tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
Could you maybe tell me about libra sun, aries moon, and aquarius rising?
“we should all start to live before we get too old. fear is stupid. so are regrets.”
you probably love watching the discovery channel or basically anything that helps you learn about the world around you and/or helps you keep up with what’s going on in the world (you’re interested in nature in particular). you have a spiritual side but you connect to it through science and intellect.
you’re impatient, extremely energetic and fast-paced. you probably have a great sense of humor and you’re down for almost anything. you have a habit of not following through (aka not finishing what you start). you get excited by the thought of doing something new and then move on to the next new thing before you finish the other. you’re impulsive. underneath this feisty facade you’re a very gentle person. you are an extremely independent person, but you do need companionship to get by in life. even if you don’t think you do.
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
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harley quinn and poison ivy lockscreens
like or reblog if you save :)
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
Babygirl you are preventing me from fast traveling
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
weatherboy (derogatory)
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
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이달의 소녀 ½
please like or reblog if you save!!
click and screenshot to save in the best possible quality
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
today i intimidated a men's barber into cutting my hair??
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
take my quiz if you want to feel sad about yourself
there are ten results, all colours, and no pop culture questions whatsoever.
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
gonna knock our heads together like a cat
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
Fangs: *hands Sweet Pea the phone* Your girlfriend is calling.
Sweet Pea: Veronica is not my girlfriend!
Sweet Pea: *softly into the phone* hey baby
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
Ras hasn’t given SweetVee any chances because he knows how powerful they could be together and he’s afraid
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
Sweet pea and Veronica decide to hang out in a festival after Bughead bails on them.
💜 i hope you enjoy this, lovely nonnie. it’s my first sweetvee fic. i’m excited!
A/N: Slightly AU. No Blackhood nonsense. Think of Riverdale like the comics. Sweet fluff and fun. 
“It’ll be fun!” Betty says, eyes full of life and that sweet smile on her face that Veronica’s slowly becoming immune to. “Come on! You love carnivals!” 
“Yes, but not when they include being the third wheel to your’s and Jughead’s date nights. After the last time? No thanks.” 
“I already said sorry about last time. You forgave me!” 
“Just because I forgave you for leaving me to have sex in the restroom at the bowling alley doesn’t mean I want to go through it again!”
“It was a quickie!” Betty defends. “You were alone for like fifteen minutes. Anyway, you won’t be a third wheel. Jug’s inviting Sweet Pea.” 
Veronica’s nose scrunches up at that. It’s not that she doesn’t like Sweet Pea, because honestly? She doesn’t really know him. She doesn’t have anything against him, but she also doesn’t have anything towards him. He’s just another Serpent that just so happens to be in her circle. Or at least, the outer part of her circle.
“That’s even weirder. I don’t know him, B, and I don’t want to. He’s kind of an ass.” 
“No he isn’t! He just takes some getting used to, so this is your chance to get to know him! Please, V? You’re my best friend and Jughead made an effort to play nice with you. Sweet Pea is his best friend; I think you should do the same. I want all of us to get along.” 
Veronica sighs, knowing that she’s officially lost this fight. “Fine! But you know, technically, Jughead didn’t ‘play nice’ until I paid for dinner that one time. Up until that moment, I’m pretty sure he was ready to fight me at all times.” 
“Details,” Betty says with a wave of her hand, but she’s smiling. “So you’ll come?” 
“Yes,” she groans. 
“Yay! Great. I’ll tell Jug. He’s going to be so happy!” 
Veronica’s sure that him being happy will have absolutely nothing to do with her saying yes to this outing, but Betty looks so damn excited that she doesn’t say anything about it. Instead she just continues to paint her nails a lovely purple that matches the fall weather around her. 
It’s freezing outside. It’s the middle of October so that’s kind of expected but Veronica hadn’t exactly dressed appropriately. She hadn’t thought it would be this cold outside. She’s wearing a black mini skirt with leggings that, while a little thicker, still don’t stop the goosebumps from coming up. The red choker sweater she’d decided to wear was definitely cute, but it was doing nothing to keep her warm. 
It also didn’t help that Betty and Jughead were ten minutes late. She’s already bought the stupid bracelet to get in and she’s standing by the food stand, texting Betty’s phone repeatedly but she doesn’t get an answer. She decides to give her another call.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she snaps as the call goes straight to voicemail. “This is worse than the bowling alley!” 
“Isn’t talking to yourself a sure sign of insanity?” 
