turtletheartist · 3 years
I try not to shy away from being shameless. I am transparent about my past, because I have given myself the strength and perseverance to acquire closure on my most formative memories. I endeavour to wear my heart on my sleeve, alongside my flaws. I aim to learn from my mistakes but don’t prevent myself from making them again and again. Don’t mistake this for vulnerability. I like to think of myself as one of those cards that when opened, it softly unfolds and projects something wondrous; enchanting. Though it’s a little slower than the current times demand. Rough around the edges. A challenge. I require gentle hands. With just enough of your care, paired with strength of my own, I will open up to you. I will be vulnerable with you. My fragility will wear thin. I will no longer be glass. I will be strong, solid, sincere but not rigid. I will no longer hide. So, wear a watch on your wrist, because you’ll need it.
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turtletheartist · 3 years
Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had the sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)
Nope! I’m a demisexual biromantic aroace :)
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turtletheartist · 3 years
thinking about the cazzie spin off. just want a whole show covering their entire lives please. 
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turtletheartist · 3 years
Sometimes I catch myself thinking of the ending of Wynonna Earp and getting so sad?? The ‘Everyone Welcome’ kills me every time because found family is such a strong motif throughout the queer community. Thinking about how the fandom, the cast and crew welcomed us into that family is what I needed, and I’m sure many others who always feel ‘left out’.
Can’t wait to have a sexy wife and farm life and put that sign up.
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turtletheartist · 3 years
all my favourite people revealing they’re nb?? lol now I know why I adore them so much
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turtletheartist · 3 years
made an atypical countdown for AEST time (Australia). Have not found specific information on the exact time it would pop up in Netflix but I have found that most shows commonly show up at 5-7pm, so I have timed mine to 7pm.
Here is the link
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turtletheartist · 3 years
is it just me or have other people noticed almost every time izzy is with Casey she pushes her hair behind her ear as a sign of nervousness?
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turtletheartist · 3 years
ok but what if everyone thinks Sam is the one to ask Casey if she loves Izzy but it’s actually Evan again?? Like it’ll be a callback to Evan saying “do you love her?” but different this time?
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turtletheartist · 3 years
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Guess forehead touch is their thing and we love it 🤩🥺❤️
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turtletheartist · 3 years
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atypicalnetflix: Happy Pride, Cazzie nation 🌈
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turtletheartist · 3 years
With endings, comes full circle arcs
Hey! I finally got around to actually watching Atypical, instead of skipping to the gay parts lol. Anyway, I think what makes a good ending is characters getting their full circle moment, things that stumped them from the start, or that has always been a consistent obstacles for them. Here are my hopes for season 4. 
Paige is a character who constantly puts up this front of ‘everything will be fine, you just have to put a smile on your face’. It was nice to see her confront that things can turn out to be the worst of our expectations in season 3. Her relationship with Sam opened her up to the opportunity of being honest, of course this makes sense given Sam’s honesty. I also think Paige would start to take more risks.
Zahid went through a really intense period in season 3 with Gretchen the worst. I think two things could happen. Zahid defines his life around sex most of the time and I think we could see a side of him that doesn’t prioritise this for once. Like, either he thinks he doesn’t really need that stuff because he has his friends and family, or that he finds a Gretchen the best.
Doug is such a cool dad man. Him and Evan’s relationship will continue to blossom and I think that is good for both of them in a really weird way. I don’t mean to sound rude but Evan is the son he could do all the things with he couldn’t do with Sam. For Sam, Doug is also the dad Evan’s dad was never. He takes responsibility for his faults in how Elsa and him grew apart to lead Elsa to cheat but still makes it clear it was wrong. 
Although I root for Cazzie, I still very much adore Evan. He is such a nice guy and it made me so happy he didn’t make it weird about Casey exploring her feelings for a girl. We will see him where we thought he wouldn’t be in s1 tbh, the EMT still part of the Gardner family circle in a way. I think he will stay true to his character and support Cazzie if they go ‘public’. I would also like to see him reconcile with his Dad and that his Dad isn’t such a huge dickball still.
Whilst we despise Elsa, it is incredibly difficult to dislike a character who makes mistakes but owns them and seeks to rectify them. She had a little bit of a hiccup but I see her truly and painfully letting go of her kids and in this way, her and Doug will really need each other. She will come to understand that while she is no longer needed, she is still wanted. I think her relationship with Casey has so much of a role in the story. I hope they both realise how much alike they actually are and I think it’ll play an even bigger role in Casey’s storyline.
I’m glad that the trailer is showing that we will be exploring her family and background much more, this will allow us to see what holds her back and what has caused her to internalise homophobia and have a somewhat doubtful and low self-esteem. I don’t think she will be going to UCLA with Casey and that will test them. But what I find beautiful about w|w relationships is that although it requires a bigger fight against all the obstacles that it’ll make their love even stronger.
My fave has a lot of shit going on. I think training for UCLA will really challenge her and at some points she will really doubt her abilities and constantly question whether or not ‘taking on’ a relationship alongside training was worth it. Something I noticed throughout the show is that I feel like deep down even though she is surrounded by so much love she deeply fears it and is afraid of accepting it from others. There is a link to Sam always been ‘chosen’ but I think she will finally be able to have that, especially with ‘coming out’.
Sam has grown so frickin much! Moving out will be really, really difficult and I think that will cause all of his relationships to be challenged. Honestly, I have no idea what he will do when he graduates but it will obviously have something to do with Antartica. For some reason I am sensing art therapist? Seeking independence has been an important part of his arc so I think this will be central to his story, he also seems to dislike asking for help but I think he will become confident in his independence but enjoy asking for help.
Idk what will happen in s4 and im kinda scared but I know I will cry at the end. 
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turtletheartist · 3 years
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“He fell in love with me because I used to have a huge ass.” (Santiago, Chile)
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turtletheartist · 3 years
wildwood starting playing and I just felt a rush of emotions. 
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turtletheartist · 3 years
I have a friend who I have never hugged. Most physical affection between us was a pat on the back he gave me, and I rubbed some dirt off their jacket. I think about it because it solidifies for me that if I am emotionally connected to someone strong enough, touch means nothing. I love him so much. P.S we are both ace.
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turtletheartist · 3 years
I have lived my life far too long, even at my young, ripe age of nineteen living my life according to the standards of others. I am writing this to promise myself not to do that anymore. I am exhausted having to hide all the time. I just want to be free. I just want to be able to love the way I want to love. I just want others to use the pronouns that best fit my sense of identity. So this is a promise that I will fight for that identity, that I will fight for others like me. That I will fight to have my voice heard in a world that seeks to dampen that voice. When that happens, I’ll amplify my own, no matter how hard it gets. I will strive to be kind and to inspire that same kindness and generosity in others. I will no longer be afraid of loving others and receiving that love. I will no longer allow my past to constrain my ability to shape and form a present and future I cherish and love to live and hope for.
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turtletheartist · 3 years
i wish you kinder, softer days that put your heart at ease
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turtletheartist · 3 years
See, life is short, but it is long and it is lonely, so if you manage to find a group of souls that will tolerate you, and elevate you and one who will especially love you. Well that is all it’s about. That is what the fight is really for.
Doc Holliday, Wynonna Earp
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