twenty6magazine · 5 years
London At Christmas TWENTY6 things to do and buy this festive season......
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London was the home of Dickens, so while in celebration of the birth of a baby some distance away (Bethlehem) many of the traditions we now enjoy were invented and entrenched in 19th Century London. Mr Scrooge awoke on Christmas morning to discover the joys of Christmas so join us on our London journey and let’s “Party like it’s 1899!!!” NOT TO MISS …… on every Wednesday on the run up to Christmas Columbia Road Flower Market opens up for mulled wine and Carols …  all the independent shops are open late and mulled wine is available on every corner.  Follow the old Joanna (piano) on the barrow up the street and sing-along with the Christmas Carols lead by local Vicar Adam Atkinson, raising money for local charities whilst offering up a real slice of the old East End.  What a Cockney “knees up” “ding-dong sing along”……. “All that glitters is not gold” but for the most brilliant festive glitter head to Marks and Spencers and grab a bottle of their Clementine Gin Snow Globe. Twenty6 Christmas Cocktail Recipe” ….. 20% Clementine Gin, 10% Grand Marnier, 50% Prosecco, 20% Soda Water Sparkle and luxury can be found in the fabulous Burlington Arcade. It’s the perfect Christmas cut-through from Bond Street to Piccadilly. Perfectly placed between Cartier and Fortnum & Mason, this has so much glamour. Celebrating its 200th Anniversary, having opened in March 1819, luxury leather goods, cashmere, new and antique jewelry, this is real old time elegance, and do drop into Laduree for your macaroons, a hair cut at  Atkinsons or a shoe shine. Enter one end and pop out the other polished, buffed and groomed. “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” and other Carols ….  Enjoy a service in one of the historical Abbey’s or Cathedrals this Christmas. Many hold services to raise funds for homeless charities.  Check with each one to see what and when their services are. Visit the Antiques Market at the historic Spitalfields’ Market.  Held every Thursday during the year, there remains a very 19th Century feel to this market. Find something totally unique; everything from an 18th Century teapot from Andrew Coram or pre-owned Dior Earrings….. it’s a wonderful place to wander and soak up the atmosphere whilst “hooking a bargain”. Take time to write to those you see seldom, an actual card cannot be replaced by any digital alternative, spend an afternoon catching up with old friends, its so worth the investment, any post these days that’s not a bill is such a pleasure. Charity cards available widely from many outlets. “We Three Kings of Orient Are”; we don’t expect you travel to the Orient but the Kings Road hosts its own Christmas Bazaar on the 7th December, horse carriage rides and chestnuts roasting bring festive cheer to this very glamorous corner of town. Afternoon tea is a tradition not to be forgotten at this time of year, a real treat, all the fine hotels do fabulous afternoon teas; The Ritz,  Claridge’s  and if you need a venue where doggy friends are welcome, book the wonderful drawing room at The Lanesborough, ….. for afternoon tea  (or champagne), assorted sandwiches and an irresistible selection of cakes, the diet starts in January …….
Is Santa coming down your Chimney? We love Santa visiting, but also it’s fabulous to make sure he visits your nearest and dearest. Scented candles that make your home feel luxurious, “Jo Loves’ Christmas Candle” is the very essence of Christmas, with fresh pine, wood smoke and a hint of plum pudding. YUM. Oh and don’t forget to re-purpose the holder next year into a bulb holder for your Christmas hyacinths. The White Company has also captured the scent of Christmas, try either the Old Fashioned with a smooth mix of zest of orange and amber whiskey, warm and familiar; or their Classic Winter Warmer with spices of cinnamon, clove and orange. It’s like Santa just left the room…… Personalised presents are always extra special. It’s fabulous to get your bedding all up close and personal with Stranos Linen of London, pillow cases or full sets, pure luxury just for the ones you love, rest your head everyday on love and luxury. Something not just for the 12 days of Christmas but 365 days of the year.
