tuffboi5 · 3 years
queen b fans ?? or choices players in general who would be interested in a choices discord gc
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tuffboi5 · 3 years
wouldn’t it be funny if like, all the VIP players didn’t play or even touch Wake the Dead and the other books until they were available to everyone?
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tuffboi5 · 3 years
Not me refusing to commit to an LI in queen B 2 on the off chance that Poppy becomes a love interest jfhfhxhxh
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tuffboi5 · 3 years
i miss my wife so much 😩 please make Poppy an LI in book 2 😩
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@playchoices​ please we need her as an LI  😩
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tuffboi5 · 3 years
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Cant believe baby girl is gonna be a LI 🥺
Look at her
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tuffboi5 · 3 years
Reasons to make Poppy Min-Sinclair a love interest:
The flavour of an enemies to lovers arc, ungh please. Like imagine the flavour of having two badass girls running the school with an iron fist.
It's a waste of a sprite if she's just going to be a basic character that will fade into the background, considering her character design is immaculate and literally got me to play choices again. I mean, bestie look at my blog, it's literally a fan blog for Poppy Min-Sinclair.
Also, that scene from Chapter 7 where you literally made the scene so freaking good, like holy crap how am I supposed to recover. Literally one of the best wlw scenes you've ever written PB. You like money right, I know a whole circus readying their bank account for Poppy's return. We're all hoping bro.
Finally, she literally trended all over tumblr when the first book was out, every time a new chapter came out people literally could not get enough of miss Min-Sinclair.
These are just a few of the reasons I believe Poppy should be a love interest. It's literally going to be a waste if she just fades into the background. I'm sure a few other think so too.
@somewillwin back me up here
@simp-pony @uhh-the-green-thing @jmojellybae @somin-yin
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tuffboi5 · 3 years
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pb why are you the way that you are
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tuffboi5 · 3 years
QB truly had the worst diamond hair options like what the fuck was these????
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tuffboi5 · 3 years
Is this legit? I haven't forgiven PB for re-using Damien, Hayden, and Khaan's faces and now, this. Yo, this is so wrong.
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tuffboi5 · 4 years
What if the person behind the attack is our own mother? 💀
She believes that MC has caused her voting numbers to fall and till the time MC keeps causing scandals.. She'll never win.
To keep MC in control and prevent them from going out and causing more problems, she planned this attack and very cleverly blamed in on Ardona. We all know that Rutherland and Ardona hate each other. So she made it show that it has been done by Ardona by making the masked people say that.
Also the attack was not even deadly or fatal. It was just red paint to sort of scare and warn MC and not seriously harm them.
Talking about Anyna's plot.. What if Ayna did not sell us out on purpose?
My theory is that our mother sent someone whom MC trusts like Winston to know where MC is. Winston asked Ayna and got to know that she's near the lake. Ayna probably told him cause MC trusts Winston and he is not a danger to them , according to everyone. Then Winston informed the masked people who attacked MC.
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tuffboi5 · 4 years
not ayna allegedly being the traitor......
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tuffboi5 · 4 years
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Sent by anonymous
'i genuinely think that a rating feature available after every finished chapter/book could improve the quality of future releases while also save a lot of miscommunications between pb and the fanbase'
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tuffboi5 · 4 years
I just want to ask..
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tuffboi5 · 4 years
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tuffboi5 · 4 years
Why is the female blaine outfit so ugly? Besides the colors being bad.... that doesn’t look warm at all.
Girl cover your chest/neck ! You gonna get sick 💀💀💀
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tuffboi5 · 4 years
Jealous Blaine was *chef's kiss*
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tuffboi5 · 4 years
Blaine defending us, Blaine wanting us in their arms, Blaine taking us out on a cute asf date, Blaine being mildly jealous, Blaine being overall adorable this entire chapter...
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