twicebled · 3 years
logs in. 
reminder that in the aetherochemical research facility, johri straight up saw red and literally went for lahabrea’s throat with her teeth.  which I still think is very sexy of her, thank u. 
logs back out. 
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twicebled · 3 years
💭 logs on here just for this, xoxo.
"Stare at the sun for too long and it will blind you. More dangerous is that Jo does that without you realising. Plucks a smile, or a laugh, or your attention as sure as the twang of a lute string. The most dangerous people do not put you on edge - the opposite, really. They make you look, they'll make you desperate to peer through and behind whatever self-made mask, and soon enough you won't be able to see anything at all.
She'll be the death of me. I think I'm alright with that."
Send 💭 for a thought my muse has had about yours
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twicebled · 3 years
today’s brainworm :  johri, a keeper of the moon, going to the moon.
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twicebled · 3 years
hi I’m not back here yet, but here’s some Johri trivia from discord. 
If given the chance, Johri will 100% hunt and forage fresh food for her partner.  As the eldest sibling of her family, the responsibility of providing for others fell to her a lot, beside her parents. Despite all appearances of a spoiled tavern bard, Johri is a hunter at heart who can and will collect her own food.
So when she does care for someone, she won't hesitate to provide for them in such a manner. If there's an opportunity for her to hunt, such as when traveling and camping, she will happily show up with a deer and do the whole work of skinning its hide and cutting off what meat she can.  Which is a lot.
Johri grew up with the teachings of waste not, want not. So while she does enjoy indulging herself in taverns, when it comes to the wilderness she does not leave anything behind that can be of use. If there's meat left, it'll get dried into jerky to snack on or wrapped up for later use.  The hides get proper treatment to be sold later.
Hunting wildlife and providing food for her partner is basically part of Johri's love language.
Johri can carry a fully grown, female deer ( 125lbs / 56kg ) without issue, and a male one ( 300lbs / 136kg ) with some effort / for medium distances.
Which not only enables the very sexy image of Johri in a tanktop + shorts carrying a huge animal over her shoulders, it also means she can pick up & yeet your average Ascian any time she likes. Which is important trivia.
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twicebled · 4 years
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she,  the  flower  rooted  in  concrete  will  bloom  in  spite  of  the  weather.    she,  the  love  that  survives  the  winter  is  made  only  to  be  made  stronger.  /  ✿ ˖° ━ mutuals exclusive  /  spoilers tagged  /  conjured by Kasz.
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twicebled · 4 years
I’ve cleaned up some stuff on this blog, but the muse just really doesn’t seem consistent enough. While I’ll still work on drafts here in the background when I can, the official status of this blog will be a semi-hiatus. 
I’ll still be around, but for the most part I’m getting up a separate blog for my other WoL, as the muse is extremely high and my writing inspiration is just tanking by having her as a sideblog.  
regardless, I still love Jo very much and I’ll definitely return to her in the future; but until then, have a good one, xoxo. 
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twicebled · 4 years
𝙍𝙊𝙎𝙀𝙎    -               true romantic,  loving the classics,  pricked fingers,  perfect makeup done to impress,  bruises easily,  beloved but unknown,  soul as old as time,  overused and under-appreciated.
𝘿𝘼𝙄𝙎𝙄𝙀𝙎    -               clean linens,  youthful naivety,  family,  wide open spaces,  running barefoot,  moving towards instead of away,  trying to forget about death,  sun blindness.
𝙎𝙐𝙉𝙁𝙇𝙊𝙒𝙀𝙍𝙎    -               standing tall,  strong roots,  a home to always return to,  warm summer air,  holding onto lost hope,  belief in growth,  painted overalls,  split ends.
𝘽𝙇𝙐𝙀𝘽𝙀𝙇𝙇𝙎    -               the end of spring,  determination for the truth,  cold and cautious,  moonlight on windowsills,  the taste of ice,  unnecessary shyness,  quiet belief in the extraordinary,  complicated morals.
𝘿𝘼𝙁𝙁𝙊𝘿𝙄𝙇𝙎    -               mom friend,  sweets,  the smell of baking,  riverbanks,  leaving behind a toxic situation,  being happy with your reflection,  believing in luck,  moving in a pack.
𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙎    -               sour candies,  unappreciated elegance,  valour,  crystals projecting rainbows on white walls,  unintended organization,  old royalty,  refusal to bow,  learning a new language for the fun of it.
𝙇𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙀𝙎    -               secret poison,  perfect handwriting,  crisp consonants,  pressed and ironed sheets,  open windows,  infinite persistence,  thick skin,  colder hands.