We love stationery, “Thank you notes” (always so handy to write to say thank you for your wonderful Christmas prezzies) personalised notelets, or for the most traditional among us a set of writing paper and envelopes.  Useful, beautiful and personal. Win win win. Check out Smythson or Wren Press . Everyone wants to smell nice……. So many options but so very personal, it’s a minefield choosing fragrances.  I personally love the joyful experience of entering and inhaling the perfumed interior of Floris in Jermyn Street, W1, with its gorgeous interior as exhibited at the 1851 Exhibition.  Santa Maria Novella, 117 Walton Street, SW3, or the Piccadilly Arcade  it’s like shopping in the 19th Century, huge range of scents and lotions, the pomegranate terracotta room diffuser, literally lasts for years…. Pure class. Make your own Christmas wreath. I’m never one to take work away from a good florist, but a wreath making course with a few chums is a real hoot and you take away something to show off to your neighbours;  a really fun few hours and once you know how it’s a gift that comes in handy year on year……. There are courses at Fortnum and Masons, Petersham Nurseries and Columbia Creative. Prices from £50 I am a huge fan of the Christmas Shopping Trip. A genuine trip to shop and not just clicking and collecting. This gives you the chance to enjoy the festive lights and experience a wander, make this Christmas old fashioned and take a day to shop with your best friend(s). Our Historic Christmas route to take in the lights, smells and tastes of Christmas. Stroll around St Christophers Place, South Molton Street, Old Bond Street, Burlington Arcade, Piccadilly Arcade. You will cover everything from Selfridges, Fortnum and Mason, the perfumers mentioned above, plus many more… For the perfect pit-stop and refuel, try Franco’s in Jermyn Street. It’s perfectly placed in the epicenter of the shopping district. Literally the best lasagna in London. Its classical elegance is like a step back in time; it’s the perfect spot on your Christmas shopping day out, perfect for lunch, early supper or a night out (BOOK!) 13th December is “Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day”. Wear your jumper with pride and give generously click here! Pantos and HO HO HO…. There are many options of live shows, Sandi Toksvig is hosting a Carol Sing A-long at the Globe theatre;  the Christmas Tree in St Paul’s Cathedral, is illuminated on the 22nd December, and for the off beat check out Wiltons Music Hall, or the Hackney Empire for their festive fare. Check on line what’s on. Chelsea Christmas Lights Switch on is the 23rd of November, Christmas with illuminated Sloane Square, Sloane Street and Duke of York’s Square. Celebrations start at 2pm in Sloane Square with Carols and entertainment, with the lights to be turned on at 5pm. Christmas Candlelit suppers... Petersham Nurseries are running a number of lovely evenings,  6th, 12th, 19th and 20th December.  Reservations on 0208 332 8665. Amazing atmosphere and wonderful food. Also take a peek at the Christmas decorations…… Don’t break a leg, but take a spin around the skating rinks that pop up, Somerset House, The Natural History Museum, Hampton Court Palace,  wonderful surrounds…. Have go or just have a drink and watch. Its My Birthday - just saying……… Have a wonderful Festive Season, eat drink and be Merry……. And in the famous last lines of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” ….. “But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight”, “Happy to Christmas to All and to All a good night”. Words by Andrew Downs
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twenty6magazine · 5 years
Love not Landfill we discover & introduce Contiki Clothes Swap
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There was a time when the conversation around sustainable fashion was relegated to the sidelines.  For what seems like forever, it was simply easier to turn a blind eye to the ethics of fashion in favour of style. Let’s face it, we’ve all been guilty of going on a panic shopping spree — in search for that perfect holiday selfie. 
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On March 12, millennial travel company Contiki held London’s First ever Holiday Wardrobe Clothes Swap, bringing together some of the leading voices in sustainable fashion in a wonderfully insightful panel discussion — and also saving 1700 garments from landfill. #LoveNotLandfill brought together 150 Londoners and invited them to forego the high street and rediscover our love for conscious consumerism, swapping clothes with each other and igniting the fire on the conversation around sustainability.
The Contiki Clothes Swap panel is composed of Carry Somers from Fashion Revolution, Agatha Lintott of Antibad, sustainability activist Venetia Falconer, and fashion journalist, Anna Hart. The discourse began with some shocking statistics from Contiki’s own sustainability survey, which revealed that 132 million holiday clothes go unworn every year; with 27% or survey participants saying that they purchase cheaper clothing to suit fleeting seasonal trends ahead of their holiday. Through genuine conversation and discourse, this panel of inspiring women talked about how we can consume fashion more consciously. According to Carry Somers, “What we buy really has an impact, it’s not just about the plastics we see, but als the plastics we don’t. Microfibres from synthetic fabrics contribute to 35% of all the ocean micro plastics” When asked about the perception that sustainable fashion comes at a higher price point, Agatha Lintott urges us to rediscover our emotional investment to our clothes. “Yes - sustainable brands are more expensive, but they also last longer. Dressing consciously isn’t just about buying better — it’s about looking after what you’ve got,” while Venetia Falconer invites us to celebrate our old clothes through her #oootd campaign, which invites people to share old ootds on Instagram. She says, “Look after what you’ve already got, and don’t get caught up in the hysteria of the high street.” Getting on board with sustainability isn’t actually as hard as it seems. Rather than making hard ultimatums, the secret to conscious consumerism is exactly that — making mindful connections of what we consume.
