjoy them as fictional characters . I've just seen a few instances of people insisting Mark is objectively morally superior which annoyed me :']
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tucipink 8 months
My favourite genre of music is music from 60s bands whose managers tried so hard to get them to be like the Beatles to emulate the success of The Beatles when they were nothing like the Beatles
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