Veronica whirls around at the voice, a glare on her face, but it falls once she sees that it’s Sweet Pea standing in front of her. He has that stupid little smirk on his face that she almost never sees him without. 
“Are Betty and Jughead with you?” She asks him, ignoring his question completely. “I’ve been texting her, but she isn’t answering.” 
He frowns. “No. I thought they were coming with you.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket and taps at it before pressing it to his ear. After a few seconds he pulls it away and sighs. “Straight to voicemail with Jug.” 
“I can’t believe this! I swear, I’m never agreeing to hanging out with them again! They are the worst friends ever.” 
“Maybe they’re just late,” Sweet Pea defends but Veronica rolls her eyes. 
“Do you even know Betty Cooper? Since when is she ever late to anything? They’re probably off being scandalous somewhere.” 
“Can’t blame them for being young and in love,” he says, smirking. 
“I can when it causes me to come to a stupid carnival when it’s freezing outside and I’m left with a complete stranger.” 
“Oh, come on,” he says. “I’m not a complete stranger. I gave you an extra cookie at lunch one time, remember? That was nice.” 
“You gave it to me because it fell on the floor, asshole.” 
Sweet Pea snorts, but there’s a gleam in his eyes. “Oh. I suppose I did.” 
“Whatever. I’m out of here. Have fun on the Tilt-A-Whirl. Hope you don’t puke all over that lovely flannel.” Seriously. She doesn’t know what it is with Serpents and their flannels and leather jackets, but it seems to be some kind of uniform. She can’t lie though, Sweet Pea might be a jerk but he was nice to look at. He sure filled out the flannel nicely enough. Not that she’d ever voice that opinion out loud.
She’s already walking away from him whenever he latches onto her upper arm. It stops her dead in her tracks. His hand is huge around her tiny biceps and it’s so warm, she can practically feel it burning through her sweater. 
“Hey, don’t leave. You already spent money on a bracelet, the least we could do is put it to use.” 
“It was like twenty dollars,” Veronica says with a frown. “Do you really think that matters to me? I’m not going to waste my night here with some random guy over twenty dollars. There are much better things I could be doing– I’d rather be doing.” She doesn’t mean to come off so harsh, but honestly? She’s really annoyed. She thought Betty would be here and instead she’d bailed, which would have been fine except she didn’t even let Veronica know the change of plans. 
Sweet Pea actually looks a little hurt at Veronica’s words and she feels bad. She knows how stuck up she must sound. Sure, twenty dollars was literally nothing to her, but she knows that’s not the case for everyone. She sees the red bracelet around his wrist and she realizes that he probably doesn’t want his money to go to waste. 
Before she can say anything though, he’s letting go of her arm and taking a step back from her. 
“Right,” he says with a sneer. “Well, don’t let me get in the way of your plans, princess. See ya.” And then he’s turning away from her and walking off in the other direction. 
She considers just leaving. Sweet Pea is no one to her, he shouldn’t matter. But then she remembers Betty’s words, pleading her to make an effort, and she sighs. 
“Wait!” She calls out, jogging over to him. He turns around and raises an eyebrow at her. “I’ll stay, but you have to win me a stuffed animal. And not a small one either! I want one of the really big elephants.” 
Sweet Pea smiles widely at her, his demeanor completely changing, and nods. “You’re in luck, princess. I’m the king of carnival games.” 
“I’m so sure,” she says with an eye roll, but she smiles back at him as she places herself next to him in step. “So where to first?” 
“Tilt-A-Whirl?” He looks down at her. “I promise not to throw up anywhere.” 
“Shut up,” she laughs. “Okay.” 
“You’re the worst!” She screams as soon as they get off the ride. “That was terrible. Oh, my God. I actually think I might vomit.” 
“That’s hot,” Sweet Pea says but he wraps an arms around her shoulders and leads her down the ramp, back onto the ground. Veronica puts a hand to her mouth and closes her eyes tightly. “Oh, come on! It wasn’t that bad.” 
“Are you kidding me? It was worse!” She shivers as she says the words. The cold wind hand been even more rough as they’d spun around and around on the ride. Sweet Pea notices her shaking and frowns, pulling away from her to look at her face. She immediately leans back into him without even thinking about it. He’s just so warm that she immediately misses it.  
“Are you really that cold?” 
“I’m fine,” she says, but her teeth are chattering as she says it. He’s quiet for a second before he shrugs off his leather jacket, the black one all Serpents wear, and drapes it across her shoulders. 