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With fashion being the second largest pollutant in the world — it’s clear that our fast fashion consumption has to change, and hopefully with campaigns like #LoveNotLandfill and companies like Contiki leading the charge — we can still turn things around. Because let’s face it — is that #ootd really worth our planet’s future?
Words by Hannah Tan-Gillies
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twenty6magazine · 5 years
Travel with us to Vienna
Travel with us to Vienna where the magic of Christmas comes to life and sparkle abounds. From the snow dusting the stage at the Vienna Opera House to the frosted gardens surrounding the baroque palaces of the 1st district and the breath taking drama of the vintage diamond tiaras hidden in the Neuer Markt, the sophisticated dazzling of Viennese culture will not disappoint for any traveller, looking for the ultimate experience in luxury, winter city destinations. 

Twenty6 flew from Heathrow to Vienna, a two hour flight that feels like it could have taken you two hundred years back in time when you arrive in the Austrian capital and see the charming, chocolate box architecture of the buildings standing aside the banks of the Danube Canal for the first time. A destination that, until 100 years ago, was surrounded by a city wall that didn't favour migration and covered a 5km area the size of some of London's more modest parks, has today flourished into a cosmopolitan hotspot, which offers much more than the traditional Viennese cultures it has become most famous for and poses surprises behind every Wes Anderson-esque door.

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Vienna holds a unique spot in the landscape of European capitals, combining the efficiency renowned in it's Bavarian neighbours with an approach to the finer things in life that is more reminiscent of its Western European, French and Italian cousins. Here, when you eat, expect not to rise from the table until the last story has been shared, the patisserie devoured, and the wine list fully appreciated. Eating and drinking, like spending time in good company and stopping to admire the view when the snow graces the presence of the Austrian gardens and rooftops, is much celebrated. In Viennese culture, setting aside time to enjoy the beauties that life can bring when you take the time to search them out, is encouraged whenever you spend time with a Viennese local. This laissez-faire approach to discovering what the city has to offer makes it the perfect place to spend a luxurious Christmas weekend and the easily walkable central quarters, allow you to leave full of new experiences and memories without becoming exhausted along the way.

It's worth noting that, if luxury isn’t your travel approach of choice, Vienna could equally rival the more zeitgeist cultures of Berlin, Amsterdam and Barcelona with its nightlife. You could as easily spend a weekend exploring the pop-up art installations, tongue in cheek street sculptures and rooftop bars, as you could immersing yourself in the more luxury things in life. But hey, it's Christmas and who doesn't want to feel a little bit indulged at this time of year, so we spent our 4 days and 3 nights experiencing the richest that Viennese culture has to offer in 2018- learning how this city is working hard to maintain the traditional cultures and heritage it is so proud of, whilst embracing an innovative approach to arts, culture and dining that leaves you flying back to London with a new perspective on how we enjoy the luxuries that life can offer us when we explore new places.

Christmas in Vienna is like the most elegant of glass snow globes brought to life. You begin your trip dizzy and excitable from the flurry of festive excitement that greets you in the city centre. Christmas markets, choral advent performances and festive street lights that put Carnaby street in the shade. But as this settles and you take a closer look at what's inside, you realise that the beauty in the detail and craftsmanship that this city holds in such high regard, is where the magic in their Christmas traditions truly lies.
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And it’s no wonder that the people of Vienna know how to do Christmas in style, they have, after all, been holding Christmas markets since the year 1772, giving them much practice in perfecting the gifts and culinary delights available to visitors. But expect the unexpected- Christmas punch made from the sweetest donut peaches, cheeses infused with everything from red wine to bananas (a much better combination than you may expect) and arrays of pretzels baked with fillings fit for a bake off finale, show that Vienna is proud to introduce innovation alongside its more traditional festive offerings.
