tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
14/12|Formats, Genres and Narrative Structures
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Today’s Aim:
We are going to look at the different formats within Television and briefly discuss examples of genres.
We will have a look at the narrative structures within Television and some of the supporting theories 
Narrative Structures
Single camera is not only about the production it is also about different formats, genres and narrative structures. Today's lesson will go through genres and narrative structures. 
Please use power point here for notes and task
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This is a reminder of your coming deadline on 18/12/20 for 2 Task: Comparative Analysis and Formats and Genres.
Comparative analysis (Single Camera vs Multi camera)
Formats and Genres- Explanation of 5 formats with examples ranging within different genres i.e. comedy, horror, period etc.
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
1/12|Comparative Analysis Contd.
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You will continue to work on your comparative analysis and explain key differences between single & multi camera production, once you have done this you will start to look at the different formats within single camera.
Before you move onto this section please make sure you have completed previous work started:
Foley Task (please watch the video to complete this task) use link here
Comparative analysis (Single- camera vs Multi-camera)
Formats and Genres of Single Camera Productions
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Brief Introduction
Single camera techniques are used in various formats and genres. They were used originally in Hollywood in the 1910’s. Today single camera techniques are used extensively in a wide range of formats including series, serials and single dramas as well as genres including, crime, comedy, soap operas, period dramas and drama documentaries
There are 5 main formats we will be looking at:
Mini- series
Single drama
These 5 formats all have different structures and these structures can have a key influence on the narrative of the program you watch i.e. ‘Black Mirror’ would be classed as a series as each episode can be watch independently and in any order because it does not follow a narrative.
Lesson Task- Formats
Research the 5 formats and explain with examples what they are, try to use examples of TV programs for each one if you are struggling with finding TV examples you can use examples from Netflixs and Sky.
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
30/11|Single Camera Vs Multi Camera Comparative Task
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This week we will go through 2 parts of our single camera unit:
Comparative analysis 
Different formats of single camera
Last week we started to look at the difference between single camera and multi camera productions. There were key differences such as the number of camera’s used during both types of production. 
Lesson Aim: You started your 1st task on single/multi camera productions last week and will continue with this task in this weeks lessons.
Here is a reminder of the powerpoint link here the task is the last slide on the powerpoint.
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
23/11| Single/Multi Camera Productions
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You have a deadline on the 24/11/2020 (Tuesday) Please be advised that we will start Unit 22: Single Camera today and no more lesson time will be give towards your sound assignment.
 Please remember that this is your official deadline and no other extension will be given for this assignment. You will be submitting
What you will be submitting:
Animation Planning Document, which will include;
Chosen animation
Foley sound you will recreate
Edited animation
You will also submit your evaluation on the whole process (use last weeks questions for evaluation)
Today’s lesson on Single Camera Production here 
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
16/11| Checking your work/Single Camera Production
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Today’s lesson Aims
1st half of the lesson- Finishing off
To go through what you have done so far
To check all submission’s
To answer any questions about work covered over the last 2 weeks 
2nd half of lesson- Animation Re-creation Task- Evaluation
Write a 500 word evaluation discussing these key points:
What animation did you chose and why?
Did you enjoy recording the dialogue and why?
Do you think the dialogue was key to your chosen scene?
Did you re-record any other sounds? i.e. foley, back ground music etc.
Did you contribute to the planning and recording process?
What did you do? was you successful?
How would you improve the process in the future?
Coming Deadline
Your deadline this week will be extended by 1 week and you will be submitting your animation recreation task and your foley written task, to this submission you will be adding your evaluation.
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
9/11 Foley Task & Single Camera
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Teacher Message: Unfortunately i will not be in this week, however i will return next week. You will receive email from me regarding parents evening which is phone only, all students have been placed in teacher groups and you will only receive an email from me if you are in my group.
This weeks work: Foley and Introduction into Single Camera
You will continue with your ‘Foley Task’ and create a folder in Google drive  titled ‘Notes on Sound and Single Camera’ please add all sound work into this folder, below is work that will be added this week:
Planning for animation dialogue recreation
Edited animation task or youtube link
Foley Task
Once you have completed all work above you can start the new unit, which we will be moving onto fully next week, you will start to look at ‘What is single camera and multi camera’ using Power point here
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
2/11| Foley Task
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I hope you all had a brilliant half term and ready to work!
