twicelit · 4 years
hello  !  i  have  made  the  very  difficult  decision  to  retire  this  blog  and  move  olivia  crain  to  my  multi-muse  as  a  primary  character.  this  decision  was  made  after  i  created  a  new  blog,  and  realised  that  a.  i  didn’t  have  the  time  or  energy  to  maintain  this  blog  and  b.  i  was  the  most  comfortable  i  have  ever  been  on  the  new  blog  in  comparison  to  any  other  over  the  past  few  years.  all  of  my  development  and  all  of  the  details  i  have  created  regarding  olivia  will  be  transferred  and  continued  on  my  multi.  if  you  are  still  interested  in  interacting  with  my  interpretation  of  olivia  crain,  please  follow  me  over  to  @ethyreal,  which  is  currently  undergoing  a  redesign.
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twicelit · 4 years
hello  !  i  have  made  the  very  difficult  decision  to  retire  this  blog  and  move  olivia  crain  to  my  multi-muse  as  a  primary  character.  this  decision  was  made  after  i  created  a  new  blog,  and  realised  that  a.  i  didn’t  have  the  time  or  energy  to  maintain  this  blog  and  b.  i  was  the  most  comfortable  i  have  ever  been  on  the  new  blog  in  comparison  to  any  other  over  the  past  few  years.  all  of  my  development  and  all  of  the  details  i  have  created  regarding  olivia  will  be  transferred  and  continued  on  my  multi.  if  you  are  still  interested  in  interacting  with  my  interpretation  of  olivia  crain,  please  follow  me  over  to  @ethyreal,  which  is  currently  undergoing  a  redesign.
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twicelit · 4 years
hello  everyone  !  i  am  mostly  on  @shewalked  at  the  moment.  that’s  where  you  can  find  me.  ethyreal  and  bespokd  are  low-activity  status.  twicelit,  jeht  and  evilscrown  are  on  temporary  hiatus.
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twicelit · 4 years
@shelassos​               sc.
                head  tilts  minutely,  a  gentle  movement  made  all  the  more  elegant  thanks  to  the  long  hair  that  frames  her  face  and  drapes  over  her  shoulders  in  waves.  delicate  brows  furrow  in  confusion  and  apprehension  as  she  tentatively  steps  backwards.          ❝     hello,     ❞          she  greets  the  other  with  warmth,  intrigue  wrapping  around  her  tongue  as  she  grasps  at  the  hem  of  her  nightgown  and  approaches  on  bare  feet.
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                        there  are  often  times  where  one  world  will  bleed  through  to  the  other  and  olivia  will  find  herself  trapped  in  between,  unable  to  tell  which  is  which.  this  is  one  of  those  times.  because  there  is  something  otherworldly  about  the  other,  something  different,  and  liv  has  never  encountered  anything  like  this  -  her,  before.  maybe  that’s  why  she  is  confused.  softly,  olivia  speaks.          ❝     are  you  real  ?     ❞
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twicelit · 4 years
olivia  pseudo  adopting  ur  muse  tho.
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twicelit · 4 years
        like  this  for  a  small  starter,  multi’s  please  specify  your  muse.
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twicelit · 4 years
feel  free  to  change  any  gendered  language  &  alter  anything  as  needed,
❝ i am awake but at what cost? ❞
❝ am i cute? no. but do i have a nice personality? also no. ❞
❝ do people miss me? i can’t imagine myself as a person others think about. ❞
❝ i’m so tired but i’ll probably be awake until 3am for no reason. ❞
❝ do you ever just go “wow, i have a lot of repressed anger”? ❞
❝ i made fun of spirits living in my house and they revenged. ❞
❝ my kink is when people admit i was right. ❞
❝ nothing is real and then all of a sudden, everything is very real with no warning. ❞
❝ too many songs about love. not enough songs about sword fights. ❞
❝ i am not the same person i was 18 minutes ago. ❞
❝ nobody likes me. ❞
❝ stop making me laugh, i’m gonna fall in love. ❞
❝ british people be like: i’m bri-ish. ❞
❝ i miss the old you, the you who cared about me. ❞
❝ someone hold my hand and do that little thumb rubby thingy. ❞
❝ anyways, good night. i’m gonna go indulge in my unrealistic romantic fantasies until i fall asleep. ❞
❝ how do i stop growing up? this isn’t fun anymore. ❞
❝ i have nothing to say but will i shut up? no. ❞
❝ i, personally, would love to calm down, and yet- ❞
❝ you know you can die from that? ❞
❝ i hate arguing. i just wanna talk it out.. ❞
❝ i’ll get over it. i just gotta be dramatic first. ❞
❝ i am painfully aware that i am no one’s favourite person. ❞ 
❝ i’m not ignoring you, i just don’t know what to say to you. ❞
❝ if you’re not amazed by the stars on a clear night then we won’t work. ❞
❝ in the mood to delete everything, go missing for a month, get my life together and come back. ❞
❝ love is a fucking scam. ❞
❝ i’m not looking for a relationship, i’m looking for a bottle of vodka. ❞
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twicelit · 4 years
these are taken from the starz show with the same title, triggers may be present, proceed with caution, feel free to adjust any you that you deem necessary.