𝙇𝙄𝙇𝘼𝘾    -               fleeting and fair,  strong but delicate,  radiating good vibes,  the beauty of falling apart,  the joy in being scattered,  soft fabrics,  whirlwind romance,  keeping the door open.
TAGGED :  @anamnesiis​  /  ages ago, but thank u !! <3 TAGGING: no clue who hasn’t done it; feel free to steal it. 
                            REPOST    ,         DON’T    REBLOG        !
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twicebled · 4 years
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( template !! )  don’t look at me.  she’s the one night stand / friends with benefits option with a secret romance route.  you meet her in a tavern as a flirty bard who feels like a side character only to later find out she is one of the main cast ( either WoL or Scion, depending on what background the player picked ).  if I had the patience for visual novels, you’d all be done for. 
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twicebled · 4 years
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when u start doing Crimes and immediately find the perfect set for ur cat.  the dalmascan top is so iconic, but the above is actually what was Intended and I am LIVING.  my muse is THRIVING.   see u soon, because I will Not Shut Up about this. 
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twicebled · 4 years
when you think an idea for your oc is stretching canon too much so you just tentatively have it on the side & barely touch it but then canon does legit the same thing & now u don’t want to look like you’re just copying it.  the struggle is real. 
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twicebled · 4 years
Soulmate AU List
Good news! I have finally finished my newest drabble list, which I will no doubt be using more than once. I have compiled 51 soulmate AUs from various sources (though a couple are my own) and put them together for you to choose from. Please give me one number ONLY per character. If you’d like use this list, go ahead! If you want, you can tag me so I can see what you’ve come up with :)
List of AUs:
1. You get a craving for whatever your soulmate is eating at the time. 2. One of your eyes is the same color as your soulmate’s. 3. You have the first words your soulmate says to you somewhere on your body (and vise versa). 4. You have your soulmate’s name somewhere on your body. 5. Everyone is able to see each other’s aura. You and your soulmate have the same-colored aura, and you will stop seeing auras altogether after you meet them. 6. You can communicate telepathically with your soulmate. 7. Your internal voice is the voice of your soulmate’s, rather than your own. 8. You can feel what your soulmate is feeling (and vise versa). 9. Anything you draw/write on your own skin appears on your soulmate’s. 10. You have a clock that counts down until you meet your soulmate. 11. You and your soulmate share matching tattoos. 12. You have half of a tattoo, and your soulmate has the other. 13. You and your soulmate have matching tattoos that become clear once you meet. 14. You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate - then you can see colors. 15. Your soulmate’s scars appear on your body (and vise versa). 16. You have tattoo(s) of the things your soulmate loves. 17. You have a compass on your body that leads you to where your soulmate is. 18. If you dye your hair, your soulmate’s hair color changes as well. 19. You have the date that you’ll meet your soulmate tattooed somewhere on your body. 20. You have a tattoo that changes color depending on what your soulmate is feeling. 21. The only thing you remember from your past life is the face of your soulmate. 22. You share a dream with your soulmate when you’re both asleep. 23. You can see the red string of fate when you close your eyes, which will lead you to your soulmate. 24. You have a meter of how in-danger your soulmate is. 25. Everyone has a journal that allows them to write back and forth with their soulmate. 26. The outline of your shadow is your soulmate. 27. You have a tattoo of how old your soulmate will be when you meet. 28. You have a tattoo of your soulmate’s initials. 29. You can see every color except the color of your soulmate’s eyes until you meet them. 30. Every so often you will get flashes of what your soulmate is seeing at the time, however your soulmate does not know when it happens. 31. You will receive the same injuries as your soulmate (unless deadly). 32. You will feel the same sensations that your soulmate is feeling (pain, touch, etc). 33. You have a moving tattoo that always faces the direction your soulmate is. Your soulmate has a matching one, and the tattoos touch when you do. 34. You can taste what your soulmate is eating at the time. 35. You get flowered tattoos wherever your soulmate receives a scar. 36. Once a year, starting on your 16th birthday, soulmates swap bodies for a day if they have not met yet. 37. Your chest will glow when you get close to your soulmate. 38. You can only see in the eye color of your soulmate until you meet them (though the color can be altered through things like colored contacts). 39. You and your soulmate share the same talents. What one learns, the other can also do. 40. If your soulmate is listening to music, you can hear it too, and it gets louder the closer you are to them. 41. The closer you are to your soulmate, the more color you can see. The farther away, the less colors. 42. Your heart beats your soulmate’s name in morse code. 43. The name of your soulmate appears on your skin after you meet them. 44. You are deaf until you meet your soulmate, whose voice is the first thing you hear. 45. You can only see color when you and your soulmate are touching. 46. You feel intense pain in your soul when your soulmate is in life-threatening danger. 47. You have your soulmate’s name on one wrist and your enemy’s on the other, and have no idea which one is which. 48. You are born with a small black heart that beats/grows with your soulmate’s. It turns red once you’ve met them. 49. You cannot feel pain until you meet/touch your soulmate. 50. You are born with the fingerprints of your soulmate somewhere on your body. 51. Your soulmate’s current thoughts about you will show up on your skin for a short while.