Unfortunately i will not be in this week but we are going to finish off our ‘Sound in Animation’ recording task and start looking at Foley more closely.
The aim of this week is to complete all sound recordings, all editing and any added sound recordings such as foley.
Here is the link for this weeks set work here
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You can also use the lessons to work on your Final re-submission for ‘ Career Development Portfolio’ which is due on the 3/11/20- Tuesday this week.
Key things to make sure you have included before you submit your final:
All 4 pages of the portfolio: 
Pg1- Creative CV & Cover letter
Pg2- Advert analysis
Pg3- Inspirations & created job advert
Pg4- Recruitment methods (500 analysis )
Also double check all points below:
The page number and title for each section
Checking that each page has the minimum amount of work, please check previous slides for this
Including illustrated (images) examples throughout your portfolio
Spelling/grammer check your work
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
18/10| Animation Re-creation Task & Foley
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Recap: Last week we started a ‘Dialogue Re-creation’ task using Animation as our moving image.
This week will be dedicated to recording all your dialogue, finding your sound track or score and adding foley.
You will aim to:
Find your animation, convert and download it, edit it on premiere, unlink the sound, and cut it to no longer than 1-2 minutes long
Write down your dialogue or write down a script and record it
Find your sound track/ Score
Finish editing your re-creation
Showcase your final edit to the class
Please remember to create a planning document titled ‘Dialogue Re-Creation Task for Animation’ and make sure you have included:
Animation chosen and why?
Soundtrack chosen and why
Foley sounds you want to re-create and how you will do this
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
12/10| Sound in Moving Image
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Todays lesson Aim:
Today’s lesson will introduce you to ‘Sound’ and why it is important in moving image, you will gain an understanding of the impact of sound and how it can completely enhance and create atmosphere, mood  and meaning in any scene in moving image.
In the coming weeks we will cover sound in moving Image and have a look at these sections below:
The meaning of sound
Sound in 3 types of Moving Image (Animation, Film and Television)
Sound Components and its uses
Please use powerpoint link HERE
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
5/10| Organising your Career Portfolio
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Today’s lesson is all about making sure your portfolio is fit to submit for deadline on Tuesday 6/10/20, you will be organising your portfolio and having a look at the grading criteria before you submit.
Key things to make sure you have included before you submit:
All 4 pages of the portfolio: Pg1- Creative CV & Cover letter, Pg2- Advert analysis, Pg3- Inspirations & created job advert, Pg4- Recruitment methods (500 analysis )
The page number and title for each section
Checking that each page has the minimum amount of work, please check previous slides for this
Including illustrated (images) examples throughout your portfolio
Spell/grammer checking your work
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
27/09| Recruitment Methods
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FYI: All work being submitted for me will always fall on a Tuesday. 
You have a deadline coming up next week Tuesday: Deadline Reminder: -6/10/20
Here is what you will be submitting next week:
Page 1: Example of your updated Creative CV (visual focus)
Page 2: Analysis on 2 or more job adverts with annotated explanations of  job requirements
Page 3: Create your own job advert! You will create your own job advert and include transferable skills possible forms of presentation for the job advert
Page 4: 500 word explanation on the Pros/Cons of the different recruitment methods with visual examples
Today’s lesson will start to look at Page 1: Creative CV with cover letter, please refer to power point here and have a look at using a template to help you create your CV here
Quick Recap
Last week we have looked at recruitment methods last week and why they are used, here is a reminder all 9 methods used:
National press/ Print advertising
Social Media
Trading fairs/ Job Fairs
Personal contacts
Word of mouth
Internal promotion
You will have to explain at least 5 of the methods with pros/cons.
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
21/9| Transferable Skills PT2
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To do this week:Page 3: Creating your job advert
You should have Chosen your job role from last weeks lesson’s
You will find research to support it (similar job role advert) looking at its structure, use of font, colour, images etc
Create your Job advert Poster (or chosen method) to advertise it i.e. Internet, social media etc
Page 4: 500 word Analysis on Recruitment methods
For the last page of your portfolio you will explain the pros/cons of recruitment, you can use examples and images throughout your work to further support your work. Please use power point here to help you.
