tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
ive been getting into the tummy ache aspect of all this recently,, like before it was just abt the release of it all but like the bloated tummy ache?? 馃グ don't get me started on like the stuffing that leads to the tummy aches
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
I love shitting in trashcans 馃様 Characters being so desperate all they can think to do is pull down their pants and balance themselves precariously on the edge of the bin and let it rip.... Maybe they're not tall enough or don't have the courage to sit on the edge, and they have to tilt it over and hold it against their ass as they squat and shit into it... Nevertheless, they feel filthy but 100% better having just relieved themselves into a bin...
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
concept: person taking an urgent massive dump in a library bathroom and having all their sounds broadcasted through the quiet library
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
Do you do requests like fanfics with specific plots for specific fandoms/pairings?
it honestly depends on the plat and the fandom !! im way more likely to do a requested plot than a fandom just bc im not in many fandoms.
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
ugh ive had this in my drafts for like forever but i have no motivation to finish it </3 i might come back to it at some point
A felt their stomach let out a rumble as they scroll through the different channels on the tv. Their partner, B, was taking a shower, and they were notorious for taking long showers. A rubbed their stomach to sooth their moving guts. 'It's fine. I can hold it 'till B is done..' A thinks to themselves as they just settle on a movie.
20 minutes later, the movement in A's stomach only got worse, and now they were releasing low, rumbly farts. Leaning over, A pushes out a particularly long fart, moaning at the release. The stench only shows as a teaser for it's solid follower. "Oh fuck, I might need to go like, real soon.. B will be done by then...right?" They mutter to themselves, trying to shift their focus on the show.
5 minutes later, A can feel their shit poking and prodding at their hole. Whimpers escape them as they desperately clench, attempting to hold in their mess. Gas is building up inside them as it's too dangerous to let anything out. A stands up, clenching their ass, praying that they don't shit their pants. A shuffles over to the bathroom, the sound of the shower still running. They knock on the door, face already burning red from embarrassment. "H-hey B? Are you almost done?" They ask, really hoping they don't have to tell B that they have to go. "Uh, yeah. Just give me like 5-10 more minutes." B says, from the shower. "Okay.." A says, sighing as they turn to walk away from the door.
~scat under the cut~
Turns out, their body had other plans, as their belly cramped up, pushing out the head of their load. Having two choices, either to use to very near-by toilet and just face B, or shit their pants. A whines before barging into the very steamy bathroom. "A?" B asks confused, but their mental questions are immediately answered as A throws themselves on the toilet, barely getting a second to adjust before their body begins to push. "Hnngh-! I'm so sorry B." A grunts out, pushing their load out, as it begins stretching out their ass to accommodate it's thick size.
B stops the shower, getting themselves into a towel before moving to A's side. "Just let it all out babe, it's okay." B coos, rubbing a soothing hand on A's stomach.
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
uhhhhh nvm,, i couldn't hold it,, i was standing in my kitchen and i has just finished prepping my lax when i doubled over basically, and i almost shit my pants right there. i practically ran to bathroom,, but i don't think that was the last of it,, even without the lax
i had a milkshake,, lol
my tum is rumbling a ton as per usual
but the thing is,, i already had to shit
so now im like doubling up on then need to shit,,,
kinda wanna take a laxative ngl.
i love how rumbly + gurgly my tummy gets when i take it <3
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
i had a milkshake,, lol
my tum is rumbling a ton as per usual
but the thing is,, i already had to shit
so now im like doubling up on then need to shit,,,
kinda wanna take a laxative ngl.
i love how rumbly + gurgly my tummy gets when i take it <3
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
nevermind i got a burger + fries and the burger was h u g e feeling a lil full but definitely have some more room
ugh i am so hungry </3
the urge to spend money that i dont have on a ton of greasy fast food is high rn
im really craving a ton of fast foods and its sucks </3
i literally just wanna feed myself until im stuffed,, thats it smh
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
ok so im gonna order a pizza,, i might get some bread too
ugh i am so hungry </3
the urge to spend money that i dont have on a ton of greasy fast food is high rn
im really craving a ton of fast foods and its sucks </3
i literally just wanna feed myself until im stuffed,, thats it smh
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
ugh i am so hungry </3
the urge to spend money that i dont have on a ton of greasy fast food is high rn
im really craving a ton of fast foods and its sucks </3
i literally just wanna feed myself until im stuffed,, thats it smh
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
I'm finally farting after two days of stuck, pent up gas, (im not sure if the dairy from early and my spicy chicken sandwich helped idk) and holy shit it feels so good.
