If any of you ever feel like catching the Tiva Feels TM I highly recommend listening to Matt Nathanson's album 'Some Mad Hope'. The last song All We Are was even featured on NCIS when Tony burns Jeanne's letter.
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Tony was the one to save her from saleem.....just a thought. Not sure how it would fit in though
After watching the extended promo, I’m pretty sure the woman is somehow related to Saleem. She was wearing the Somalia clothes in one scene.
There goes my two cents
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See here
I want every single cut Tiva scene they robbed us of over the years. Every. Single. One. EVERY ONE OF THEM. They owe us that, that belongs to us and I want it all.
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All these posts about cote make me so happy.!! It's like being back in the good old times
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Having to carry around your heavy af longboard in the mall when the floor looks like it has been made for the sole purpose of skating hurts my soul everytime
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Like for Densi reblog for Tiva
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Had to do it
I can just picture Ziva walking into the squad room behind Gibbs and everyone is just like: O_O…wha?
Gibbs: What?
*whole room points to the agent behind him*
Gibbs:*looks at her then back at his team* ………..you see her too??
Ziva: ?!?!
Jack: I’ll go and get some lollipops…
McGee: I’ll get coffee.
Nick/Elle: *shrug*
Elle: Ziva? :D
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I really need new Tiva content. Bc i'm starting to see things. I was in venice last week with my art class and we visited the biennale and the american and israeli pavilion were right next to each other. All i could think about was Tiva someone help me
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I need Bear Grylls to teach me how to survive after Endgame
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anyway, reblog if tony and ziva ruined your life
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Finally got netflix again ayyy
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I swear to god this person will be our saviour
I had a thought. And now I’m sobbing.
Look at the definition of “Perennial”
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There is so much to unpack from this definition, I don’t know where to start.
My original thought was that perennial…hmm… makes you think of flowers that go dormant and appear dead and then rise again in the spring.
So then let’s delve into the definition, shall we? My thoughts:
Lasting for a long or apparently infinite time? And living for a long period of time? Y'all know Ziva can’t be killed!!!
Enduring or continually recurring??? ZIVA???
The “person” definition makes sense, but is sad/scary. Ziva tried to escape her old life, Mossad, NCIS. But it’s not as easy as just walking away. Hence “permanently engaged in a certain way of life.”
You all know what Gibbs says about coincidences. This all lines up too perfectly. And now we know that the woman from Ziva’s “office” will be in this episode? Hhhhhhh
I cannot wait till this episode.
Anyone else have anything to add?
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Pro tip for when you are stuck in math lessson and don't get it anyways: just imagine Tiva high school AUs!
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My morning so far:
Woke up at six as usual to get ready for my day, got symptoms of an incoming migrane which sucks, take some pills, drink a black coffee strong enough to probably kill a dog (because coffee worked wonders for me last time) decide to stay home today, went to bed for 5 seconds, get a major panic attack because my throat goes numb and i feel like i can't breath. (Some parts of my body always go numb when i get a migrane) Run downstairs to find my mom who manages to calm me down because i was at the point where i litterally started crying and could barely speak, whenever I get a migrane i can hardly from a correct sentence anyway and panic made it worse. I was better after a few minutes. The adrenalin pretty much wiped out my migrane and i asked her to drive me to the bus stop so i could catch my bus. My mom was like ???? You felt like dying litteral seconds ago are you sure? So of we go but we are pretty late already. By the time we are at the bus stop the bus was gone. So me and my mom chase after it (we live in a small village and the next bus stop is less than a kilometer away) turns out the bus is already further away than that so my mom frickig speeds after that bus and we actually managed to catch up and i got onto the bus in the 3rd village. That was fun. now i'm on said bus with pure caffein pumping through me and a minor headache somewhere between being scared of the symptoms and being super hyped due to some action movie worthy driving.
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Ohhh!!! god guys he started to look more like dinozzo senior with the longer hair and stuff which makes total sense: he lost the love of his life who died way too early. That left him with a young child with whom he had no real relationship so far (even though for a different reason i'm sure Tony's a great dad) holy how did i only think of that parallel now??
ps: why is it that by tony’s exit from the show, his hair was just out of control
was he keeping up appearances for ziva and kept up the manscaping until there was no one to look good for
or was she the one who reminded him to go to the barber
i mean, tony’s s13 hair rivals his s4 hair with frosted tips
this poor guy just needs his wife back
jesus christ
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reblog this if you’re jewish or your blog is a safe space for jewish people
in light of recent events as well as a new rise in creating nazi ocs I think this post is an important one to have on your blog if you stand behind your jewish followers or are jewish yourself.
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