tumblebuggo · 10 minutes
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tumblebuggo · 21 minutes
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tumblebuggo · 21 minutes
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tumblebuggo · 27 minutes
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tumblebuggo · 27 minutes
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tumblebuggo · 52 minutes
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im never deleting tiktok
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tumblebuggo · 3 hours
Shovelnose Sturgeon
Scaphirhynchus platorynchus is a sturgeon of many names. You may know this fish as a shovelnose sturgeon, or as a hackleback, a sand sturgeon, or a switchtail. Whatever you call her, she is an important and beloved member of the Mississippi and Missouri river ecosystems in North America. Her scientific name means “spade-snout broad-snout,” and true to form, she eats by using her specially-adapted rostrum to dig around in the sediment for tasty insect larvae and sucking them up with her vacuum-like protrusible mouth. Shovelnose sturgeon can grow up to around 3 feet long. They live in the deep, fast-moving parts of river channels. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the roe of more traditional eastern European caviar species became significantly harder to import. Unable or unwilling to go without this delicacy, Americans began consuming “hackleback caviar”, as it was marketed. Due to the sudden uptick in caviar harvesting, this species began to experience a decline in population. Today, the shovelnose sturgeon is listed on the ICUN Red List as vulnerable.
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tumblebuggo · 3 hours
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these ai-generated articles are really getting round the bend
fascinated by "keeping nipples hard with asexual nature"
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tumblebuggo · 9 hours
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tumblebuggo · 9 hours
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Here is one of my latest ceramic pieces! I love how much vibrant color and fine detail I’m able to put into pieces like this! I use underglaze to get the colors and patterns and then use a clear glaze on top to give it that glossy glass like finish.
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tumblebuggo · 9 hours
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tumblebuggo · 9 hours
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i think this is one of the most terrifying notifications i have ever received
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tumblebuggo · 9 hours
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the strongest warrior on earth
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tumblebuggo · 9 hours
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Pictured; A pious woman in a modest dress, very proper, very christlike.
(full can be seen on my other socials, check carrd in pinned)
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tumblebuggo · 10 hours
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[OC] 2x2 Mini Painting: Stew time
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tumblebuggo · 10 hours
i’m kind of just a chill ass sensitive guy who does his own thing, but watch out. my favorite song is nightcall by kavinsky because drive from drive is kind of just like me for real. women will never understand my dope soul basically
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tumblebuggo · 10 hours
i’m kind of just a chill ass sensitive guy who does his own thing, but watch out. my favorite song is nightcall by kavinsky because drive from drive is kind of just like me for real. women will never understand my dope soul basically
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