turtleswithtophats · 4 months
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turtleswithtophats · 4 months
"ok but where would Israeli Jewish ppl go" Palestinians have already created a plan for unity, YOU'RE just horny for this idea of brown "savages" getting revenge. White people did this with indigenous peoples, with freed enslaved people, with apartheid SA...also, if your main concern is the settlers/oppressors while the oppressed people can't even recover their dead to count them... (Insert something that'll have me put on a list)
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turtleswithtophats · 5 months
It's really fucked up when you treat characters like people and people like characters.
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turtleswithtophats · 8 months
i like to pretend i already died and asked god to send me back to earth so i can swim in lakes again and see mountains and get my heart broken and love my friends and cry so hard in the bathroom and go grocery shopping 1,000 more times. and that i promised i would never forget the miracle of being here
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turtleswithtophats · 8 months
do you all remember in the early 2010s where people were talking about freeing the nipple and that mixed-gender sports should become a thing and the removal of period tax and all of that and then some people realised that would mean trans people too ans they instantly decided to revert to bioessentialism 101 and now i have to see grating sentences like Well maybe jeopardy should be gender-segregated because males have a biological advantage in pressing a button
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turtleswithtophats · 8 months
Western countries do not support Israel because they love the Jewish people or because they feel bad about the Holocaust, they support Israel because they have political and economic interest in supporting this particular power in this particular region at this particular time
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turtleswithtophats · 8 months
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turtleswithtophats · 8 months
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turtleswithtophats · 8 months
loudly going "YOU'RE GOOD YOU'RE GOOD" to myself to ward off the memory of every embarrassing thing i've ever done
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turtleswithtophats · 8 months
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free to use!!
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turtleswithtophats · 11 months
These edibles ain’t shi-
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turtleswithtophats · 1 year
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“The paradox of conservatism is they want being normal to be punk. They want to rebel against authority while being the ones in power. They want to be rugged individuals and they think everyone should be the same as them. They want to overcome adversity while staying in the majority.” -@innuendostudios on twitter
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turtleswithtophats · 1 year
The funniest thing about adulthood is learning that playing never stopped at childhood. Adults play, but they couch it in so many words, unless it is sports or video games, which are apparently appropriate things to accurately call "play."
Play is important, and I hope young people know that they won't be giving up the safety and fun of play in order to become Stuffy Adults. Don't fear growing up because everybody tells you how miserable you will be. You will be the same as you were, just in a bigger body.
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turtleswithtophats · 1 year
the funniest thing to me rn is seeing transphobic women going into bathrooms in transphobic states and then being shocked that trans men are in there and actually (gasp) look like men?!?! (shocking i know /s)
like you guys forced people to go to the bathrooms of their “biological sex” but now when they do it’s disconcerting that men look like men. (yes even if that man has a vagina.)
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Transphobes are shocked to realize trans men aren’t all “uwu soft boiz” and HRT does what it’s supposed to. It’s so mind boggling to them that trans people don’t look like their bigoted characatures.
Anyways here are some men that will be forced to use the women’s restroom in states like florida, texas, kansas, etc.
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turtleswithtophats · 1 year
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turtleswithtophats · 1 year
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i honestly don't even care if ive already posted this. look at it again
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turtleswithtophats · 1 year
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Art by Anna-Laura
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