“What are you doing?” She asks, tensing up as he does. “Hey, no, I don’t-.” 
“You do,” he cuts her off. “Look, don’t make it a big deal, okay? You’re freezing, I’m not. Just wear the jacket and be warm.” 
She can’t deny how warm it is. It’s also huge on her and it makes her feel a little giddy wearing it, although she isn’t sure why. Betty wears Jughead’s leather jacket all the time and she never seems to make a big deal over it. Veronica blames it on the stupid ride, it’d made her dizzy and now her head was all jumbled up. 
“Thank you,” she says softly as she puts her arms through the sleeves. “So, feel like winning me that elephant now?” 
“It’d be my pleasure,” he smiles. “Come on.” He throws his arm back around her shoulder and she’s pretty sure it’s only because of how she’s still stumbling a little from the ride, but if she leans into him just the slightest little bit, well, she’ll just blame that on her stumbling too. 
“You got this,” Veronica says as she stands next to Sweet Pea. He has a look of concentration on his face as he holds the dart up, aiming it at a blue balloon. It’s the last one he needs to hit. “Concentrate!” 
“I could concentrate a lot better if you weren’t breathing into my ear, princess.” 
Veronica laughs as she takes a step back, giving him some space. He moves his arm back and forth, practicing his shot, before he finally lets the dart fly forward. She watches it with her breath held and as soon as it hits the balloon, popping it, she lets out a loud squeal and runs over to Sweet Pea, throwing her arms around him in a hug. 
“The carnival king strikes again!” She yells out before laughing. Sweet Pea shakes his head and laughs with her as he places a hand on the small of her back. 
“I told ya.”
“What’ll your prize be?” The man running the booth asks with a smile. 
“The elephant,” Sweet Pea says, pointing at the biggest one.
“Here you go,” the man says as he hands Veronica the large elephant from the top. “One elephant for your lovely girlfriend.” 
Sweet Pea and Veronica go completely still, looking at each other with wide eyes before laughing. 
“We’re not together,” they both say at the same time. 
“Oh,” the man says, but it sounds a little bit like a question. “Well, then. One elephant for the lovely lady.” 
“Thank you,” Veronica says sweetly. 
The two of them walk away from the booth and do another lap around the carnival. They’re just talking about random things together; when the last time they came here was, what they thought of the new English teacher at school, how cheerleading and baseball practice were going. It was nothing special, but for some reason it was the most fun Veronica had had in a while. 
Sweet Pea had been nothing like she was expecting and she was delighted to find out that she was getting along with him so well. She’s almost a little glad that Betty had bailed. There’s no way that they would have gotten to talk this much if the the other couple had come. For one, Veronica’s sure she would have been bugging Betty the entire time. But this was nicer. This was fun. 
At that exact moment, her phone buzzes in her pocket and she rests her elephant against her hip to check it. She rolls her eyes when she sees that it’s Betty. 
Oh my god! I’m sooooo sorry, V! Jug and I fell asleep. Are you at the carnival? We can be there in like ten minutes! 
Veronica shows Sweet Pea the text and he just shakes his head. 
“At least she had the decency to text you. Do you know how many times Jug has bailed on me just to text me the next day saying, ‘sorry, man’. He’s a nightmare.” 
“I guess they’re just young and in love,” Veronica says, throwing his words from earlier back at him. 
“Gross is what they are.” He’s smiling as he says it and Veronica’s sure he feels the same way about them as she does. They were obnoxiously in love, yes, but it was also really nice to see. She was glad they had each other. They were some of the lucky ones, to find their soulmates so young. It was beautiful. 
“You wanna get on?” Sweet Pea asks, pulling her out of her thoughts. She looks up at him and sees that he’s gesturing to the ferris wheel they’d stopped in front of. 
“Yes! I love the Ferris Wheel. Lets go.” She grabs onto his hand and leads him over to the line. Thankfully it’s not long and they’re sitting in one of the blue little carriages soon enough. 
She places her elephant next to her as Sweet Pea sits across from her. He’s making a point of looking at her face, but Veronica doesn’t pay attention as she leans over the railing to stare at the world underneath them as they reach the top and stop. She’s always loved being this high up. It was kind of like flying. it felt like she could see all of Riverdale from here and it was incredible. 
“Isn’t it pretty?” She says breathlessly. 
“Mhm,” Sweet Pea hums. 
She looks back at him and notices that he’s still staring at her. He’s in the middle of his seat and he’s sitting completely still; almost like he’s scared to move. Realization dawns on her.
