tvirtuexsmoir · 1 year
Jen Kirsch's Instagram Story (June 9th)
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tvirtuexsmoir · 1 year
Romain Haguenauer's Instagram Story (June 9th)
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tvirtuexsmoir · 2 years
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scott helping tessa // with putting on her jacket and with a lift off the podium
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tvirtuexsmoir · 2 years
Ok, love the VM twizzle question!
HHCC twizzles are definitely some of the most unique ones they ever did, I remember watching it the first time and going “wait, this is allowed???”
Anyways, what I personally love the most about their Twizzles section in their programs is, that they never , or very rarely use the same ones. They can do so many variations that it never gets boring!
Keep talking skating because I love your posts!
LOL, yes I think that was the general consensus question when we first saw those circular twizzles…
I sometimes forget just how different VM’s twizzles were - I mean, there’s only a few basic types, and because they used the three twizzle option for the majority of their time as seniors (once that became necessary), that makes them look even more similar. But once you see the breakdown of the order in which they employ those basic twizzle types, and really get to see the variety of arm movements (that suit the program!) and entries and exits, and even little things like the switch up of who is on the left/right in relation to each other, it’s impossible to deny that VM had exceptional twizzles through the years.
I’m still so grateful for such an amazing, informative post about VM’s twizzles.
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tvirtuexsmoir · 2 years
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A lovely pic of my happy, smiley, golden bbys🤍
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tvirtuexsmoir · 2 years
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You know what I think about most in this moment:
Tessa’s legs.
Those little legs of hers.
Those little legs that she had sliced open twice (nearly 3 times) to save their careers.
Those poor little legs of hers that screamed with pain nearly every time she skated for at least 3 seasons.
Those little legs that got her to and from training everyday, even when it was too painful to walk.
Those legs that hung on to win them their first Olympic gold medal and world championship.
Those legs that led her to becoming the greatest female ice dancer the world has ever seen.
So in this moment, when he skates into her and almost throws her in the air with adulation. Hugs her like she’s his only reason for living, suspends her In the air pressed against his racing heartbeat.
Her little legs, dangling weightlessly in the air, elevated even just for a moment from holding her stunned, shaking body upright after the skate of their lives. Then, while being cradled like the most precious living thing on the planet that can’t dare be harmed, she’s gently placed back on earth. And those legs hold her up again, just like they had done for 20 years, even when they were all but broken.
Those little legs of hers and her brave, courageous, loving heart that hung on and propelled her and the love of her life to unattainable greatness..
That’s what I think about.
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tvirtuexsmoir · 2 years
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Closeness: A study in B&W
Part 8
“Their whole career has been about this love they have for one another”.
- NBC commentary, GPF 2016
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tvirtuexsmoir · 2 years
My feelings!!!
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tvirtuexsmoir · 2 years
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tvirtuexsmoir · 2 years
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When the music ends
Spin, arabesque, finish.
Worlds 2010 - Mahler
Worlds 2017 - Latch
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tvirtuexsmoir · 2 years
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*gifs by @thatonekimgirl
Seriously tho.. how precious are all these moments when Scott strolls up to Tessa and says without words: “I want a cuddle”. Like he just goes to her and puts her arms up and snuggles into his favourite spot. It’s so bizarre but so incredibly precious. Like she’s his toy or his pillow and he just puts her where he wants her and she willingly participates. It’s so different to couples in general and irl skating couples who are all gooey and smoochy in public and it’s kinda like.. ok guys get a room. But with VM it feels different, it doesn’t feel like ‘ok we get it you’re in love go have sex somewhere’….. ok maybe it does for some.. but to me it doesn’t.. it just so unique. I can’t quite explain it. But it’s adorable and precious and you can just tell they enjoy being connected physically and emotionally more than anything. It’s therapeutic for them. They understand that the other needs that sometimes. It’s not the same as being all “in love” in public for the sake of it.. you really feel as though they Scott needs it. He’s very touchy feely and while it seems that Tessa isn’t that way so much- because she loves him she’s never gonna be like ‘no get off I don’t want a cuddle rn’. The way once he’s put her arms up and gives her a little tap on the shoulder as like a “hey kiddo” and a “thank you”. They truly are were a home for each other. In like a weird life-imitates-art sense- I think the whole ‘puppet’ component of MR was quite familiar to them coz I do feel as if Scott sometimes plays with her in that sense. Yet it’s not out of controlling her for the sake of him being a man and her a woman. That’s just the unique dynamic of their relationship. That they are so comfortable and trusting of each other they allow themselves to be that tactile home base. Idk, whether he was tired or emotional or just really wanted a cuddle (probably all of the above). It’s so lovely and it’s amazing we get to witness their love for each other 🤍
And as I always add to these:
VM during gala practices:
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tvirtuexsmoir · 3 years
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Silver medalists Miura Riku and Kihara Ryuichi, 2022 World Championships
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tvirtuexsmoir · 3 years
I am emotional for H/D
I wish H/D were staying another season, I want to see them win everything and what scores they could get without P/C there.
100% this. And it's also why I want S/D to stay, they are just starting to rise, they still have so much more to achieve.
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tvirtuexsmoir · 3 years
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In which they play a game where they can’t let go for even a second..
My favourite part is that first bit where he takes both her hands and squeezes them with such intent.. like he really prepares for it by getting her second hand ready so they in the perfect position for it.. there’s so much purpose to it. They probably aren’t even thinking about it but it seems so deliberate and that particular type of squeeze has a certain meaning and is communicating something specific..and the others have different meanings.. almost like they have their own type of sign language through their hand squeezes.
Also.. don’t you just LOVE how their hands are drawn to each other. Like they just know exactly where to go, they gently fall into each other and fit perfectly. I know that time Scott said he just likes to feel her bare hands- in relation to a question about why T didn’t wear gloves when competing Funny Face, and T said it didn’t feel safe- that she might slip of his neck and in lifts, and he said he didn’t like skating with gloves and he just likes to feel her bare hands, it was made into some dirty joke, but I actually totally get what he means and he didn’t mean it in that way- he legitimately meant, beyond the safety aspect, that they can communicate better and sense each other better when their hands are bare.
Its crazy to think that by holding one person’s hand that much for long that they would know EXACTLY what each other’s hands feel like, like without knowing, if they didn’t know the other was next to them they would know it’s each other’s hand, like just the feel of it and they way it fits perfectly and finds the exact right positions.. wow… if that’s not intimacy I don’t know what is…
Gif credit: @thatonekimgirl
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tvirtuexsmoir · 3 years
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We as a fandom don’t talk enough about Tessa cuddling Scott’s head and it’s a real failure on our part guys. We should know better..
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tvirtuexsmoir · 3 years
Guyssss....i just read this in their biography..... 10 year old Scott moir is so freaking cute ❤️❤️ they will be the death of me
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"he only liked ice dancing because of tess" "it wasn't about finding skating..it was about finding Tessa " "okay Tessa, come back " oh my fluttering heart 💔🤧
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tvirtuexsmoir · 3 years
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Wenjing Sui & Cong Han (CHN) are the first pairs team to win all major junior and senior international titles together.
Junior Grand Prix Final: 🥇2009, 🥇2011 Junior World Championships: 🥇2010, 🥇2011, 🥇2012 Grand Prix Final: 🥇2019, 🥈2017, 🥉2014, 🥉2010 Four Continents Championships: 🥇2012, 🥇2014, 🥇2016, 🥇2017, 🥇2019, 🥇2020 World Championships: 🥇2017, 🥇2019, 🥈2015, 🥈2016, 🥈2021 Olympic Winter Games: 🥇2022, 🥈2018
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