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twicebled · 4 years
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        ❝ Turtlenecks are just another obstacle. If the person won’t stop wearing one, you’ll just have to free their neck for those kisses yourself. Like unwrapping a gift, if you like. ❞
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twicebled · 4 years
things that you want to hear.
change pronouns as needed for things you DON’T WANT to hear, click here!!
❝ you’re good enough. ❞
❝ you’re important. ❞
❝ everything’s gonna be okay. ❞
❝ she pulled through. ❞
❝ i forgive you. ❞
❝ i love you. ❞
❝ you’re not alone. ❞
❝ you’re my favorite person in the world. ❞
❝ i’m so glad you’re doing better. ❞
❝ it’s so nice to hear you laugh again. ❞ 
❝ your laugh is contagious! ❞
❝ you can do this on your own. i believe in you. ❞
❝ you know what i love about you? ❞
❝ i love spending time with you. ❞
❝ i’m here for you. ❞
❝ you’re right. ❞ 
❝ i can’t stop thinking about you. ❞
❝ you look amazing. ❞
❝ we’re in this together. ❞
❝ you’ve got this! ❞
❝ i missed you. ❞
❝ i did the dishes! ❞
❝ last night was incredible. ❞
❝ if you wanna talk, i’m here. ❞
❝ i don’t understand, but i want to try. ❞
❝ how can i help? ❞
❝ breakfast in bed? ❞
❝ dinner was great. ❞
❝ let me make dinner tonight? ❞
❝ lets go to the park. ❞
❝ thank you. really. ❞
❝ you’re wanted. ❞
❝ i got you a coffee. ❞
❝ can i ask your opinion on something? ❞
❝ there’s my beautiful bride! ❞
❝ i’m the luckiest man alive. ❞
❝ so, i made plans for us. ❞
❝ don’t worry, i’ll take care of it! ❞
❝ go do something for yourself. ❞
❝ i took a day off work tomorrow. ❞
❝ go hang out with the girls tonight. ❞
❝ what do you need from me? ❞
❝ tell me about your day. ❞
❝ i trust you. ❞
❝ i feel like i can tell you anything. ❞
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twicebled · 4 years
things that are hard to hear.
**possible triggers - abuse / death / suicidal implications change pronouns as needed for things you’d WANT to hear, click here!!
❝ i don’t want you in my life anymore. ❞
❝ i don’t want to have a relationship with you. ❞
❝ she’s not coming home. ❞
❝ that wasn’t meant for you. ❞
❝ i don’t love you, okay? i never did. i never will. ❞
❝ you’re wasting my time. ❞
❝ you’re wasting your time. ❞
❝ you’re not listening to me! ❞
❝ i feel like i can’t tell you anything. ❞
❝ you’re too late. ❞
❝ you don’t give yourself enough credit. ❞
❝ you don’t give me enough credit. ❞
❝ it’s time for things to change. ❞
❝ you failed me. ❞
❝ fuck you. ❞
❝ i can see right through you. ❞
❝ things are getting bad again. ❞
❝ are things getting bad again? ❞
❝ move on. ❞
❝ that’s on you. that’s your fault. ❞
❝ you’re holding on to things that are holding you back. ❞
❝ you haven’t changed. ❞
❝ i’m not changing my mind. ❞
❝ i’m dying. ❞
❝ you’re good – but you’re not as good as you could be. ❞
❝ it’s always about you. ❞
❝ nobody cares about your problems. ❞
❝ i don’t trust you. ❞
❝ you’re being taken advantage of! ❞
❝ i feel like you’re taking advantage of me. ❞
❝ did you hear what she said about you? ❞
❝ life isn’t fair. suck it up. ❞
❝ i didn’t mean i liked you that way– ❞
❝ maybe it’s better this way. ❞
❝ i wish i’d never met you. ❞
❝ you ruin my happiness. ❞
❝ i think we should see other people. ❞
❝ i’m not ready to settle down. ❞
❝ i want to love someone like you love me. ❞
❝ you can do anything you set your mind to, but you won’t. ❞
❝ stop crying. ❞
❝ don’t come back. ❞
❝ i’m not coming back. ❞
❝ i don’t care enough about you to hate you. ❞
❝ i feel like you’re dragging me down with you. ❞
❝ why don’t you smile anymore? ❞
❝ something happened today. ❞
❝ i don’t want to do this anymore. ❞
❝ stop letting it get to you. ❞
❝ i’m sorry. ❞
❝ i’m not sorry. ❞
❝ you’re not sorry. ❞
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twicebled · 4 years
on a brighter note : johri can purr and it’s the one distinction between her merely acting and genuinely caring because it is a very subconscious and natural reaction. long story short, if Johri purrs in someone’s presence, she’s truly at peace and feels safe enough to let her defenses down.  however, most of the time she is not aware of this and will absolutely deny it happened until she’s come to terms with caring about them.