promises are always made, and they are always broken. always.
all my life i have been good. i have been biddable.
you have the look of our mother/father. that doesn’t please you?
i loved her/him/them very much, but i didn’t always like her/him/them.
i hated her/his/their ambition. what it did to us. nothing else mattered but power.
i wonder how you walk in a straight line, your wits are so dismally few.
all this time, i thought you were the petite fleur tremblante.
there’s a symmetry to it, don’t you think?
she/he killed the rightful queen/king, and put me on the throne.
how do you sleep? how are you not bowed down with shame?
how do you not howl with the grief of what you have done?
was this always your plan?
when have i ever had a plan?
i will not be commanded by him/her/them.
his/her/their power, ten times greater in the ballads they sing.
i have never joined you for the hunt or any other blood sport, and i will not start with this.
men are weak, swayed by beauty. women must be stronger.
i am tired of being a trembling flower and hoping it might make them feel their conscience.
but we are women, and we do what we must do.
do you love him/her/them?
what do you see? an innocent?
but he is here to kill your kin and rob [optioanl:place] of what was never his!
if you will not do it for your king/queen, then do it for me!
aren’t you happy about the betrothal?
a betrothal means a marriage, and this marriage means war.
how can i be happy about that?
you cannot be surprised that she/he/they would say that.
it is not simply that she says it. she believes it in her heart.
i’ve never loved anyone else.
but this…did i love you without ever knowing who you truly were?
but there is fear in your eyes.
how will you explain all that blood on your hands?
it is not murder if it is god’s will.
i have no power anymore. i have these four walls and your [optional:family] and that is all.
can you say you have never felt that?
you may disbelieve it if you choose, but you are all i have now.
have a care. he’s/she’s/their just a child!
in twilight years, might we not venture to cherish something for ourselves?
how can i prove that i am with you except to ask you not to die?
i kept my promise and now you will keep yours.
what have they done to us? we are their creatures.
i feel as if I’ve aged a thousand years.
do you feel any different?
he spent his life in brothels and cowsheds. what would he know of politics?
i think they like the war between them.
guard your heart, my [optional:name]. the child is not your own. he/she belongs to the throne.
what does he/she/they do to inspire such loyalty?
i have no love of war, but i do not like your king/queen.
i don’t think i should like to be queen/king, the clothes are all too ugly.
everywhere i look around me, nobles conspire against me.
they smile into my face and then behind me draw their knives.
if only we could work together, we could be a king/queen for [optional:place].
you make it look so easy. you know just what to do to make them love you.
you reap what you sow, [optional:name].
you rule with fear, and you will only get dissent and hatred in return.
i’d rather choose the side i’m afraid of.
your moves are far too obvious.
blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.
unless you plan to hold me down, i shall do it anyway.
we must learn to change, or die.
your smile is almost convincing.
does it bring you the joy you hoped it would?
and that is want you want for me, even now?
it’s intended as a show of strength.
i will walk through my sorrow and i will smile through my pain.
can’t you kill them both? put a sickness on them so they die in awful pain?
i know my curses, but perhaps they’re just wishful thinking.
perhaps i just take good luck and call it magic.
my powers cannot be very strong if we find ourselves as we are now.