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
8.1 Final Presentation
Presenting to class on Tuesday 22nd:
Kristy and Bo: BBC
Emi, Annalise and Bruno: Sky
Mason and Camren: Amazon Prime Video
Victoria and Michael: Universal Pictures
Presenting to class on Wednesday 23rd:
Josh, Pranav and Daniel: Disney
Goktan and Alisha: Netflix
Kim and Georgia: Channel Four/Film Four
Lewis, Jayme and Xhoana: Time Warner
Presenting to class on Wednesday 22nd at 12.15-13.25:
Dominica and Denzel: Netlfix
Lexie and Amirah: Channel 4/film four
Holly and Charlotte: Time Warner
Riane and Lewis: HBO
Daisy and Brodie: Universal Pictures
Presenting to class on Wednesday 22nd at 14.10-15.20:
Ross and Callum: Amazon Prime Video
Faye, Lily and Beth: Sky
Josh T and Sam: Disney
Archie and Jack: BBC
Final (downloaded) presentation submission uploaded to Moodle: 24/09/20
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
Job roles 8.2
8.2 Know about Job roles in the television and film industries
1st portfolio submission uploaded to Moodle: 06/10/20
Provisional grade and comment published on Promonitor by: 14/10/20
Final portfolio submission uploaded to Moodle: 02/11/20
Please follow the powerpoint guidance on Moodle: https://vle.ncclondon.ac.uk/mod/folder/view.php?id=326294
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
14/09/20: Transferable Skills
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Quick Recap:
Last week we started to look at job adverts and there requirements, you also started the second page of your portfolio on ‘Job Advert Annotations’ you will have to continue this outside of lesson if you are still working on it. The deadline for this page is on the 15/09/20- i will be checking your work during lesson.
This week:
We will start to think about the transferable skills needed for careers in the creative media and jobs in general, you will create your own job advert based on the skills you think will be needed for the job role you advertise.
Please use link here for power point on this weeks lesson, you will need to watch the useful you tube video on ‘Recruitment Process’
Note:We are also going to have a look at your assignment brief and what you will need to do in order to submit a good Portfolio’ on the 6/10/20
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
Groups for 8.1 Ownership and Funding Presentation
Group AB:
Presenting on Tuesday 15th to HEW:
Dominica and Denzel: Netlfix
Lexie and Amirah: Channel 4/film four
Holly and Charlotte: Time Warner
Riane and Lewis: HBO
Daisy and Brodie: Universal Pictures
Presenting on Wednesday 16th to HEW:
Ross and Callum: Amazon Prime Video
Faye, Lily and Beth: Sky
Josh T and Sam: Disney
Archie and Jack: BBC
Group CD:
Presenting on Tuesday 15th with HEW:
Kristy and Bo: BBC
Emi and Annalise: Sky
Mason and Camren: Amazon Prime Video
Viktoria and Michael: Universal Pictures
Presenting on Wednesday 16th to HEW:
Josh, Pranav and Daniel: Disney
Goktan and Alisha: Netflix
Kim and Georgia: Channel Four/Film Four
Lewis, Jayme and Xhoana: Time Warner
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tvandfilm19-21 · 4 years
7/9/20| Snapshot of this week’s lesson
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Your lesson’s this week will introduce you to Unit 8.5 
We will be looking at career material development and annotating some examples of Job adverts in the creative industry. We will start with having a look at different methods of presenting yourself for employment 
Please use link here for the full power point on this weeks lesson’s you can also access the PDF version of the PowerPoint via your NCC VLE.
Coming Deadlines Unit 8.5 
You will be submitting a 4 page Career Portfolio covering these key areas:
Page 1: Example of your updated Creative CV (visual focus)
Page 2: Analysis on 2 or more job adverts with annoted explanations of job requirements
Page 3.  Create your own job advert! You will create your own job advert and include transferable skills and possible forms of presentation which can be used to present yourself.
Page 4: 500 word explanation on the Pros/Cons of the different recruitment methods
Please remember that this is a portfolio, you should have a front page and index page explaining what is on each page to make it look more presentable
1st Submission: 6/10/20
Final Submission 3/11/20
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