“Oh, my God. Are you scared of heights?” 
“No,” he says quickly, but the shakiness in his voice says otherwise. 
“You totally are! Why did you suggest going up here? We could have just went on something else!” 
“I saw you eyeing it earlier, figured you might want to ride it.” 
“But you’re scared of heights and this is really high up. We didn’t have to get on.” 
“It’s fine,” he says, but he’s starting to look a little green. “You said you love it, so it’s okay.” 
Veronica feels terrible and she frowns, not knowing how to fix this. Before she can think, she gets up from her seat and plops herself down next to Sweet Pea. He tenses up at the way the cart shakes at her movement. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” she says as she takes his hand into hers. “You’re safe up here.” 
“Ever seen Mighty Joe Young?” 
Veronica laughs loudly. “Oh, my God! Sweets, seriously. You’re fine, okay? Look at me.” 
He does and his eyes look more gentle than she’s ever seen them. 
“That’s a new one,” he says. She gives him a confused look. “You called me Sweets.” 
“Oh. I didn’t even realize. Sorry.” 
“No, no. Don’t apologize. It’s fine. I like it.” 
“Okay,” she says softly. “You know, I’m kind of glad Betty and Jughead bailed.” 
“Yeah. I’m having fun right now with just you.” 
“Me too, princess.” He smiles now, all tension gone from his body. “Me too.” 
“We should do it more often.” 
“I think I’d like that.” 
When the ride moves again, Sweet Pea’s hand tightens around hers but he’s looking right at her and he’s smiling and Veronica’s never been happier. 
“Did she text you back?” Jughead asks as he presses kisses into Betty’s shoulder. 
“No.” She looks at him, worried. “Juggie, what if she’s really mad at me? This was such a bad idea!” 
“Noooo, you think so?” He’s being sarcastic and she shoves him for it. “Come on, Betts! Did you really think tricking them into a date would be a good idea? They’re complete polar opposites. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve killed each other by now.” 
“You know, I’m sure other people thought the same thing about us at one point.” 
Jughead smirks. “Yeah, but we’re Betty and Jughead, we just work. Veronica and Sweet Pea, though? That’ll never happen.” 
Betty frowns as her heart drops. She was really hoping that her plan would work. She’d wanted Veronica to be as happy as she was with Jughead and Sweet Pea was a good guy. If only Veronica could just see that. That was what the whole point of this night was. She knows it was sneaky and wrong, but she’d hoped that it would work out. Apparently not though. 
She’s about to call her best friend whenever her phone buzzes, a text from Veronica with an attachment. She opens it quickly and gasps as she sees the picture. 
“Oh, my God. Jughead, look!” 
He leans over and looks at the picture. 
Veronica and Sweet Pea are sitting down in the Ferris Wheel next to each other, smiles on their faces and a huge elephant in the middle of them. Sweet Pea’s arm is thrown over her shoulders and she’s leaning her head onto him. 
It’s okay. We’re doing just fine on our own. 
“Holy shit,” Jughead whispers. “I guess Serpents really do like Vixens, huh?” 
“I knew it would work!” Betty squeals. “Just call me Cupid.” 
Jughead rolls his eyes as he pushes her down onto the couch and kisses her before tickling her, the both of them laughing loudly.
On the other side of Riverdale, Veronica and Sweet Pea are sharing a funnel cake at the carnival, smiling as they finally get to know each other under the fairy lights and stars. 
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
Jughead: Do you support gay rights?
Malachi: I'm gay
Fangs: He's dodging the question :/
Sweet Pea: Get his ass
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
my favourite adhd / general executive dysfunction feeling is when you become very consciously aware that you are bored and there is nothing interesting left on the 5 social media apps you’ve been cycling around for the past hour and finally a small logical part of your brain goes “hey! perhaps at this point it might actually be more fun to do one of the productive things you’ve been putting off!” and you’re this close to going oh huh yeah maybe that's true! and getting up to do some housework or read a book or something when a far louder part of your brain goes “NO WAIT!!!! maybe THIS time when we refresh tumblr.... it will be interesting again” and you’re like "ohhhh right sorry for doubting you boss" & promptly get right back to doing fuck all
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tweetyrobin ¡ 3 years
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once i was at the philly museum of art and a security guard saw me looking at this sculpture that is just a head of romaine lettuce tied to a block of granite with a piece of wire (sculpture that eats by giovanni anselmo) and he was like. i’m here sometimes when the lettuce guy comes in to change the lettuce.
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