tuloyame · 4 years
Whoa! ❗ ❗ ❗ 
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tuloyame · 4 years
Even forever isn’t enough time to love you.
Unknown (via thoughtkick)
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tuloyame · 4 years
Whoa! ❗ ❗ ❗ 
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tuloyame · 4 years
Maybe if I hadn’t been so afraid of rejection I could’ve shown you how much love I had in store.
k.b. // i missed my chance tho (via whendidmythoughtsgocrazy)
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tuloyame · 6 years
Oh Julian! 😩 💔 always sacrificing himself...
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Snippet: “Emma,” Julian whispered. “Your Marks …”
She shook her head, tears bitter in the back of her throat. It’s done.
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tuloyame · 7 years
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“Take a shower, wash off the day. Drink a glass of water. Make the room dark. Lie down and close your eyes. Notice the silence. Notice your heart. Still beating. Still fighting. You made it, after all. You made it, another day. And you can make it one more.” —Charlotte Eriksson
artwork by Isiah Owen
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tuloyame · 7 years
Sumn bout New Orleans and black women flourishing there. 👌🏾
Marry Like a Boss
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tuloyame · 7 years
“It’s been a long day… I need one of those hugs that turns into sex.”
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tuloyame · 7 years
“It’s been a long day… I need one of those hugs that turns into sex.”
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tuloyame · 7 years
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“My mother had always been functional as long as she took her medicine. But a couple years ago I began to notice a change. When we spoke on the phone, she’d laugh at the smallest things. Everything was a joke to her. But then she could also get very angry. She became convinced that people were plotting against her. She kicked all my siblings out of the house. When I went home to California, I discovered that she had drawn lines and circles inside all of her books. She seemed fixated on certain times and dates. Everything bothered her. She started calling me ‘faggot’ and things like that. It’s been a tough two years. She’s gotten worse and worse. I’ve flown back to California four times, but we barely speak when I’m home. It’s like she’s not even there. Meanwhile I’ve stopped investing in my friendships. I’ve had to drop out of my dance company. I’ve been getting depressed. Even when I’m not with her, I’m worrying about her. It’s getting to the point where I have to choose not to care about this. I have to think of her as gone. I didn’t create this. I created my life. And I don’t think I can take care of us both.”
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tuloyame · 7 years
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This is the beanie I bought my dad for my mom's funeral. Couldn't find a plain, he gave a ghost of a smile at it. I drove the car, his car, without him riding shotgun for the first time today. I felt like I would get lost at every turn, because he was my navigator. I never paid attention to routes and such. Wow. I thought I was doing well. It takes forever to heal. The healing process is lonely.
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tuloyame · 7 years
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tuloyame · 7 years
Too many young professionals have internalised the lesson that to earn any money, you’ve got to spend a lot of it.
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tuloyame · 7 years
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Black Panther characters from Wakanda introduced in the teaser trailer
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tuloyame · 8 years
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Ella Dawson has genital herpes, and she wants to tell you about it. 
She’s not speaking up for the shock value — she’s telling you because she wants all of us to be able to talk about STIs without shame or stigma. When we make it okay to talk about, she says, people are more likely to get tested and less likely to be afraid to share their status. 
In her badass talk at TEDxConnecticut College, Ella tells the story of her diagnosis, how she overcame feeling like “human trash,” and why we need to end the stigma — now. It’s packed with information (and a shot of humor), and if you didn’t already agree with her, you will by the time she’s done.
Watch the full talk or read the transcript here.
(Full disclosure: Ella is TED’s social media manager. This post was written by her boss who is so incredibly proud of how fearlessly she speaks out.)
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tuloyame · 8 years
Beautifully intense 👌🏾
This Finale........
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tuloyame · 8 years
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