For those looking for a more bespoke shopping experience away from the festive crowds, the central first district has many hidden gems. At Köchert, a jewellers and former purveyor to the Austrian imperial court, they quite literally, are able to arrange to show you their selection of archived hidden jewels. Diamond tiaras, necklaces and brooches made for former princesses and members of Austrian high society are kept in the 6th generation, family run store’s vault and, by invitation, it is possible to spend a morning in their company, learning about the intricate and beautiful designs as inspiration for commissioning your own piece. Popular among brides to be, or even those looking for something extra special to wear to Vienna’s famous Spring Opera Ball, it really is the experience of a lifetime to see these pieces and hear their beguiling stories. The twinkling doesn’t end there and around the corner, you can find the original designers of the New York Metropolitan Musuem’s stunning chandeliers- Lobmeyr, who made design history when they created these works of crystal art in the 60s. Today, you can buy your own chandelier, or if looking for something a little more suitcase friendly, invest in one of their infamous Loos style glasses for a timeless addition to any home bar.
But Vienna doesn’t just value the traditional elements of craftmanship and if you head slightly further out of the city centre, to the city’s more up and coming Seventh Quarter, you’ll discover many independent art, fashion and boutique homeware stores. Hidden amongst them is Glashutte Comploj, where we met Robert, possibly the only man in eastern Europe wearing shorts and a t-shirt to work in late November. The reason? Having trained in glass blowing around the world, Robert came back to Austria in 2013 to open his business and now makes glass creations daily on site, in the kiln workshop at the back of the shop which sells his wares. Also offering glass making workshops to visitors, it’s well worth stopping in at this haven of glassware and investing in one of his punk-influenced works of art. The window display of bespoke baubles in a rainbow of candy inspired colours alone, is enough to satisfy the most magpie-esque of shoppers. 

After all that shopping, surely, the only civilised thing to do, is stop for cake. Residents at the Hotel Sacher, where we were lucky enough to stay, can skip the queues which often work their around the block to wait for the renowned Original Sacher Torte, a chocolate cake to revive even the weariest of Christmas shoppers and deserving of it’s legend. And if chocolate at afternoon tea doesn’t satisfy your sweet tooth, the Hotel Sacher can provide a whole 360 cocoa experience. Offering a full body treatment, featuring a scrub and massage, with products extracted from the revered cacao bean, in their 5th floor spa. Life doesn’t get much more indulgent than that.
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Although, it’s not just the delectable sweet food offerings on hand to indulge the palette in Vienna. The Austrian adulation for the new and exciting means there are many innovative and unexpected foodie extravagances to be found. None more so than at restaurant Tian where chef, Paul Ivac, has created the most enchanting Vegetarian menus. Wholly deserved of its Michelin star, Tian delivers on Paul’s dream of creating fresh, locally sourced vegetarian dishes that will appeal to even the most regularly carnivorous of diners, himself included. Sustainability is top of the agenda here, where as well as locally sourced ingredients and Viennese wines- all organic so you can rest assured, for the most part also hangover free- the team have worked closely with Austrian farmers on their approach to provenance. The carrot, marigold and beeswax dish, part 3 of an 8 course tasting menu, not only looked fit for a queen bee, served upon a glass box filled with honeycomb, but also was encouraging their survival. By sourcing carrots from a farm where bees play a vital part in the biodiversity used to maintain a healthy crop growth without the use of any chemical pesticides, Paul cleverly combines the fruits that nature naturally pairs to design dishes that are both satisfying on the palette and the eye.
Of course, a visit to Vienna wouldn’t feel complete without exploring the local arts, where again, old meets new and innovation is encouraged in the approach to the culture scene on offer. Across the road from the Sacher Hotel, the Vienna State Opera House is preparing to celebrate it’s 150th anniversary in 2019. A building that was ahead of its time when it was built in the late 19th century, the interiors hint at the Art Deco years that were yet to come and the architectural design is truly stunning. Under the glittering and magnificent chandelier of the auditorium, the stage comes to life with a perfectly apt, winter performance of La Boheme. Amidst the tragedy of the story of these young Parisian bohemians, one can’t help but have their heart a little warmed by the incredible stage design and costumes as they dance before your eyes to the tune of the world’s finest opera performers.
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Across the snow tipped palace gardens, in the Vienna Kunsthistorische Museum, home to the largest collection of Bruegel’s works, at the other end of cultural experiences, a wholly new approach to Arts curation has been taken for ‘Spitzmaus Mummy in a Coffin and other Treasures’. This latest exhibition to the museum was designed by Wes Anderson and Juman Malouf and brings Anderson’s unique way of thinking into the world of classic art. Putting aside all preconceptions on how art should be consumed and stripping back collections of works into their most obvious of commonalities, they are unapologetic about stating the obvious and it feels both refreshing and amusing to experience the collections of works grouped together by colour, material or subject matter. Unafraid to see beauty in the imperfect and digging out many previously overlooked treasures from the museums archives (So wabi-sabi, so 2018), the exhibition feels like a perfect analogy for Vienna as it is now- a celebration of all that is wonderful about old culture paired with new ways of thinking, a place that has room for both the classic and the modern.
