guess what. i didnt. and im so fucking pissed off about it
ive been robbed of such an important thing..!! im pissedd...!! 14 is the age of consent you know ha ha
Im going to kill myself when i turn 14
Yws yes it's true
on my birthday
And no i won't invite anyone to the party
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Need to have sex or I'm gonna die I'm beibg so so serious rn
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babbaaalalalalallalalal aaaaaa a a. a a a a a a a a a a a a Balhbalha blah blah blah blah blah You missed the point you lose
ill never escape my body and everything that's happened oh sigh 🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🥮SNORF SNEEF
I'm out of school for summer!! Im gonna have so much sex. how consensually? as little as it can be Thanks for alslskksking
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but i mean god i don't know I've been through it before and i didn't like it before and i won't now but i am lonely and
I can't offer anything besides it. I need to be a victim again
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im just so lonely and god im ugly
doi.... what do I do.
i should post nudes to here. but i am too much of a coward. help. fuck. me.
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i think i was trafficked as a kid. something like that
or something close to it at least
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hey. im back.
I can't tell anyone but i have plans.
I'm going to mend everything; i will be everyone's best friend and support them.
and then maybe ill die. grin?? 😁
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Im going to kill myself when i turn 14
Yws yes it's true
on my birthday
And no i won't invite anyone to the party
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i need someone to be sexually attracted to me
i mean what else do i have to offer
I've got uh a body and some pocket change-- comfy bedsheets and a few too many TMBG CDs. i am not so present emotionally, or mentally, and i won't remember the next thing you say to me
so why nooooot lol
'youre 13', you'd say
wellbeing too young never stopped anyone before
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i need something so fucking bad
i don't knownwhat but i knwk i need drugs
thjgs wontget better snd i just need to get my mind off it lol
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i wanna draw something beautiful
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im gonna get a boyfriend 20 years older than me and it's gonna fuck you up lol so jealous i can sense it already
not my fault that people love me more than you
but ah no not really no one likes me not even the one person at the center of it all
im gonna die sooner than you'd thiiiink
i hate all of my friends so much right now theyre so horrible
not really. they're wonderful and i love them but right now I think i would kill myself just to kill them
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it wasnt rape in my situation because it was supposed to happen to me
just how it rolls manaaaanaaaanananNN
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theres a guy and he likes you in a way that's against his morals and he cries and cries but you coax him into acting on it
and he's so sweaty and scared and shaking so hard
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like come on man i gave up every thing for this
cant spare me a. aaaaa
first kiss when lol
cant spare me a few minutes to
I don't know
i dont really want much
but i want more than this
come on man i thought you were GOD. and i am
not even
ugh i can't say this it's soooo mean lol
i hate all of my friends so much right now theyre so horrible
not really. they're wonderful and i love them but right now I think i would kill myself just to kill them
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i was gonna post something lewd about sweaty men but my cat has been drinking water for like 3 minutes oh my goodness
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yes my url is a tmbg reference
i rarely post fandom content
more of a box of my every evil thought than a blog
im a minor -- but don't let that stop you
wink wink. I've been through it all before lol
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