all i have wanted, all my life, is to marry a man/woman for love.
i’m sick to death of being cooped up here.
perhaps she knows a chaperone is pointless in your case.
a royal wedding is a business agreement.
i thought we would have longer.
i want to stay and fight.
this is yours now, [optional:name]. your kingdom. your throne.
burn them. and ban the snow from falling. i will have nothing white in [optional:place].
i have dreamed of this my entire life.
so this is how he treats the woman/man he expects to make his queen/king.
perhaps the worst is yet to come.
no one must know what has passed between the two of you.
who would’ve thought, to find us here like this?
we are [optional:surname], [optional:name]. we do not quake in fear.
with you, he/she/they joins the houses.
you knew you would marry whichever one of them won.
it is divine to suffer.
we never planned much after the battle.
you should show more loyalty to your [optional:familyrelation].
we continue to be at odds with another and i regret it.
you will be the peace that ends the war.
who gave the order?
hidden and patient. that will be my motto.
my life is gone in any case.
you’re not afraid? i approach you with a dagger and you do not even flinch.
i thought this was to win their hearts, not threaten them with bloodshed.
there is none to come against you now.
you grant them greater power if you fear them.
i will not have them thinking i’m afraid.
will you at least write to me while you’re gone?
i hope this trip will give us time to know one another, again.
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twicelit · 4 years
these are taken from the show with the same title, triggers may or may not be present, proceed with caution and feel free to adjust any you that you deem necessary.
you’re wrong. he/she/they trusts me to make a difference.
he’s/she’s/they been lying to you your whole life.
you can go on living among the humans. they’re the people you really care about.
it wouldn’t be an abdication; you’d simply be doing the right thing.
i know he and his witch are hiding somewhere in time.
but what are they planning?
i can’t believe you don’t like ‘80s music! some of the best music ever was made in the '80s!
i don’t really know where to start.
whatever it is, just tell me. it can’t be that bad.
i’m hundreds of years old. you catalog history; i’ve lived it.
humans share this planet with other creatures – vampires, witches, and daemons.
so, you’re not a superhero, just an actual vampire.
everything you think you know about it is human propaganda.
but we are real. we are everywhere.
then i feel sorry for you. i think you need help.
i swear, i’m telling the truth!
why would you reveal your true self to a human?
i had too. i wanted too.
well, now you’ll have to kill her/him/them.
she/he/they won’t tell anyone. she/he/they thinks I’m a headcase.
i didn’t ask for any of this.
you need to understand your new responsibilities.
what’s their relevance today? are they doing right now?
that’s for you to decide.
if i’m in charge, i want to shake things up.
we should be looking foward, not backward.
aren’t we breaking the covenant already by living with a vampire?
daemons giving birth to witches would be unheard of.
so, is there anything else i can help you with?
come on, i don’t bite.
what do you know of love?
i often thought about what i’d ask her if i ever met her.
i would just have to accept my fate.
i will be choosing you over everything else.
each element has its own threads, so we must discover your element.
regard the room with your witch’s sight and tell me what you see.
the others probably don’t even believe that i am a weaver.
they’ve never met your like before. nor have i.
most witches only have one element in their blood.
stay away from her/him/them. stay away from us both.
we will trouble you no further.
we don’t need to play happy families.
i’m in a city full of witches, and i still can’t find a teacher.
once you are family, i will protect you.
if the witches find you took blood without consent, you’ll be put to death.
we have a problem.
you have your hands upon someone that doesn’t belong to you.
there are old stories of witches with miraculous power.
we have been hunted down and forced into hiding.
i fulfilled that need, and i did it very well.
well, if you’d bewitched him, he would tell you anything.
listen to my heartbeat, [optional:name].
i just, i hadn’t put it together until now.
i will not tell a soul what I’ve seen up here, i promise.
i always told my students cities of the past would have smelled awful.
how am i supposed to protect you if you won’t share things with me?
where were you tonight?
i told you. i had people i had to reach out to.
i’ve never run scared from anything in my life.
i simply won’t take risks where your safety is concerned.
well, i’m not staying locked up in here.
i can’t follow in your footsteps.
so either you find me that witch, or i will go out there and find her myself.
you are the only one that i trust to do the job.
your punishment is death by beheading and fire.
