twigsofmanyfaces · 4 days
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She’s gonna Old Yeller him 😔
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twigsofmanyfaces · 5 days
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Nims with some flags I made
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twigsofmanyfaces · 6 days
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twigsofmanyfaces · 11 days
two spirit is not a "native version" of anything
its not a "native version of nonbinary" or a "native version of bigender"
thats not what it means, that’s not what it’s ever meant
two spirit is an pan-tribal term coined by indigenous people in 1990, for indigenous people, to replace the term berdache, an offensive term that white settlers applied to indigenous people that fell outside of the western lens of gender and sexuality
two spirit isnt a "native version of nonbinary" because two spirit doesnt inherently mean someone is nonbinary. some of us are, but so many two spirited people arent. many people in our community also choose specifically not to label themselves with terms like nonbinary, gay, bisexual, etc, and solely use two spirit or another term from their tribe or language
we can be anything and everything and nothing you've ever imagined
to say its a "native version of nonbinary" is not just inaccurate, it's a complete erasure of a massive part of our community
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twigsofmanyfaces · 11 days
The internet whenever I come up with a fun whump method:
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twigsofmanyfaces · 11 days
pants, that'll liven him right up. i love watching the fight -- it makes the tears that'll come later all the more sweet
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in which i take the role of mateo and yall take the role of his clients, and you tell me what terrible things you want to do to kenton :] i started this at the beginning of this year and took suggestions for each part. wink wonk
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twigsofmanyfaces · 12 days
Captive Prince in a nutshell
Laurent: *coldly* You killed my brother.
Damen: *Hornily* ...Wanna kill mine?
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twigsofmanyfaces · 12 days
One thing people often don’t know is you should never ever ever ever and I really mean NEVER use silicone lube with a silicone toy of any kind*.
The reason silicone makes such a great sex toy is that it’s so inert- it basically has no give and take with your body. Unlike plastic or rubber toys that your body can absorb things from, silicone is just staying in its lane.
The reason silicone lubricant is so great for sex is that it’s so inert. The body can’t absorb it like water so it just stays slick forever until you wipe it away.
But there’s one thing silicone loves in this world. And that’s itself. When mixed the two can bond, forming a chemical reaction and I’m going to tell you a story about that. This story happened pretty soon after I started working at the sex shop.
A couple was looking at lubricant and when I mentioned a silicone lube but that they should be careful not to use it with toys they both froze. Then shared a secret look. I paused and they said they knew that.
“It was our honeymoon,” he told me.
“We’d been having sex with silicone and then he went to use a toy on me. We didn’t know any better.”
I waited with horrified fascination. They were both wry, the story had happened long enough ago that it had moved into absurdity for them. But I know some of the reactions silicone can have, and none of them you’d want to happen inside you. It can bubble, melt, or-
“It swelled up so big inside me we couldn’t get it out. We had to go to the emergency room and they cut it out of me piece by piece.”
“Kinda took the steam out of the rest of the honeymoon.”
They were both laughing and I did too but mine was more haunted by the thought of toddling into an ER with a dildo the size of a zucchini sticking out of my crotch.
*As a technicality you CAN but you should be extremely careful. Silicone comes in different levels and a low level silicone toy won’t react to a high level lube. They only bond at the same level. If you ever want to test it you can put a little lube at the base of the toy to check for a reaction, but honestly it’s better to just use water based. Even hybrid lubes can bond to toys, gotta be careful with your crotches.
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twigsofmanyfaces · 12 days
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gideon nav’s guide to annoying your adept into making out with you
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twigsofmanyfaces · 14 days
Anyway, the main reason I dislike "it's not fair to expect players to learn the rules" because there is actually a secret parenthetical there: "(except for one player, the GM, who has to know all the rules)"
Like do you all realize how patently absurd it is on the face of it to argue that you can't expect people to learn the rules when the game itself hinges on at least one person having learned the rules? At this point you are infantilising players and making them seem like poor little meow meows who can't be expected to learn things or they'll die.
Like, your GM probably also has a day job like you and just like you would have to take time off from your busy schedule to learn the game, they are pretty much guaranteed to have to take time off from their schedule to prepare the game. If you think it's unfair to expect players to make an effort to learn the game, do you think it's fair to expect one player to learn the game while they also prep sessions, meaning that they will have to handle every rules interaction for each player while also running to the game?
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twigsofmanyfaces · 14 days
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Imagine being buried alive and then seeing this little guy with a backpack suddenly arrive
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twigsofmanyfaces · 14 days
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I really enjoy drawing them together, hahaha.
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twigsofmanyfaces · 14 days
chaos gremlins, my people
This starts out as a nice gesture, then quickly becomes absolutely ridiculous.
1,024 dice. Man.
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twigsofmanyfaces · 14 days
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"Pain... must be something you enjoy"
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twigsofmanyfaces · 14 days
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was delighted to see people enjoying the scavenger's design :'D
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twigsofmanyfaces · 14 days
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happy old gnoll
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twigsofmanyfaces · 14 days
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crazy face to make at one half of the couple you’re impromptu divorce lawyering for after you’ve just exposed seventy years worth of his lies including but not limited to aiding abetting and directing the death of two beautiful lesbians one of which was sort of his stepdaughter also btw this couple is comprised of nuclear warheads in the shape of beautiful men and you sort of had a thing with both of them that one time in the seventies when you thought you were going to get high and your dick sucked but instead got saw-trapped by a renegade botticelli angel with all mental illnesses in the dsm-5 and a couple others we haven’t categorized yet. daniel molloy you will live forever
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