im so gassy rn ugh
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
Character A and Character B go out on a date, and A loves to spoil B, so they take B to super fancy restaurant and let them get whatever they want. B was not being shy with this at all, ordering all types of things to enjoy, whilst A stuck with the normal 3 dish meal. By the time they were finished, B could already feel something going on in their tummy, but they hoped it was just some gas and wanted to move on. In the car on the way back, A is happily making conversation with B, asking them how dinner was an all of that, but in the middle of A saying something, B's stomach lets out the absolute most thundery rumble that A's ever heard. B's face gets really hot and blushy. "I'm so so sorry A! I-" And before they could even finish their apology, a loud bubbly fart escaped them, filling the car with a rancid stench. Hanging their head, B give up on apologizing because they're just that embarrassed. "B, it's okay! It completely natural. Are you feeling okay?" A asks, a look of concern on their face as they drive. "U-um, I don't think dinner agrees with me." More gurgles fill the car, progressive becoming louder and louder. "Don't worry love, we'll be home soon." A says to B in response to their pained whimpers.
Once they get home, A unlocks the door letting B into their shared apartment, the noises of their tummy echoing off of the walls of the otherwise quiet apartment. It didn't take a doctor to know that B's belly was brewing up something fierce. "Hey B, how about we try some belly rubs? I think it'll help soothe the pain." A supplies, guiding B over to their couch. "Yes, p-please." B responds, laying down on their couch, stomach cramping like a motherfucker. "Alright, first things first, how about we unbutton these-" A undoes the buttons and zipper on B's pants, causing a moan of relief from the sickee. "Okay, 'M gonna need you to do me a favor. I just need you to sit up so you can lay on my lap. Can you do that?" B nods, sitting up slowly as to not disturb their stomach even more. Quickly sitting down, A guides B's top half to lay back on their lap.
Placing a hand on B's stomach, A gasps at how hard their stomach is. The gas and food was really packing in heavy, causing B's distress. Rubbing A's stomach, almost immediately feeling their guts churning. "F-feels good." B says, face still scrunched up in discomfort but a lot less than earlier. On a particular spot, B's insides bubble harshly, vibrating A's hand. "O-oh-" B says before letting out a long airy fart, that lasted about 10 seconds. B practically melts at how good it felt. "That feel good?" A asks, smirking slightly as their hand worked their magic. "Felt amazing. And there's definitely more where that came from if you keep moving your hand like that." B comments, already feeling more air ready to be expelled from their ass. "Good. Let it all out for me." A says, rubbing and kneading their stomach. B continued to let out more farts, and they increasingly got bubblier and wetter.
~scat under the cut~
As A is rubbing, they feel a particularly bad gurgle and immediately knew something was up. Unfortunately, B's guts worked faster than they could speak and the pair feel the contents of their stomach rush downwards. B's eyes widen as they scramble off A's lap and the rush to the bathroom. They're in such a hurry that they don't even close the door, as the yank down their pants and plop themselves on the toilet, as A follows quickly behind. "Can I come in?" A asks as they watch B. B nods before grunting, and the sounds crackling shit is heard. A walks over, sitting on the edge of the tub, holding B's hand. B grunts once more as they push the log out of themselves, as it stretches their hole open, moaning when it plops in the bowl. A rubs circles on B's back. "There's more isn't there?" A asks, hearing B's stomach rumble deeply and frequently. B nods as softer, closer to liquid shit spills out of them. "There's so much more." The log must've been from earlier, and the new wave of shit is probably the by-product of B stuffing themselves at dinner. "Fuck.. it's just flowing out of me.." B says, as the stream of shit gets stronger, plops echoing off of the porcelain bowl.
A sits with B as they let out noisey, greasy, diarrhea. "I'm sorry, I'm this gross, babe." B apologizes, once their stream of shit stops, leaving them with just gas. "Don't apologize, babe. I don't mind." A says nonchalantly, as a wet fart, echoes off the bowl. "All empty?" A asks. "Mmm," B's pushes, only to be met with a weak small toot. "Yeah. Phew, I feel so much better."
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
im incredibly lactose intolerant and i just had a giant bowl of cereal and drank all the milk..
my tummy is already rumbling 馃槱鈥硷笍
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
ok this, but me, im the sub
I really wanna get a sub to wear diapers and force them to mess themselves in them, get them to the point that they use diapers all the time and lose pretty much all control over when they go.
Then, I want to make them go in public without a diaper and see how long it takes before they make a mess of themselves without meaning to, in front of everybody.
I can just imagine the realization hitting them, suddenly aware of what they鈥檝e done. The flushed face of humiliation. How adorably pathetic.
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
Reblog if you are a eproctophile who likes male farts over females (Or both)
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tummy-trouble-fics 3 years
ugh my tummy has been horrible
i was really constipated and backed up so i took a laxative,
i took the laxative at 2AM and my tummy is still letting out the most watery gurgling i've EVER heard
ive been back and forth between toilet trips all night,
and oh to have someone here to rub my belly </3
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