Oh and needless to say, the coffee’s not bad too.
Direct flights to Vienna with Austrian Airlines from London Heathrow start at £90 return for January 2019
Rooms at the Sacher Hotel Vienna start at €540/ £481 per room, per night (with breakfast available at an extra cost of €42/ £37 pp)
Please visit www.vienna.info to plan your trip
Words by Bryony Bolton 
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
RéVive Skin Care
Young skin glows from within. Yet as we age, we lose that youthful glow. RéVive is a luxury skincare line developed by Dr. Gregory Bays Brown, a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon created to bring back that glow. Each product has been scientifically formulated with Bio-Renewal Technology, inspired by patented and Nobel Prize winning science, that Dr. Brown used to heal burn victims. This breakthrough technology delivers fast results to help change the behavior of your skin. With increased skin cell renewal and improved collagen and elastin, skin looks rejuvenated and revitalized and signs of aging are dramatically reduced.
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Inspired by skin volume and line relaxing research, Intensité Complete Anti-Aging Eye Serum. treats multiple aging concerns in one potent,lightweight and highly effective eye serum. Formulated to significantly soften the appearance of lines and wrinkles, it gives skin a smoother, more youthful appearance while helping visibly plump hollows, volumize and re-contour the delicate eye area. The look of dark circles, under-eye bags and crepiness is visibly diminished.
RéVive is just perfect, with the festive season just around the corner, either as a gift or for oneself to keep the fresh glow. Skin sins will definitely be hidden with RéVive, and restores one’s saintly glow. 
For more information visit https://reviveskincare.com
Edited by Constanze-Sophie Pilger
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
LFW Day 3
It's a sunny Sunday in London and we make our way to Lindley Hall for Preen by Thornton n Bregazzi. Overhead, large billowy fabric installations were glowing a deep orange, outside an oriental gypsy cart, and wild flowers were dotted throughout the space. This seen, Justin Thornton and Thea Bregazzi were inspired by the romance of gypsies, taking references from literature like Angus Fraser’s ‘The Gypsies’ and ‘Oxford Atlas of the World’. The collection itself was Preen by Thornton Bregazzi in their truest form, baby-doll dresses, shimmery sequinned multi-patterned dresses, off shoulder ruffled tulle numbers — all accented with tulle-filled puffed sleeves and shoulder pads, and new wave Victorian bubble skirts. This is Preen at its finest. 
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Roland Mouret 
On the massive concrete terrace of the National Theatre; with multiple versions of Aretha Franklin’s (You Make Me Fee Like) A Natural Woman playing sensually in the background; Roland Mouret presents his ss19 collection. While Roland Mouret has always been known for his sleek and sexy cocktail dresses, this season he redefines ‘sexy’ in completely new ways. Inspired by the 1974 soft-core film, Emmanuelle, Roland Mouret stands with the women of the #MeToo movement — and presents his version of feminism in 2018. 
This vision presents sexuality as fortitude; and was all about the subtle details. From see-through lace underlays, plunging necklines, loose tailoring with cleverly placed cutouts, see-through lace panels that go all the way to the waistline (this is Roland Mouret after all) And while, the slightly stronger than usual winds weren’t planned — nature did Roland Mouret good, with every slinky slip dress flowing effortlessly in the wind, like a feminist vision of freedom, sexuality  and so much more. 
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Fashion East 
In a derelict abandoned theatre in Tavistock Street, Fashion East once again presents some of London’s brightest young talents. Charlotte Knowles, together with partner Alexandre Arsenault, presented an overtly sexy collection filled with lace up details and earthy camo/floral prints. The second designer, Yuhan Wang, was first-runner up for the L’oreal young Talent award, and presented a collection that explored asian femininity in relation to Western culture, through fluid shapes and pastel colours, and sheer draped dresses. The final designer to present in Fashion East’s umbrella is Asai. A Sai Ta launched his label last year, following stints at The Row and Yeezy. His collection was a hodgepodge of Asian influences, from Ming dynasty prints, feathered kitten heels, and oriental-inspired embroidery mosh-mashed with utilitarian cargo pants, and the occasional evening dress. The result? A sometimes unpredictable, but dynamic collection from this young designer. 