that being said, just like common cats, she will also purr to comfort herself, such as when terrified or near death.  although it’s much more common for her to cover up any fear with anger and therefor growling, so if she does happen to purr instead, Johri’s in a state of deep despair. 
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twicebled · 4 years
so I’m talking to valiant on Discord about Johri’s natural affinity for manipulation --- 
Johri is someone who will pull others into the crowds; the festivities she is encouraging.  if she is taking the tavern on a trip with her storytelling and ballads, she'll personally make an effort to include everyone, which was more so the true reason she would annoy xheh’li.  both a genuine curiosity, but also just to engage him and see if she can't work towards getting him to be less Edgy Bastard In The Corner, especially if he's around for a while.
It all boils down to the ulterior motive of knowing the people around her and thus having the knowledge how to deal with anything that comes up, because Knowledge is power, especially when you seek to manipulate people and keep a certain image of yourself. Which at this point is something that simply comes natural to her and isn't even something she uses maliciously.  Hell, she's used it to break up fights and help communities.  But it's such a wildcard because it all depends on her current whims. 
and it has me thinking about just how terrifying that truly can be, once Johri settles into a community as their resident bard. she’ll be known as a fun-loving and charismatic individual “ everyone loves “, and that gives her a shocking amount of power she can either use to inspire benevolence or incite malevolence.  we all know people can be vicious when standing in defense of another and convinced they’re in the right.  Johri intimately knows how to utilize this. 
in true bard fashion, she strings the hearts of the people in whatever direction she wishes and it is something that is not seen much anymore once she becomes the wol, but she never ceases to be such an excellent actress and puppeteer.  very few people ever know more about her than she wishes them to, the scions included.  alphinaud and the fortemps are the only ones she confides in completely.  honestly, she can nearly be likened to a bard in dragon age. 
this is also why at some point I gotta talk about the whole Crystal Brave business in ARR.  Johri knew something was up; she’s spun people around her finger enough times to recognize that.  but at the time she was not invested enough to truly care and match her own affinity for these games with whomever was pulling the strings with the braves, not to mention the spite for being dragged around the way she was.  which then really bit her in the behind with the banquet and everything, and was overall a huge lesson that went towards her character development. 
BUT YEAH !!  johri acts The Fool and her skills beyond being the vaunted warrior of light really get overshadowed, but she has been an incredibly cunning and dangerous individual even before that and will always be when stripped of it.  and what makes it even more terrifying is her chaotic and selfish alignment.  
the warrior of light, with all that singular might and the people behind them, is a god onto themselves.  and johri azah is a wildcard of a god with whims unknown who cares only for her own circle of friends and will protect them fiercely with either fang and claw or the unquestioned influence she has over people. 
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twicebled · 4 years
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YOUR  HEART  BELONGS  TO  THE  SUN.  you  are  a  wildfire  waiting  to  happen,  one  lit  cigarette  away  from  catastrophe.   you  are  passion  itself,  full  of  rage  and  joy  and  love  and  pain.   you  are  the  driving  force  behind  change,  so  why  are  you  afraid  of  it?   not  all  that  is  new  will  hurt  you.  let  others  into  your  life.   you  will  not  burn  them.   you  do  not  cause  harm  inherently,  you  are  wounded.   you  will  heal.  i  promise  you  will  heal.  
tagged : @makersruins​ & @audaciis​ ❤ ! tagging : not sure who hasn’t yet with it going around this much.                 feel free to snatch it and tag me !
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