twentyafter7 · 8 years
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A California businessman wants to make this a reality
If you want to know who’s given money to California legislators, you can easily search an online database and find out. San Diego-area businessman and investor John H. Cox wants to make such information far more visible. Starting next month, he’ll begin gathering signatures for a statewide ballot initiative that would require legislators to wear the logos of their top 10 “sponsors” during public legislative sessions. He said the initiative is the first phase in a “two-step process”  of reform.
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twentyafter7 · 8 years
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659K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
Me: *buys pretty notebooks*
Me: *never uses them*
Me: *takes them out to stroke the cover and flip through the pages and then put them back again*
Me: *buys more pretty notebooks*
15K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
scale of 1-10 of evilness
Aries: 10/10
Taurus: 4/10
Gemini: 2/10
Cancer: 8/10
Leo: 9/10
Virgo: 0/10
Libra: 7/10
Scorpio: 5/10
Sagittarius: 1000/10
Capricorn: 100/10
Aquarius: satan
Pisces: 1/10
146K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
If you lose my trust, don’t expect that shit to come back
Unknown (via words-of-emotion)
4K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
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76 notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
I am trying to find a synonym for ‘butt-kicking’ to use in my blog.
Overheard at The Washington Post  (via washingtonpost)
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twentyafter7 · 8 years
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“I realize everybody wants what they don’t have. But at the end of the day, what you have inside is much more beautiful than what’s on the outside.”
2K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
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16K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
This is what I look like trying to practice katas!
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284K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
Did somebody order a...
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211K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
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204K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
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17K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
More like 20
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by nightvis http://ift.tt/1qvTmCs
33K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
I never wish to be easily defined.
Franz Kafka (via fy-perspectives)
9K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
223K notes · View notes
twentyafter7 · 8 years
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1M notes · View notes