that is a punishment suited for the 14th century, not the 21st!
what is this house trying to tell us?
you craved me… all this time. and you resisted.
i will give anything, anything that you want. anything, just save him/her/them!
your magic can’t save him/her/them!
can we please not pretend this is a social call?
the house doesn’t like it when we argue.
how on earth could anyone think that you’re, that you’re human?!
you’re hardly inconspicuous yourself.
you will never harm me. i’m not human, i’m powerful.
and you will never hurt me because you don’t want to; you can’t.
there’s so much we don’t understand.
i needed to step out for some air, and then BAM i was here.
do you think that you might have just time walked?
your magic works differently from my magic.
there’s nothing wrong with you, [optional:name]. there never was.
the spell was somehow tied to me, too.
i was half myself for years, and you didn’t say a thing.
did you know that i was spellbound?
only witches who were mad were ever spellbound. witches who hurt people.
we believe that you may have been spellbound.
does that mean the baby could be a witch?
do whatever it is you must to survive.
i will hunt down anyone who wishes to harm you, and i will kill them.
this is what happens to witches who don’t cooperate.
it did not escape their notice that you were powerful.
show me the power inside you, and i can teach you how to control it.
not every witch shows magical aptitude.
when you’re gone, my life will be over.
which means you’re likely, more than likely, to cast spells.
you think that lighting a fire and pouring some wine will help them?
what is it? what can you see?
beware the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf.
speak to me or you will get no more of this.
do you know what you have just done?
your fight is now my fight.
if i do, they’ll be no turning back. you have to understand.
according to her, you’re a mix between superman and lancelot.
from this moment, we will always be one.
you keep away from them both.
if i could use my blood to save him/her/them, i would.
your life is fleeting compared with a vampire’s.
if you’re trying to frighten me away from your son/daughter, you failed.
the sooner you’re all wiped from the face of the earth the better.
do not come anywhere near me when I’m hunting. do you understand?
witch water. witch wind. it’s just more magic that my body can’t control.
leaving me isn’t the answer.
my magic started coming out when i met you.
stop. stop. why are you being like this?
you have no idea what i’m capable of.
why would anyone ever agree to that?
there were a lot more of us creatures back then.
what happens whenever creatures break it?
to my knowledge, it has never been broken.
what spell have you put on me?
that’s the first time i’ve seen you enjoying your magic.
we can only protect ourselves against humans and other creatures if we work together.
when a witch refused to plead, humans crushed them to death with weights.
your parents weren’t killed by humans. your parents were killed by witches.
you might have shown some consideration, [optional:name].
living without magic isn’t bad. i’ve survived without it.
it feels cold, like ice growing under my skin.
witch power is in your blood, it’s in your bones.
you were born to be a witch just as you were born to have [optional:haircolor] hair.
are you going to give the book to the vampire?
i’ve never felt so protective. over anyone.
you have to come to terms with it somewhere safe.
i’m going to deal with this myself.
what do you taste?
i can hear your witch’s blood moving in your veins.
when i touch your skin and it rushes to the surface.
i thought you knew about vampires. that’s why you invited me to dinner.
most legends about us were dreamed up by humans.
well, our hearts don’t beat. very often.
if any vampire is going to take her/his/their blood, it’s going to be me.
what the hell are you doing?
yes. we can be killed… if you try hard enough.
someone did something to you or you did it to yourself.
but if we created them, then we could uncreate them.
it could tell us how we created vampires.
you think whatever power i have, i should use.
i think at the very least you should try not to be frightened of it.
there are still plenty of creatures left in the world.
your friend isn’t here to give blood.
you need to calm down. your adrenaline is very high.
so you actually think it’s safe down here in the dark?
am i making you uncomfortable?
you don’t believe everything you read, do you?
how could people still be so ignorant?
some people still believe in witches, that magic is real.
i’m assuming you used more than magic to retrieve it.
it’s a warning. you need to be careful.
the witches cannot be allowed to have that information.
the reason i didn’t tell you is because we’re all in the dark.
some would want to use that to destroy us.
once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now.
we, creatures, have all but disappeared.
