turn-up-the-future · 7 years
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Alabama Hills, CA.
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turn-up-the-future · 7 years
I think if heartbreak could speak then it would probably say something like: ‘Hey, I’m here. I’m always visiting someone, even if it isn’t you. I matter more than you think. You’re hoping I will leave sooner rather than later but I am valuable. I am necessary. I am proof that you risked losing it all. I am proof that you loved well. I am proof you were vulnerable. I am proof you tried.’
Hannah Brencher, Hey Monday (via miracles-and-distances)
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turn-up-the-future · 7 years
But remember, there are two ways to dehumanize someone: by dismissing them, and by idolizing them.
David Wong   (via tellmefive)
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turn-up-the-future · 7 years
You will need to let go a million-and-one times in the next few years. Make sure you let go for good. Don’t wait on text messages. Don’t find a way to make people linger and wait in the loss of you. It’s selfish to hold onto a person when you’ve already gotten the clarity that tells you to let them go. That person is supposed to go out there and love someone different. They’re supposed to mess up with someone else. They’re supposed to kiss someone else and buy flowers for someone else.
Hannah Brencher (via miracles-and-distances)
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
And she wanted for a moment to hold and devour him, wanted his mouth, his ears, his coat collar, wanted to surround him and engulf him…
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night (via punlovsin)
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
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submitted by http://ambvlt.tumblr.com
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
You’re trying to put good energy into the world, but not everybody appreciates that. Still, it’s the better road to take, I believe.“
Sereno Sky, author of “Lonely Traveller” (via aletterfrommysoultotheworld)
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
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♡ follow @devin.nyc on instagram ♡
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
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turn-up-the-future · 8 years
I am an intense person. I don’t do things half way. I’m all in or all out. You either have all of me or you don’t get me at all.
(via likeabullot)
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