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While Ashish’s latest shows have taken a more somber tone — we enter the BFC show space to banging club music, a couple of gyrating club kids on a plinth, and a whole lot of shimmer. This collection was kind of a return to form for Ashish; albeit lacking in the usual political subtext that his past collections have often been imbued with. Instead, this was replaced by innovative tailoring, showing us a lesser known side of Ashish. As models walked down the runway — wet hair care of Sam McKnight of course — every look exuded a kind of effortless allure. Spliced flared trousers, cutaway asymmetrical handkerchief tops, patched sequinned mini-skirts and of course a gathered hem jumpsuit. Everything was covered in luminescent translucent pastel toned sequins — an elevated version of the shine that we have become accustomed to with his collections. And while some people may still be looking for the subtext - I think there’s something to appreciating all the new shapes and silhouettes making their entrances into Ashish’s repertoire this season. 
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Words by Hannah Tan-Gilies 
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
London Fashion Week Day 2
Eudon Choi
London fashion week is in full swing and we kick off day two with a trip to Lambeth’s very own garden museum. Amidst the flying buttresses and stained glass mosaics, we watch Eudon Choi’s ss19 collection come alive. First coming down a cascading stone staircase and into the alternating rows below. This season, Eudon Choi was inspired by the work of Ivan da Silva Bruhns, one of the most influential carpet makers in the Art Deco period. The result is a mix of Eudon’s signature tailoring, billowy dresses with gathered details, wide leg co-ordinating tartan pantsuits, panelled shirt dresses all in a nuanced colour palette of warm tones with pops of bold colour. A refreshing step away from the more somber influences in Eudon’s repertoire - and a really great summer collection. 
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Fyodor Golan 
Every little thing about Fyodor Golan’s SS19 show harks to a kind of urban-esque ocean tribe. The set decoration itself was filled with a hodge podge of fishnets made to look like they have been washed to shore. The whole thing felt like a high-fashion mash up of Jenny from the Block. If the aforementioned ‘block’ was the Pacific Ocean, and the ‘rocks’ that she’s got were actually seashells. (of which, plenty were seen throughout the collection) According to design duo Fyodor Podgorny and Golan Frydman, “Being inspired by the oceans we couldn’t avoid the topic of plastic waste. We’ve teamed up with the charity ‘Plastic Oceans UK’ who have helped us collect abandoned fishing nets that are forming one of the largest dangers to marine life. These have been used in the set to illustrate this important issue, conveying a positive message and supporting ocean clean up and repurposing waste.” - which is definitely a fashion collaboration we can get behind. 
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Ports 1961
The oceanic theme stretched out to the modernist halls of Central Saint Martins and into the spring summer collection of Ports 1961. The same colourful fishnets at Fyodor Golan are now transformed with a neutral palette, and appeared in knotted and laced bags, belts, and shoes. Creative director, Nataša Čagalj was inspired by the sensory emotions of summer. Every piece used entirely functional elements for decorative purposes; as everything was reversible, adjustable, and interchangeable. The fabric did a lot of work to express the lightness of summer, through bonded linens, cotton poplins, and jerseys that hugged the body, while also giving some loose drapes to all the right places. The result? A raw, sleek, and sophisticated spring offering that combines the effortless allure of Ports 1961, with the nostalgia of summer. 
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House of Holland 
“Tube’s hot, phone lost, clammy hands, no plans, hard to breathe, hard to see, remember everyone wants to be the stranger filling their screen” a brief excerpt from the Max Wallis poem on House of Holland’s press release, but an undeniably accurate description of his new collection. As the hard thumping electro beats of House of Holland’s soundtrack blasted on the speakers, his models walked down the runway in the same ‘haptic’ pace as the imagined modern woman his SS19 collection was inspired by. Built around the breakneck speed of modern life, the collection takes a more commercial approach to Henry’s aesthetic and features only a limited number of styles. Lightweight tailoring, bright colours pops, urban sportswear references, printed shell suiting are combined in an almost hyperactive way, but still make sense on both a design and commercial level (which is becoming increasingly difficult to do) 
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We made our way to Somerset House and into the packed Lancaster rooms for Markus lupfer’s SS19 presentation. As with every season, the set design was absolutely stunning. Patches of tufted sand and delicate wild flowers dotted the space, mirroring the delicate floral prints on the models as well. This collection was a step removed from the usual motifs we’ve come to expect from any Markus Lupfer collection. The prints were restrained, the colour palette was muted, and the mixed print layering had a subtle nuance to it as well. The effect however, was absolutely refreshing - allowing us to see a side to Markus Lupfer that we haven’t seen before, but definitely want to see more of. 