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twicelit · 4 years
temporary ✨ self care ✨ break
hello  friends  !  as  mentioned  earlier  today  i  have  decided  to  take  a  temporary  week  long  self  care  break  from  social  media,  this  includes  tumblr,  to  focus  on  my  health  and  fitness  and  mental  well-being.  this  will  apply  to  all  of  my  tumblr  blogs  and  as  of  midnight  tonight  (  aest  )  the  only  app  i  will  still  be  contactable  on  is  discord  for  the  time  being,  and  only  for  half  an  hour  at  night  before  i  go  to  sleep.  i  have  decided  to  do  this  on  a  whim.  i  thought  about  it  this  morning  and  now  i’m  committing  to  it.  sometimes  you’ve  just  gotta  bite  the  metaphorical  bullet,  you  know.  so,  i’ll  be  queueing  memes  to  post  once-twice  a  day  across  all  my  blogs,  please  please  please  feel  free  to  send  stuff  in  or  just  cd  questions  if  you  feel  so  inclined,  i  would  love  to  come  back  to  some  stuff  to  get  me  in  the  zone  again.  
as  i  said,  i  will  be  muting  all  notifications  on  my  discord  for  the  entire  week  period  so  i’ll  only  be  responding  to  people  at  night  before  i  sleep.  all  replies  will  be  done  when  i  return  to  the  dash.
i  am  incredibly  nervous  to  do  this  as  any  time  i  have  taken  a  hiatus,  however  long  it  may  have  been,  i  always  feel  like  either  no  one  notices  that  i’ve  been  awol  or  i’ve  somehow  lost  touch  with  friends  and  partners  i’m  writing  with.  but  for  my  own  well  being  and  because,  for  personal  health  reasons,  i  have  to  focus  on  getting  fit  and  losing  weight,  i  feel  like  this  is  really  the  best  decision  for  me.  i  know  i’ve  cultivated  an  amazing  group  of  mutuals  who  will  absolutely  understand  and  even  encourage  me  to  do  this,  so  i  feel  like  i’m  in  a  good  place  now  to  really  commit.  i  feel  like  this  is  kind  of  my  last  chance  to  really  change  my  habits  and  lifestyle.  if  i  don’t  do  it  now,  i  don’t  think  i  ever  will.  so  this  is  really  important  for  me.
thanks  guys,  i  love  you  all  !  feel  free  to  check  in  via  im’s  or  discord.  i  know  i’d  really  appreciate  it  and  eventually  get  around  to  responding.  this  is  a  big  decision  for  me  and  i’m  a  little  scared  and  overwhelmed  but.  i’m  gonna  give  it  my  best.  i  will  see  you  all  again  in  a  week  xo         reign.
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twicelit · 4 years
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𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄  𝐈𝐍  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐒𝐈𝐍         other  little  girls  wanted  to  be  princesses,  get  married  :  become  a   vet,  a  teacher.  not  me.  i  always  dreamed  of  breaking  in  to  places  and  stealing  things         𝐀𝐍𝐃  𝐈  𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍  𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐈𝐍    ©
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twicelit · 4 years
has  tess  been  cast  yet  ?
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twicelit · 4 years
thinking  about  how  carla  gugino  could’ve  been  selina  kyle.
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twicelit · 4 years
           i’m  going  to  take  a  nap  before  i  dive  in  to  my  drafts  and  whatnot:  sorry  i’ve  been  so  awol  lately,  but  for  anyone  who  doesn’t  know,  i  started  @roleplaygifs  earlier  this  week.  idk  if  anyone  uses  gifs  but  i  can  also  be  commissioned  to  make  gif  icons  if  you  use  them.  anyway,  yeah.  just  thought  i’d  shout  it  out  here  since  i’ve  already  reblogged  the  pinned  post  to  my  multi.
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twicelit · 4 years
good  morning  everyone  !  i  was  supposed  to  have  a  procedure  done  today  but  my  doctor  had  to  cancel  and  reschedule  to  next  week  so  i  will  be  doing  those  starters  from  the  sc  here.  my  muse  is  high  as  heck  since  i  binged  all  the  insidious  movies  two  days  ago  so.  look  forward  to  that,  i  guess.
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twicelit · 4 years
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Californication 4.12 (2011)
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twicelit · 4 years
character  /  development  questions,  maybe  ?
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