tungpilled · 1 month
Love her whole thing but I don’t know why they didn’t just have a barn owl fly up to her in the second scene
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON (2022-) 02x04 | 02x06
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tungpilled · 6 months
herons would love middle aged man fishing culture i think
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do you understand my vision
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tungpilled · 6 months
herons would love middle aged man fishing culture i think
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do you understand my vision
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tungpilled · 9 months
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tungpilled · 9 months
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tungpilled · 9 months
Unwilling wunk
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tungpilled · 9 months
It’s insane how many organs will just Make Rocks if left up to their own devices. Kidneys. Gall bladder. Pancreas. Tonsils, what’s that about???
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tungpilled · 9 months
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White-capped Redstart (Phoenicurus leucocephalus), family Muscicapidae, India
photograph by pazybird
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tungpilled · 11 months
I am painting fishies
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tungpilled · 11 months
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who up griddling their hark
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tungpilled · 11 months
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tungpilled · 11 months
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tungpilled · 11 months
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tungpilled · 11 months
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noopy btw. you care
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tungpilled · 11 months
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yec_yourz on Instagram
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tungpilled · 11 months
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tungpilled · 11 months
so one of the things I was vaguely aware of before reproducing was that people hold a lot of anxiety around the gender of babies and 'wrongly' gendering babies (i.e. failing to guess correctly based on their clothes and appearance what their genital configuration is) and having now had a baby: wow, yes, they really do.
I take an extremely laissez-faire approach to baby clothes because like, they are constantly being thrown up on and grown out of and so on, what matters is that they are clean and easy to put on and I am not spending $$$$$ on them. as long as the colour/design is not directly offensive, it's fine. what this means is that people are quite frequently 'misgendering' the baby and then falling over themselves to apologise about it.
and, like, I haven't even had a chance to dress him in anything pink yet; this is based on rules I didn't expect like 'anything with flowers or sparkly bits on it is for girls only'. equally, I do not care when this happens because it's an irrelevancy, but THEY care to make sure I am not offended. so I have started telling them "look, he's only [x] months old; his gender is baby."
and you know what? you'd be surprised how many otherwise average heterosexual people process this and go "huh, yeah, I guess it is." there is a tiny amount of hope for the future after all.
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