Words by Hannah Tan-Gillies 
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
Natasha Nejman - Queen of Gold
Desperately seeking splashes of gold for one’s very own four walls? Team Twenty6 has the solution - we met with the incredibly talented Natasha Nejman, a young artist ready to dominate the walls of London’s exquisite South West. 
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Natasha was born in Moscow, yet spent most of her childhood in Berlin, constantly surrounded by contemporary artists and creative minds, that explored the most original ways to express themselves. Soon, the artist discovered her own creative side, which accelerated rapidly when she moved to London. Natasha has a passion for surrealists and admires the way paintings look like dreams and fairytales, something that she has implemented in her art as well. For her, flowers are a symbol of growth, positivity and love, which play with memories of her upbringing as well as life events that have impacted and shaped Natasha’s mindset. 
Despite exploring modern approaches in art, such as installations and digital photography, Natasha remains to be old school and depends on her thoughtfully placed brushstrokes on canvas. One of the most astonishing pieces so far is the shimmering image of “ A Man” - which she created by layering oil and acrylic onto silver and gold leaf. 
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The captivating, charming artist is truly gifted and shows that contemporary art can be so much more than just a black line on paper. The thoughts and ideas, as well as, the dedicated time that goes into one piece is as incredible as the art work itself. Natasha’s paintings certainly display her passion, which makes them even more beautiful and original. 
For more information visit http://www.natashanejman.co.uk 
Words by Constanze-Sophie Pilger 
Image Courtesy: Natasha Nejman
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
Chantecaille’s dazzling Autumn 2018 Collection
The astonishing beauty brand Chantecaille announced their fantastic new collaboration and beauty collection for this Autumn. As every season the brand supports a different charity to help nature, animals, and essentially the planet. This year Chantecaille focusses on Africa’s beautiful giants, elephants, and helps to maintain and rebuilt spaces of the grey majesties, that are threatened by human encroachment and poaching. 
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The enchanting lipsticks are made from rich Baobab oil, ethically harvested from Zimbabwe's Baobab trees, that carry more than 2000 years of age. The oil helps to hydrate and heal any imperfections of the lips, making the lipstick not only very fashionable but also great for maintaining smooth skin. Mango butter and Argan oil, are used to achieve the most radiant colour that sticks to one’s lips all night long. Chantecaille’s creative director is thrilled about the magical result and said: “This formula is so innovative you get this full on,comfortable colour without the thickness of a traditional formula” The colours of the lip stick collection are inspired by the rich complexion of Africa’s plants and flowers. Shades from honey to bright fuchsia offer colourful and neutral looks - a great variation with a colour for everyone. 
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Every sale will help the charity “Space for Giants”, a non-profit organisation based in Kenya, Uganda, Botswana and Gabon. They are dedicated to protect the migratory paths of elephants, which are threatened by human intrusion. Sylvie Chantecaille feels strongly about preserving those spaces and said: ”Every 25 minutes an elephant in Africa is shot. That statistic is deeply distressing, and I’m thrilled with Dr.Graham’s commitment to secure half of Africa’s remaining 380,000 elephants by 2020”.
The fantastic collection with a good cause will be available in September 2018. 
Words by Constanze-Sophie Pilger 
Image Courtesy: Chantecaille 
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
Giuseppe Tribute To Michael Jackson
The Estate of Michael Jackson together with Giuseppe Zanotti announced the magical launch of ‘Giuseppe Tribute to Michael Jackson’, a limited edition sneaker available in selected stores from mid-October. 
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At the Michael Jackson Diamond Celebration in Las Vegas in honour of what would be Michael’s 60th birthday, Paris and Prince Jackson initiated an auction for “Number One,” a one-of-a-kind, ruby and diamond studded pair of shoes, to benefit The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation. Mr. Zanotti was at the event to present the exclusive style. “Number One” will be the only pair of the 2,000 pieces limited-edition numbered sneakers to be encrusted with approximately 120 genuine black diamonds (108 carats) and approximately 55 rubies (18 carats). Expected to raise a minimum of $30,000-$50,000 at auction, the mid top sneaker is an exceptional piece that testifies to Giuseppe Zanotti’s longstanding admiration for the singer for whom he created several custom-made pieces.
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The remaining 1,999 “Giuseppe Tribute to Michael Jackson” pairs will be available in selected Giuseppe Zanotti stores worldwide and on giuseppezanotti.com and the limited edition collection will also be sold exclusively at Flannels in the UK. Each exclusive sneaker will be numbered in sequence. The style will be available in three different colors: black, white, and silver and will feature Swarovski crystals on the fasteners and Michael’s name engraved on the buckle. The word “Tribute” will feature in bright red Swarovski crystals on the right hand side of the sole. The exclusive collaboration will be accompanied by its own unique packaging: black boxes and fabric bags highlighted with Michael Jackson’s initials.
