twigzzzzzzzz · 3 months
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twigzzzzzzzz · 3 months
Back from the dead
Togakure attempting to plan a dinner date. Original audio can be found here
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twigzzzzzzzz · 3 months
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richard and mrs tweak hung it up
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twigzzzzzzzz · 4 months
your epic!! *hands you my beloved son*
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take good care of him
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twigzzzzzzzz · 4 months
Guys what if eddsworld td au
silly redraw
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twigzzzzzzzz · 4 months
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sup newbie
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twigzzzzzzzz · 5 months
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had 1 of those moments where I remembered I can draw whatever I want 
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twigzzzzzzzz · 5 months
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this dialogue is from one of the lionfish headcanons of @/ririaaroz on TikTok
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twigzzzzzzzz · 5 months
hand kiss
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twigzzzzzzzz · 5 months
This made me giggle
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(Fatui Adopt Kaeya AU) Signora's spirit is rooting for Kaeya's new outfit. Pierro is more worried of the outfit change than the fact Kaeya is actively murdering people
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twigzzzzzzzz · 5 months
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coworker looksmaxxing
original by @fluffishere
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twigzzzzzzzz · 5 months
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twigzzzzzzzz · 5 months
{Its a sketch to my knowledge, heres the full image btw}
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{I'm not 100% sure if its canon or not but im giggling}
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twigzzzzzzzz · 5 months
Cotag actually breaks my fucking heart knowing the reality of their relationship and the fact that they could never be able to truly love each other.
1. Their workplace literally steals their mind, body, and soul so they can just become machines that don’t think of or take interest in anything else.
2. It’s the 1970s and they’re both guys; being gay wasn’t allowed anywhere back then.
[Full analysis under the cut + Spoilers]
[Keep in mind some of this is my own interpretations, but it still goes off canon)
Normal Guy literally tells Protag this when he tells him that Coworker was a great help and they got along well.
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He gets frustrated by this fact and worries that Coworker is a distraction for Protag. He doesn’t want them to form a relationship of any kind because it would distract them from their work. Immediately after Normal Guy tells him that, he goes on to ask this:
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Maybe I’m reaching right now because this question comes up no matter what, but for this it’s important. There’s multiple reasons and aspects as to why he asked this question, but one of them could be the fact that if Protag did feel anything around Coworker, then Normal Guy would know. It’s hard to explain, but think about a racing heart for example. People’s heart rate increases when they’ve infatuated by somebody, and when they see that person do even the tiniest things it makes them flustered. If they become nervous around that person, their breathing may become weird; which is why it brings us to this question. If Normal Guy finds an abnormality in Protag’s body that would prevent him from working, he would wanna know the reason, and if that reason is Coworker, then it pushes him to think their relationship is even more of a distraction to the both of them.
Normal Guy wants all his employees to dedicate their entire lives to the company. He doesn’t want them forming any sort of relationship that’s not entirely business related. If Protag’s heart is in something else, then that would create a multitude of problems. Not even his organs belong to him anymore, so neither of them even get the option to be together fully.
I think it’s also important to note that if you do choose the option to tell Normal Guy that Protag and Coworker did get along, this can lead you to get the bad ending where he literally erases Protag’s entire identity and makes him a different person. It’s wrong for them to be together no matter the circumstance, and their entire lives would be erased, along with their original relationship.
However, if the company did allow them to have a full on relationship, it wouldn’t have worked anyways. They’d be a gay couple in the 1970s, and homophobia was not only rampant back then but it was illegal. People would get arrested, sent to conversion therapy, or even lobotomized for being homosexual.
I’ve been wanting to talk about this for a LONG time, and this is also what pushed me to write “I wish you were born a girl” (yes hi I’m destroymeiloveyou on ao3 I’m exposing my identity for a moment here and if you don’t know wtf I’m talking about then ignore this).
They could be together in private theoretically, but with them being gay and also working at a company that doesn’t even want their employees to have a life outside of work, it’d be near impossible. Both of them would be at a constant risk of losing everything. Although, they already have given up so much for their work, would it even be worth it?
Coworker is already a closeted person with his feelings and such. He puts up a narcissistic front because of how insecure he is. His title means everything to him because he doesn’t have much else. It gives him a sense of security, and he wants somebody else to recognize that because he wants to feel loved. That’s a whole other analysis for later, but taking this into account with everything else, would he be willing to give up the little that he has to give him security for a relationship that was doomed from the beginning?
With how desperate he tries to impress others (especially Protag), and how attached he is to his title as well as his nepotism, his life being turned upside down just like that would be a nightmare. Everybody would turn against him, and no longer would he be the star employee at the company. In reality, he would be just as in denial about his feelings as Protag would be.
Also. ALSO!!! Speaking of Protag, it is heavily implied and agreed upon that Protag has religious trauma because of floor 4. If he did grow up in a strict, christian household, he would definitely have internalized homophobia.
The sight of a cross makes him nervous, meaning he’s probably no longer christian, but it has left a longterm effect on him.
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This means that despite how he left his christian past behind, the things he was taught as a kid has never left him.
If his parents wanted him to be a “good kid” and follow God, I think they would’ve taught him that homosexuality is a sin. That’s one of the lessons that have also never left him, and he still stands by it even if hiding his identity makes him miserable.
Although, no matter how hard he tries, it’ll be obvious his heart will never be in the company or christian values. He’s gonna end up hurt and hurting whether he hides his feelings or not, which is just as tragic. He’d feel terrible once he recognizes how he feels about Coworker and I don’t think he’d ever confess. Protag would just suppress his feelings and they would both suffer silently.
If either of them did end up confessing, they still wouldn’t ever be able to truly get together anyways.
So, cotag could be in love, but they would never actually be able to be romantically together or express their feelings at all. They can do the littlest acts, like spending time with each other on breaks, but it’ll never be enough.
It’s not even right person, wrong time; it’s wrong person, wrong time.
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I would write WAY more and I’ll probably yap about this later too because I’ve been keeping this to myself for so long, but I have to cut this short for now.
I probably sound like matpat right now with how im reaching with some of this stuff but I don’t care I need everybody to suffer along with me LMFAOO
I hope you enjoyed this and expect way more soon once I have the time because I also wanna write a notag analysis (although it will be just as tragic) and also write analyses on the songs in my cotag playlist
I would add a funny image here but I’ve reached the limit. Anyways if you have any questions PLEASE let me know I love yapping about my cotag interpretations and theories
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twigzzzzzzzz · 6 months
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I love both Dead Plate and Elevator Hitch so much I wanted to draw them in my delusional crack crossover (given how different the settings are LOL)
You can play the games here!! : Dead Plate Elevator Hitch
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twigzzzzzzzz · 6 months
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Vox checking into the hotel just to fuck with Alastor would be so funny I think about it all day
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twigzzzzzzzz · 6 months
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best babysitter >:}
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