Edited by Constanze-Sophie Pilger
Image Courtesy: Getty Images // Giuseppe Zanotti
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
Hugo Watches Play Collection
The dynamic brand launched their fantastic ‘Play’ Watch Collection perfect for this Autumn. Functional design meets logo-mania - the dazzling watches certainly deliver what the next generation is looking for, this combined with the campaign, flaunting Anwar Hadid guarantees a watch that has to be on everyone’s wrist this season. 
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These avant-garde watches play around with the HUGO logo, reversing its color and position, or turning it into a pop-art style square. A dynamic new design language tells tales of the unexpected for men and women with flair. Its vocabulary takes in freedom and youth to create style statements that will be noticed and remembered. There is a perfect piece for mindsets ranging from flamboyant, thanks to hot red accents, to the more rational with cool black and white variations. Even the busiest schedules have to include playtime. 
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Individuality is the heartbeat of the HUGO Watches Play Collection. From understated monochrome to cheeky camouflage, the six-strong family represents a playground of potential. Teasing the philosophy that nothing is ever black and white, the cases of the watches come in either black or white. Touches of color at the tips of the hands add to the underlying message of playing about with time. These watches do to timekeeping what a smile does to a face.
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Focused on the fashion-conscious and stylish consumer eager to express their personality through their timepiece - the collection also holds six different styles, featuring casual and smart looks. 
Edited by Constanze-Sophie Pilger
Image Courtesy: Hugo Boss 
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
Tommy Hilfiger X Hailey Baldwin
Hailey Baldwin flaunts Tommy Hilfiger’s Autumn/ Winter jewellery campaign. The youngster parades beautiful bracelets as well as sophisticated watches that are included in the elegant and timeless collection. 
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The fabulous fall collection carries minimalist designs inspired by American Icons, creating a modern touch on timeless pieces, to meet the trends of our zeitgeist. The watches and jewellery collection is manufactured by The Movado Group Inc. under license from Tommy Hilfiger, and is distributed globally through Movado’s wholly-owned subsidiaries and exclusive agreements with international distributors. 
Pieces are available on  www.hourtime.co.uk in select Tommy Hilfiger stores and in exclusive department stores. 
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
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We sit down with @raquelallegra Since she founded her brand in 2005, Raquel Allegra has always maintained her commitment to the environment. She started her brand by shredding vintage tees recycled from the Los Angeles County Prison System. LINK IN THE BIO 👆🏻 #sustainablefashion #sustainableliving #twenty6magazine #fashion #nissue #nature Photo by @cararobbins Interview by @melbuhannah
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
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Travel with to Nice where we stayed @radissonblunice LINK IN BIO 👆🏻 #twenty6magazine #twenty6travels #nice #france
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
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We sit down with Araks Yeramyan and talk about the intimacy of lingerie, practical ways the fashion industry can reduce its environmental impact, and what we as consumers can do to contribute to change. LINK IN BIO 👆🏻 #twenty6magazine #sustainableliving #sustainablefashion Interview by @melbuhannah
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
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We sit down with @maggiemarilyn where we hear all about the goal to create aspirational clothing, that’s both sustainable and ethically produced. LINK IN BIO 👆🏻 #sustainableliving #sustainablefashion #nature #twenty6 Interview by @melbuhannah
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
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We sit down with Kerry Cusack of @jetsswimwear. Australia’s golden coastlines, sandy beaches, and rolling waves make the perfect setting for a stylish beach wardrobe, and that is exactly what the women at JETS provide. Swimwear that puts women at the forefront of their design process, balancing timeless style with a modern edge. What sets JETS apart from other swimwear brands however, is their passion for sustainable fabrics. LINK IN THE BIO 👆🏻 #sustainableliving #sustainablefashion #swimwear #twenty6magazine
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twenty6magazine · 6 years
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After discovering the “I Love Linen” campaign and exploring the various usages of linen in Fashion; Team Twenty6 was curious about the origins and how the Flax plant is processed. Together with CELC @wearelinen we got the chance to explore vast flax fields in Courtrai, Belgium and learned that the plants only bloom on one day throughout the year. LINK IN THE BIO 👆🏻 Photo by @mrcurtisgibson words by @constanze_pi #twenty6travels #twenty6magazine #sustainableliving
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